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1、And we also, later on, had to be able to sit in 'z)ving vehicle, so that feate also served well.

2、If I travel into the one day,I will be pud of myself very much. 如果我在某一天在太空旅行,我会为我自己而骄傲。


3、Space Cowboys (2000)


4、And, third occupation that I want to do is be an aentical engineer and build stations in .

在世界太空周(xx月4—10)期间, 你可能会了解到一些太空之谜。

5、DING World Space Week (October 4-10), you may learn about some of myths.


6、Likewise, when in outer , when you are orbiting the Earth, people are always floating nd in these stations.


7、But suppose you were in outer .


8、With no air in , how is that possible?


9、Russian scientists announced a new breakthugh in a long pedigree of firsts : the birth of 30 grandchildren of a " cockach" who spent

12 days in orbit.


10、The o-stage lncher will ntually loft a capsule named Cyus, which is desied to carry cargo to the station.

11、Traveling nd the is one of my dream when I was young. 当我还小时候,在太空旅行是我一个梦想。

12、i wish my dream coould come true in fute.希望有天能梦想成真


13、Traveling nd the is one of my dream when I was young.


14、In General, in o - age of childhood, human exploration, are their imagination.


15、Damn! I need a suit.


16、In the next step in its goal of sending regular folk to , Virgin Galactictoday unveiled the vehicle that's going to take them there:SpaceShipTwo.


17、Eating is difficult in outer bee there are no refgerators on the station.


18、Mir was a tremendous success, which will be remembered as a milestone in exploration and the station that showed long-term human habitation in was possible.


19、There wasn't om for it aboard Discovery, given Kibo's size, and so the last shuttle visitors left behind their boom.


20、WIDE ANGLE: Space Food and Orbital Dining

21、If I travel into the one day,I will be pud of myself very much.如果我在某一天在太空旅行,我会为我自己而骄傲。

22、First taikont walk.首位宇航员太空漫游。

23、There is life out there.在外太空有生命存在。

24、They move at many miles a second, and n a all one can puncte a suit and kill an astnt.即使是这麽一小颗流星体,也能刺破太空衣而伤害太空人。

25、It hosted the Olympi, it put Chinese into and made China a first-ranked power.它举办了,它让人走上太空,让成为一流太空大国。

英文句子26:,26、One company's idea for the fute sounds as though there's going to be bouncy ast-castles galore .有一个公司计划在未来到太空建一个充气式太空娱乐城堡。

27、Virgin Galactic will start its flights next year, using envinment-fendly lnch technolo.维珍银河将开始太空飞行,明年使用环境友好型太空发技术。

28、Peg Whitson, the Amecan astnt spending her 130th day in , said on Sunday that she was happy in orbit, but maybe she bught along too much shmp.佩吉·惠特森已经在太空度过了漫长130天。她对自己太空生活感到愉快而满意,如果真要问有什么麻烦话,也许是她带上了太多虾到太空来。

29、Today, astnts are 'Monning the most advanced suits yet, allowing them to build stations and repair satellites.今天,宇航员穿着最先进太空服建设太空站并维修卫星。

30、Ding 在太空站上12天期间,航天飞机宇航员们完成了五次太空行走,以前看到一些仅仅是在哈勃太空望远镜维修任务过程中。

12 days at the station, the shuttle astnts performed five walks, a number previously seen only ding Hubble Space Telescope servicing missions.

31、And, third 第三样我想从事职业是航天工程师,在太空中建太空站。

3)occupation that I want to do is be an

4)aentical engineer and build stations in .

32、Cars that fly, -age clothes.会飞汽车,太空服装。

33、A leading French chef has been asked to food for astnts on long-term voyages in .一位名厨受邀帮忙长期在太空旅行太空人设计食物。

34、In international station's activity, the nearly daily men must carry on walk, pspect the station exteor situation or the exteor damage.国际空间站活动中,几乎每天太空人都要进行太空行走,勘察空间站外部情况或者维修外部损坏。

35、] In the long run, we hope o research will be not just about pducing food, but about enjoying food and relaxing [in ].长期来看,我们希望我们太空研究不仅与生产太空食品有关, 而且有贡献于在太空中享受饮食之乐和放松身心 。

36、SpaceShipTwo will make a sees of additional glide flights before cketing to .在利用火箭升入太空之前,太空飞船二号还将进行一系列滑翔飞行。

37、Pponents say elevators would be cheaper, safer and comfortable to operate than ckets, and speculate that the sensation would be akin to ding on a train.太空电梯支持者说,与火箭相比,太空电梯将更便宜、更安全和更舒适,并猜想乘坐太空电梯感觉将类似于坐在火车上。

38、Stn Thomas thinks shouldn’t be taken so siusly.·汤玛斯觉得不用把太空想得太严肃。

39、Pspects for the 21 Centy, human being will open up a new scope of operation in the and Chinese men will travel thugh too.展望21世纪,空间事业前景光辉,人类将在太空开辟新天地,将遨翔太空。

40、Space walk on the safety tethers.太空行走安全系绳。

41、It is hoped Skylon, an unpiloted 'plane', will pvide both cheap and reliable access to outer 被公布“太空飞机”天龙有望为外太空之旅提供廉价而可途径。

42、Silkworms : What the Astnts Eat?噢,太空人吃蚕宝宝?

43、And he borwed too much money to rent a craft.并且他借了太多钱来租一条太空船。

44、In the next few years, toi companies hope to start utinely flying passengers on suborbital flights.在未来几年,太空旅行公司希望能常规地将乘客送到太空亚轨道旅行。

45、Another joney into the .再一次太空环行。

46、Tiangong could pave the way for a fute Chinese station and for exploration fther afield. An unmanned craft will reportedly dock with it later this year.天宫能为太空站和太空探索发展铺平道路。不久之后另一个无人驾驶宇航器将会与它实现太空对接。

47、China will continue manned missions, and would attempt the walk and docking vessels in , Sun said.孙来燕说,会继续载人航天工程,并会尝试太空行走及兴建太空站。

48、Astnt 太空人

2: Break into song?

2: 高歌一曲?

49、Where was my suit?我太空服哪儿去啦?

50、Space tells objects how to move, objects tell what shape to be.太空显示物体如何运动,物体显示太空形状是怎样。(铁屑形成磁力线!)

经典英文句子51:太空,51、Also depicted are globes , cylindcal ships, and the sun.也描绘了球体、圆筒形太空船和太阳。

52、A crew of o Bigelow astnts would then be lnched on a “crew taxi” cket and dock their capsule to the Sundancer.随后两位毕格罗宇航员将搭乘“出租”火箭进入太空,依太空舱与太阳舞者对接。

53、The walk paves the way for assembling a station fm o Shenzhou orbital modules, the next major goal of China's manned flight pgram.太空行走为从神州两个轨道舱组装空间站铺平了道路。 空间站是下阶段太空项目主要目标。

54、Ding World Space Week (October 4-10), you may learn about some of myths.在世界太空周(xx月4-10)期间,你可能会了解到一些太空之谜。 好评(0)

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