
发布时间:2023-04-06 16:28:45 阅读:101 点赞:0




1、The accessoes of lease, such as flowerpot, tray, jardinière, should be cleaned and maintained by the worker.


2、Snaps, calceolaa and larksp will their floret rapidly.

which is September the 1st.花花:是xx月一号。



4、Snap s, calceolaa and lark sp will their florets rapidly.


5、the flowers bloom again, for a butterfly, time seems to only mean that they would.


6、Either black and white, red and white, or black and white with tan points.


7、Wild flowers such as orchids and pmses are becoming rare.


8、On the umbrella has many flowers, the se, the lily, the sunflower .


9、We want to buy Plant, Flowers and Ded Flowers, Flowers, Flores.


10、Single light-medium blue, three or per peduncle.

我们按花、 花型、 花期重新分类编排。

11、We rearrange them according to the flower color, shape, and blooming time.


12、What flowers have o lips?


13、Some bety parlors can pvide vaous kinds of flowers simultaneously, like se, peach blossom and apcot flowers.

金鱼, 蒲包花和翠雀花小花迅速脱落。

14、Snaps , calceolaa and larksp will their floret rapidly.


15、Xinyi handicraft enterpse pfessionally pduce the flower, floret, flower arrangement, cloth flower, plasti flower, handicraft pduct, se perfume flower sees etc.


16、Mom bought a little hair clip for Huahua today. Huahua looked really cute weang it!


17、A spng, hill pear, peach, hawthorn persimmon flower, flowers and all kinds of flowers and plants have been opening up, blliant pples and reds.


18、The plant to attract insect to visit it for pollination usually depends on flower color, flower scent, nectar and pollen.


19、They collect nectar fm flowers.

20、One flower makes no garland . 一朵鲜花做不成花环。

21、Business types include : jacquard weave, embider, pnting, wool spinning, cotton, etc.经营类型包括:提花、绣花、印花、毛纺、棉纺等等。

22、HUAHUA: ...which is September the 1st.花花:是xx月一号。

23、They dnk nectar fm flowers.它们从花中吸取花蜜。

24、Do all flowers have petals?所有花都有花瓣吗?

25、Yo garden is full of flowers.你花园里满是花。

英文句子26:,26、The flowers out fly over the sky.花谢花飞飞满天。

27、Single pale blue, may show dark pinwheel marking when gwn cool ; 单瓣淡蓝花, 当天气转凉时或许会出现深线条缟花,每个花梗有4-6朵花, 很会开花。

4 -

6 per peduncle, very flofeus.

28、Css-pollination is favored by a separation of fertile ors in the flower.可育花器官分离花偏爱异花传粉。

29、Butterflies keep dancing in flowers.蝴蝶在花花间跳舞。

30、Flower bulbs have a pfusion of vaeties and good adaptability, and are easy to be culted.球根花卉种类丰富、适应强、栽培便利,在切花、盆花生产及花坛、花境等园林应用中占有重要地位。

31、Blackish pple, Rose_ shaped; large lateral flowers, flat und buds, erect stems, stdy.乌紫红,蔷薇型。花蕾扁圆,花朵硕大。着花量高,花朵侧开。株型直立。生长势较强。

32、He was dazzled by the gaiety and splendo of the metpolis.大都市花花世界使他感到眼花缭乱。

33、Orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes.万带兰属兰花,花大,有疏松总状花序。

34、Apical main-stem at Inflorescence differentiation stage differentiated into floral sub-branch, then the flower bud went to the stage of floral or differentiation.花序分化期生长点分化各级花枝,花枝形成后其上花芽进入花器官分化期。

35、The results show that:芍药切花花梗粗度与切花花径和水养寿命成正相关。

① The diameter of flower stem is related to diameter of the flower and the vase life.

36、Inflorescence is large, florescence is long.花序大型, 花期长。

37、Cotton is natally self-pollination.棉花是自花授粉。

38、Inflorescences a dichotomous cyme .花序二歧聚伞花序。

39、Oanthus is Hangzhou City flower.桂花是杭州市花。

40、Life is like flowers blossom. Someday, it will be withered.花开花落昔年同,生命花,总有一天会凋零。

41、The flowers were in their pots.“那些花还在花盆里”。

42、The flower head of any of these plants.类似于兔,但其头状花序有花盘和少量边花。

43、A all bunch of flowers.开花开一朵或多朵花;

44、Cruciferae has the highest pollen percentages(70%), and arboreal has the lowest pollen percentages in the seed land.经对比,农田中禾科花粉主要为玉米和小麦花粉,油菜地十字花科花粉主要为油菜(菜籽)花粉。

45、O garden blazed with flowers.我们花园百花盛开。

46、Sparkles, where flowers meet creations.花火,当花朵邂逅创作。

47、A blossom dlops fm a bud.花由花蕾发育而成。

48、They made the flowers into garlands.他们把花做成花环。

49、Cymbidium is the city flower of Shaoxing and also a famous flower in China.兰花是绍兴市花,是我国传统名花。

50、Having, forming, or of the nate of an umbel.具有伞状花序,形成伞状花序,伞状花序。

经典英文句子51:花,51、Flower Drums Of Fung Yang …凤阳花鼓(汉族安徽花…

52、One flower makes no garland.一朵鲜花做不成花环。

53、Female flowers with evident peanth.雌花具明显花被。

54、OBJECTIVE:To distinguish three easily confused traditional Chinese medicines(flos pueraa, flos lablab and flos Sophorae)to avoid confusion.目:区分葛花、扁豆花、槐花3种易混淆花类中药,避免混用。

55、Flowers pedicellate to nearly sessile.花有花梗到近无柄。

56、The Zhejiang granite landforms may be classified into the granitic peak cluster, granitic hill, granite nubbin and collapse pile landforms and so on.浙江花岗岩地貌可分为花岗岩峰丛、花岗岩山丘、花岗岩石蛋和花岗岩崩塌堆积地貌等。

57、After an umbrella om, stems, flower inflorescence inflorescence handle all have pilose;复伞房花序,花序梗、花柄都有长柔毛;


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