日常问候语大全简短用英语怎么说 日常问候语大全简短英语翻译

发布时间:2023-04-25 12:52:35 阅读:75 点赞:0




1. hellosong

2. Circusiana

3. greater whole tone

常问候语大全简短翻译为greater whole tone。

示例:♪ Oh, there's no greater thing ♪
♪ Oh there's no greater thing ♪


4. major tone

常问候语大全简短翻译为major tone。

示例:Who gives a about my tone?
What tone? Who gives a about my tone?



1. hellosong(世界各地问候语;问候歌;欢迎歌)

2. pax vobiscum(祝你(们)平安(教士寒暄或问候语)[亦作 pax vobis])

3. greater whole tone(大全音)

4. major tone(大全音)

5. Circusiana(马戏大全)


1. The TTS engine will only synthesize a main menu pmpt if the deflt greeting is configed and at least one key mapping has been defined .


2. My memoirs tned into a collection of recipes that were ntually published as The iraqi Cookbook.


3. Auto Greeting ACD Agent's pre-recorded greeting that plays tomatically when a call arves.


4. But this week i picked up the phone, dialed Mr. Utah's number and said: "Hello, Taher! "The greeting might not sound like much.


5. i don't beli it will be necessary to abbreviate any of them, but leave the first paragraph out. it's just a greeting.


6. To change yo personal greeting, press 1.

译文:更改个人问候语 请按1。

7. To record greeting, press 3.

译文:录制问候语 请按3。

8. Or people who say "Namaste."

译文:或者那些说 Namaste (印度人问候语) 人。。

9. Tybalt, the reason that i have to love thee does much excuse the appertaining rage to such a greeting.

译文:提伯尔特,我是必须爱你 我不介意你无理取闹 和用这样问候语。

10. A Bestiary of Past, Present and Fute Animals


11. This greeting is given to one whom you know only slightly, or to anyone you are passing quickly.


12. Sa also included a wide array of photographs of well-known man-made structes and greetings in 55 different languages.

译文:Sa还加入了一系列 著名人造建筑 以及55种语言说出问候语。

13. There is an indian greeting, which i'm se some of you know: "Namaste,"accompanied by a respectful bow, which, ughly translated means, "That which is of God in me greets that which of God is in you."

译文:印度有一句问候语,肯定你们当中有些人知道: “那马斯特”,伴随一个恭敬鞠躬。 其大致意思是 “我内在上帝问候你内在上帝。” 。

14. So we took them up to his house, and this visit of the philanthpist to his house coincided with a time when Solly's wife, who was learning English, was going thugh a phase where she would open the door by saying, "Hello, i love you.

译文:所以我们就带他们去 他们到萨利家拜访时, 正好萨利妻子 在家学英语 她正处于练习开门问候语阶段: “你好,我爱你。 。

15. Maintains an XMi reference page.

译文:XMI参考大全页面。 。

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