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小升初常考词汇表,在考试中经常考到,这里搜集了804个关于“外企职场英语常用词汇”大纲词汇,包括翻译、例句以及 Absolutely irreconcilable 、 academia sinica 、 accept order 等词汇,帮助打好英语基。

小升初常考词汇表,在考试中经常考到,这里搜集了804个关于“外企职场英语常用词汇”大纲词汇,包括翻译、例句以及 Absolutely irreconcilable 、 academia sinica 、 accept order 等词汇,帮助打好英语基。

1、 Absolutely irreconcilable

中文翻译: 不共戴天

例句:O hatred for each other is absolutely irreconcilable. You and i are at daggers drawn. 翻译:我们仇恨不共戴天,我与你势不两立。。

The pfessional normally has ry facility available, including indoor and outdoor schools, tning out paddocks , on hand, rs, videos, horse walkers, and gallops and so on. 职业骑手通常情况下拥有各种所需设备,包括室内室外马场,牧场,助手,镜子,录像,马夫等等。

2、 academia sinica

中文翻译: 研究院

例句:in 1980, he was elected Fellow of Academia Sinica. 翻译:xx年当选研究院院士。 。

Du Lala Getting Pmoted is a best seller enjoyed tremendous readers' compliment, indicating how the white-collars svive in workplace. This is a quite good book for employees. 《杜拉拉升职记》是一读者热捧频频推上畅销榜书。揭示外企白领生存法则,职场生涯中难得一见好书。


3、 accept order

中文翻译: 接受订货 接价盘

例句:i order you to accept this wage. 翻译:我命令你接收这个工资。

Typically, the forei firm bngs technolo and its Chinese partner pvides access to the Chinese . 通常情况下,外资企业提供技术支持,而方面提供进入市场途径。

4、 acknowledgement of order

中文翻译: 订单确认 确认订单 承认订单 定单确认


O company could pvide long-term car leasing s for appaches, forei enterpses representing and forei capital enterpses in chongqing or close pvinces or cities. 我公司为常驻重庆或临近省市企业、外企代表处、外资企业公司提供各类长短期包车。提供专职司机,懂英文。



例句:acoustic malfunction acoustic matching layer acoustic ratio acoustic releaser acoustic thermometer 翻译:声波测井仪声失效声匹配层声比。

As the main force, workers' quality status directly influence the existence and dlopment of an enterpse and play a key le in enterpses' prevailing and declining. 企业职工作为企业主力军,职工队伍素质高低,直接影响到企业生存与发展,对企业兴衰起着关键作用。



例句:And will acquit yo duty accordingly 翻译:尽心履行你们职责 否则 以神名义。

Company dress codes are a nr-ending battle in the working world. 企业着装规则是职场上一场永不停息战斗。

7、 adherence factor

中文翻译: 粘附因子 黏附因子 粘着因子

例句:Dlopment of the Multivalent Pili Oil-emulsion Vaccine of Eschechia coli Fimbae Adherence Factor 翻译:大肠埃希氏菌表面菌毛黏附因子多价菌毛疫苗研制。

This park will be open at certain peod of time, and open for corporation customers. 雪场将在正常开放时间不定期组织。另外,该项目也对企业专场客户开放。



例句:Was it a childhood affliction? 翻译:是童年阴影吗? Was it a childhood affliction?。

Make se you're having o neorking meetings a week outside the office. You'll need those connections if yo number comes up. 每周都参与两次办公室外外联活动或会议,在你需要时, 职场人际网络会派上用场。



例句:i mean,natalie said owen was sick,ght? 翻译:疾病 Ailment?。

QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Working expeence in Hot (gas or kitchen) home appliances industry is preferred 2. 职位要求: 1、有外资企业燃气具、厨房家用电器行业工作经验者优先考虑;



例句:Actually, there is cse for alarm. 翻译:there is cse for alarm.。

Steadily utilizing international secity s to intduce in forei funds, supporting high-quality enterpses to list in international secity s. 稳步利用国际证券市场引进外资,选择质量好企业到国际证券市场上市。

11、 allow for

中文翻译: 考虑到 虑及

例句:i'm afraid so, but it did allow me 翻译:but it did allow me。



例句:"To annihilate these invaders." 翻译:誓歼顽寇。


13、 armpit odor

中文翻译: 狐臭 腋臭 腋气

例句:Half foot odor and half armpit. 翻译:脚臭加上腋窝臭。



例句:This arthtis is called psoatic arthtis. 翻译:这种关节炎称为银屑病关节炎。。

15、 asse oneself

中文翻译: 弄清楚 查明

例句:To kill oneself, To behead oneself 翻译:开枪自杀 割掉脑袋 Se trucider, se décapiter。

16、 at t

中文翻译: 证明 证实

例句:- Can anyone at to that? 翻译:- 有人为你作证吗?。

17、 Awkward situation

中文翻译: 下不了台 尴尬境遇

例句:it's an awkward situation. 翻译:这是一个尴尬情况。。

18、 Barters Island

中文翻译: 街道地址

例句:Hong Kong, a betiful strange island 翻译:a betiful strange island。

19、 bedck attenuation

中文翻译: 基岩衰减

例句:But maybe not the bedck foundation 翻译:但或许不是构建婚姻 But maybe not the bedck foundation。

20、 fodder beet

中文翻译: 饲料甜菜 作物 饲用甜菜

例句:The ots are used for fodder (yellow beet, mangold). 翻译:根用于饲料(黄甜菜,饲料甜菜)。。

21、 biting taste

中文翻译: 辛辣味 辣味

例句:What's biting yo bum today? 翻译:What's biting yo bum today?。

22、 blackith chisel

中文翻译: 锻工用凿子

例句:♪ You are the chisel You are the chisel ♪ 翻译:" You are the chisel You are the chisel"。




例句:The bonanza is intentional. 翻译:这场财运是全球。 。

24、 Amecan Booksellers Association

中文翻译: 书商协会

例句:Mandy Hamlyn fm the Amecan Nses Association 翻译:来自护士协会曼蒂·哈姆林 Mandy Hamlyn fm the Amecan Nses Association。

25、 braille map

中文翻译: 盲文地图

例句:it's braille. it's braille. 翻译:琌ゅ 琌ゅ。

26、 Brazilian Highlands

中文翻译: 巴西高原

例句:Under the Brazilian Constitution 翻译:根据巴西宪法 Under the Brazilian Constitution。

27、 breakdown time

中文翻译: 停工时间 击穿时间 时期

例句:This time, if it doesn't start, it's a breakdown. 翻译:你别这么着急嘛。

28、 Night study on bthel

中文翻译: 夜探

例句:The bthel is closed for the night! 翻译:院今晚打烊了。

29、 Bther Elephants

中文翻译: 兄弟象 兄弟象队

例句:The park is home to nearly 1,500 elephants. 翻译:500 elephants.。

30、 bear the brunt of

中文翻译: 首当其冲

例句:in Afca, all farmers bear the brunt of this sk. 翻译:在,小农民们是首当其冲地承受着这种风险。。

31、 fluent in bulls

中文翻译: 瞎掰非常流利

例句:This is the bull of all bulls! 翻译:这是扯淡中扯淡!。

32、 unduly bdensome

中文翻译: 过于沉重负担 不合理负担

例句:To expect thousands of pages of documents is unduly bdensome to my client's time and money. 翻译:可以预料 数千页文件 将是我委托人时间和金钱繁重负担。




例句:Stress, bnout, they are overwhelmed, accidents. 翻译:压力、 职业倦怠,他们不堪重负,意外事故(频发) 。

34、 candidly confess

中文翻译: 供认不讳

例句:Permission to speak candidly, sir? 翻译:能允许我坦白地说一句吗,长官?。



例句:in a floor-sweeping capacity. 翻译:-sweeping capacity.。

36、 take good care of

中文翻译: 照顾好 好好照看

例句:Don't worry, i'll take good care of them. 翻译:I'll take good care of them.。

37、 Sinaloa cartel

中文翻译: 锡纳罗亚集团 西纳罗亚集团 锡那罗亚团体 席纳洛阿卡特尔

例句:including MS-13, the Sinaloa Cartel, 翻译:你客户包括MS13 锡那罗亚毒帮。



例句:The colonel was gorgeous, he had a cavernous mouth, cavernous cheeks, cavernous, sad, mildewed eyes. 翻译:这位上校样子挺神气,他嘴巴、双颊和两眼都深深地凹进去,目光黯淡,象发了霉似。。

39、 marw cavity

中文翻译: 骨髓腔

例句:Measement of Fo Cavity Mirrs Reflectivity and Absorption of the Cavity with Cavity Ringdown Spectscopy 翻译:腔衰荡法四腔镜反率及腔内吸收测量。



例句:We admit o belief in the presence of the Healer in all the chaata of the Pentecostal chch. 翻译:我们承认属灵医治者在五旬节教会所有属灵恩赐为我们。 。

41、 Player - Cinematic Skipped

中文翻译: 跳过

例句:Two movies where not watchable fm the cinematic player. 翻译:在播放器中两段动画无法观看问题。。

42、 Blacklist clammed up

中文翻译: 拉到黑名单就闭嘴了

例句:One of 'em spent the whole ning sulking and clammed up. 翻译:One of 'em spent the whole ning sulking and clammed up.。


43、 New classicals

中文翻译: 新古典学派

例句:Rents for the classicals was about unearned income. 翻译:古典主义认为租金是非劳动收入, 。

44、 classom building

中文翻译: 教学楼 教学建筑 教学馆

例句:- Go to the classom, i said 翻译:- Go to the classom, I said。

45、 coarsely gund foundry sand

中文翻译: 红砂粉

例句:For foundry sand fm a famous domestic area, the cve of thermal expansivity with the temperate was descbed. 翻译:文最后给出了利用装置测得国内某著名铸造用原砂热膨胀-温度曲线。 。

46、 Cockpits & Consoles

中文翻译: 驾驶舱

例句:God! Look at the cockpits! 翻译:看,好几英里长,看这些飞机。

47、 companionship family

中文翻译: 友爱家庭

例句:Becse he's found companionship. 翻译:启用这个装置 becse he's found companionship.。



例句:it's not carrying explosives, the whole compartment is the bomb. 翻译:the whole compartment is the bomb.。

49、 Confirmed Enemy

中文翻译: 确认敌人

例句:Reconnaissance has confirmed the second enemy convoy. 翻译:侦察机已确定敌军第二船队位置。



例句:She had no real connexion with them. 翻译:她和他们是毫无真正关系。 。

51、 corpus cavernosum

中文翻译: 海绵体

例句:Relaxant Effects of icain on the Rabbit Corpus Cavernosum and its Mechani 翻译:羊藿苷对家兔海绵体舒张作用及机制。

标签: 男士英文名  狮子英文名 

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