chemosynthesis是什么意思 chemosynthesis的中文翻译、读音、例句

发布时间:2024-03-01 06:07:37 阅读:17 点赞:0



1. 化学合成

例句:They drew their ener fm a chemical reaction called chemosynthesis.

翻译:它们从一种名为化学合成 化学反应中吸取能量。





1. Different fm other chemosynthesis drugs, the adverse reactions csed by most reconstituted cytokinesis due to biolo activity of themselves.

翻译:和其他化学合成类药物不同是,大多数细胞因子引起药物不良反应和其身生物学活有关。 。

2. All the ener to support these life forms is coming fm inside the Earth -- so, chemosynthesis.

翻译:支撑所有生命形式能量 都来自地球内部-那些化学合成物。。

3. Their bodies had been totally taken over by another o, a bacteum, that had figed out how to replicate photosynthesis in the dark, thugh a pcess we now call chemosynthesis.

翻译:它们身体已整个被 另一个生物体——细菌接管,这就解决了一个问题: 如何在黑暗中,通过我们现在叫做化学合成 过程代替光合作用。 。

4. Their bodies had been totally taken over by another o, a bacteum, that had figed out how to replicate photosynthesis in the dark, thugh a pcess we now call chemosynthesis.

翻译:它们身体已整个被 另一个生物体——细菌接管,这就解决了一个问题: 如何在黑暗中,通过我们现在叫做化学合成 过程代替光合作用。。

5. They live in an envinment of chemosynthesis.

翻译:它们住在一个化学合成环境中, 。

6. Unless okers are consistently located near hospitable warm-water vents, chemosynthesis can account for only a fraction of the vent fnas.

翻译:除非烟囱始终位于更适宜暖水口附近,否则化学合成只能占口动物群一小部分。 。

7. it begins with a pcess called chemosynthesis.

翻译:它由化学合成开始 It begins with a pcess called chemosynthesis。

8. As an important industal mateal, the paranitphenol is widely used in dyestuff, medicine and chemosynthesis plant.

翻译:对硝基酚是一种重要化工原料,广泛应用于染料、药物制造及化学品合成等行业。 。

9. This pcess is called chemosynthesis, and a lot of different micbes can do it, micbes living in cks and soils all over the world.


10. This acle is called chemosynthesis.


11. All the ener to support these life forms is coming fm inside the Earth -- so, chemosynthesis.

翻译:支撑所有生命形式能量 都来自地球内部-那些化学合成物。 。

12. To be confnted with restcting chemosynthesis pesticides used in oc orchards, insect pest contl had become a bottleneck.


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