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关于”读app“英子45个,句子主体:Read the app.。以下是关于读app初二英子。

英文句子模板1:Read the app.

第二个应用程序 (App

1、The second application (App

2) is updating the account balance for account 0015, but has not yet committed the transaction.

2) 正在更新帐户 0015 帐户余额,但是尚未提交事务。

首先在 grails-app/conf/spng 中创建一个名为 resoces.xml 文件(在文后面,您将明白 resoces.govy 和 resoces.xml 关系)。

2、To begin, a file named resoces.xml in grails-app/conf/spng. (You'll see the relationship beeen resoces.govy and resoces.xml


3、The key to shared use (reuse) is a genec, application-neutral ptocol, such as the Atom Publishing Ptocol (APP) or Google’s GData Ptocol.


4、You can a bookmark on yo homescreen that acts just like an app, so it may really be a better alternative in some cases.


5、What is the core of yo app?


6、APP declined to comment.

元标签 name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" 指定页面应该在全屏模式下运行。

7、The meta tag name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" specifies the page should run in full screen mode.

援引Piper Jaffray描述,苹果在线应用商店已经为程序者们创造了一个年产值10亿产业。

8、According to Piper Jaffray, Apple's App Store has generated a $1 billion-a-year industry for app dlopers.


9、Howr, the “Paol” app functions as a predefined filter: it presents the reader with the most recent (24 ho max) articles fm it’s own soce of news.

在例中,您将在 /column/ptected/cakephp/app/views/posts 目录中创建 index.ctp、read.ctp 和 wte.ctp 文件。

10、In this case, you'll the files index.ctp, read.ctp, and wte.ctp in the /column/ptected/cakephp/app/views/posts directory.

将 static belongsTo 字段添加到 grails-app/domain/Entry.govy,以完成一对多关系,如清单

11、Add the static belongsTo field to grails-app/domain/Entry.govy as shown in Listing

2 to complete the one-to-many relationship

2 所示


12、The present research was aimed at establishing genetically engineeng cell lines that overexpress the Cter minal fraent of human APP gene.


13、Any company can make an app phone (or tablet or e-book reader) using Andid, without paying Google anything, and n make changes to it.

让我们假设应用程序源文件是 app-1.4.tar.gz,它必需安装在 /usr/local/bin 中。

14、Let's assume that the application soce is app-1.4.tar.gz, and it is required to be installed in /usr/local/bin.


15、Amyloid preor ptein (APP) has been known to act as an important ptein dung the occrence of Alzheimer's disease (AD).


16、Objective To explore theutic effect of acute paraquat poisoning (APP) by hemoperfusion and seek for the related nsing meases.


17、In visible platform expements, gup of APP transgenic positive treated with Chinese herbal medicine animals and gup of Naoang show apparent difference with positive contl in latent peods.

使用这种配置,您声明了 public 和 app 树下所有志事件志级别为 INFO。

18、With this configation, you are redundantly stating that all logging nts under the public and app trees have a logging ll of INFO.


19、Route tracking: Thugh mobile APP, it is able to check the user's real-time position and movement trace.

“我想你可以说,App Store有点像沃尔玛,有太多你不会买东西,”Zdziarski说。

20、“I guess you could say the App Store is kind of like Wal-Mart, with crap than you’d r want to buy,” Zdziarski said.

21、And that app, on a device fully contlled by Apple, gives users all of the WSJ content for free without the need for a subscption.苹果设备上这款应用可以让用户无需订阅就可免费阅读华尔街报所有内容。

22、You should now three files: httpd.govy, pcess.govy, and pcess.bnd and add them to the pject's /app/resoces directory.现在应该创建三个文件:httpd.govy、pcess.govy 和 pcess.bnd,并将其添加到项目 /app/resoces 目录中。

23、For WebSphere Portal version 对于 WebSphere Portal version

4.2.1, the engine.tld is in directory wp_ot/app/wps.ear/wps.war/WEB-INF/tld

4.2.1, engine.tld 在目录 wp_ot/app/wps.ear/wps.war/WEB-INF/tld 中(其中 wp_ot 是 WebSphere Portal 安装目录。

24、Open the view file at $WASP_ROOT/app/modules/Deflt/views/StaticContentSuccessView.class.php, and fill it with the code in Listing 15在 $WASP_ROOT/app/modules/Deflt/views/StaticContentSuccessView.class.php 打开视图文件,用 清单

15 中代码填充它。

25、But just as DVRs s us shift o TV viewing to better fit o own schedules, these apps s us time shift o online reading.就像刻录机能够让用户观看电视节目时间更加符合自己时间表一样,书签app协调了阅读互联网内容时间。

英文句子26:,26、The contained OmegaT+.app can be run directly fm the mounted image or be moved to a location of yo choice.可直接从装载图像运行内含 OmegaT+.app 或将其移动到自己所选位置。

27、If you're not dloping an app solely for within a company, you can additionally publish yo work thugh the Zoho Marketplace or run it on the Google App Engine.如果你制作应用并不单单只是只对一个公司,那么你可以通过Zoho商场( Zoho Marketplace )发布你作品或者将其运行在Google App引擎之上。

28、Let's call the o tiers app-tier (the application tier) and lb-tier (the load balancer tier).我们把这两层命名为 app-tier(应用程序层)和 lb-tier(负载平衡器层)。

29、Apple not only contls the manufactung of the iPhone hardware; the company also oversees rything that appears inits App Store.苹果不仅控制着iphone硬件制造,他同事着App Store里所发生一切。

30、He presents a couple of slides to illustrate his point, representing a web app in LO and the same web app in LO/Installs.他用了几页幻灯片来列举Web应用LOC和LOC/装机数量,以此阐明其观点。

31、You also need to the app/views/recipes/index.iphone.erb file, but for the moment, you can leave it blank.您还需要创建 app/views/recipes/index.iphone.erb 文件,但是目前,您可以把它留空。

32、It’s an open comic book reader, meaning you can load comi (in .cbz or .cbr format) you download on yo comr into the app wirelessly or over U.利用这个漫画阅读器,您可以透过无线应用程序或U接口从电脑加载漫画(.cbz .cbr格式)。

33、There are “flash cards” aimed at teaching children to read and spell, and a “Wheels on the Bus” app that sings the popular song in multiple languages.还有“闪卡”程序,目标是教孩子们阅读和拼写,以及“公车上子”,这种程序用多种语言播放流行歌曲。

34、To date, the free app has been downloaded 70, 000 times, with paid app sales at about 目前,免费版软件下载已达7万次,收费版下载量约为这个数字10%。

10 percent of that fige.

35、To do this, simply copy it to the web-app folder in the Grails application, as shown in Fige 为此,仅需将它到 Grails 应用程序 web-app 文件夹下,如图


1 所示。

36、Bee APP has resistance against many antibioti, vaccination has been a main mease to prnt PCP.由于APP对多种抗生素都易产生耐药,所以疫苗接种是防制病主要措施。

37、You also need to remove the "Next Page" and "Previous Page" links near the bottom of the code in app/views/people/list.rhtml.还需要删除近 app/views/people/list.rhtml 代码底部 “Next Page” 和 “Previous Page” 链接。

38、Next, check that the View file $WASP_ROOT/app/modules/Deflt/views/IndexSuccessView.class.php exists, and contains the code in Listing 7接下来,是否存在视图文件 $WASP_ROOT/app/modules/Deflt/views/IndexSuccessView.class.php,添加 清单

7 中代码

39、Fo main mechanis of the action of aoxyphenoxyppionate (APP)and cyclohexanedione(CHD)herbicides have been reported.报道了两类除剂芳氧苯氧丙酸酯(APP)和环己二酮(CHD)四种主要除作用机制。

40、RESULTS APP C terminal fraent expression in both female rat hippocampus and cortex increased siificantly after ovaectomy.结果去势后♀大鼠海马和脑皮质组织中APP C端片段表达升高。

41、This means running another command at the command line: php /column/ptected/symfony/data/bin/symfony init-app blahg.这意味着要在命令行中运行另一条命令:php /column/ptected/symfony/data/bin/symfony init-app blahg。

42、Competition for the Web App?和其他网页客户端竞争?

43、Find the govy-all-1.6.3.jar and place it into yo App Engine pject's war/WEB-INF/lib directory.找到 govy-all-1.6.3.jar 并将它放到您 App Engine 项目 war/WEB-INF/lib 目录中。

44、Note: This app has been ed on N97.注意:此程序已经过N97。

45、The Google App Engine pvides some useful infrastructe, including both its GFS dd data store and a memcache implementation.Google App Engine 提供了一些有用基设施,比如源自 GFS 数据存储和一个 memcache 实现。

46、In stark contrast with Tishman´s offeng, the Omni app is light on images and other ch media.与Tishman提供程序恰恰相反,Omni app程序并不侧重于相片和其他丰富媒体。

47、Grails uses any class in the grails-app/utils directory with a Codec suffix to add encodeAs() and decode() methods to Stngs.Grails 使用 grails-app/utils 目录内任何一个具有 Codec 后缀类来将 encodeAs() 和 decode() 方法添加到 Stng。

48、After you have installed the app, a new option to send books (or free sample chapters) to yo iPhone will appear in the Kindle store.安装了这款应用后,就会在Kindle store栏目中出现新选项,可以选择是否向你iPhone发送图书(或免费试读章节)。

49、My guess is that this is the real updater app, and the one in /Applications/ is just a spngboard that lnches this app.我猜后者才是真正更新器程序,/Applications/ 里只是个用来启动该程序快捷方式。

50、You should see a file d in app/tmp/cache/views that corresponds to the pduct you viewed.应当会看到在 app/tmp/cache/views 中创建了一个与所查看产品对应文件。

经典英文句子51:读app,51、Working with App Engine's scalable datastore requires you to rethink yo indoctnation to the benefits of normalized data.要使用 App Engine 可伸缩数据存储,需要重新考虑有关规范化数据优点教导。

52、'Cars 目前,仅有“汽车总动员 不过,LeapFg已经计划在年底前再增加6种电子书。

2: Pject Undercover' is the only Ultra eBook crently available, but LeapFg plans to add six to its app store before the end of the year.


53、Type grails pd run-app to run the application in pduction mode. If all goes well, you should be greeted with a message that says请输入 grails pd run-app 在生产模式下运行应用程序。

54、If the q parameter isn't passed in, an empty hashmap is retned to grails-app/views/searchable/index.gsp.如果没有传递进 q 参数,就会将一个空 hashmap 返回给 grails-app/views/searchable/index.gsp。

55、Open the template for this page (i.e., grails-app/views/employeeBean/show.gsp), and remove the w that crently displays the employee's comrs.打开该页模板(即,grails-app/views/employeeBean/show.gsp),移除显示当前员工计算机列表行。

56、Atom also pvides the Atom Publishing Ptocol (APP), an HTTP-based ptocol for publishing and editing web resoces.Atom也提供Atom Publishing Ptocol(APP)协议,这是一个基于HTTP用于发布或者编辑网络资源协议。

57、At 在星期一到星期五

8:00 a.m. on days

1 thugh

5 (Monday thugh Fday), a scpt named contl is run with the parameters lnch app.

8:00 a.m.,脚 contl 会执行带有参数 lnch app 命令。

58、To the WordcountComponent, a the file called wordcount.php in the /column/ptected/cakephp/app/contllers/components directory.要创建 WordcountComponent,请在 /column/ptected/cakephp/app/contllers/components 目录中创建一个名为 wordcount.php 文件。

59、Lastly, make a quick update to the tage layout (app/views/layouts/tage.rhtml), and define it as you did the kiosk layout (<%= yield %>).最后还需要修改一下 tage 布局(app/view/layouts/tage.rhtml),并按照 kiosk 布局方式定义(<%= yield %>)。

60、Then there was an app called I Am Rich desied by satical German dloper Armin Heinch.接着出现了一个叫做I Am Richapp,它是由一个具有讽刺精神德国人海恩里希(Amin Heinch)。


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