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关于”这个用怎么说“英子40个,句子主体:How do you say this。以下是关于这个用怎么说xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:How do you say this


1、"You impudent bird, " said the cat, "how dare you, a newcomer, make a noise like that?


2、They'd say 'You have this business, and it's gwing. Why aren't you here?


3、How about this wallet?It's made a fine leather.


4、Musashi: Say what? How do you know she's here?


5、It's a please that we all live in the same earth.


6、How about this weekend?


7、So anyhow, they've both been good.


8、People use bin packing algothms to fige out, for example, how to load up container ships.


9、Good horses don't eat grass beyond it's ass!


10、You hussy , how can you talk in that way?


11、How do you pnounce this word?


12、bee I said, "Listen, I got a great idea, let's go for it." And she did exactly what I said.


13、So how do we convince guys to put it on?And make Dex the favoed choice.


14、What do you think of the city? It‘s very busy and cwded, I should say.


15、OK dufus, how tough can it be to pay for parking?


16、I don't know how to use the machine, either. Let's look at the instructions.


17、W:How about this wallet?It's made a fine leather.


18、What do you think about this?


19、Do you know how to do this timer thing?

这小说怎么样 -- 还凑合。

20、What do you think of this novel? -- Not too bad.

21、It’s pbably for the best anyhow.不管怎么说这样做可能最好了。

22、How about the term "honeymoon"?"蜜月"这个词怎么样?

23、How can I do this computation using NEON intnsi?我怎么能做这个计算使用霓虹内联函数?

24、I'm trying to think. I mean, I don't really watch it that much,我好好想想。我是说,我真不怎么看这个节目,

25、Name that issue that Michael Bloomberg would use.迈克尔.布隆伯格对这个问题怎么说呢

英文句子26:,26、That child! Whatr you said, he simply wouldn't listen.这孩子,饶怎么说他也不听。

27、How in the world could you know what this function call does?你怎么知道这个函数调用到底做了些什么?

28、How might you diaose the pblem?那么你会怎么诊断这个问题呢?

29、How do you say "gi"English?语中“义理”用英文怎么说?。

30、How do you say “gi” in English?语中“义理”用英文怎么说?

31、What's the Gnostic interpretation of that?怎么用诺斯替来诠释这个?

32、'But how?' said Boggis. 'How on earth can we catch the blighter?'“可是怎么呢?”博吉斯说道,“我们到底怎样才能逮住这个坏家伙?”

33、What should I do with the token?我该怎么用这个辅币呢?

34、Maybe you do not know how, here I for example to illustrate the magical combination.可能你不怎么明白,这里我举个例子来说明组合妙用。

35、How are users using this onstage and in the studio?用户怎么在舞台或者录音室里使用这个软件?

36、ACTION: If this is yo favoite sleeping position, then make se you invest in a firm pillow.怎么办: 如果说这是乃最喜欢 睡姿,那最好用一个比较硬枕头。

37、Now that the tool is available to you what you do with it is up to you.现在这个工具对你有用,那么怎么使用它完全取决于你。

38、Explanation: What's the matter with this cluster of galaxies?解说:这个星群怎么了?

39、How's this for an occupational imonial: "There is no such thing as a good translator.用这个作为职业说明词怎样:“无所谓什么好译者。

40、", "How come I nr heard of this guy?” “怎么这个人我从来都没听说过呢?

41、We have red, light blue and white! 这个颜怎么样?

42、How do you pnounce this word ?你怎么念这个词?

43、You have sitten here and wtten a novel for hos. Why do you love wting so much?你坐在这里写小说已经有好几个小时了,你怎么这么喜欢写作呢?

44、和他父母住在一起用英语怎么说 I am living together with his parents.

45、How can anyone say that's a all number?怎么能说这是一个小数目呢?

46、But how do you explain this?那你怎么解释这个?

47、It's one thing if some company tells me that I'm slacking off, like when Nike+ sends an email reminding me to get out and exercise.如果一个公司告诉我说我运动状态下滑,如果Nike+发送给我一个电子邮件说我应该怎么怎么样,这是一回事;

48、The assumption here is that quiet people are quiet bee they don't know what to say, or how to say it.这个假设是这样:安静人之所以安静是因为他们不知道说什么,或者怎么说。

49、Sogou input method how to play with these symbols.怎么用搜狗输入法打这几个符号。

50、Och, what my wife doesn't say!哎呀,我老婆怎么说这话!

经典英文句子51:这个用怎么说,51、I will bry my love in the bottom of my heart, best wishes!“这份爱意只能深深埋在心底”用英语怎么说?。

52、ResID is the resoce ID for the bitmap.这个用什么?我怎么知道一个资源id?。

53、Hey, I did this, I said this, and they did this. What next?嗨,我这么做,我这么说,他们这么做,下一步该怎么做?

54、How can you tolerate that?你怎么能忍受这个?

55、For example, let's say you meet a woman who is in a relationship – a bad relationship that should end, but a relationship nonetheless.我举个例子,你遇见一个处在一段感情中——这段恋情不怎么样,但怎么说她也是有男朋友。

56、鸟语花香”用英文怎么说 the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers

57、How strange is this plaque?这个匾额怎么奇怪了?

58、"Why?" I asked, looking at her questioningly.“怎么这么说?”我问着,疑惑地看着她。

59、But the word doesn't mean anything anyhow - at least not in the world of food ing.但不管怎么说,“天然”这个词是不能随随便便用,至少在食品市场中是这样。

60、做个坚强不息温文而雅用英语 Be a stng,gentle and elet woman. 再看看别人怎么说。

61、MARAT SAFIN: Well, why you asking me this question? Bee I said something before?萨芬:等会,怎么问起这个来了?我说过什么过去事情么?

62、what do you think about this? 这个你怎么想?

63、So, how do we find this plane?那么我们怎么找到这个平面?

、“It’s basically a pop-up restaant, ” Mr. Torsi said, “and I can do whatr I want and it’ll be over.”托里西说:“这基上就是个临时餐厅,我想怎么做就怎么做,完就完。”

65、That is how that works. By the way, this is the cathode.那就是它怎么起作用,顺便说一下,这就是负极。

66、I can't overemphasize the cleanliness of this place.这个地方清洁我再怎么说都不为过。

67、The carrying vessel shall be pvided by the sellers. Partial shipment and transshipments are allowed.不知道这个与术语怎么说好一些,不能说是部分船运吧?

68、So what exactly is it about the new ball that's pvoking all the contversy?那么究竟这个新比赛用球是怎么挑起这些争论呢?

69、Very long, the foliage namely nice to namely equitable mumbling to say:"this wting we are three can use, how do?"良久,叶晴才喃喃说道:“这书我们三个都能用,怎么办?”

70、和他父母住在一起用英语怎么说 i am living together with his parents.

71、Nothing that she could say, howr, had any influence.不过,任凭她怎么说都没有用。

72、How do I use this lotion?这种洗剂怎么用?

73、"Stupid goose," said the old woman, "why, the oven door is quite largeenough for me;“蠢丫头,”这个老妇人说,“怎么会,这个炉子门对于我来说都足够大;

74、How do western people say "Tianyahaijiao" in Engish?西方人用英语怎么说“天涯海角”?

75、We both know a good deal when we see one, what do you say that we put a cap on it?我们俩都心知肚明这是个不错交易,那么咱们就这么说定了,怎么样?

英文句子模板76:How do you say this,76、In this post, I want to show you how to a gup and how to use it.在这篇博客中,我将向你展示怎么创建一个群组和怎么使用它。

77、How can you use this stuff?你怎么用这些东西呢?

78、How do we find that?这个怎么求解呢

79、They say: what about this guy, Moses?他们说:摩西这家伙怎么了?


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