
发布时间:2023-10-11 06:27:14 阅读:84 点赞:0




1、Siblings who lived nearby increase yo chances by 14%, and neighbors 34%.


2、Schadenfreude is beste Freude.


3、May you and yo family have a joyful Chstmas and a fruitful New Year ! ! !


4、Albert is a happy person, and will bng happiness to others.


5、You are honest to God very happy You'd say, "Hell, I'm a

10.5, I am very happy."



6、Gw up healthily is important to a person.


7、You are happy , therefore I should be ?


8、When we search for happiness, it always eludes us. Happiness, actually, is still going with you.


9、Happiness is like a torch, you can give happiness to others non-stop, and you will not sacfice yo own happiness.


10、To celebrate the joy of the eggs und egg, and then happy happy New Year!


11、Being happy is a natal part of the human condition; we just need to beli it and allow oselves to feel it.


12、Iore to use what method, can look for a real happiness in each realm:The detection is happy, the performance is happy, sand in the happiness for pan for gold.

13、You are not really happy,yo happiness is just yo camouflage.你不是真正快乐,你快乐只是你保护。

14、(所以你应该快乐,因为我很快乐)I like you when you are happy!

Thich Nhat Hanh曾说过:“快乐就在那里,要质疑是我们享受快乐能力“ 我对自己快乐负责;

15、Nina: Thich Nhat Hanh said, "Happiness is there, only o capacity of enjoying it is in question."


16、wish you gw up happily and healthily


17、Happy McCain "Happy McCann Amecan fast-food" 58 + N bngs you happiness is a mental and physical please is the soul stirng.


18、I had no wores and was just living life up.

19、愿你永远快乐 May you always be happy 愿你永远快乐 May you always be happy


20、Happy doggie year!

21、Being happy is a natal part of the human condition; We just need to beli it and allow oselves to feel it.快乐是人一种自然身心状态;我们只要相信快乐,让自己感受快乐。

22、Being happy is natal part of the human condition. We just need to beli it and allow oselves to feel it.快乐是一种我们自然身心状态:我们只要去相信快乐,让自己感受快乐。

23、Happy sports teachers joy to teach and for students, so that all the …快乐体育使教师乐教、学生乐学,使全体学生在快乐氛围中成长,让…

24、23. The way to be happy is to make others happy。快乐方式就是先让别人快乐。

25、Living happily for the rest of one's life can only be done on a day-by-day basis.等待快乐过程也是一种快乐。 生活快乐萌芽于清醒认识。

英文句子26:,26、Mercy is "giving happiness", giving all living beings joy and happiness.慈是快乐,就是给与一切众生快乐。

27、The world can't be happy without love.有爱,世界才显得快快乐乐。

28、May you have many, many happy birthdays, and always keep yo charm.愿你生快快乐乐,魅力永驻。

29、雨蝶跨年快乐 雨蝶跨年快乐 happy new year music happy new year music

30、To be waiting for a joy is also a joy. ----------G. E. Lessing.等待快乐过程也是一种快乐。

31、Firecrackers numeus, happiness is their I not happy.鞭炮声此起彼伏,快乐是他们,我却不快乐。

32、Paradise. A place where people should be happy when we are in it.乐园。快乐园地。也就是一个让人一走进去就会快乐地方。

33、Go in light is really happy, it is this.平平淡淡才是真,快快乐乐正是。

34、Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy.甜蜜不相克,快乐使快乐欢笑。

35、Yo are happy, therefore i should be?第七夜你快乐所以我快乐?

36、Wish you a happy Year of the Tiger, things imposing and vigous figewai祝大家虎年快快乐乐,做事虎虎生威

37、To psue joy is to lose it. The only way to get it is to follow steadily the path of duty, without thinking of joy, and then, like sheep, it comes most sely, unsought.追逐快乐就意味着丧失快乐。得到快乐唯一路径就是紧紧跟随责任途 路,丝毫不去考虑快乐与否,就象虔诚信徒一样,,不必你去寻求,快乐 自会找上门来。

38、It's a joy. My mama says sandpipers come to bng us joy.是快乐,矶鹞能给人们带来快乐,说。

39、Jim, and let's be happy.吉姆,让快快乐乐。

40、Happy are happy we can not choose!快乐不快乐都是我们能选择!

41、We will all go back happy to Milan.我们都会快快乐乐地回到米兰。

42、Happy mother's day. mun, i love you.愿天下都能快快乐乐!

43、contains how much warmth cordiality are fm my heart. 愿您生快乐,天天愉快,永远欢乐!

44、Happy Birthday and Chstmas to Wang Xinlan! 王昕岚生快乐和圣诞快乐!

45、added moments of joy and bliss - know what fills you up增加快乐和福佑时刻-清楚什么使你快乐

46、The entyfifth seal you always let me with ry day the night dream to do the most moving第二十六封 你快乐所以我快乐我快乐都是你给

47、You enjoy all the joy, also can't depve me of happiness.你们享尽一切快乐,也剥夺不了我快乐。

48、And you'll fine happiness without an end. Whenr you pretend.当你开始试著假装你很快乐,快乐将永无止尽。

49、Pmise me to be happy.答应我快快乐乐。

50、People with a natally happy disposition are sunny and pleasant to be nd.天生情快乐者于他人是阳光,快乐型。

经典英文句子51:快乐,51、A major cse of unhappiness is overestimating the happiness of others.不快乐一个主要原因是高估了别人快乐。

52、Enlightenment has nothing to do with happiness or unhappiness.证悟和快乐或不快乐都没有关系。

53、Happy English, Happy Lerning. English, I Can Do!快乐英语,快乐生活。英语,我能行!

标签: 女孩英文名 

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