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关于”寻求帮助“英子29个,句子主体:Ask for 。以下是关于寻求帮助专业英子。

英文句子模板1:Ask for


1、The TEDA Justice Be mainly deals with legal affairs.


2、Don't be ashamed to seek .


3、Please dial o main number and ask the for assistance.


4、Having failed with Youa, Baidu has tned to Japanese company Rakuten for .


5、Help us to live wisely and look for yo direction each day.


6、Edward Bernays for in a time of csis.


7、I am honoably seeking yo assistance in the following ways.


8、If breathing is difficult, ister oxygen. Oain immediate medical attention.


9、In that case, you need all the you can get.


10、When in dou, seek pfessional .


11、I have tned to all the well-known reference books for .


12、Section Fo - Looking for Help?


13、So I can get basically whenr.


14、Seeking the of a coach does not imply a personal weakness or deficiency.


15、DW: What dve you to seek fm The Goal?


16、I'm asking for as I'm pre-occupied with other stuff.


17、Perhaps there are books or coses or people you could tn to.


18、They always tum to me when they are in tuble.


19、Asking for his means setting the wolf the keep the sheep.


20、A record

16,000 people (nearly 8% of Solihull) passed thugh the chaty's advice cubicles in 2012. Most frequently, they sought with de.

21、Why should the Assistant Mar call Secity for assistance?为什么大堂副理要寻求安全部帮助?

22、Who can I tn to?我可以向谁寻求帮助?

23、Some women prefer to work with a midwife others prefer their ob-n.一些女喜欢寻求助产士帮助,其他人则喜欢找妇科医生。

24、If they cannot be used, immediately seek .如果不能被唤醒,立即寻求帮助。

25、A judge she appealed to for attempted to seduce her.她寻求帮助一位法官试图引诱她。

英文句子26:,26、If you have a seous pblem, then please seek pfessional .如果你有一个严重问题,那么请寻求专业帮助。

27、Innovators seek of all kinds: emotional, financial, and intellectual.创新者寻求各种帮助——感情、金融和认知。

28、Asking for would violate the company's self-reliant culte.向别人寻求帮助会违反公司自力更生文化。

29、Include the scale of stia toward seeking pfessional psychological , the scale of self-disclose expectations, the scale of intention of seeking pfessional psychological .所编制量表包括寻求专业心理帮助污名量表、自我表露预期结果量表、寻求专业心理帮助行为意向量表。

30、Some women prefer to work with a midwife, others prefer their ob-n.一些女喜欢寻求助产士帮助,其他人则喜欢找妇科医生。

31、Seek out time-mament pgrams.向时间程序寻求帮助。

32、Who will I call if I get into tuble?一旦陷入麻烦,我可以向谁寻求帮助?

33、Mr Ocalan has been denied access to his lawyers since July.xx月起,奥贾兰先生已被拒绝向他律师寻求帮助。

34、Seek medical if you expeence sleepwalking.如果梦游,请寻求医疗帮助。

35、And they pbably should be seeking other than plastic sgery.除了整容,他们或许需要寻求其他方面帮助。

36、A second pair of eyes is a very effective debugging technique.所以寻求他人帮助也是一种切实有效调试技巧。

37、For ryone who asks receives, He who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened.任何寻求帮助人都会得到帮助,任何寻找所需人都会发现所寻,任何敲门之人门都为他而开。

38、But if you are, it's important to ask for , a. k. a .但是,如果你确实伤心,那么寻求帮助你很重要…

39、If it happens often, howr, the sleepwalker should seek .但如果梦游经常发生,梦游者则应寻求医生帮助。

40、At other times we’re embarrassed to ask God for .在其他时候我们不好意思地寻求帮助神。

41、She asks her eight war sisters for , but they refuse to hide her fm Wotan.她向八位女武神姐妹寻求帮助,但姐妹们拒绝帮她们寻找藏身之处。

42、an eager student will always find a teacher! 不要害怕寻求帮助。

43、Seek : If you are feeling overwhelmed with yo childs food allergies, dont be afraid to ask for .寻求帮助:如果你对你孩子食物敏感症束手无策,应大胆向别人求助。

44、The family had appached the local MLA for .这个家庭曾经寻求地方长老会帮助。

45、When should someone seek ?什么时候应该寻求帮助?

46、Many of these parents once made donations to Mr. Townley's pgram. Now they are asking for aid to pay for their kids.现在来寻求帮助家长们,以前曾赞助过唐利先生事业,可如今则反过来求唐利帮助他们支付孩子托管费用。

47、Some have n come fm other pvinces to see him and ask for .甚至有从外省来找他寻求帮助人。

48、She spngs up to the window again, screaming for in vain.她再次冲到窗边,徒劳地喊叫,寻求帮助。

49、DW: Why? What kind of were you looking for?伟福:你想寻求怎样帮助呢?

50、Te immediately calls 911 for .泰瑞立即拨打了911报警,寻求帮助。

经典英文句子51:寻求帮助,51、John (J) is tning to Alice (A) for .约翰在向艾丽丝寻求帮助。

52、But they've been afraid to seek fm psychologists.但是,他们却不敢向心理咨询师寻求帮助。

53、"They will run for cover, to a safe haven, " he says.“他们只能四处奔走寻求帮助,去寻找一个安全港湾,”贝利说道。

54、She also appealed to her fends and kin for .同时她也试图从她朋友和亲戚那里寻求帮助。

55、Services are available to all persons who seek assistance at any One-Stop Center or affiliate employment pvider.向在一站式中心寻求帮助或者加入就业服务提供中心所有人员提供帮助。

56、Instead, Dunst tells E!, she was suffeng fm depression and sought out at the Lodge.说她是因为抑郁症在这里寻求帮助。

57、You should come to IBM for yo SOA needs becse we have the expeence needed for yo success.如果您有 SOA 需求,那就向 IBM 寻求帮助吧,因为我们拥有帮助您获得成经验。

58、Generally, you can seek fm a notifier pgram.一般来说,你可以寻求帮助,从一个程序。

59、There is no gwn-up to tn to when he was in tuble.他遇到困难时,找不到成年人寻求帮助。

60、they come to law firms and we get to them solve the pblem.他们会到事务所来寻求帮助,我们则帮他们解决问题。


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