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关于”表达心情“英子24个,句子主体:express mood。以下是关于表达心情高中英子。

英文句子模板1:express mood

玉珠担心是振达做坏事跑过去询问,振达连连否认,玉珠放下心来,一点也不知道事情其实和弟弟有关系。 。

1、Jade beads worry is running thugh the bad vibration for inquies, vibration of repeatedly denied, jade bead to, dont know what is with my her.


2、You have to discipline yo emotions, body, and mind to do this.


3、You can also use it to express things that you don't want to have happened.


4、We've found that we are either too overlooked or too overexcited about the familiar people or places, it's unbeneficial to deliver o inner feeling faithfully.


5、Doctors welcomed the reform, but expressed concern over its long-term effects.


6、Objective To investigate the expression of CD55/CD59 on pepheral blood cell in healthy population.


7、As the "three no Girl" (no inadvertent expressionless mouth) is ancestor ayanami not without affection.


8、These “Garlands” are indicative of warm, sentimental and cang people.


9、We like to express o feelings with the word "retn" after the weather gets warm. As if the parents are extremely delighted for their son who comes back after travelling far away fm home.


10、Meanwhile, according to the situations of the recipients, I had sent some tograph letters and other mateals to express my sincere expectations and firm determination and resolutions.


11、Mrs. Dashwood entered into all their feelings with a warmth which left her no inclination for checking this excessive display of them.


12、Martin Druyan, Choudh's lawyer, called the ruling "very reasonable.


13、Mr Aboutaam also says the statue was bought in good faith.


14、Secondly, the aesthetic mood expressed the wter's sentimental feelings in descbing the landscape.

摘 要 目: 测定A蛋白基因在R25及NM105中表达情况。

15、Objective: Determined the expression condition of ptein A in R25 and NM105.


16、In o study, the expression of RFP correlated stngly with ErbB2 status.


17、The thor expounds the key pblem how to express one's true feelings on one hand by telling the truth with emotions; on the other handy chesh a deep affection for life, think deeply about life.


18、They agree that actions are important than words and communicate their cang thugh mutual thoughtfulness.


19、Objective To study the expression of immunohistochemical markers in cardiac myxoma().


20、Well, I am a very elet woman. I am tolerant, kind, funny and understanding .

21、In recent times, the golden wattle has been used as a symbol of remembrance and reflection.近年来,人们常用金合欢来表达缅怀和纪念之情。

22、Therefore, the gifts will become the best expression Dayi a mode of communication.因此,送礼也就成了最能表情达意一种沟通方式。

23、Their works, which have woven the emotions and wishes of people into an art fm, are movingly powerful and thus reflects the spit of their times.他们艺术创作以激动人心力量,反映了他们时代精神,表达了他们时代情感和愿望。

24、Or shows streamline amous feelings and linear color sund charm combining feeling, reservation conveys modern society peculiar rhythm and a vaety of warmth.要么展示流线风情与直线风格围合情韵,含蓄表达现代社会特有节奏和种种温情。

25、The conventional monopulse radar will track a power weighted centid of target and be interfered when tid-interference is present.存在质心扰情况下,普通单脉冲雷达将跟踪扰与目标能量重心。

英文句子26:,26、The conventional monopulse radar will track a power weighted centid of target and be interfered when centid-interference is present.存在质心扰情况下,普通单脉冲雷达将跟踪扰与目标能量重心。

27、Subjects in this study were 123 dyads of supervisors and employees fm the creative department of advertising companies.研究结果显示:(


28、Silent Night is a betiful cal which encapsulates the feeling of Chstmas entirely", said Mike Dalby, Lead Reporting Analyst at PPL."PPL首席报告分析员麦克•多尔比说:“《平安夜》是一首优美圣诞颂歌,它将人们圣诞心情表达得淋漓尽致。

29、Non-textual oral performance has mets over wtten texts in terms of kinesi , expression, intonation, situation, etc. , all "consping" to convey metaphors containing ch intuition.非文口述有文字表达所不及优势:身势、表情、语调、场景“合谋”,生动地传达寓意,包括大量直觉。

30、Ouardly they maintain a cool and calm compose but bued deep inside are great passions.外表上,他们表现十分冷酷、平静,但其实内心深处极具热情。

31、The image of youth comes fm the artist's self-reflection and expression of emotion.少年形象是出于作者对自我情绪反思和表达。

32、These discoses co-compose main expression contents of public opinions of new media.这些话语共同构成了新媒体舆情主要表达内容。

33、Just read micexpressions and sule expressions correctly, howr, and Ekman reckons yo accacy in detecting an attempt at deception "will increase fm chance to 70% or better".着正确解读微表情与细微表情,埃克曼估计揭穿谎言可能“将达到70%或者更高”。

34、The cultes are represented by concentc ngs, and the emotions are represented by slices of the circle.同心圆代表不同文化,而小方片代表了不同情绪。

35、The heart of Versa is the traversal expression which matches patterns in the model's graph.Versa 核心是匹配模型图中模式遍历表达式。

36、Psycholinguists are also interested in the way in which a speaker formulates some intention, or expresses some idea in speech, in a conversational setting or otherwise.心理语言学也关注在对话背景中或其他情况下,说话者如何用言语阐明意图和表达观点。

37、A GRIM expression in a yearbook photo or family snapshot could mean than just a passing bad mood.年鉴上照片上或者家庭合影上一个难看表情也许不仅仅代表了一时心情不。

38、Objective To investigate the expression of EDAG-1 in human myeloblast leukemia cells.目研究EDAG 1在人髓系白血病细胞株中表达情况。

39、As to sight, the expression is apter to distinguish the other side's mood , clue of the attitude.相对目光而言,表情是更容易辨别对方心情、态度线索。

40、The expression of brain aquapon 脑内水通道蛋白4(AQP4)在细胞分化不同阶段表达情况不同,内皮细胞也影响其表达分布;

4 (AQP4) is different at the different stages of cellular differentiation, and distbution of brain AQP4 is affected by the existence of endothelial cells.

41、No dou, reasonable lls of confidence and emotional resilience .毫无疑问,适度信心以及情绪达观会对我们有所帮助。

42、Digital Rights Expression Laguage (REL) is the kernel of Digital Rights Mament.数字权限表达语言是数字权限技术核心之

43、May want to greet Ann live like a normal child, Ann although not much, but the expression seems to express themselves want to go to school, do not want to stay at home.可心问安安想不想和正常小朋友一样生活,安安虽然话不多,但是表情上似是表达自己想去学校,不想呆在家里想法。

44、I'm a face without expression_r_r, B heart with no beat.我将是一张没有表情脸;一颗遏制跃动心;

45、VEGF-C expression of the infiltrative border was stnger than the central portion and the superficial part. But the expression of VEGF-C was negative in normal oral mucosa.大部分舌癌浸润前沿细胞VEGF-C表达强于表层或中心区域肿瘤细胞,而正常口腔粘膜VEGF-C表达为阴。

46、You can be very indirect and just express what you'd rather do instead.你可以非常间接地表达你宁愿做其他一些事情。

47、with a piece of popular music you get a single ethos, a single feeling,a single mood associated with the piece, and the piece will tend to be shorter.在流行乐里,一首歌只表达一个中心思想,一种感觉,一种情绪,所以这首作品也就会短小一些。

48、Mehrabian belis verbal cues pvide 梅瑞宾相信,言辞只传达了7%,声调传达了38%,而面部表情,则占55%。

7 percent of the meaning of the message; vocal cues, 38 percent; and facial expressions, 55 percent.

49、Objective To study the expression change of A receptor in medulla oblongata cardiovascular center of the rats after CPR.目研究心肺复苏后大鼠延髓心血管中枢A受体表达变化。

50、Such also was the character of Fox, who commanded the affection and of others by his uniform heartiness and sympathy.福克斯同样具备这些品格。 他总是以通情达理、将心比心方式来处理自己与他人之间感情和利益。

经典英文句子51:表达心情,51、Recently a bot was able to teach itself human facial expressions by randomly contorting its face and receiving feedback on what resembled real expressions.最近,一个机器人已经能够通过随机扭曲其脸部、并接收有关哪些表达了真正表情反馈,如此自学人类面部表情。

52、It expresses unique sentiment and artistic conception in implicative ways and finite language.它以有限语言,含蓄手法,表达了独特情趣和意境。

53、A mind reaching itself is a mind which has known dharma.一颗到达自心心,就是已经到达涅盘心。

54、Mu Shiying is a lyc wter who wte to express his agony and loneliness.穆时英是那种“为表达 苦闷与寂寞”而创作 抒情作家。

55、It is impossible (emoticons aside) to convey the sule cues that facial expression and body language impart to face-to-face communication.与面对面直接交流相比,它无法(表情图标除外)通过面部表情和身体语言来传达微妙暗示。

56、Soldiers in the barracks then visited the resident, the first book of a soldier named Xing, wte a poem can not but impvise on the spot presented to me to express his joy.在随后参观战士们营房驻地时,一名叫邢书第战士,情不自禁即兴写了一首诗,当场赠送给我表达他喜悦心情。

57、The capacity for creativity and free expression might not exist in such a case.在这种情形下,或许不存在创造和自由表达空间。

58、An article entitled Body Language: The Art of Nonverbal Communication found that women are expected to be expressive, while men are supposed to “internalize” their emotions.关于非语言沟通艺术,发现应该更善于表达,而男人则被认为愿意把情感藏在心底。


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