
发布时间:2022-12-21 14:30:08 阅读:86 点赞:0




1、Eliminated are the botic intonations.


2、The tone was bitter and accusatory.


3、Stay or pack up yo things and leave!


4、He’d nr liked her condescending tone.


5、highly attuned to the etymological prehistory of the English word infant.


6、Paralinguistic feates include the teacher's speech speed and intonation.


7、There is a hint of impatience in the tone of his voice。


8、Besides focusing on speaking, I also like to emphasize practical English.


9、Dlop yo voice – A high whiney voice is not perceived to be one of thoty.


10、Depending on the situation, on the context and on yo intonation,


11、Constantine the Great knew no Greek and Justinian's accent was bad.


12、Therefore, we can say the tones of Chinese characters do not obviously affect intonation.


13、In English, a lowered vocal tone shows firmness and thoty.


14、And the appaches to mixed calling beeen C51 and A are construed with the examples, including the inline A of C51, the calling A of C51 and the calling of C51 in A.


15、The man in black spoke softly.


16、The thor summazed Chao's work in five respects:

1)distinguishing tone fm intonation;



17、There are no direct link for HI speakers' badly acquired tone and intonation, but there may be a link on relatively better acquired tone and intonation.


18、And the participants' praatic competence of the speech act of apolo was compared fm o perspectives-praalinguistic competence and sociopraatic competence.


19、Music score is the best mateal to reconstruct the pitches of ancient tones.

吞吐量- 有线调制解调器下行容量另一术语。

20、Thughput - Another term for a cable modem's downstream capacity.

21、It also shows that they attach importance not only on pnunciation and tone but on intonation.不少学生不仅重视声、韵、调,而且也很重视语调


22、Avoid slang、cliche and informal words.避免 俚语、陈腔滥调和非正式用字。

23、FM tranission om finishes the badcast of all listening s and Forei Language FM with the high-quality FM equipment.调频发室借助良好调频设备,完成全校所有听力考试和外语调频台调频播放工作。

24、The tone of the debate was overwhelmingly in favo of Mr Locke's down-to-earth actions.激辩语调明显地支持骆家辉先生低调之行。

25、Debugging support for other languages (JSR-45) 对其他语言调试支持(JSR-45)



英文句子26:,26、And all it was is the intonation there.这全部是语调问题。

27、And they found that French infants wail on a sing note [baby cry sound] while the Germans favor a falling melody [baby cry sound].他们发现,法语家庭婴儿啼哭时惯用升调,而德语家庭婴儿则惯用降调。

28、These phrases were worn out ten years ago.这些词语xx年前就是陈词滥调了。

29、His trembling hands belied his calm voice.他颤抖双手戮穿了他平静语调。

30、主语+cannot emphasize the importance of.too much 再怎么强调..重要也不为过

31、English intonation is not hard to learn.英语语调不难学。

32、You can't get yoself familiar with English pnunciation or accent just fm listenning to English songs.如果你只是听英文歌,你就不会熟悉英语语音语调。

33、Second, main lessons are as follows:(它给我们主要教训是:(

1) Chinese is a tone language, the phonemic characters of Chinese can't iore the tone.


34、Attuning another to the Language of Light first requires becoming attuned yoself or embodying each tone of the Language of Light.调谐到光之语需要使自己调谐,包含每一个光之语音调。

35、Compared with Indo-Eupean languages, the Chinese language has a most basic and obvious feate of having tones.与印欧语等非声调语言相比,声调是汉语最基和最显著特征。

36、Among the three works of Zhugongdiao existing now, Liu Zhiyuan's Zhugongdiao is the earliest one which is an important language mateal in language research of Jin Dynasty.《刘知远诸宫调》是现存三种诸宫调中最古老一种,是研究金代语言重要语料。

37、Language input is vital to forei language teaching.外语教学十分强调语言输入量。

38、The style was hed, the tone intemperate .匆促笔调,放纵语气。

39、Btish English use falling and sing tone and emphasize the habit of tone falling before tone sing.英国英语更多使用降升调,强调欲升先降;

40、Though Southern Wu phonological tone change phenomena are fairly diverse, in another respect sandhi tone merger phenomena are also very pminent.虽然南部吴语语音变调现象相当繁杂,但在另一方面,连调中调类合流现象也十分突出。

41、The siificance of dloping grammatical competence for Non-English majors is greatly emphasized.着重强调培养非英语专业学生语法能力重要及意义。

42、Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone.泰丝用同样不耐烦语调答到。

43、Chinese belongs to the family of tone language, of which the tone recoition is based upon pitch estimation.汉语是一种声调语言,而声调识别是以基音周期估计为基。

44、Remote method calls still use call-by-value semanti of which you certainly need to be aware.远程方法调用仍然使用按值调用 (call-by-value) 语义,您当然需要知道该语义。

45、Tenor of discose is the sub-field of ic Functional Linguisti.话语基调是能语言学研究领域。

46、You'll be attuning yoself to intonation and to pnunciation in general, n if you do not understand very much at first.即使刚开始懂得不多,它也能使你习惯于(英语)语调和语音。

47、The essentials of humanistic language include talk, intonation, facial expression and gesticulation.人化服务语言要素包括语言、语调、表情和手势等。

48、Language style represents each style and feates to exhibit the artistic charming of comnuwvicafive language.交际语言语言风格运用能使语言具有独特风貌和格调,使交际语言更具艺术魅力。

49、I dared not speak English aloud in public bee of my poor pnunciation and intonation. I could not get high marks and grammar was not ght at all.我不敢在公开场合说英语,因为我语音、语调很糟糕,英语成绩很差,语法一塌糊涂。

50、Her tone was flat as a tax collector's.她语调象收税员一样平直。

经典英文句子51:语调,51、It was conducted by telephone in 2007 in both English and Spanish.xx年这一调查是通过英语和西班牙语进行。

52、Task-based language appach puts emphasis on pposive communication and meaning expressing, and study of form of language as well.在任务语言教学中,语言教学既强调有目交际和语意表达,也不忽视语言形式学习。

53、What constitute the content of spoken language teaching are discoses of coherence, illocution and narration and their combination and adjusting.口语教学内容最重要是承接话语、施为话语和叙述话语,以及这几种话语配搭和协调。

54、This is what makes English sound jerky.这就使英语音调显得不平稳。

55、Articulate, loud and clear voice to ense that ryone can hear. Tone must change, with these changes in tone that you emphasize the main points;发音清晰,声音洪亮,保证所有人都能够听到。语调要有变化,用这些语调变化强调出你主要观点;

56、Students have to adjust their attitude towards oral English so that they will have fther motivation to practice it well.学生必须调整自己对英语口语态度,这样他们才会有更深动机来把英语口语练好。

57、His words were intoned with suspect.他话语有一种怀疑声调。

58、Tone sandhi is considered as a common phonetic phenomena in Chinese dialect.连读变调是汉语方言中一种普遍语音现象。

59、The thesis gives a bef talk on intonation and its functions, which included in paralanguage.文简要谈了副语言中语调和它能。

60、In the pcess of English teaching, teachers should train the students to use language in communicatively effective and apppate ways.文将对英语学习者道歉言语行为语用能力做一些调查。

61、Tone is a common phonological feate of Sino-Tibetan languages.声调是汉藏语系语言普遍具有语音特征。

62、She speaks English with very natal intonation.她说英语, 语调很自然。

63、His speech is slow and botic, as if he is searching for ry word.他说话语速很慢,语调机械,似乎每一个词都要斟酌。

、The conversion methods of linguistic communication consist of cking up, cking down and cking laterally.语言沟通中话语转换方法包括上调、下调和平调。

65、The tonal modification, which is the main tonal change in a language, is a commom phenomenon in ry tone language.变调是每一种有声调语言普遍存在音变现象,是语言里最主要音变。

66、The data exchange semantic for calls to local s is by-reference.对地服务调用数据交换语义按引用调用。

67、There are three feates of Chinese tone conto.汉语声调曲拱特征有


68、For the pitches of music are partly restcted by tones of a language, one cannot neglect the relation beeen the regional folksongs of the Three Gorges Tone and its dialectal tones.音乐音调在一定程度上受语音声调制约,三峡库区地域民歌与当地方言语音声调联系不可忽视。

69、The English intonation is of no exception.英语语调亦不例外。

70、Many researches about intonation are traditional and researches about intonation function in the discose are n rarer.目前关于英语语调研究多为传统研究,对于英语语调在语篇中能研究更是凤毛鳞角。

71、Bow hold, bow stke, tone, intonation, shifting, vibrato are all affected by poste.弓举行,弓杆,语气,语调,转移,颤音都受姿态。

72、When he talked, his tone was unhed.他说话时语调不紧不慢。

73、Her voice was steady and her tone factual.她说话声音平稳,语调实在。

74、Invoke a reasoner on semantic data对语义数据调用推理程序

75、Halliday, the most distinguished, categozes context into three ingredients:field of discose, tenor of discose and mode of discose.韩礼德作为伦敦学派集大成者,他将语境划分为三个因素:话语范围、话语基调、话语方式。

英文句子模板76:intonation,76、Objective: To study the characi of Pu Tong Hua and Cantonese tone expression and to explore the cerebral lateralization and localization of Chinese tone expression.目:研究脑损害患者普通话或粤语声调表达特点,探讨汉语中这两种语言声调表达大脑优势侧和声调定位趋势。

77、McMahan, " he said in his deep, seous tones."他说,语调低沉严肃。

78、Below is Part I of the C language sees QAM modulation and demodulation pcess.下面是我编用C 语言编QAM调制解调程序。


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