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关于”可以划分成分软件“英子42个,句子主体:Sofare that can divide components。以下是关于可以划分成分软件专业英子。

英文句子模板1:Sofare that can divide components


1、Don’t undertake too many tasks and take on the all things.


2、The BlackBerry Messenger, known as BBM, enables people to share texts and messages within gups of people.


3、The Indian opportunity can be seented into tiers.


4、"Consumers of mobile sofare downloads are likely to be confused as to whether Amazon's mobile sofare download is sponsored or appved by Apple, " Apple said in its complaint.

因此,您几乎可以肯定不能 使用该跳线;二是使用您 Linux 分区软件创建合理对齐分区。

5、Therefore, you should almost certainly not use this jumper; instead, use yo Linux partitioning sofare to pperly alied partitions.


6、To do this, desiers can not only cluster cells consideng logic dependency but also partition them aiming at min-cut.


7、We can gup this into five main areas: planning, orizing, coordinating, motivating and contlling.


8、Within the cities, sections may be sharply divided into high and low rent distcts, the "the".


9、It is easily seen that electcal neorks can be used to oain tilings of rectangles of prescbed shapes.


10、Virtually all of the Apple App Store's 140,000 apps will work on the new iPad, either running them with pixel-for-pixel accacy in a large black box or in full-screen mode.


11、I argued that the success of the internet as a non - ppetary platform built largely on commodity open soce sofare could lead to a new kind of ppetary lock - in in the cloud .


12、As part of these demonstrations, you'll explore the necessary sofare kits and learn where to download them.


13、As such, sofare platforms are optimised for flexibility and shang of dlopment costs when building pducts based on the same technolo foundations.


14、And, for that, we'll have to fige out a way to slice this region nicely. We could do it dx dy.


15、Howr, you can modulaze the content by breaking the file up into three or parts.


16、Due to factors such as demographic changes and the emergence of new housing estates, the re-drawing of electoral boundaes is understandable.


17、This granulaty allows other s and applications to use parts of the "register patient" function.


18、ROADM enables the configation of dp, add and express wavelens at remote nodes via sofare contl.


19、The partitioning can be either by pject phase or by some division of effort (e.g., by component dlopment team), or both.


20、Having a substantial portion of yo ing sofare already in pven configations makes the work that much easier.

21、You can share the vision of the orizationand the department with yo team members.你可以和你团队成员分享公司组织和部门规划愿景。

22、We hereby nominate and thoze the following staff as member(s) to receive the bonus points to participate and enjoy the benefits of the BRIO ecReward Scheme.公司现授权下列员工成为标奥「奖赏易积分计划」之会员,可以接受和使用积分参与及享受标奥「奖赏易积分计划」所提供之会员优惠。

23、Under the condition of undesirable lighting, one can adjust the graduation lighting on the panel 在照明不理想条件下,可调整面板5上分划照明,使分划亮度与视场亮度相匹配。

5 to make graduated luminance match with the field luminance.

24、After completion of delivery pcess, the remaining secities or funds may be deducted.在交收程序完成后,对于剩余部分可以扣划。

25、This data capte application component can fther be bken into o pieces.这个数据捕捉应用程序可以进一步划分为两个部分。

英文句子26:,26、And this pof comes in the form of actual, working sofare -- n if it's in its early stages, and only partly functional.这个证据可以带来实际可工作软件,即使在早期阶段只能产生部分能。

27、Using this method of successive division, you can tn yo desi into components.按照这种连续划分方法,可以将设计转换为组件。

28、The appendixes of the Contract shall be an integral part of the Contract.合同附件是合同不可分割有效组成部分。

29、Each of these volume gups can be subdivided into many logical volumes whenr necessary, as long as there is unallocated left in the volume gup.这些卷组都可以划分成任意数量逻辑卷,只要卷组中还有未分配空间。

30、This unresolved business can be divided into three categoes这种未了情结可以被划分为三种

31、Based on these theoes, the configation and the functions of the CDMA Base Station are befly descbed, followed by the compartmentalization about the CDMA_BSS_SOFARE modules.在此基上,文章简要说明了CDMA基站原理结构和能,以及CDMA-BSS软件划分与实现。

32、It can gather news fm a vaety of pre-configed and categozed soces, and you can also add yo own RSS feeds.该软件可以从各种不同预配置和分类资源收集新闻,并且你还可以添加你自己RSS 资源。

33、The pgram can form bibliographies of vaous styles, digests and other types of reports, and export HTML to PDF and MHT.该软件可以形成各种不同参考风格,创建分类和其它类型报表,以及导出为PDF 和MHT 格式。

34、Web page can be seented into multiple blocks and the importance of blocks in a Web page for classification is not equivalent, which can be utilized to impve the quality of Web-page classification.但网页可以划分成不同块,对分类而言每个块重要度是不同,可以利用分块重要度提高网页分类质量。

35、The copyleft also requires that any re-distbuted sofare be covered by the same license.copyleft 还要求同一许可证涵盖任何被再分发软件。

36、For instance, you can divide a folder called "Business Plan" into subfolders called "BP2005, " "BP2006, " and "BP2007."比如:你可以把一个叫“business plan”文件夹分成“BP2005”、“BP2006“和“BP2007”等子文件夹。

37、Dlopers are free to charge for their applications and Ribbit also offers a pfit-shang pgram where dlopers will be paid if users use their applications.者可以为软件自由定价,而且还可以享受Ribbit提供利润共享计划。

38、There are o classical ways, K-center way and K-mean way.经典划分算法可以分为K中心方法和K平均方法。

39、To generate the recording file for 60 minutes, -R option can be used.要生成 60 分钟记录文件,可以使用 -R 选项。

40、Hypervisors can be classified into o distinct types.hypervisor 可以划分为两大类。

41、Refer to IBM tal sofare in the Resoces section to download tal versions of these pducts.在 参考资料 部分中 IBM 试用软件 中,可以下载这些产品试用版。

42、Once the total available size is determined, this area can be divided into different buffer pools to impve utilization.一旦确定了总可用大小,就可以将这个区域划分成不同缓冲池以提高利用率。

43、They can be used sgically ding maintenance to dll down to specific sections of an application that need correction.它们也可以用在期间,具体到应用软件某个特定,需要修改部分。

44、Many collaboration tools, such as Wikis, blogging and gupware are excellent tools to allow people to openly express opinions, resolve and document differences if a consensus cannot be reached.许多协作工具,如 Wikis、博客工具和群组软件都是十分优秀工具,如果出现不能达成一致情况,人们可以使用这些工具软件公表观点,处理差异并加以记录。

45、The new plugin is just one part of a larger strate by Zoho to integrate with Micsoft, in the hopes that they can encoage converts to their SaaS pducts.这一新件只是Zoho整合微软大战略中一个组成部分,Zoho这样做是希望此举可以鼓励更多人转换到ZohoSaaS(软件即服务)产品上来。

46、Tea tree oil is a natally theutic skin conditioner that will leave skin unbelievably soft.茶树油是一种自然可以治疗皮肤调节成分, 会使皮肤变得柔软。

47、We can say on nowise the gund, the social ry vocation is already inseparable with sofare.我们可以毫不夸张地说,社会各行各业都与软件已经密不可分。

48、It includes a built-in compressor so you can ZIP archives and reduce image sizes by 70 percent.该软件包括一个内置压缩器,因此你可以创建ZIP 存档并且减少百分之70文件尺寸。

49、Apart fm the hardware and the link beeen the machines, you need sofare that can ma the pgrams spread acss vaous dne nodes.除了硬件与计算机间连接之外,您还需要可以分布在多个从属节点上程序软件。

50、It has potential of multi-directional differentiation, and can differentiated into many cells in specific condition, such as osteocyte , chondcyte, tendon cell, lipocyte and so on.它具有多向分化潜能特,在特定条件下,可以分化为骨细胞、软骨细胞、肌腱细胞和脂肪细胞等。

经典英文句子51:可以划分成分软件,51、At this point, you can assi this sofare package to all user gups or assi it to specific user gups.到目前为止,可以将这个软件包分配给所有用户组或将其分配给特定用户组。

52、It consists of sral modules which are ute selection module, real image creation module, image match module and result presentation module.仿真软件由以下几个部分组成:航迹选择模块、实时图生成模块、图像匹配模块、结果输出模块。

53、Ener science can be divided into hard ener science(HES) and soft ener science(SES) .能源科学可以划分为能源硬科学与能源软科学两大类。

54、It also is modular, which means parts of the sofare are easily swapped out as impvements are found.文卡称,它也是模块化,这意味着一旦有了改进,可以很容易将部分软件换出。

55、None of the layeng, except for the oginal platform layer, was stct; it was based nd logical, observable gupings of sofare elements.除了原始平台层之外所有分层都并不严格;这些分层是以软件要素可观测逻辑化分组为基。

56、In light of different circumstances, the separable mass cases may be put on record and accepted separately.要根据案件不同情况,对于可分群体案件,可以分别立案受理。

57、Scope out areas of yo site that is searchable by using a bot.txt file.通过使用 bots.txt 文件,划分出您站点中可搜索区域。

58、For instance, divide a main folder into subfolders for customers, vendors, and co-workers.例如:可以将文件夹分成“顾客”、“卖方”和“同事”三个子文件夹。

59、SEVERALITY . These terms and conditions shall be deemed srable.可分割。条件与条款应被认为是可以分割。

60、Goods can be classified into integrated goods and non-integrated goods according to their shapes.货物按形态可分为成件货物和不成件货物。

61、It is concluded that the HYDRUS-2D sofare can be used to implement water and nitrate transport in soil under dp fertigation.因此,HYDRUS-2D软件可以作为滴灌施肥灌溉条件下水分和氮素在土壤中运移有效工具。

62、Don't attempt to do yo entire budget in one sitting. Take a few days, breaking the work down into maable pieces.不要试图一次就想搞定你全部预算计划。 。


63、In short, the componential theory is a valuable exploration in the working pnciples of the black box of the brain in a sofare sense.成分理论提出是对人脑黑箱软件意义上工作原理可贵探索。

、The pject mament plan can be either summary ll or detailed, and can be composed of one or subsidiary plans and other components.项目计划详略均可,可由一个或多个部分计划,以及其他事项组成。

65、Oginally, the membership was supposed to include the entire spectrum of sofare, hardware and telecommunications firms along with Internet companies.最开始,成员范围计划包括软件、硬件、通讯企业以及互联网公司在内整个范围。

66、Result Chondcytes were seen to distbute nly inside the collagen sponge with matx secreting in vit and hyaline cartilage formation were observed at the 12th week postoperatively.结果软骨细胞均匀分布于胶原海绵孔壁和网眼内,并可分泌基质样物; 复合培养物体内植入12周后可以形成新生透明软骨组织。

67、Fortunately a number of sofare tools are now available which can take the guesswork out the planning for sece and reliable wireless applications says Martin Kunz.幸运是,目前已经出现了为数不少软件辅助工具,可以帮助专业人员去掉规划中臆测部分,从而提供既安全又可无线网络应用。

68、With this solution, sofare dlopment teams can ma change and configation acss distbuted geographies.有了该方案,软件团队就可以不同分布地理范围内变更与配置。

69、The application could display the updates in a new window, with a categozed or tabbed list.通过一个分类或者有标签目录,这款应用软件可以在一个新窗口显示更新。

70、But some of the faile can be avoided with a clear descption of how you "grade" yo sofare engineers.但是一些失败可以通过清楚地描述如何为软件工程师“评分”来避免。

71、In sofare, vaable step strate and actual differential PID are applied to meet the need of above o closed-loop contls.软件上,分别使用了可变步长策略和实际微分PID算法,以满足上述两个闭环控制需要。

72、Also, the release plan can now be guped by Activtiy or Assiee.而且,发布计划现在可以根据活动或被分配人分组。

73、This means that for them time is scheduled and compartmentalized so that people can concentrate on one thing at a time .这就意味着时间是可以筹划和分割,这样,他们才可以在一段时间内专注于一件事情。

74、Such adaptive navigation can also be part of the pcessing module or middle tier of the sofare application.这类自适应导航也可以是软件应用程序处理模块或中间层一部分。

75、Hozontal lines also divide the .横线还可以划分空间。

英文句子模板76:Sofare that can divide components,76、We extend o capabilities thugh partnerships with a neork of reliable local companies in distbution, sofare and pduct referencing.我们与许多可当地分销公司、软件和产品检索公司结成伙伴关系,并以此扩展了我们自己能力。

77、What follows is a kind of appendix, shang what I have learned fm the Toyota Pduction (TPS) and found applicable to sofare dlopment.以下内容相当于附录,我在这一部分分享从TPS中学到,并发现可以适用于软件知识。

78、You can gup XML-related technologies into a few basic gups, or focus areas可以将与 XML 相关技术划分为一些基分组或主要区域

79、The formation of ore zone can be divided into hydthermal stage and supergene stage.矿带形成可划分为热液期和表生期。


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