
发布时间:2023-07-03 00:11:42 阅读:46 点赞:0

关于”美句“英子31个,句子主体:betiful sentence。以下是关于美句高考英子。

英文句子模板1:betiful sentence


1、Fther, in order to consolidate the bety he has generalized, he employs the language popular among the folks and tempers it into epigrams .


2、The Champions Tphy To of Latin Ameca ended on Sunday in Argentina, where fans gathered to watch the Manchester derby in Buenos Aires.

第四季度业绩为高盛创纪录xx年划上了句号。 由于股市上涨和债券市场解冻,高盛xx年净利润大幅飙升至134亿美元。

3、The foth-quarter results capped a record year for Goldman, whose 2009 net income sged to $13.4bn as stocks rallied and de s thawed.

一句话: 在目前华尔街冷眼对待概念股情况下,土豆匆忙赴美IPO,最终定价可能很低,而且上市首秀可能难收场。

4、Bottom line: Tudou's rush to IPO into one of the weakest s in than a year will end with a weak pcing and potentially disastus trading debut.

一句话: 现在下结论还为时尚早,但龙源电力与歌美飒合作或能给全球风能产业吹来新生机,并为两家企业带来盈利。

5、Bottom line: It's still early days, but this new tie-up beeen Lonuan and Gamesa could breathe new life into the global wind power sector, as well as both companies' bottom lines.

In Fday trading, shares of Bank of Ameca closed up 90 cents, or about








6.3 percent, at $15.24. Merll shares se $1.13, or

9.5 percent, to $13.04.


7、Joe Doak is se putting on the dog since his ch nt died and left him

10 million dollars.


8、He has also got all of these things, but the thing that sets him apart, that makes him the special kind of he he is, is his skill in speech which doesn't mean only that he pnounces words very well, or that he selects them very well for bety or something.

她要是依从了,就给她一个合格证(一个合格证是一句赞美话,让她知道自己至少达到了某些标准 - 达到了你标准 )

9、If she complies, give her a qualifier (A qualifier is a compliment that lets her know that she's - at least to some degree - lived up to yo standards.)


10、Desi aestheti involves in the function bety, scientific bety and technological bety.


11、In the cose of her reading, Mother Plutarque came to this phrase. It was a question of an officer of dragoons and a bety

这句话是埃德.维耶斯图(Ed Viests)名言,埃德.维耶斯图是全美完成14座8000米级山峰攀登第一人,并且在攀登过程中没有携带一瓶氧气。

12、Getting down is mandatory . These are Ed Viests’ famous words; the first U.S. man to summit all

14 peaks above

8, 000 meters with no bottled oxygen.


13、Singer Ray Stns is generally given credit for wting the phrase "There is none so blind as he who will not see, " a line fm the song "Everything Is Betiful.


14、If you want a golden rule that will fit rybody, this is it:Have nothing in yo houses that you do not know to be useful, or beli to be betiful.

闭幕式上八分钟伦敦表演给这届宏大盛会画上了句号。 北京会共耗资430亿美元,展示了现代化强大综合国力和体育实力。

15、The London seent was woven into a spectacular closing ceremony that wrapped up a $43 billion Games desied to showcase China's might, modernity and sporting pwess.

换句话说,说“雇用布拉德·艾萨克 咨询-只有200美元一小时”——这样将能够讲述整个故事。

16、In other words, saying “Hire Brad Isaac for consulting - only $200 an ho” - tells the entire story.

他们已经读了xx年了,目前还没有在预算中发现诸如“这一项我们不需要,” 文句。

17、So they’ve had than a year and haven’t yet discovered the line in the budget reading “Stuff We Don’t Need, $3.2 tllion.”


这句话是埃德.维耶斯图(Ed Viests)名言,埃德.维耶斯图是全美完成14座8000米级山峰攀登第一人,并且在攀登过程中没有携带一瓶氧气。

18、Getting down is mandatory. These are Ed Viests’ famous words; the first U.S. man to summit all

14 peaks above

8, 000 meters with no bottled oxygen.


19、The world tend to be good to listen to calumny, bee defamation is betiful, while forgetting This ancient saying, until the time of their faile, all as superficial, and vanished into thin air.


20、Bottom line: Two new efforts by Silvercorp and AutoChina to defend themselves against allegations of imppety are a welcome effort to bng back confidence to US-listed China stocks.

21、A foth goal nrtheless arved in the 89th minute, Deco cwning a super debut with a 25-yard stke James could only guide into his own net.第四粒进球终于在第89分钟出现,德科用一记25米外世界波让詹姆斯只能目送球飞入球门,也让他处子秀画上了完美句号。

22、Finished up with Chemical Guys CUT 成品与化学傢伙切成谈话让我朋友让通话服务完美句号镜面。

7.0 & a black finishing pad and topped with Wet Mirr Finish . Lets Talk My Fends Lets Talk Mirr Perfect Finish Mr.

7.0 和一个黑整理垫和淋上湿镜面光洁度。

23、If you keep waiting for the ght time to move to a new town, talk to that cute bartender or begin a new fitness plan, you will nr take action.如果你继续等待完美时机再搬往新城市、跟吧台招待聊两句或开始健身新计划,那你永远也不会采取行动。

24、Finally, the second player could reduce the first player's total sum by 30 cents, but at a cost of ten cents to himself-in other words, he lost money too by doing so.最后乙可以选择使甲财产减少30美分,但是作为代价他自己也必须拿出10美分--换句话说,这么做乙自己蒙受了损失。

25、Even the epigraph to The Line of Bety - a passage fm Alice's Adventes in Wonderland - suggests a playfulness at odds with his ascetic reputation.甚至是在《美丽曲线》中,来自《艾丽丝梦游仙境》中一句题词,所体现出来戏谑顽皮也与印象中严肃刻板不相吻合。

英文句子26:,26、The sugars found natally in the pduce begin to caramelize and the result is pe D. heaven in yo mouth.这句你翻译太复杂了,可以说菜里天然糖分开始变成焦糖,做成菜口感像是纯正天堂美味。

27、In other words, God always has a people, although not perfect, are stving to be Chst-like and psuing Him with all their hearts.换句话说,上帝总是有一个信徒,虽然不完美,但是全身心追随着上帝,并且力求像上帝一样。

28、In other words, banks may lend to you or to me re sky borwers but they sell the mortgages to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac they get their money ght then and there.换句话说,银行可能借钱给我们,知道我们信用度不高,knowing,that,we’,但是银行把贷款卖给,房地美和房利美,转手就拿到现钱。

29、Howr widely known in the US, and n aund the whole globe, Express by Holiday Inn is still a new face in China's hospitality scene.凭借这句广告语,快捷假酒店品牌知名度在全美获得高度认可,在全世界范围内都具有一定影响力,然而它在却还只是一张新面孔。

30、Let us remark by the way, that to be blind and to be loved, is, in fact, one of the most strangely exquisite forms of happiness upon this earth, where nothing is complete.让我们顺便说一句,双目失明,并且为人所爱,在这一事事都不世界上,那可算是一种甘美得出奇人生幸福。

31、Berlin has unveiled a memoal to the victims of the Holot , ending 随着欧洲被害犹太人纪念碑群在柏林揭幕,关于德国应怎样铭记那段苦难历史长达xx年争论也就此画下完美句号。

17 years of charged debate over how Germany should remember that peod of its history.

32、One kind word, one full hug where you pressed me to yo chest and held me tight would have been like the sun on my heart for a thousand years.你一句美言,你拥我入怀、紧紧地抱着我时候,我会感到心房像沐浴阳光般温暖。

33、Pduct such as and he does not want to trade, ailey say a virtuous using the confidential exchanges pduct such as living over there for her of a word.品如不想和他做买卖,艾莉说出用世贤一件机密交流品如替她在世化那边美言几句。

34、In other words he's saying lawfulness like ry other virtue is a habit it is a habit of behavior and the habit of destying disobeying n an unjust law will make people altogether lawless.换句话说,他是在讲守法,像其它美德,是种习惯,那是种行为习惯,就算是,摧毁与违抗不公法律习惯,也将让全民无法可循。

35、Many a deal representing thousands of dollars rested on a guarantee no definite than a compradore 's "can do."许多几千美元生意不需要更明确条约,单他一句「可以做」就能安稳得到保障。

36、It is a great please to meet with you once again. Three unds of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues have already been held and each time, we ended with a joint press conference.非常高兴同你们再次见面,中美战略与经济对话迄今 已经举行了三,每次都是请媒体朋友们到这里来,划一个句号。

37、Western estheti emphasized "what the estheti is", the Chinese estheti emphasizes "where the estheti is".西方美学强调“美为何”,美学则强调“美在何”。

38、Rain was falling outside. Young garlic soup and fg legs were on the menu. In other words, it was the perfect occasion for a photo op.外面下着雨,他们吃着青蒜汤和青蛙腿。换句话说,这是一个完美拍照机会。

39、Is which words, actually harmony is the unity of bety, not to mention something worthwhile for us to yearn for, why to bound in appearance?还是哪句话,其实合谐统一才是真正美,更何况还有更多东西值得我们去向往,何必去拘束于面貌呢?

40、And now when they are facing the fact of inevitable losing after the gloes, they still try their best to end their sport career with perfectness .如今他们过了巅峰走下坡路,仍然奋力发挥,力争为自己光辉运动生涯划上一个完美句号。

41、Bottom line: Nanshan Aluminum's new appach to overseas investment is destined to fail, and won't pvide any new model for Chinese investments in the US.一句话: 南山铝业海外投资新策略注定将以失败告终,也不会为对美投资提供任何新模式。

42、Being rather bald, I have long been used to comforting myself on a visit to the hairdresser with the opening gambit, “Grass doesn’t gw on a busy street.”每次去美发中心时候,我总是以一句自我安话,来提及我那近乎秃顶脑袋,“繁华马路不会长。”

43、This is an interesting quote about maize fm this particular book called Prehistoc Food Pduction in North Ameca and if you have tuble I'll read it.这是一句关于玉米有趣引用,来自于《史前北美食物生产》,如果你们看不请,就让我读一次吧

44、Clive: : I am applying for the vacant position in yo Accounting Division. Can you put in a good word for me to get that job?克里夫:我正在应聘你们公司会计部门职位。我想得到那份工作,你能帮我美言几句吗? ?。

45、Incidentally, I mentioned this last time-- I was talking about-- I was philosophizing about wealth and I asked what are you going to do with a billion dollars.顺便提一句,最后提一次,我在讲,我在探讨财富,我在讲如果你有一百万美元你会做什么

46、The literary bety of the words of popular songs includes the bety of the language, image, structe and music.其文学之美主要体现在语言美、意象美、结构美、音乐美等几个方面。

47、I dare say she was afraid we should go into her oms, and pry about amongst her pretty dresses, and meddle with her jewellry.我大胆说一句:她害怕我们进入她房间,窥探她美丽衣裳,摸弄她珍珠宝贝。

48、Meanwhile, he holds in great esteem that "heaven" is exactly artistic intuition, and also attaches great importance to perfect unity of word, sentence and text.同时他尤推重“天”即艺术直觉,也极为重视字、句、篇完美统

49、In other words, this is the pcess of empowerment and aesthetic practice which stngly link to the realm of ryday expeence.换句话说,这正是一种彰权益能与美学实行过程,特别地这样过程强烈地连结到常生活经验领域,而非象范畴。

50、Z Cshen mad to convey the artistic conception of the soce text while achieving the effect of"best words in best order"in translating Moonlight Over the Lotus Pond.朱纯深先生在译文《荷塘月》中遣词造句力求传达原文形象美和音乐美,力图从整体效果上追求原文所传达意境。

经典英文句子51:美句,51、Mrs. McCaskey dodged in time. She reached for a flat-in, with which, as a sort of cordial, she hoped to bng the gastnomical duel to a close.麦卡斯基夫人及时躲开了,伸手拿起一个熨斗,作为一种让她舒心东西,她希望用它给这场美食决斗划上一个句号。

52、That's being said, while trading action is pretty encoaging the past o days, the rally might still be a "dead cat bounce" n if it overshoots to resistance at 48.换句话说,尽管过去两天涨势喜人,但即使指数能够上攻至48美元阻力位,这行情仍可能是“猫反弹”。

53、Bottom line: Look for US-listed China firms to lnch share pchasing pgrams to support their sagging stocks and pick up shares at relative bargain pces.一句话: 预计将有更多在美上市企业宣布回购股票计划,以阻止其股价下跌,不妨以相对较低价位加仓。

54、In Fday trading, shares of Bank of Ameca closed up 90 cents, or about 周

6.3 percent, at $15.24. Merll shares se $1.13, or

9.5 percent, to $13.04.







55、As we were talking animatedly, the dver suddenly interrupted us, "There is a law here stipulating that if you do not speak English in this taxi, you will be fined $ 200."当我俩正谈得热闹时,司机突然了一句:“我们这里有条法律,坐车不讲英语人罚款200美元。”


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