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关于”常生活“英子23个,句子主体:Daily life。以下是关于常生活xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Daily life


1、In daily life, hao Beijing by Shanghai man's feeling fine and tame.

梦以常生活为基 在古代也同样有这种观点。

2、The ancients entertained the same idea concerning the dependence of the dream-content on life.


3、Folk beliefs and daily life are respectively the exteor-inteor relationship of mutually melt symbiotic relationship.


4、Follow-up in the end of 3th month for svival 120 cases, ADL is used to evaluated results.


5、Apply order to all parts of yo life: yo daily utine, yo desk at work, yo schedule and appointments


6、According to the logistic regression, the important predictors of skin tears were age, mobility limitation, ADLs independence, and abnormal skin presence.


7、Living on school resoces, Hu said, "is a way of cutting living costs.


8、His songs evoke the power of nate, the spit, and ordinary life expeences.


9、I volunteer becse it takes me out of my daily life.


10、Everyday life is full of opportunities to establish loving connections with o kids.


11、We face o own mountains ryday. Some all.


12、The founders of Artek advocated a new kind of envinment for ryday life.


13、Li Jin mythologizes the ryday in a sees of works.


14、A contl gup merely wte about a utine nt in their lives.


15、To intduce some biodynamic pnciples into yo life, Parsons suggests we try to live rhythmically.


16、The Qil scores and ADL scores in each gups sed had a siificant difference(P<0.05), the pcess of scores in the treated gup were obviously supeor to that in the contl gup.


17、In o daily life, male, female ght left conventional permeated o land like all aspects of social life.


18、A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of ry day life in an industal area.

游戏可以帮助我们培养有助于我们 在 常生活中参加其他活动能力。

19、Games can us dlop abilities that will assist us in other activities in life.


20、Residents beli a crackdown on cme and graft will make daily life viable.

21、I'm so glad that I ed this little bird and this is a decision I will nr forget! 人们做出常决定在他们生活。

22、Fitness is the magical term that has pervaded o daily lives.健康这个富有魔力术语在我们常生活中蔓延开来。

23、EACH and ry one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in o daily actions and choices.我们中每个人都应该对自己常生活活动和选择所产生温室气体负责。

24、Objective: To study the effects of treadmill training on ADL of convalescent stke patients.目:探讨踏车运动对恢复期脑卒中患者常生活活动能力(ADL)影响。

25、Travelers have the opportunity to expeence the life styles of particular ethnic gups and to participate in their daily chores.游客可以有机会体验特殊生活方式并参与到他们常生活家务中。

英文句子26:,26、Women cite the lack of daycare and high cost of living in Japan, the exploding number of elderly, though, is compounding the pblem.在,妇女缺乏常生活来源,而生活水平高居不下,另外,老年人数量不断激增,问题也更加复杂。

27、but don’t let yo day-to-day life get in the way of thinking about the big picte.——但是,常生活也不能妨碍到你对人生大问题考虑。

28、Japanese residence halls often have common oms that students use to host parties.通常,学生宿舍会有一些活动室,学生们会在那里举办派对。

29、Literate, unlike ryday language, begins on the far side of this knowledge.文学,与常生活中语言不同,它始于知识边缘。

30、Once Mars enters yo house of daily assiments (sixth house) on October 当火星在xx月13进入到掌管你常生活第六宫,你将会开始非常辛苦地工作。

13, you will begin to work very hard.

31、The truly obsessed build an entire lifestyle nd the concept, mimicking caveman-era exercise.真正痴迷人建立了一整套生活方式,模仿居人时代常活动。

32、He worked as an editor for many magazines, but just barely supported himself.他兼任多家杂志编辑,但仍难以支撑常生活。

33、O daily lives are often a sees of habits played out thugh the day, a trammeled existence fettered by the slow accretion of o previous actions.我们常生活通常是在一系列习惯下完成,受束于积月累前行恶习。

34、Genre subjects are scenes fm ryday life, such as ting, agcultal occupation, dancing, and cot ceremonies.风俗画是对常生活描绘,其题材包括狩猎,农业活动,舞蹈和宫廷仪式。

35、Daily Life: After 45, one lives a leisely existence that includes travel, special vocations, hobbies, attending sports nts.常生活:xx岁以后,每个人可以悠闲生活,比如旅行,特别假期,个人爱好,参加体育赛事。

36、Keep most of the pce lists on file for fute reference.把全豹价钱表存档,以便今后备查。常生活英语。

37、It took care of tvial ryday life at present and overlooked grand epical narrative.关注当下常琐碎生活,忽视史诗宏大叙事;

38、In the stable peod, the mainly affect the people's daily life.在社会安定时期,谶言与谶兆主要影响人们常生活。

39、But within reason, flirting is part and parcel of o daily lives.但当然了,调情是我们常生活中不可分割一部分。

40、Dresden extrtene Pillnitz wall drawing picte of daily life in China.德累斯顿皮尔尼茨宫外墙上绘制着常生活图景。

41、The discosing pattern of advertising is the internal mechani of the aesthetici of daily life.广告话语方式是常生活美学化内在机制;

42、The daily-life contact and all scale food tranission were considered.分析认为经常生活接触和多次小范围食物传播。

43、Soce of Life? VitaGels? Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Supplement with Whole Food Concentrates.生活之源维它命胶囊,综合维生素和矿物质常补充,含有全面食物精华。

44、Don't jump up and rush off, but mingle yo mindfulness with ryday life.不要跳起来就跑走,让你正念与常生活融合。

45、Becse it's ful and has bught about great changes in o daily life.因为它是人类好帮手,它使我们常生活发生了巨大变化。

46、Presse with have already become the ineluctable affair in o daily life.压力以已成了我们常生活中不可避免事情了。

47、Everyday life is , above all, life with and by means of the language I share with my fellowmen .总而言之,常生活是我与他人共享语言意义、以及透过共享语言生活。

48、When the prescbed order life gradually fades human aculous bghtness, here life needs myth salvage and redeem.当按图索骥常生活经验,渐渐磨去人灵光。这时,生活开始需要神话救赎。

49、It refers to expendite on the day-to-day running of the business.收益支出是企业在常经营活动中产生开支。

50、No hearths or other areas indicative of day-to-day living have been found.尚未发现任何健康或者其他表明常生活地区。

经典英文句子51:常生活,51、Clearly, the size of a country's population affects many aspects of daily life.显然一国人口众寡,在许多方面影响到常生活。

52、Salt is necessary for human being's daily life, and its importance goes without saying.盐为常生活所必需之物,其重要自不待言。

53、So, as far as o day to day life is concerned, what's the hoopla all about?尽管我们对自己每天常生活都非常关心,但事实究竟怎么样呢?

54、The daily life of migrant labor, mateal and n spitual life to be contlled by the water conservancy headquarters and arrangements.民工常劳动生活、物质生活乃至精神生活都要受水利建设指挥部控制和安排。

55、The decline of the elder people's physiological function influence their daily life, psycholo, and social interaction.老年人因生理机能衰退,进而影响常生活、心理及社会互动。

56、Chest Pain is an acute chest pain, an unavoidable disease in daily life.岔气又叫急胸肋疼,是常生活中难免急症。

57、He can't afford the ordinary comforts of life, not to speak of Luxues .他连常生活舒服都负担不起,那里还谈得上奢侈。

58、Re-think yo utine. Often we get stuck in a utine that’s anything but what we really want o days to be like.重新考虑下你常事务 我们每天要处理常事务往往和我们想要生活冲突。

59、The life in the eyes of modern western philosophers only refers to the daily spitual life of man, its life-world being an abstract world.现代西方哲学家所说生活只是指人常精神生活,其生活世界仍然是一个象世界;

60、Re-arrange yo poties and give daily attention to yo soulful needs.重新安排你计划,在常生活种多在意你内心需求。

61、It implants people's daily life and leads people's daily consciousness thugh its matealization, populazation and visualization, thus s the repduction of social ghts structe.它凭其物质化、通俗化、图像化文化质植入人常生活,建构人常意识,从而助成社会权利结构再生产。

62、I think Tim has some great ideas, like mini retirements, following a low information diet, etc.我觉得提姆有许多非常棒想法,比如迷你退休、极简常生活等等。

63、Results The ability of self-care and social intercose in 30 patients were obviously impved.结果患者常生活自理能力、人际交往能力都有不同程度提高,生活质量明显提高。

、The Tpo region expeences up to 250 all earthquakes ry year. These are normal backgund activities which in no way threatens daily life.每年,陶波地区要经历多达250次小, 这算是正常地理活动, 对常生活毫无影响。

65、To live in a thfty way, you need to pay attention to yo day-to-day expenses.若要节俭生活,你需要格外关注常开支。

66、He tes to dou kinds of phenomena of ryday life. He makes things we are familiar strange and endows ryday life other meanings such like a daydream with both happiness and bitterness.与焦虑…,他试图以此来质疑我们常生活中种种现象,他让一些熟悉东西陌生化了,从而赋予了常生活以另外含义,如同一场场有着愉悦欢快同时又有着憋闷难受白梦。

67、He cannot afford the ordinary comforts of live, not to speak of luxues.他连常生活舒服多负担不起,那里还谈得上奢侈。

68、Clicks, drags-and-dps, and ght buttons are now part of ryday life.点击、拖拽和右键现在成了常生活一部分。

69、He's thor of The Perfect Swarm: The Science of Complexity in Everyday Life.他是《完美蜂群:常生活中复杂科学》作者。

70、Howr, so seously misshapen egg is rare in o daily life.然而,如此畸形蛋在我们常生活中还是比较罕见。

71、In addition, they had fewer overall episodes of chest pain in their daily lives.此外,他们在常生活中也较少有整体胸痛发作。

72、It's still up in the air.119. We're all for it. 我们全都同意。

73、Vegetables are indispensable living mateals of as well as an essential non-staple food of people's daily life.蔬菜是人类不可缺少生活资料,同时又是人们常生活必须副食品。


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