
发布时间:2023-11-15 18:05:40 阅读:191 点赞:0




1、The construction schedule is only a plan, which always has sk.


2、This plan has not answered; we must find a better one.

从计划 —— 计划 是 GBean XML 序列化。

3、Fm plans - A plan is an XML sealization of a GBean.


4、Do not undertake a pject unless you can implement it.


5、He brainstormed for the plan.


6、The Ninth Five-Year Plan was one of the best accomplished five-year plans.


7、Planning poorly.


8、You misunderstand his plan. The plan is quite good in itself.


9、Company facility layout and adjustment plan.


10、The need to make short-term as well as long-term plans.


11、Make monthly plan and weekly plan according to actual situation.

品牌策划, 平面设计, 工业设计,展示设计, 室内设计,活动策划。

12、Contents include brand planning graphic desi industal desi display desi inteor desi planning activities .


13、A plan is only as good as those who see it thugh.


14、Release weekly plan, dispatch work center schedule, work order and picking list.


15、You could call it a community unity plan.

另一个计划则是刚出炉有关位于加利福尼亚铁路计划。 计划将加利福尼亚南北相连。

16、Another is a recently appved high-speed rail pject in California, which will link that state's southern and northern hubs.


17、He countered my plan with one of his own.


18、It is there to stay. It is not a short-term.


19、Please enable task scheduler for scheduled job to ntion.


20、Okay, we know. This is the opposite of Plan


21、We are planning to reach the desi capacity in 2016-2017, " he said."我们计划在xx年到xx年使其达到计划设计能力”,他说道。

22、These folks map out a plan - a predetermined, structed plan.这些家伙相信提出一个计划——预定,有组织计划。

23、Contents include and planning graphic desi industal desi display desi inteor desi planning activities .品牌策划, 平面设计, 工业设计, 展示设计, 室内设计,活动策划。

24、The total active pipeline data includes pjects in the In-Construction, Final Planning and Planning stages, but does not include pjects in the Pre-Planning stage.目前全部计划和在建项目数据包括处在施工阶段、最终计划阶段和计划阶段项目数据,但不包括仍在预先计划阶段项目。

25、Plan-and-track -- defining all of the pject activities at the onset, measung whether the pgram is following the preset plan, and resetting activities to get back on plan计划及跟踪 —— 在一开始确定所有项目活动,衡量规划是否依照预设计划,并且重置活动以回归计划

英文句子26:,26、Generation of overall and detailed TPC timing plan, complete the tasks according to the working plan and matching plan;制定全面、详细整车匹配进度计划,按工作计划和匹配计划完成负责工作任务;

27、The pgram will support the transition to a full-fledged Army acquisition pgram.该计划将支撑向成熟陆军采办计划过渡。

28、Contbuting to an employer sponsored, tax-deferred retirement plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b), or 457开始一些延税退休计划,比如401计划,403计划或者457

29、I won't giv em assent to her plan becse it is not well prepared.我不会同意她计划,因为计划未准备充分。

30、In addition, I will make plans for sral short peods, such as monthly plan and weekly plan.此外,我将制定计划几个短时间内,如月计划和周计划。

31、He drew a plan for it that he gave his teacher.他拟定了一个计划,并将这个计划交给他老师。

32、D. , Department of Urban Desi and Planning, School of Architecte and …建筑及规划学院都市设计暨计划系博士 (Ph。

33、The mament of the construction of such structes demands that long-term, medium term and short-term planning all occ in a coordinated mament effort.施工经营,如长期计划,中期计划,短期计划组织要求都需要协作经营。

34、Sometimes you have to go to plan B—and there’s nr a plan C.有时你必须执行B计划,但从没有C计划。

35、This might be monthly, bi-monthly, or yearly, depending on yo industry and the particular types of pjects you take on.可能是与计划,或者是半月计划,或者是年计划,这些取决于你所在产业和你做项目。

36、Pgram investments are guided by communal dlopment plans (CDPs), dloped by communal councils, which include at least o women.该计划投资受村镇发展计划指导。 发展计划由至少拥有两名女成员村镇理事会制定。

37、The third component of the AWI is the Research and Educational Outreach Pgram.第三个计划是科学研究与教育培养计划。

38、Schema desi is also streamlined.计划设计还是流线型。

39、Lin. And this is o Planning Department Mar, Mr.计划部说在此阶段拿出计划案是不可行。

40、Anti-patterns: Precise plans/estimates, track against static plan mament style.反模式:精确地计划或估计,遵循静态计划方式。

41、Plan prudently.谨慎计划。

42、New faile modes and cses identified fm the PM pgram that affect part quality (scheduled or unscheduled ) have been looped back to the pduct's PFMEA, contl plans, and work instructions.PM计划所鉴明影响零件质量新失效模式和新原因(计划内或非计划),有回归到产品PFMEA、控制计划、和作业指导书。

43、I will go there with my best fend after school.He will me .We'll have a good time.xx年即将来临,现在我制定了以下新年计划:在今年,我想提高我英语和汉语,因为我不擅长,我也不擅长写作,我想花很多时间在他们身上练习,我会尽我最大努力。

44、Insed who is a minor under age 适用人群 18周岁以下未成年人只能投保计划五或计划十,且计划五和计划十仅限未满18周岁者。

18 can only apply for plan

5 or

10, and plan

5 and

10 are only applicable for minors.

45、Pject Planning: Pviding preplanning s of real estate pject, including positioning, dlopment strate and schedule, construction planning, ing , etc.提供房地产项目前期策划,包括市场定位策划、策略策划、计划策划、规划设计方案策划、营销方案策划等。

46、The desi is the divine creative force activity cares on the pre-arranged plan, may any divine creative force activity plan technolo and the plan pcess understanding be the desi.设计便是造物活动进行预先计划,可以把任何造物活动计划技术和计划过程理解为设计。

47、You can plot and plan.你可以计谋并做计划。

48、Planning and implementation of SFPs and TFPs is a step-by-step pcess.计划和实施补充食物计划和治疗食物计划是一个循序渐进过程。

49、It is not just the Secretary-General's Plan. It is o joint plan, all of us here in this om.它不仅是计划,它是我们共同计划,是我们在座各位共同计划。

50、This plan is used along with the sofare dlopment plan and the sk mament plan to assess the pject feasibility.这个计划与软件计划和风险计划共同作为评估项目可行依据。

经典英文句子51:计划,51、D. , Department of Urban Desi and Planning, School of Architecte and Planning …建筑及规划学院都市设计暨计划系博士 (Ph。

52、Arrange pduction plan, make pduction list, Pererrforms mathematical calculations to determine manufactung pcesses.安排生产计划,制定生产计划详单,运用数学计算,跟踪生产过程。

53、30-Day Schedule - Now I take my 30-day goals and plans and break them down week by week and day by day.30天程表 ——现在,我把30天目标和计划分解为周计划和计划。

54、The online planning worksheets (OLPW) can be used for the planning ppose.可以使用在线计划工作表 (OLPW) 制定计划。

55、Okay, we know. This is the opposite of Plan 我们知道,这个计划是和计划3相对。

3. You cght us.

56、Among those pgrams are food stamps and other nuttion pgrams, health insance, unemployment insance and job training pgrams.这些计划中包括发放食品券,普及营养计划、医疗保险、失业保险和职业培训计划。

57、It is common for pjects to adopt a plan-and-track method, sometimes summazed as "plan yo work and work yo plan."项目通常采用计划及跟踪方法,有时概括为“计划您工作并执行您计划”。

58、Anti-pattern: Plan the whole lifecycle in detail, track vaances against plan.反模式:详细计划整个生命周期,用计划记录变数。

59、Would you plan and plan before you r wte a word?你会不写一个字,老是计划来计划去吗?

60、Over-planning — Planning is a good thing, but too much leads to pcrastinating.计划过度 --实施计划是件好事,但是计划太多会导致拖沓。

61、The Task Scheduler Service is not running. Please enable task scheduler for scheduled job to ntion.任务计划程序服务未运行。请启用任务计划程序服务以便执行排定计划作业。

62、Job Responsibilities:- Keep spare parts in a naormal ll according maintenance plan;工作职责:- 根据维修计划制定备品备件采购计划;

63、The Pre-Lnch Contl Plan is not a substitute for the Pduction Contl Plan but is over and above the Pduction Contl Plan and is used to validate it.投产前控制计划不能代替生产控制计划,它包括生产控制计划,并可用于验证生产控制计划。

、There is little point compang an execution plan to the RBO plan and being spsed if you get a different execution plan.和RBO计划相比,执行计划只有相同很少,你会得到一个不同执行计划。

65、Mercy would not be hindered, Apollo would not be interrupted.墨丘利计划不会受阻, 阿波罗计划也不会中断。

66、Planned business volume: call-out business volume planned to achi.计划业务量:计划呼出业务量。

67、Work out a treat-feeding schedule.设计一张“喂食计划表”。

68、Gupon plans ntually to intduce the pgram acss its 300 s.Gupon计划最终将在其300个市场上引入这项计划。

69、他提出自己计划与我计划抗衡。He countered my plan with one of his own.

70、Among these pgrams are food stamps and other nuttion pgrams, health insance, unemployment insance and job training pgrams.这些计划中包括发放食品券,以及营养计划、医疗保险、失业保险和职业培训计划。

71、Strategic planning includes integration of corporate strategies, strategic planning structes and planning pcesses.战略计划体系包括公司战略、战略计划结构和战略计划程序等三方面内容。

72、Planning the budget department retns a people the company plan mament department mament.计划预算部归口公司计划经营部。


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