
发布时间:2024-01-01 11:12:39 阅读:38 点赞:0




1、Placido Domingo sang his serenade of love.

2、years, o love is n stnger than before.xx年已经过去,我俩爱情历久弥坚。


3、But think about this: now you have got mared and lived together for than ten years. Time would have dusted and stained yo love.

The love line. The mounds of Venus and Mars.



5、To cot their own discomfite by love is a common instinct with certain perfervid women.


6、The love line. The mounds of Venus and Mars.


7、What the bloom is to the fruit, the charm of novelty is to love. It imparts a luster which is easily effaced and which nr retns.


8、Ding the fo years in university, as long as you live in earnest, you won't re GREt, whether you own love or not, whether yo love has fute or not.


9、Finally, love is in the air in Iceland.


10、I think love is pfound feelings over a lifetime.


11、Or crazed with care, or css'd in hopeless love.


12、Love once bught the time of my life.


13、There is thick vast feelings that gws of kind-hearted-ness.


14、I ted my effort to psue my working caree and later I tned to Love caree; you ted yo effort to psue yo love caree.


15、If you love the way, I can for you to shop.


16、These o who have true love marry and have the crystal of their love finally.


17、"Love" is a symboli of passion, kindness, and it means to have affection to someone or something.


18、Love is the red of the se on yo coffin door!


19、The cose of true love nr did run ooth.


20、Jane stved for equal thoty with the masculine at the love marage and the enterpse.

21、Love war , English may translate "the war which is loves".情殇,英语可以翻译为“爱战争”。

22、Mary Love, a 14-year-old Ish orphan, was sent here with 49 other foundlings.玛丽爱情, xx岁爱尔兰,被送到这里,与其他49个弃儿。

23、The cose of true love nr did run ooth.真诚爱情之路永不会是平坦。

24、Mate love woman, like a adside charming flowers.晚熟爱情,象道旁迷人野花。

25、I thank living ding love ,it bught me craze.爱情之中我感谢生活,它给我狂热.

英文句子26:,26、If I know what love is, it is becse of you. 26 爱情是生活最好提神剂。

27、Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods dwn it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.爱情众水不能息灭,大水也不能淹没。若有人拿家中所有财宝要换爱情,就被藐视。

28、But they are different in love idea and practice. Sha Philippines is calm and weak, stand fast at the flying upward of love value ;但她们爱情观念及其实践活动却有很大不同:莎菲冷静却又软弱,坚守爱情价值张扬;

29、There is O love which winds thugh days like morning gloes.有我们爱情像牵牛花天风。

30、Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. (Jean Anouilh)归根结蒂,爱情是你自己天赋。 。

31、Love is the most taboo decoration, it is needed by the true feelings inside!爱情最忌讳装饰,它需要是由内而外散发真情感!

32、Love this stuff, pving not bng, bng death.爱情这种东西,生不带来,不带去。

33、Love is the bitterest medicine, the swee still medicine. ?爱情是最苦药,还是最甜药呢。?。

34、Without respect, love cannot go far. ---Alexandre Dumas the Younger.不相互尊重,爱情难长久。---小仲马。

35、Be of love a little careful than of anything— Edward Estlin Cummings.对待爱情应该比其他任何事都更谨慎—卡明斯,爱德华·埃斯特林。

36、Got that young love n when we’re old在我们年老时还能拥有不老爱情

37、Please forgive me, I can't stop lovin ' you.请你原谅我,不爱你是不可能事情…

38、I am a southern people, I love the Jianan style.我是江南人,我爱江南风情。

39、Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. (Jean Bnouilh)归根结蒂,爱情是你身天赋。

40、No Goodbyes for love bghtens their eyes.没有道别, 因为爱情点亮了他们双眼。

41、Jack has displaced Jim in Heller's affections.杰克已取代吉姆而赢得了海勒爱情。

42、A woman often thinks she regrets the lover, when she only regrets the love.总觉得自己在追悔爱人,其实她只是在为爱情扼腕痛惜。

43、years, o love is n stnger than before. xx年已经过去,我俩爱情历久弥坚。

44、Ross finished the doddeng this love, then sank Nachuan pceless jewelry, it takes a long love Jack and this submane.老态龙钟罗丝讲完这段爱情后,把那串价值连城珠宝沉入海底,让它陪着杰克和这段爱情长眠海底。

45、This would not be love. Howr, it would be something precious, something perhaps n less common than love-----a fendship for which he had been, and would always ba , thankful.这虽然不会是爱情,但将成为一种珍贵东西,一种比爱情更不寻常东西-----一种一直感激,并会继续感激友情。

46、When psuing mantic goals, we tomatically (below awareness) inhibit conflicting goals that might interfere. For women, that appears to mean choosing love over math.当追求爱情时,我们自动屏蔽妨碍实现这个目标行为,对女而言,这就意味着爱情重于数学。

47、Mett in dream good love is you see the world thugh one man, bad love is you abandon the whole world for one gup.在碰到梦好爱情是你透过一个男人看到世界,坏爱情是你为了一集团舍弃整个世界。 。

48、The pof that expeence teaches us nothing is that the end of one love does not prnt us fm beginning another.经验 没给予人吸取教训,可从 我们在中断一段爱情之后,并不防碍 我们开始另一段爱情得到证实。

49、Oueighing it all are the things that love is.但胜过那些所有是爱有事情

50、But I feel stng you know. Love life, go ahead, girl. …以前觉着“爱”这字儿矫情,后来想,不吧,爱是有力,生命变得有呼吸。

经典英文句子51:爱情,51、It's a love story - baby just say "Yes."这就是我们爱情,宝贝,尽管说好吧!

52、Her affections had been continually fluctuating, but nr without an object.她平常情感极不专一,可是从来没有缺少过谈情说爱对象。

53、Some beli that couples who stand under the tower when the lights go on must vow eternal love. Lovers can also tie a bbon to a special Chstmas "love tree" on the tower's observation deck.东京情侣们流行在平安夜来到这里许下对自己爱情祝福,并在“爱情树”上系上属于自己丝带。

54、Faith and trust are the prerequisites of love.忠诚和互相信任是爱情首要条件。

55、s2 And, in this case, I start with helium -is 1s2.在这种情况心爱,氦开始是。

56、Swee joy ,the wildest woe is love.philip bailey爱情是最甜蜜欢乐,最强烈痛苦。

57、The coie of true love nr did run ooth.真诚爱情之路永远不会平坦。

58、 Love is r matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies. 爱情常是喜剧,偶尔是悲剧。

59、She is an inveterate reader of silly love stoes.她长年不变地读愚蠢爱情小说。

60、But it's one thing to talk about feeling love on a physical ll, and another to talk about how objects can become the embodiment of that love.但是在生理层面上去感受爱情是一回事,而物体如何使爱情具象化又是另外一回事。

61、Ridiculed Law: know how to love, couples, will be evolved into a humous dicule; do not understand love, couples, diculed will evolve into a war.讥笑定律:懂得爱情夫妻,讥笑会演化成一种幽默;不懂爱情夫妻,讥笑会演化成战争。

62、The cose of true love nr did run ooth。 真诚爱情之路永不会是平坦。

63、When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.贫穷进门来,爱情越窗飞

、years, o love is n stnger than before.xx年已经过去,我俩爱情历久弥坚。

65、The fige in recounting a want to talk about love, but cant speak love story.那个身影在诉说着一个想要说爱,却无法开口爱情故事。

66、The cose of true love nr did run oothly.真诚爱情之路是永远不平坦。


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