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关于”描写人物“英子38个,句子主体:descbe characters。以下是关于描写人物初中英子。

英文句子模板1:descbe characters


1、CT scans showed that PW fused with grafts and bone dust in cages.

Gideon Lichfield,《经济学人》驻耶路撒冷通讯记者描写了萦绕于他脑海中那些在翻译中迷失了东西。。。。。。

2、Gideon Lichfield, the Jerusalem correspondent of The Economist, descbes his obsession with what is lost in translation ...


3、Wte the letter of who did each thing in the chart above.


4、Foth chapter is wtten to reflect the thor Wu Fu spitual world.


5、People magazine descbed it as "a youthful new hairstyle: a straight, shoulder-skimming cut with bangs. ""


6、So, you decide to wte a children's book about someone who flies aund the world with a beloved pet.


7、This includes the descption of the belief is in the novels and the characters'struggle with their spitual world.


8、With the aid of DSCand SEM, the morpholo of PP blend was also investigated.


9、The main view is: Ctici of Li Changzhi inheted the outstanding tradition of histocal literate, which was to mould person's soul, portray person's personality.


10、Pakistan objected to the depiction of Adam, which it said bke a phibition on depicting Koranic figes.


11、Wte as much as you can about each of the maincharacters in yo screenplay. if you can wte a full page about eachcharacter, then you've done yo homework.


12、He was impressed by the war scenes, saying that this film descbes something that Western people don't know about World War II.


13、The most popular theme of this time was "new people and new stoes", as well as national achiments in agculte, industry and social construction.

在描绘人或物体时候, 立体派画家会同时展现对象不同侧面。

14、Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the time.


15、Which of the following best descbes the building?


16、If you have a daybook, wte down who you are trying to be, so that you can refer to this self-definition.


17、The Story of My Life, a remarkable account of overcoming the debilitating challenges of being both deaf and blind, has made Helen Kellen one of the most inspirational figes in history.


18、 cited solar panels and comzed tomography scans as examples of technologies that oginated fm basic research in physi.


19、They wte of s with heads like deer that stood upght like men and hopped like fgs.


20、His images often depict local residents, including this piece, which was part of a 2004 Pasian pject called "Portrait of a Generation".

21、Grandpa to wear black sweater 穿黑毛衣 I wear a white skirt, very betiful!

22、Foth, establish a "record of weak character investigation", fill in the content, including time, frequency, weak character state, the investigation of people, and disposal method.四是建立“薄弱人物排查记录”,填写内容包括时间、班次、薄弱人物状态、排查人、处理方式等。

23、While CT scans are painless, they expose patients to radiation that can potentially e new cancers, Patz says.帕兹说,病人在要求CT扫描前应该仔细考虑清楚。 尽管CT扫描不痛,但暴露于放物之下病人可能引发新癌症。

24、“The typical human pbably harbors some 90 tllion micbes, ” she wte.“典型人体可能含有90多万亿个微生物, ”她写道。

25、She is a girl of many accomplishments.我注意到他身材肥胖,秃了顶,在他那安详面容上带着一种讨人喜欢温和纯朴表情 I notice that he was fat and baldheaded, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simplicity upon his tranquil countenance. 4她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。

英文句子26:,26、The watchdog’s report descbed these techniques, but went on to question their efficacy and note that other tacti were unthosed.内部人员报告描述了三种技术,但是之后就提到了其效用,并写道其他技术是未经允许。

27、At the end, the wter doesn't depict him as needing the sacfice for food or sustenance.最后,作者也没有把上帝描述成,一个需要贡品来获得食物人。

28、Descbe a character in fiction, a histocal fige, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc. ) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.描述一个小说中人物、历史人物、或任何艺术、音乐、科学上创意作品,对你带来什么样影响?

29、Letter to this plant descbed as "an elusive plant."来信中对这颗植物描述是“一株行踪不定植物”。

30、Character dialogue headings should be set with a left margin of 人物对白首字应当缩进4英寸并大写。

4 inches and wtten in all capitals.

31、He detailed life-size human figunes, birds and other animals, flowers, and cornstalks, as well as "the most incredible jewelry" and "golden vases full of emeralds."他详细描述了实物大小人像雕刻,禽鸟和其他动物,花卉,谷物,“最难以置信珠宝”以及“镶满宝石金瓶”。

32、I want to make a conversation with an old man.请选择表中一个人物写一段你与他之间对话。

33、The physical study of FEB divertor is presented.描述FEB偏滤器物理设计研究。

34、Bio-chip scanner is the key component for the application of bio-chip.生物芯片扫描仪是生物芯片应用关键器件。

35、Physi mateal descbes how to handle colliding objects (fction, bounciness).物理材质描述,如何处理物体碰撞(摩擦,弹)。

36、Liverpool Rafa Benitez played down claims by Sunderland counterpart St Bruce that the club have been 'disrespectful' in their attempts to si Black Cats stker Kenwyne Jones.利物浦主教练贝尼特斯已经对桑德兰主教练布鲁斯声明利物浦不尊重桑德兰全力争取签下他们前锋琼斯话语轻描淡写。

37、I met Tyra in 2006 for a pfile.xx年我撰写人物简介时懈逅提拉 班克斯。

38、Marx and Engels'Theory about tragedy is always under dis:whether backward classes, negative characters can be treated as tragic les;马恩有关悲剧理论是理论界一直存在争议问题:落后阶级、反面人物能否作为悲剧人物来写;

39、This makes the style of the tbal legacy shown in the character descption, theme, creative method and the story structe in Hemingway s short stoes.自幼熟知奥杰布华文化,这一特点使其作品在人物刻画、主题描写、创作手法以及叙事结构上表现出“部落遗俗”风格。

40、The gm daily life under Cesescu's oppressive regime and the harsh treatment of Romanian Germans has feated stngly in her works.她作品着重描写了齐奥塞斯库高压下严峻生活和罗马尼亚德国人所受残酷遭遇。

41、Oain a 100% PKE scan on a paranormal .收集全部PKE扫描超自然生物。

42、She interviewed the Leipzig pncipals descbed in this article in -90.-xx年,她在采访莱比锡事件主要人物时写下这篇文章。

43、And here's an illustration by the biologist Haldane.这是生物学家霍尔丹描述。

44、Moreover, many taxonomists descbe far new species than the researchers assume.而且,许多分类学家描述新物种速度也远比研究人员猜想要快。

45、The physical spectral method of color measement generally includes mechanical scanning type and electnic scanning one.物理分光光度测方法主要有机械扫描式和电子扫描式两大类。

46、They found that those who wte directly to someone showed greater reductions in cholestel than those who wte in the third person about someone.他们发现那些直接写给某人试验组成员比那些用第三人称描述有更显著胆固醇降低。

47、Let's me wte a shopping list first.我先写一张购物单。

48、Human figes are only exceptionally portrayed and then only incompletely or cacated deliberately as 'monsters' or masked persons.人类数字只有在特殊情况下不完全或描述,只讥讽蓄意为“怪物”或蒙面人。

49、Good at freehand brushwork, meticulous person, re-living, heavy traditional, good innovation.擅长写意、工笔人物,活,重传统,善创新。

50、There is an enormous amount of talk about it, and an enormous number of books are wtten on the chaatic leader.它是许多人谈论焦点,描绘领袖人物书籍也是汗牛充栋。

经典英文句子51:描写人物,51、Most obs descbe the Mothman as a winged man-sized with large reflective red eyes.大多数看到天蛾人人都将其描述成有翅膀人形生物,有很大折红光芒眼睛。

52、Gets a custom type descptor for the given object.取得特定物件自订型别描述项。

53、While he descbes siificant themes and s distinct figes of times, Mao Dun shows much concern on the younger generation with a stng sense of social responsibility.茅盾在描写重大题材、塑造鲜明时代人物形象同时,以一种强烈社会责任感关注下一代,最能体现其儿童文学观是他三篇儿童小说。

54、Wuxia stoes depict brave, kind hees with extraordinary fighting skills.武侠故事描述勇敢仁慈、有著高超武艺英雄人物。

55、When I find a well-drawn character in fiction or biography, I generally take a warm personal interest in him, for the reason that I have known him before — met him on the ver.我如果发现小说或传记栩栩如生地描写某一个人物,一般会从内心对他产生浓烈兴趣,因为我早已认识他——曾经相遇在河川。

56、Self-made publishing and works composed by faculty were with some percentage;自办出版物及教职人员撰写著作占一定比例;

57、Befly descbe the G capping reaction in eukaryotes.简要描述真核生物加帽反应。

58、You half a dozen character sketches ry time you attend a wedding or a funeral.参加婚礼或葬礼时,你总能画出半打人物速写画。

59、The pnciples of quantum theory hold the field as the convincing account of the physi of the micworld.量子论原理对微观世界物理现象描述仍然是最令人信服。

60、Difficulty Learn to wte Lost and Found .学习写寻物启示和失物招领启示。

61、The micope works by scanning a focused beam of electns as an object.扫描电子显微镜是通过扫描聚焦在物体上电子束来工作。

62、The portrayal of the characters in the novel is lifelike.该书中人物写得有血有肉。

63、Conspecific Desbing individuals that belong to the same species.描述属于相同物种个体。

、Its manticized hei had a huge and decisive impact on the young people who grew up with New China.书里描写浪漫化了英雄主义对于在新里成长年轻人有极大和决定影响。

65、Pattern: The mystical "body" of a person, place or thing, descbing the Arcana of which it is composed.式样: 人、地点或事物魔法“体”,对构成他们奥秘种类描述。

66、The fo pieces painted by Zhao Meng Fu in Jia Xu age are his early fige paintings.赵孟甲戌年所写四条屏是他早期人物画作品。

67、The IoT is a term dloped to descbe a wireless neork of "things" containing embedded technolo that communicate without human interaction.物联网这个术语描述是“事物”之间无线网络,这些事物都采用嵌入式技术,无需人为介入就可彼此通讯。

68、Desbing individuals that belong to the same species.同种:描述属于相同物种个体。

69、The plots in her books are very stng but there's almost no charactezation.她写书情节很强,可是几乎没有对人物塑造。

70、The guest list remains the same in the vaous paintings, and the people stay lithe.在这些各种画作中,客人名单依然一样,人物描绘依然活灵活现。

71、The fifth part shows the outstanding contbution made by the main representatives in Sichuan drama campai.第五节展现川籍主要代表人物在剧运中杰出贡献,不作全面描述。

72、"Often, there was no apppate vocabulary to talk about something really novel, no existing words to descbe forei things, " says Tian.“通常情况下,对真正新奇事物并无合适词语进行描绘,也没有已存在词语来描绘异国事物。”田说。

73、The start of sketchIng classes with live models In ChInese art schools fther stimulated the dlopment of fige paIntIng In ChIna.特别在新成立以后,艺术院校开设人体素描课,更促进了人物画发展。

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