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关于”如何区分中主谓宾“英子46个,句子主体:How to distinguish beeen subject-predicate objects in。以下是关于如何区分中主谓宾专业英子。

英文句子模板1:How to distinguish beeen subject-predicate objects in


1、Descbes how to work with time zones and time zone conversions in time zone-aware applications.


2、This treatise divide into fo parts, the first part intduce which is woman he;


3、As a distct commi chairperson, how will you collaborate with assistant governors and other distct commi chairpersons to effectively serve clubs?

主题: 15分钟主题演讲,关于如何在实现“数字生态城”?

4、Topic: There will be a

15 minute speech about 'How to dlop digital eco-cities in China.


5、This article mainly discussed how to participate in the tou cooperation under the backgund of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone.


6、If Do dirty can can China to contbute infrastructes, why not? China would nr want to govern Philippines but only to benefit economically, sely Philippines also want the same.


7、Beside, Tzu Chi, the Philippine Branch, donated

1,504 blankets, and forwarded by the Philippine Airlines to the quake area.


8、While some of these gups are based in the tbal areas, others are also in the so-called "settled regions, " such as the North West Fntier Pvince.

在下一部分中,您将了解门户 L 生成以及如何在您主题中利用此能。

9、In the next part, you learn about portal L generation and how you can lrage this capability in yo theme.


10、The implement of XunLei indexer, it mainly include how to Chinese participle and rrse table.


11、But what of the "neutral" outcomes?


12、How does allegory function in Cobet's Moderni?


13、The first partition on the pmary dve will be sda1, for example.


14、How vaables flow in and out of regions of soce.


15、Howr, becse deuteum, in so-called "Heavy-Water, " is used to moderate neutns in some nuclear reactor desis, it is separated fm regular water on a large scale.

那样索引就成为所谓分区索引,而这种分区方法就被称为 索引控制分区(index-contlled partitioning)。

16、That index becomes known as the partitioning index, and this method of partitioning is known as index-contlled partitioning.


17、We will explain the major components and how they are established and applied in this section.


18、Volunteers frequently report that they feel entirely at home and sece in their host communities, he said.


19、When you change the pmary and secondary setting in an existing partition pfile, the partition needs to be reactivated to pick up the changes.


2 focuses on using the tooling available for dloping ch-client applications and finishing the rest of the plug-in dlopment workflow presented in Fige


2 部分将主要介绍如何使用富客户机应用程序工具以及如何完成图

1 中所示件工作流程剩余部分。

21、For example, I have major respect for Anton Corbijn.例如,我十分敬佩安东科宾。

22、A factsheet explaining what identity theft is, how to prnt it, and what to do if you are a victim of identity theft.文说明何谓身份窃盗、如何防范以及身份盗用受害者如何采取法律措施。

23、We can get the money fm the hotel's rent and guest house rent.他坐在当地主要街区一家酒店内如此说道,“我们可以从酒店及宾馆租赁中挣钱。”

24、At the Philippines' Tzu Chi gunds, 在菲律宾慈济志业园区,15位马加致市扶社成员正学习如何将宝特瓶变成毛毯;

15 Rotary Club members fm the Makati Forbes Park are learning how to tn plastic bottles into blankets!

25、The examiners need to be trained in how to pvide patient data for each scenao, how to question the examinee, and how to evaluate and score the examinee's responses.考前,主试需过经培训,以便明确如何在病例中提供病人资料,如何提问应试者,以及如何对应试者回答进行评估与打分。

英文句子26:,26、How to center ali text in JTextArea?如何中心对齐文在文区?

27、Let them see how you in yo community.让他们看到在你社区中是如何帮助别人。

28、If you know what it means.那是说,如果你知道何谓爱话。

29、Of cose, the main objective here - how to nab points.当然,主要目在这里-如何国民银行更多积分。

30、If aftershocks can occ years after the fact, how do scientists distinguish an aftershock fm a "new" earthquake?如果在主震发生后数年内仍会发生,科学家如何把与\“新\”一次区分开?。

31、Howr, becse deuteum, in so-called "Heavy-Water," is used to moderate neutns in some nuclear reactor desis, it is separated fm regular water on a large scale.如论如何,因为氘,在所谓“重水”里,在一些核反应堆设计里是用于中和中子,它和普通水在一个大程度上是分开。

32、Some advisory bodies, such as the Area Commis, deal essentially with distct affairs.另有一些谘询 组织,例如 分区委员会,主要处理所属地区或社区问题。

33、Central Pacific seamounts are mainly distbution areas of Co-ch crusts.中太平洋海区是富钴结壳主要分布区。

34、When the o centers come to the same teaching activity, it is hard to decide how to distinguish and contl the balance beeen them.在同为主体教学活动中,教师该如何准确区分与适度把握二者之间界限,教师在实践中常常踌躇不决、难以决定。

35、The Philippines needs Chinese money and know-how to modernize an industry that employs a third of its workers.菲律宾需要钱和如何聘用三分之一工人使其工业现代化。

36、Yet, with so much information available thugh so many different media, how are we to separate the wheat fm the chaff?但是,在这么多来自不同媒介当中,我们该如何区分良莠呢?

37、Then, I share some of my favoute time-saving cd shortcuts, such as how to get to yo home directory and how to identify the home directory of any user.,我将分享我最喜欢一些省时 cd 快捷键,比如如何转到您主目录,如何识别任意用户主目录。

38、Students in Nepal display notebooks distbuted by Patan West Rotaans, descbing iodine deficiency disorder and its prntion.尼泊尔学生展示轧丹西区扶社社员所分发笔记,上面描述了何谓缺碘症及如何预防。

39、So what's the definition of a "good stng" password?那么所谓“优良强壮”密码定义如何呢?

40、A fundamental cse for the contradiction in Clive Bell's theory in his own works, "On Art", lies in his faile in telling form similaty fm realistic wting.克莱夫·贝尔在其《艺术论》中造成自身理论逻辑矛盾一个根原因,在于没有分清何谓“形似” ,何谓“写实”。

41、how cellphones are bought tax-free on something casually called the “gray .如何在所谓“灰市场”买到免税进口手机。

42、Here's How To Find Yo Ideal Filipina Lady!这里如何找到您理想菲律宾籍夫人!

43、The difference beeen these o methods has to do with how we set the field separator.两种方法区别在于如何设置字段分隔符。

44、What are the pmary industes and economic clusters in the neighborhood and pject area? What appear to be their pmary inter-relationships or common "factor" needs?社区和专题地区中,有哪些主要工业和经济组群?他们主要相互关系或共同「要素」需求看来是如何?

45、If ry object is a GameObject, how do we differentiate an interactive power-up object fm a static om?如果每个对象是一个游戏对象,那么我们如何在静态空间中区分一个交互式启动(?)对象?

46、She saw how much he wored about that senator dung their mission to desty the Seperatist's starship Malevolence , how panicked he was when he discovered her inadvertently ending up in the battle.在执行摧毁分离主义分子星际飞船“毒牙号”任务时,她见过他是如何地担心那位参议员,当他无意中发现她在战斗中被俘时他是如何地恐慌。

47、Each disk holds a pmary ext3 partition and a 500MB swap and a ~2GB ext3 partition inside the Extended volume.每块磁盘有主要ext3分区和500MB交换区和扩展卷中2GBext3分区。

48、The Kenyan Meteological Department has begun explong ways to induce rain in dry areas of the country, thugh a pcess known as cloud-seeding.肯尼亚气象部门已开始探索如何通过所谓云催化在旱地区引发降雨。

49、Cannot extended DOS partition without pmary DOS partition on disk.在盘中没有主DOS分区,故不能建立扩展分区。

50、So far no agreement has been reached on how to stop this so-called rrse brain drain.到目前为止尚未就如何阻止所谓人才外流达成任何协议。

经典英文句子51:如何区分中主谓宾,51、Share Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Ephesians 《以弗所书》5:17不要作糊涂人,要明白主旨意如何。分享“不要作糊涂人,要明白主旨意如何。《以弗所书》

5:17 (NLT)


52、How, for that matter, do you distinguish it fm raci?在这个问题上,你将如何区别爱国主义和种族主义?

53、Then how do the mainstream economic theoes of the Western world descbe the relating of regional economy?西方主流经济学说如何描述区域经济关联?

54、This chapter discusses the pposition that nate is the nate of Tao fm fo aspects, i. e. what is nate, what is Tao, Tao imitating nate, and Tao often being natal.章从何谓道、何谓自然、道法自然和道常自然四个方面予以分别论述。


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