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关于”极度伤心短“英子22个,句子主体:Extremely sad short。以下是关于极度伤心短高中英子。

英文句子模板1:Extremely sad short


1、Results:The bigger the dving presse, the sty of cardiovascular response was found.

结论 一定强度高压脉冲电流可对心脏结构及能造成可恢复损伤,且此损伤效 应与电流强度有关。

2、Conclusion High-voltage impulse crent may induce recoverable injues on heart structe and function, and the damage effect shows a correlation with the crent intensity.


3、Keeping depressed es my mind extremely unbalanced, under the guidance of psychologist of Yanyuan Bosi I walk out the shadow of depression and hope to resolve conflicts with positive attitude.


4、He died of sre exhstion and dehydration that lead to cardiac arrest or heart faile.


5、Pmadonna gets you thugh the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times.


6、At a rapid charge rates and ambient temperate, adsorption bed's temperate can go up highly.


7、Forr fend gets you thugh the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times.


8、Conclusion Closed injy of abdomen is a sre disease with compound injy predominately . Active mament dung pe operation can reduce its complications and mortality rate.


9、It gwing with the temperate se gradually shortened, the gwth dlopment of larvae is 20℃>23℃>26℃.


10、Examine become mere formality, Employee's enthusia accepts certain degree contused wound. Many enterpses increasingly seous brain drain, great loss.


11、Euphoa and self-sabotage are o powerful psychological forces that will have an extremely negative effect on yo bottom line.


12、Forr fend gets you thugh the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times.


13、The increase of bone density refers to the strenening of the bones which s prnt injy, pain, and arthtis.


14、Too many suffer fm Trmatic Brain Injy and Post-Trmatic Stress Disorder – the siate injues of today’s wars – and too few receive pper screening or care.


15、Susan Scanga, one of her therapists, says, "Laen was so badly bned that there's not much there except scar tissue and bone.


16、The Injed captaIn, lyIng In the bow, was at this time bued In that pfound dejection and Indifference.


17、The limit velocity formula adapted for battle damage simulation was chosen, and the method of calculating the terminal velocity was pposed.


18、The effect of cathode, electlyse and temperate on the performance of the battery has been investigated in terms of the shortcircuit discharge.


19、In ancient times, to cultivate the sense of shame of the cminal is thugh positive and negative ways.


20、The discovery of plutonium, released fm fuel ds only when temperates are extremely high, confirms the sty of the damage, Nishiyama said.

21、Eager to hide my father's attitude, enterpse's mind encounters great damage.由于急于藏着人态度,振国心灵遭到很大伤害。

22、Attentive selection of callus was related to the convenience of establishing cell suspensions.愈伤组织精心选择直接关系到建立细胞系难易程度。

23、For many of the essayists the trma of the financial is has clearly not disappeared fm the Asian psyche.在许多短文作者看来,金融危机伤痛显然还未从人心理上消失。

24、Here one requires extraordinary care, deep observation, sule discernment, and judicious decision.测度他人需要极度小心,深刻观察,敏锐鉴别和明智判断。

25、Femtosecond pulse laser has a lot of siificant advantages, such as high peak value intensity , precise ablation threshold , limit thermal region , high precision in micmeter ll and so on.飞秒激光具有极高峰值强度,精确损伤阈值,热影响区小,加工精度高等特点,引起国内外研究者极大兴趣。

英文句子26:,26、She had been especially wored about her five-year-old's negative attitude.但她还是特别担心她xx岁儿子消极态度。

27、On the other hand, psychiatsts might someday individuals who become dan­geusly depressed after a heartbreak by adjusting those chemicals.另一方面神经学家或许可以在将来某一天通过调整这些化学物质帮助那些在经历伤心事之后变得极度沮丧人。

28、Bns are called first degree, second degree or third degree bns depending on which layers of the skins are bnt.根据皮肤烧伤层次而有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。

29、Sustained sre visual fatigue onpeople's physical and mental harm to a large, but also for work, study, have a great negativeimpact on life, sre cases may n lead to blindness.鳦 持续重度视觉疲劳对人身心伤害很大,对工作、学习、生活都有极大负面影响,严重者会导致失明。

30、Clinical understandings of post-resuscitative MODS sks, active anti-shock therapy, shorter shock dation can reduce trmatic shock post-resuscitative MODS sks.临床上应认识创伤休克复苏后发生MODS危险因素,积极抗休克治疗,尽量缩短休克持续时间,降低创伤休克复苏后发生MODS危险。

31、When he felt out of sorts, he would rave and stamp, or sink into suicidal gloom and talk darkly of going to the East to end his days as a Buddhist wonk.只要感到不舒服,他总是乱骂一通,直跺脚,要么就情绪极其低落,伤心地说要去东方当和尚,度过余生。

32、It is common to feel as if you are "going crazy" and feel extremes of anxiety, panic, sadness, and lessness.如果你觉得自己有一些“疯狂”,感到极度焦虑、恐慌,伤心,以及无助,这都是很正常心理,这是被一些人称作“非常态心理,”好像他们在某个遥远地方注视着这个世界。 其他人则会非常恼怒、生气、以及沮丧。

33、Ability to work self-responsible with active attitude, good communication skills.工作态度积极主动,善于沟通,有责任心。

34、Result The bn area, degree and site and trmatic psychic reaction were siificantly correlate with work ability after recovery(P<0.05).结果烧伤面积、深度、部位及病人创伤心理反应程度与后重返社会工作能力显著相关( P<0.05)。

35、The results show that the extent of FOD depends on both impact ener E and geometc scale S. There exists a ctical damage for a given blades.结果表明,叶片外物损伤程度取决于撞击能量E和几何标度S,对于一定叶片,存在不影响疲劳寿命极限损伤。

36、If you decide to ford a stream, be extremely careful.如果已决定要涉过小溪,必须极度小心。

37、The most common reason for sudden cardiac arrest is a very chaotic heart rhythm (ventcular fibllation), which oc as a result of a heart attack.心脏骤停最常见原因是由心肌梗塞引起心率极度紊乱(如室颤)。

38、Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.心碎时间和伤害深度,完全取于你自已。

39、Patient, careful, hard working, self-motivated, result-oented with positive working attitude.耐心细致, 具有良好工作态度, 对待工作态度端正, 积极主动。

40、Damaged brain cells do not regenerate but mental and physical functions can impve after mild or moderate brain damage with skilful rehabilitation.脑细胞不能再生,但在轻度或中度脑损伤后,心智和机体能可以通过巧妙恢复训练改善

41、Brazil and Mexico both have deficits of less than 2% of GDP, a far cry fm the fiscal laxness of a few years ago.巴西和墨西哥赤字不到GDP2%,比起短短几年前极度恶化财政状况,这已经是相当大进步了。

42、Bns are called first, second or third degree bns, depending on which layers of the skin are bned.根据皮肤第几层被烧伤定义为一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。

43、The presence of a short oblique fibular fracte (often with lateral comminution) suggests that this is stage III of a pnation abduction injy.腓骨短斜形骨折(常常伴有外侧粉碎)表明其旋前外展损伤为III度。

44、Don't dampen the enthusia of the masses.不要损伤大家积极。

45、In the aftermath, they are so trmatized that n speaking about their expeences is extremely painful.结果,她们心理上受到如此创伤,使得即使谈起她们经历都极为痛苦。

46、He was conscious, but in terble pain with major bns over than half of his body.他一半身体都被严重烧伤,整个人都处于极度疼痛中,但是头脑还清醒。

47、The stnger (weaker) the intensity of dipole or unipole forcing soce and basic flow, the peods of LFO the shorter(longer).偶、单极强迫热源强度和基流强度增强(减弱),使得大气低频振荡周期有缩短(延长)趋势。

48、Some fear that trmatised youngsters may become extremists, swapping stones for bo or guns.有些人担心精神受到创伤年轻人们会变成极端主义者,枪林弹雨换来他们石块。

49、It is late September in the High Arctic, the outside temperate is -3C and there is little hope of the sea ice forming any time soon.在北极高纬度地区xx月末,室外温度虽然已下降到零下3度,但短时间内海面尚无结冰迹象。

50、Insect bite leaf, fruit is so unfortunate: life is short, but suffered a painful bite heart!被虫子咬伤叶、果是多么不幸:生命原比别个短暂,还要饱尝噬心之痛!

经典英文句子51:极度伤心短,51、And you see that the dot intensity gws as you get closer and closer to the center.点密度随着到中心距离,缩短变密。

52、They ht me by thinking I am a retarded child. But I am no fool.我伤心极了,他们肯定都以为我是一个笨孩子,可我并不笨。

53、In the field of mechanical penetrating damage, we found the ultimate velocity when the fraents penetrated differ-thickness targets according to numecal simulation.在机械毁伤方面,通过数值计算得到了破片对不同厚度靶板和不同厚度模拟战斗部极限穿透速度;

54、Conclusion: The shortening of telomere len may be related to the free radicals damage with spleen Yang deficiency syndme.结论:在脾阳虚状态下,肝细胞端粒长度缩短可能与自由基损伤有关。

55、The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to regard with utter contempt.这些动词共有中心意思是。极度地轻视。

56、Mandy decided she wouldn’t read anything else about the era of her father’s agony.曼迪决定再也不读任何有关于那个她极度伤痛时期书籍了。

57、He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.他具有一个积极进取、有冲劲和进取心人风度。

58、Therefore, this article summazed the sre electc injy fm the aspects of spot first-aid, nsing care of heart, lung, brain, renal, wound, and psychological of patients after admission.为此,对重度电击伤病人从现场抢救,入院后心、肺、脑、肾以及伤口、心理等方面护理进行综述。

59、Conclusions: Repolazation gradients exist over the swine left ventcular epicardium in normal state.结论:猪正常供血状态下左心室心外膜存在复极梯度。

60、The formation of virtual anode is accelerated, as well as its ppagation towards hollow cathode either at higher presse or with larger-diameter aperte.较高气压和较大阴极孔径能够加速虚阳极形成,并加快向空心阴极扩展速度。

61、Objective To evaluate reliability of methods in reflecting ventcular repolazation dispersion.目探讨心室复极离散度测定方法可。

62、Third-degree bns Typically, these are areas of deeper bning, sunded by areas that display first and second degree bn charactesti.较深度灼伤,烧伤区域周围有一度和二度灼伤特征。

63、Moderation – Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injues so much as you think they deserve.适度——不走极端;避免因怨恨而对别人进行你认为他们应得伤害。

、High school class adviser selfs mental health does not hope for the best.高中班主任开展心理健康教育工作态度不积极;

65、Stng sense of responsibility . Open personality with p-active work attitude.责任心及敬业精神强, 工作态度积极,格开朗。

66、Reperfusion with IMD 1-47 siificantly ameliorated the cardiac function inhibition induced by I/R.心脏缺血损伤后各浓度中介素1-47再灌注均可显著改善心脏能。

67、What defines the anti-globalisation radicals, by contrast, is an extraordinary lack of faith in human beings.与之相比,那些反全球化运动极端分子却对人极度缺乏信心。

68、It was the kind of weeping that accompanies deep gef, as in heang news of the tragic death of a loved one.这是一种带著极度忧伤哀哭,如同惊闻所爱人离世噩耗。

69、Bns are called first degree, second degree or third degree bns depending on which lacdfds. comers of the skins are bnt.皮肤烧伤层次而有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。

70、The results indicate that multi-site damage have a great influence on the J integral values.结果表明,多部损伤对焊接接头结构强度造成了极其恶劣影响。

71、To one degree or another, though, they said investors should be extremely ctious over the short term.不过,他们表示,投资者或多或少都应对市场短期表现采取极为谨慎态度。


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