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关于”表建议句型“英子23个,句子主体:Table Suggested Sentence Patterns。以下是关于表建议句型xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Table Suggested Sentence Patterns


1、A typical -- and lower-stress -- assiment might be suggesting ideal locations for stores or forecasting flood zones.


2、Please let me know what you think?


3、O advice: Go read a book.


4、Look ahead to yo feedbacks and suggestions presently.


5、The cwd loved Kylie's performance so much that was suggested that she record 'Locomotion' as a single.


6、Let's consider befly his suggestion.


7、The union suggested that a lip- synching logo could be flashed up on television or on posters and tickets for shows.


8、Emily:I suggest the red one.


9、I appreciate deeply the advice given by him and look forward to a continuous positive fute with his guidance.


10、Financial experts suggest that investors will be able to pay due attention to the intduction of forei banks in structed pducts Guaranteed.


11、My recommendation is to simply make clear to yo contacts what you are using the vaous neorks for.


12、I suggest you try Alishan.


13、In an article “ Lean Traceability: a atteng of strategies and solutions”, cmsads suggested that if there would be an addendum to the Agile manifesto, it would be


14、The Commission will issue a report of specific recommendations at the end of its three-year mandate.


15、Michael: That's good advice. Thanks.


16、The constitution of traditional Chinese medicine fm the dialectical point of view, the judge, belong to commonly Yang physique, Suggestions are as follows: type.


17、Another former executive recalls what happened to anyone with the temety to suggest doing research. "Everybody would cnge and say: 'You're new, aren't you?'


18、I know, Arnold, I know.

在冷冻厨房安装有FCU 天花板是工业设计类型,建议把它隐藏在天花板里。

19、The additional ceiling mounted FCU in the Cold Kitchen is industal desi type, suggest to be concealed in the ceiling.


20、Shrager had previously negotiated a favorable settlement on behalf of Canadian hemophilia and then established a panel of claimants, led by Wadleigh, to advise him and other lawyers.

21、After sorting and unique-ifying the link list, pnting out the suggested links is straightforward.对链接列表进行排序和惟一化(unique-ifying)之后,将建议链接直接打印输出。

22、The data architect can use business metadata to or update an existing glossary model or a logical model.数据架构师可以使用业务元数据创建或更新现有术语表模型/逻辑模型。

23、You can also run this by clicking the “Ppose table structe” link in phpmy, in one of yo table views.在phpmy里,你可以在查看表时,点击 “Ppose table structe” 来查看这些建议

24、“There are a lot suggestions now…and many of them are totally unacceptable fm the Finnish side, ” Ms. Kiviniemi said.现在有很多建议,从芬兰角度来看,其中许多建议完全不能接受。

25、Ajian / Adivse / Status of MNS dlopment阿健/建议/MNS发展状况

英文句子26:,26、The pposal to split them was called the Kansas-Nebraska bill.这项将原先内布拉斯加一分为二建议法案被称之为堪――内布拉斯加建议法案。

27、It shows that the cold-lled deformed bar is a new kind of construct…从而表明冷轧钢筋是一种前途广阔新型建筑材料。

28、Create database hrdmo as suggested by PeopleSoft install scpt.按照 PeopleSoft 安装脚所建议创建数据库 hrdmo。

29、He anged out his suggestion.他用鼻音讲出自己建议。

30、For beginners, I recommend the underhand serve. For expeenced players I recommend the overhand floater serve.对初学者来说, 我建议发下手球, 对有一定训练经验我建议发上手飘球。

31、We are now finalising o initial pposals for an Urban Renewal Strate and drawing up the suggested terms of reference, powers and operational guidelines for the new Authoty.市区重建策略初步建议已接近完成,我们现正就建议中市区重建局制定职权范围、权限和运作指引。

32、Foth Topic: A Suggestion on the Establishment of the "Earthscape Planning" Discipline on basis of the Impvement of the "Landscape Architecte" Discipline.第四谈:关于建立与国际接轨“大地与风景园林规划设计学”学科,并从速发展而建立“地球表层规划”新学科教学新体制建议。

33、Here’s advice I sometimes forget.这是我有时会忘记建议。

34、Objective To dlop a specific scale for the chnic hepatitis B patients with spleen deficiency syndme.目探索建立慢乙型肝炎脾虚证候量表方法。

35、The Great Council is known to be the ptotype of the crent Btish Parliament.大议会是当今英国议会原型。

36、Let me suggest the boiled mutton.我建议吃涮羊肉。

37、Are they undesirable?那些建议是否不受欢迎?

38、For instance, if a fend suggests a show and the owner agrees, that show will pop up at the appointed time.例如,如果一个朋友建议看一个表演,用户一旦同意,这个表演节目就会在指定时间弹出。

39、In Btain the recent report by Lord Hutton made some sensible suggestions for reform (see article).在英国,赫顿勋爵在最近发表最近报告中提出了一些合理改革建议。

40、Any suggestions would be ful. --Kelly任何建议都会有帮助。

41、Bugfix when creating Point-to-point ppagation prediction charts using the REC533 model.修正了当创建点至点传播图表使用REC533模型。

42、Look forward to yo feedbacks and suggestions soon. 期待您反馈建议!

43、Goldfarb's advice: Just dnk when you're thirsty.Goldfarb建议是渴了就喝。

44、The results show that in-duct resuspension has siificant influence on indoor envinment, and suggestions to minimize the influence are pposed.建模分析结果表明,风道再悬浮对室内环境有着显著影响,并针对此影响提出了控制措施建议。

45、To solve the a pblem above-mentioned, it is suggested to make use of in-mold inoculation and new technique of heat-treating.建议采用型内处理法和热处理新工艺,可望解决上述问题。

46、please let me know what you think? 欢迎您评论和建议!

47、This is something I would recommend.这就是我要建议内容。

48、Becse atmospheres are responsible for releasing water fm oceans into , he suggests additional modeling of the interactions beeen the atmosphere and mantle of a young cky planet.因为大气层负责海洋和空间水汽交换 他建议增建大气和年轻石质星球地幔相互作用模型。

49、Use vacuum cleaner with neutral cleaner (PH11) ry week to clean out stubborn stains .建议每周用中清洁剂配合地毯洗机,清洁地垫表面深层污渍(PH11)。

50、No avice is better than this .没有比这更好建议了。

经典英文句子51:表建议句型,51、Just like all the legitimate artists’ pposals the Punch pposals were called cartoons, and the label stuck.和所有正统艺术家建议一样,《笨拙》杂志建议书被称为漫画和标签。

52、Fther, suggestions are made to bng out the meaning of sral technical definitions Which are charactestic of this hanger.文中还对表明这一具特征几个名词术语含义提出了建议。

53、Large RIDs are a deflt for DMS (database mad) table s and those d with tomatic storage.缺省情况下,DMS(数据库)表空间和以自动存储创建表空间支持大型 RID。

54、We support the recommendation that commercial maners be especially vigilant while they're transiting the Gulf.有建议说商业船支当穿过海湾时候应该特别保持警惕,我们支持这一建议。

55、Upon motion, duly made, seconded and cared, it was RESOLVED, That the stock certificates of this corporation shall be in the form submitted at this meeting.经正式提议、附议和投票表决,会议决定公司股权证必须以表格形式提交给会议。

56、Good advice she should heed.她自己应该注意好建议。

57、I suggest you wear moccasins.我建议你穿鹿皮鞋。

58、I suggest you take the subway.我建议你坐地铁。

59、I would recommend hyalonic acid.我建议你用玻酸。

60、We’ve got a better suggestion.但我们有一个更好建议。

61、But such advice was not meant to suggest that anything that contains a large number of ingredients is bad.不过如此建议并不代表所有含有很多原料食物就是不好.

62、The wideangle data were used to construct a crustal seiic-velocity model down to the MHT.宽角数据用于建立地表到MHT波速度模型。


5, Countermeases and Suggestions.


、look forward to yo feedbacks and suggestions soon. 期待您反馈建议!

65、Reluctant as we may be, we should seek advice fm others, especially o elders.虽然我们也许心不甘情不愿,我们仍应寻求他人建议,尤其是长辈们建议。

66、I need to investigate their suggestions.我需要调查他们建议。

67、205. He suggested a picnic. 他建议搞一次野餐。

68、Reflect opinions to local thoty and raise suggestions concerning industry and commence policy.代表工商业界向当局反映意见,并就工商业政策及法例提出参考建议。

69、As for Roma, I would suggest they also try for Amai becse he would do well there.至于罗马,我建议他们考虑一下阿毛里,因为在那里他将会有很好表现。

70、For the first execution it is recommended not to set up a repeating schedule for this indexing task.对于第一次执行来说,我们建议不要为此索引任务设置重复时间表。

71、The cwd shouted down his suggestion.人们大声反对他建议。

72、This is indicated that the multi-layer zone model is reasonable.结果表明,文所建立单室多层区域模型是合理和可信。


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