
发布时间:2023-11-06 02:35:06 阅读:28 点赞:0




1、So what we've seen is I've run it ice here.

执行 eval `ssh-agent` 之后,它会返回过程标识符。

2、Once executed, the eval `ssh-agent` statement will retn the agent's pcess identifier.

在 LOAD DATA 中可以修改列值分隔符缺省值。

3、The column value separators can be changed fm the deflts in the LOAD DATA statement.

源嵌入到 XML、HTML 或其他源语言中,并由处理器中解释器执行。

4、The soce statements are embedded in the XML, HTML, or other soce language and are executed by an interpreter in the pcessor.


5、Well read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences and language points.


6、Syntax Research on Yantielun is a major contbution towards the study of ancient Chinese or Chinese language history.

确保将一个 import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; 添加到代码中,以使其生效。

7、Be se to add an import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; statement to yo code to make this work.


8、In other words, no matter where I went, the English I heard was impe, contaminated, always interacting with other codes of communication.


9、In it, you simply wte statements you know to be true, then ask the application to d consequences for you.

在这样中,术语 "global" 仅仅是指索引对于多个 TP 数据分区来说是全局。

10、In statements such as this, the term "global" merely means that indexes are global as TP data partitions.


11、Sort title 40% - 31% of the err rate of mother-tongue acquisition of word order on sentence there have a great impact.


12、For some replacements, you may need to change the pgram logic or linkage statements.


13、Praatic faile is invaably worse than grammatical mistakes as in interacting with foreiers, native speakers tend to be rather tolerant of errs in pnunciation or syntax.


14、Pvided merely that my ontolo countenances : linguistic forms, or at least concrete inscptions and utterances, I can talk about McX's sentences.

这样可以显著地减少运行 SQL 处理和响应时间。

15、This can siificantly reduce the pcessing and response time in running SQL statements.


16、If desired, inspect the statements generated by debugging or executing yo flow.


17、Therefore, there are a number of branches of linguisti such as phonolo, morpholo, syntax, etc.

再一次在 Command Editor 窗口中输入以下:xquery db2-fn:xmlcolumn('STATUS_S.DATA')。

18、Again, in the command editor window, enter the following statement: xquery db2-fn:xmlcolumn('STATUS_S.DATA').


19、Obviously, there's a grammar pblem here. My first thought was that a preposition was missing. But which?

可以使用 GRANT/REVOKE (utine pvileges) 授予联邦过程上特权。

20、Pvileges can be granted on federated pcedes using the GRANT/REVOKE (utine pvileges) statement.

21、Required. This option contains the actual command line to be executed.必填内容。这个选项内容是实际执行命令行。

22、Choosing the English relative clse as the target structe, the present study does empical research on effects of output and self-correction on the grammatical accacy.以英语关系从句为目标语结构,对输出和自我改正对语法准确产生影响进行了实证研究。

23、The semantic and syntactic notions of valency need not coincide.语义配价与句法配价之间没有必然一一对应关系。

24、Note the o SELECT statements are exactly the same except for the value of ACCT_ID.请注意,除了 ACCT_ID 值之外,这两条 SELECT 完全相同。

25、The query statement above retns the same information as contained in the TAX1120VIEW view.上面查询返回与 TAX1120VIEW 视图所含内容相同。

英文句子26:,26、I haven't been learning French for long, so I can only speak a few words.我学法语时间还不长, 所以我只能凑合著说几句.

27、Their distinctive function in ambiguity is not at the same degree in English and Chinese bee the phonological feates of the o languages are quite different.英语和汉语由于各自语音质不同,其超音段特征在歧义句中所起辨义作用也不尽相同。

28、The use of the Chinese plal marker is influenced by syntactic positions and truth conditions, while that of the Korean plal marker is decided by truth conditions alone.汉语复数标记使用受句法位置和真值语义条件交叉影响,而韩国语主要受后者影响。

29、For the JD SQL Statement field, enter {call Account(?,?)}, as listed in the mycomp.BankAccountSPFile.对于 JD SQL 字段,输入 {call Account(? ,如 mycomp.BankAccountSPFile 中所列出。

30、For example, a called COBOL pgram contains a GOBACK statement (a language element) and retns contl to a C pgram.例如,一个已调用 COBOL 程序包含 GOBACK (一个语言元素)并向某个 C 程序返回控制权。

31、Moreover, it pbes the function of reporting e in the discose links.此外,文中还对转述分句在语篇衔接方面能作了探讨。

32、I suddenly recalled an idioms: "ry man for himself, and the devil takes the hindmost."忽然想起一句熟语:“人不为己,天诛地灭”。

33、Second, I don't care for the binary catch-all of the if statement.其次,我并不关心 if 二进制总受器 (catch-all)。

34、Howr, there is well known saying:" telling the possible ugly words before you begin."可是不要忘了另一句俗语“把丑话说在前面”。

35、Note that Tivoli Storage Mar pcesses exclude.fs, exclude.dir, and other include-exclude statements first.注意,Tivoli Storage Mar 首先处理 exclude.fs、exclude.dir 和其他 include-exclude 。

36、He whispered something in the old man's ears to jog his memory.他向那位老人耳语了几句,以唤起他回忆。

37、 A contract shall be concluded in wtten form if the parties "so" agree。 so pvide里so应该就是指它前半句内容A contract shall be in wtten form so agree里so 应该指它前半句A contract shall be concluded in wtten form (由于接触法律英语较少,所以这里so是不是法律英语特殊用法,我不确定。

38、If I have wng grammar pls don't mind or me to revision defective sentences.如果有语法错误,请不要介意,或者帮忙修改病句。

39、Paralleli was employed so much so that it made the language elaborate, the rhyme and rhythm harmonious, tones convincing, and touching and moving in emotions.大量使用排比句,使语言铺陈细致、音韵和谐、语势强烈、感情充沛;

40、The { (left cly brace) should be at the end of the line that begins the compound statement.(左大括号)应在复合其实行结尾处。

41、A statement faile oc when there is a logic misstep in an application.当应用程序中存在逻辑错误时,就会出现错误。

42、Think about that. Language, we suppose, is, in addition to being a set of grammatical and syntactical rules, also a set of definitions made available for speech acts.想想那个,我们假设,语言除了作为一套语法句法规则之外,也是对言语行为一套定义。

43、We'll read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences and language points.我们先将这一段读一遍,在解释难句和语言点。

44、In those scenaos, JD batching does not allow batching of different SQL statements.在这些场景中,JD 不 支持对不同 SQL 进行批处理。

45、In linguistic field, the study on temporal feates mainly focuses on the internal structe of language such as morpholo, syntax, semanti, aspectual study and praati.语言学领域对于时间特征研究主要集中在语言内部结构上,包括诸如词汇、语义、句法、时态及语用方面研究。

46、Syntactic structal relation is a reflex in language of relations beeen objects in the world, and it is a kind of abstract grammatical meanings.句法结构关系是客观事物之间关系在语言中反映,它是象语法意义。

47、The study of complex sentence can be traced back to 《Ma shi Wen tong》 , the first grammar work in China.对于复句语法研究,最早可以追溯到第一部语法著作《马氏文通》。

48、The null indicator values are populated ding the execution of the SQL FETCH statement.空指示符值在 SQL FETCH 执行过程中填充。

49、Can I set the resolution and confidence values myself when I run the statement?我在运行该时,可以自己设置分辨率和置信度吗?

50、Shown below, I have issued the statement: select * fm ACCT where balance>1.50.如下图所示,我发出了: select * fm ACCT where balance>1.50 。

经典英文句子51:,51、Package cache - Memory allocated to store both static and dynamic SQL statements包缓存(package cache)—— 分配这里内存来存储静态和动态 SQL 。

52、In other words, mind-contl must come first before word contl and deed contl.换句话说,心意控制先于言语控制和行为控制。

53、Stored pcedes can to avoid neork und tps by encapsulating multiple SQL statements.存储过程可以封装多个 SQL ,有助于避免网络往返。

54、The intra-textual context is essential for the realization of textual coherence, to the extent that it's a substantive context for the realization of formal coherence of a text.所处篇内语境是篇章连贯得以实现必要依托,是实现篇章语形连贯实体环境。

55、Translation trainees also need to be familiar with the syntax of indirect speech and vaous figes of speech in the soce language such as hyperbole, iny, meiosis, and implicates.翻译实践者还应熟悉间接引语句式,和源语言中各种修辞手法,如夸张、反语、缓叙和言外之意。

56、There are an old saying: "Although the high- Taishan, as the East China Sea Lao Mountain."当地有一句古语说:“泰山云虽高,不如东海崂。”

57、Chinese is a covert coherence-pminent, paratactic language and its clses are arranged one after the other often without connectives showing the relation beeen them.汉语造句少用甚至不用连接手段,注重隐连贯,是一种意合语言。

58、Bee of complexity of NCL(natal Chinese language), it is very hard to completely understanding NCL in open fields.由于自然汉语身复杂,在开放领域内很难实现对查询完全理解。

59、Then, using a foreach statement, it lists the bare content of the section elements.,使用一个 foreach ,列示那些 section 元素纯内容。

60、you'll see that an if statement was added, as well as a comment.如果点击 decl.cpp,会看到添加了一个 if,还有一个注释。

61、DB2 pre-compile or pre-pcess of COBOL pgrams with EXEC SQL statements.使用 EXEC SQL 进行 COBOL 程序 DB2 预编译或者预处理。

62、There is a old saying:" although Taishan cloud, as Laois east."当地有一句古语说:“泰山虽云高,不如东海崂。”

63、Bee SQL is a non-pcedal language, a single statement can take the place of a sees of pcedes.因为 SQL 是一种非过程化语言,所以一条可以代替一系列过程。

、You may have a chat n, if you like, given that you can speak his language.偶尔还可以聊上几句,不过,要么您讲狗语。

65、Setting REOPT to ALWAYS es the statement to be re-compiled for each execution.将 REOPT 设置为 ALWAYS 后,将针对每次执行重新编译。

66、MySQL allows you to execute statements in the non-interactive, batch mode.MySQL 允许您以非交互、批处理方式执行。

67、Finaly divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go. ?最终,却被一句未知话语瓦解,无处可逃?。

68、Giving up studying in University is same as giving up Lee Ling!跪求! 用英语帮我翻译一句话:放弃大学就是放弃李玲!

69、One of the topi under heated discussion in the linguistic circle in China is on similaty and difference beeen English and Chinese double-object sentences.英汉双宾异同是当前国内语言学界在讨论并有争议一个话题。

70、While serving the same ppose and shang almost the same syntax, this statement is quite different beeen platform and releases.尽管用途相同,语法也大致相同,但该在不同平台和版之间存在很大差异。

71、This screen displays the detailed statisti about each invocation of this SQL statement.此屏幕显示关于此 SQL 每次调用详细统计数据。

72、ifx_gd_connect() — Connect to gd to run one or SQL DDL statementsifx_gd_connect():连接到网格以运行一个或多个 SQL DDL 。

73、Heed the old saying about eating apples to keep the doctor away.你一定留意到这样一句俗语:“一天一苹果,不用请医生。”

74、If the same statement is reissued within the transaction, the result could be different.如果该在事务内重新发行(reissue),结果是不同。


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