
发布时间:2023-10-31 12:31:37 阅读:39 点赞:0

关于”询问期“英子25个,句子主体:Inquiry Date。以下是关于询问期小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Inquiry Date


1、The studies -- in which parents were asked about day care and playgup attendance -- vaed when it came to the timing, dation and extent of social interaction with other children, the researchers.


2、I asked about her son; she told me he was at day care, and then asked me about mine.


3、So -- so the question, I think, that we've got to ask oselves is, yes, we've got to solve this pblem short term.


4、She declared opening of flyover without consulting technical team! ! Politicians often make this mistake, the question is why?


5、Query optimizations to address query complexity, data volumes and timeliness expectations with impved query execution techniques.


6、Every night, an would login to the section to a daily questioner.


7、Please note dung peods of high workload there may be a delay in response to customer enquies.


8、CFP, and the ability to retain polling for backward compatibility, result in efficient polling.


9、Summer mm away when asked white womans name, so that the contact in the fute.


10、When enquing if the Tao wished to bng forth holiday blessings this year, we were graciously told NO.

” 都是在询问“怎么了?

11、”, “Why are you doing this?


12、Japan's Kyodo news agency quoted Yosano as saying, Takeo Hiranuma Okada asked whether the minister is willing to act as the abduction issue.

”"If we still do not have enough we will ask Australia and Japan, " he said.



14、Almost all of the inquies that I hope this gray "relations activities" will ntually disappear. We hope that one day the will really fair, open and transparent.


15、Ask yo doctor about hormone therapy.


16、The date for the visit will be decided thugh diplomatic channels.


17、Query optimization concerns how to impve the performance of slow quees.

“嘴唇怎么样?” 他询。

18、'How about the lips?' he inquires.


19、Chinahua is yo free "technical and advisory consultant".


20、Dear Sirs: Thank you on May

4 call, we asked the pnted cloth…

1:敬启者: 感谢你方xx月4来电询问我们印花布,…

21、How do you ask the question in each domain?您如何在每个领域询问问题?

22、The same query can be used for integer, date/time, GUID, or floating-point data types.同一查询还可用于整数、期/时间、GUID 或浮点数据类型。

23、Pfessor Wolke aid while there were treatments for pblem crying, feeding and sleeping in babies, there was no research assessing their impact later in life.这项研究无法判断是否是婴儿时期问题导致了后行为问题:它们也可能是后其他一些问题早期症状。

24、Dung the to, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise.参观期间, 某人询问我们是否需要担心沙拉油。

25、Reporter inquired yesterday Guangzhou many elementary schools, discovered the location, the time, the distance were still three headachy questions.记者昨询问了广州多所小学,发现场地、时间、距离仍然是三个令人头痛问题。

英文句子26:,26、If required, you can also inquire about their previous work.如果需要,您也可以询问他们前期工作。

27、It asks if you have a jonal.它询问您是否已经有了一个志。

28、An updated account of the safety of allpox vaccination, was presented to the Global Advisory Commi on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) at its ninth meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on December 3-4, 2003.xx年xx月3-4,全球疫苗安全咨询委员会(GACVS)第九次会议在瑞士内瓦举行。 会议期间,一份关于天花免疫接种安全问题报告被提交给GACVS。

29、Learning how to ask questions concerning a flight reservation: destination, dates, times of departe and arval, as well as the number of passengers.学习如何询问包括订机票时目地、期、起飞时间和抵达时间,同时还有乘客人数等。

30、We asse you of o best attention to any inquires fm you, and anticipate yo response in the respect.对于贵公司任何询问,我们保证给以充分关注,并期待早回复。

31、Howr, as already stated, the question most frequently asked by early adopters is how to identify the ght s.然而,正如我们已经提到,早期采用者最常询问问题是如何标识正确服务。

32、Early in yo tene, ask others what assumptions they have about you and yole.在履新前期,向其他人询问他们对你和你角有些什么想法。

33、Please read this record of inquiry.请看一下询问笔录。

34、The truth emerged at the inquest .真想在询问中显露。

35、Fill out the inquiry form to receive stock availabilty and earliest delivery date soon.只要填写以下查询表格,我们会尽快回覆货源及最快送货期。

36、Therefore, fm the beginning of ……, we welcome yo direct inquies to o office.因此从自……(期)起,欢迎向我公司直接询购,特此。

37、It is best not to expect anything, and ( telepathically ) ask questions like "I want to know what is best for me to learn TODAY".最好不期望任何事情,而(心灵感应)询问问题像“我想知道今天对于我来学习什么最好”。

38、I remember as a young boy on one of my birthdays, my grandfather questioned and denigrated this custom of celebrating birthdays.我记得我还是一个小孩时候,在我一次生那天,我祖父询问了庆祝生传统,并且诋毁它。

39、Then, they followed with specific, quantifiable questions about phenomena such as dught frequency and average temperate.之后,又询问了些关于洪水周期、平均气温等,可用具体数字来回答问题。

40、We thank you for yo letter of Apl 28 in which you inquire about o business machine model PH-68.感谢您xx月二十八来函询问公司ph-68型事务机器。

41、With any instance of a bucket, you can ask for its name and creation date.对于任何存储段实例,您可以询问它名称和创建期。

42、Minwoo asked her if she is OK.敏宇询问她,还好吗?

43、A few years ago, a student asked me why I rarely give final examinations in my classes.几年前,一个学生曾询问说,我班级里为什么很少举行期末考试?

44、Ask yo fends and family.询问你朋友和家人。

45、In response(reply)to yo inquiry of June 23, we have sent today o pce-list.我方今已将公司产品加码表寄上,以答复贵公司xx月23询问函。

46、She hosts a free legal consultation session sponsored by CAPC on ry second Sunday at their Boklyn branch.她于每个月第二个星期在华策会布鲁仑分会提供免费法律咨询。

47、The study cannot tell if issues as a baby cse behavioal pblems later in life: they could be an early symptom of those later pblems.这项研究无法判断是否是婴儿时期问题导致了后行为问题:它们也可能是后其他一些问题早期症状。

48、In the early 1990s he would present his work at conferences and have to field questions constantly about commercializing the technolo.xx年代初期,他在学术会议上报告他研究成果,与会者不断询问这项科技商业化问题。

49、The pblem at this point was not with the dating method; the pblem was finding the ght thing to date.该问题在这一点上并不符合测定期方法,问题是找到要测期事物。

50、The three-month public consultation will end on 30 November 2011.为期三个月公众谘询将于xx年xx月30结束。

经典英文句子51:询问期,51、Information on other harvest festivals, which run thugh October, and a complete heuge calendar can be found at lower-sta.info/portal/en/.有关xx月收获节和一些酒馆营业期详尽可访问以下站点查询。 lower-sta.info/portal/en/.

52、We asse you of o best attention to any inquies fm you, and anticipate yo pmpt response in this respect.对贵公司任何询问,我们将给予充分关注,并希早回复。

53、That very night, she would go question him in detail about the nate of his recent premonitory dreams.就在那个夜晚,她要详细询问他近期做了什么预兆梦。

54、Date that Anhui mid-term exam achiment inquires about in 2009?xx年安徽中考成绩查询期?

55、Ask if they’re starting interviews soon and reaffirm yo interest in the open position.询问他们近期是否会开始面试,重申你对这个公开职位兴趣。

56、The firm was a long-standing adviser to Enn, whose business model o of its consultants praised in the McKinsey Quarterly.这家咨询公司曾是安然(Enn)长期顾问,麦肯锡有两名咨询师曾在《麦肯锡季刊》中称赞安然业务模式。

57、I look forwards to reading yo replies, any questions please ask.我期待你答复转发读书,有任何疑问请询问。

58、We look forward to receiving yo enquires soon.我们期待收到您询问很快。

59、In a query form, fields which are general text should use the query parser.在查询目标中,如果字段全部是程序生成文,(例如补齐期字段等),最好使用Query Parser以便查询时候也是一致格式。

60、To cancel the liners of rush hos using noon and i possibly n possibly nn day using weekends.星期作废厦门——鼓浪屿航线中、下午岑岭航班。航班时刻表查询。

61、Yo answers to these intergatoes must be vefied, dated, and sied.答问方对书面询问回答必须经核实、注明期并署名。

62、"If we still do not have enough we will ask Australia and Japan, " he said.他说:“如果我们仍然没有足够资金,我们将询问澳大利亚和。”


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