
发布时间:2024-04-05 04:36:04 阅读:18 点赞:0




1、For example, in the Andaman Islands (Andaman Islanders), white represents a change in status.

2、True love's the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven.真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生礼物。

3、living with youis the award of the lord. 如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大使命,那么活者有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命恩赐。


4、The result demonstrated that Rhesus monkey immunized by multi-epitope PCX could elicit high-ll immune responses.

( 你 觉 得我怎 么样 ?

5、What do you think of me?

6、In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces nd us,I love you. 哪怕是世界末,我都会爱你。


7、The results showed that:the apparent and true digestibility of fecal crude ptein were 89.67% and (.85%);

结果表明,AIBV分离株M蛋白基因相对保守,只存在无规律点突变,该变异对AIBV M蛋白B细胞表位稳定无影响。

8、These results showed that the AIBV M ptein gene is relatively conserved, and the vaations have no effect on the stability of B cell epitopes of M ptein.

9、It is impossible to love and to be wise.要爱又兼有理是


10、The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.

11、Love you so I don`t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream. 爱你,所以不想入睡,因为真实比梦境还要美丽。


12、I have a lovely cousin. His name is Bai Yun. He is sn years old.

希尔奶奶立即表示非常高兴。 她向伊丽莎白等一一道贺。

13、Mrs. Hill be instantly to express her joy.

14、If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put Y and I together. 如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起。

15、i prefer having yo accompanying for lifelong time to the shorttime tenderness. 我不要短暂温存,只要你一世陪伴。


16、Overall, if they showed an unconscious bias toward white people, they were likely to say they trust whites when asked - and likely to sk money.


17、The positive rate of S100A4 was .37% (56/87) in colorectal carcinoma.

18、No man or woman is worth yo tears and the one who is,won't make yo cry 没人值得你为ta流泪,真正爱你人不会让你哭泣。


19、no man or woman is worth yo tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.

内层细胞胞质中F 肌动蛋白表达量较低,外层细胞胞质中F 肌动蛋白表达量明显高于内层细胞,两者差异有统计学意义;

20、The ll of F-actin expression in the cytopla of outer layer is apparently higher than that of inner one, and this difference shows statistical siificance.

21、Apparent nitgen metaboli and ABV decrease linearly with the elevation of dietary IP lls (P<0.01).氮表观代谢率及蛋白质表观生物学价值(ABV)IP水平增加而线下降(P<0·01)。

22、Objective: To oain GFP-RECK expression vector and to express it in glioma cell line SHG44.目:获得RECK基因GFP融合蛋白表达载体并使其在脑胶质瘤细胞SHG44中表达。

23、Results indicated that the resultant cybd cells are charactezed by the appearance of hemoglobin and its expression might be served as a marker for the cybds.果与电镜和流式细胞光度计实验结果一致,表明珠蛋白基因产物血红蛋白住杂交细胞中,能够表达并成为融合细胞标志。

24、UV irradiation can induce the apoptosis of epidermic cells.目 :观察紫外线照诱导新生大白鼠表皮细胞凋亡。

25、I love you not becse of who you are, but becse of who I am when I am with you.翻译:我爱专你,不是因为你是一个怎属样人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时感觉.

英文句子26:,26、Other studies have suggested that tight contl can rrse micalbuminua.其他研究都表明了严格控制可以逆转微量蛋白。

27、living with youis the award of the lord.如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大使命,那么活者有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命恩赐。

28、It is impossible to love and to be wise.要爱又兼有理是不可能636f707261757a68616f31333332616363。

29、To love and to be loved is the grea happiness of existence.爱人和被人爱是人生最大幸福。

30、becse i just lost myself in yo eyes翻译:你有地图吗?

31、hope o love long and nr died(希望我们爱能够天长地久)

32、I love you not becse of who you are, but becse of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为

33、In the media acknowledge the meeting, Chen summoned the coage to MengFei vindicated.在媒体答谢会上,陈超鼓起勇气向孟菲表白。

34、White nail beds -- the skin underneath the nail -- can siify anemia.甲床──即指甲下方皮肤──发白表明你也许有贫血。

35、The naked eye can be observed in the paint black hair, pale, dull appearance.肉眼可观察到车漆发乌、发白、无光泽表象。

36、There was different NMPs in different types of colon carcinoma.在不同类型大肠癌中,核基质蛋白表达也具有差异。

37、I love you not becse of who you are, but becse of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因

38、The expression of 15-LO-1 ptein in hypoxic gup was much stnger than that in normoxic gup (P<0.01).缺氧时15-LO-1蛋白质表达明显强于在正常对照中表达(P<0.01)。

39、甲床──即指甲下方皮肤──发白表明你也许有贫血。White nail beds -- the skin underneath the nail -- can siify anemia.

40、Objective To express the envelope ptein G2 of Hantan virus in vit.目获得汉坦病毒囊膜蛋白G2体外表达产物。

41、White stands for important information which summazes the content of the crent page.白表示能概括当页内容重要。

42、Bathe all despise white feather of the facial expression of honesty, lgh to nod.沐小小看着白羽真诚表情,微笑着点头。

43、All predominant vaation VSG was pufied to set up antigenic reservoir.提纯所有优势变异体表面糖蛋白,制备 VSG 抗原库。

44、s showed that the laser works well both in daylight and at night.试验表明,该激光在白天和夜间都工作良好。

45、Becse I just keep losing in yo eyes. 你有地图么?

46、becse i just lost myself in yo eyes翻译bai:你有地图吗du?

47、If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put Y and I together. 如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起。

48、Dont' spend time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you.不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你分享人身上。

49、The phenomena of K6, K14, K16 expression in psoatic lesions indicate that these keratins may contain key self-epitope which can be recoised by psoasis-specific active T lymphocytes.银屑病患者皮损区表达角蛋白K6、K14、K16现象提示在这些角蛋白中可能存在激活银屑病特异T细胞自身关键表位。

50、Objective:To explore the characic of immunophenotyping in acute myeloid leukemia(AML).目:探讨急髓细胞白血病( AML)免疫表型特点。

经典英文句子51:表白,51、The evidence of the Barrys shows that this had been his custom.白瑞摩夫妇证词表明,者确有这个习惯。

52、On the YouJunDa says he is innocent, since after wash.尤俊达当场表示自己是清白,自从金盆洗手之后。

53、A true fend is the one who holds yo hand and touches yo heart.一个真正朋友会握着你手,触动你心。

54、You are rything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me 你是我一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。

55、Queen Elizabeth has sent a message of condolence to families of the victims.伊丽莎白女王致信向者家庭表示。

标签: 女孩英文名  浪漫英文名 

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