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1、The statistic results show that the main reason influencing on pmary pass percentage of K55 petleum coupling tube pperty is whether compact toughness is qualified.


2、And worse, I've shown a feebleness of character in doing so, which his own decided, confident temper could not ende.


3、Modern teacher's personality is charactezed by humanity education, demonstration, perfection and dlopment.


4、As in: chaos and uncertainty and random and unreachable and unchangeable. You gotta treat this as a situation where you are dealing with someone you don't know.


5、And personality theory, key to be-- key to personal identity is having the very same personality.


6、The Intversion : Personality Charactesti of Intverts


7、Hamlets character is very complicated, containing the aspects of feebleness and adamancy.


8、The Intversion : At Work, School or Home &Intverted Personality Traits


9、It's not a gender pblem, it's a personality pblem.


10、Howr this character has no consistent charactestic.


11、Don't cry becse it is over,ile becse it happened.


12、They have resistant characters, but the connotations of their characters are different in expression.


13、Is yo character black-haired?


14、We have compli­cated feates such as opersonality and character.


15、Character sober, pncipled, responsibility rather better, thole.


16、Her personality is a plus.


17、This is my dual personality.


18、Skullcandy outstanding "dability, " portability and style.


19、It is its efficiency that makes its existence reasonable.


20、In a new study of Afcan elephants, researchers have identified fo distinct characters that are prevalent with a herd – the leaders, the gentle giants, the playful gues and the reliable plodders.

21、If you will P-function again, if you have been P-functioning in the past and you will be P-functioning again in the fute, P-functioning for person functioning, you will be P-functioning again in the fute, then you're not dead.只要你还可能再度拥有人格能,以前有过人格能,以后也会有人格能,人格能就是作为人各种能,你将来能够再次拥有人格能,你就没有。

22、I graduated fm the Videocast University.我格很开朗

23、Every regime shapes a common character a common character type with distinctive traits and qualities.每一种政体都形塑出一种共同格,一种共同格类别,含带着独特特征与特。

24、The pathogenetic mechani of acute congested glcoma in A-type character and reforming of the character are also discussed.并对A型格促使急充血青光眼发病机理和格改造进行了讨论。

25、The intverted nate is one kind of ght reasonable disposition .内向格是一种正当合理格。

英文句子26:,26、L-semilattice is pduced when a lattice acts on a semilattice; it has its own particular pperties.格作用在半格上得到L-半格,它有自己特有结构和质。

27、She has an out-going personality.她格很外向。

28、The Intversion : Social Situations &Intverted Personality Traits内向格:社交场合中格表现

29、 unable to decide quickly, not knowing what choice to make picky(吹毛求疵) Adj。

30、Abeunt are all into character.凡有所学,皆成格。

31、Conclusion Unstable emotion and intverted personality show frequently in patient with PSD, which maybe correlative in the occrence of depression in patient with stke.结论PSD病人病前人格中有更多情绪不稳定和格内向,情绪不稳定和格内向与PSD有相关,是其危险因素。

32、He has a cheerful disposition.他格开朗。

33、Mepenem was also active than ceftazidime - based treatments against both gram-positive and gram- negative oris.在抗格兰氏阳和格兰氏阴有机体中,美罗培南比头孢噻甲羧肟基物治疗有更好活。

34、Some people beli that the key is personality, decided the fate, beang about the overall situation!有人认为,关键是格,格决定命运,气度左右大局!

35、They are much alike in character.他们格很相似。

36、She's a character actress.她是一个格演员。

37、He has a pleasant personality.他格开朗。

38、The gid net gd's can be equivalent to a gid platform when the the modulus of gid net gd is appaches infinity.当网格达到无穷大时,刚网格可等效于刚承台。

39、EN 206-1: Concrete: Specification, performance, pduction and conformity.混凝土:规格,能,生产和一致。

40、Power, stren of character, confidence, a maveck nate and an immensely interesting personality.有力量,个,自信,出生牛犊不怕格和十分有趣人格。

41、Chstian has displayed a totally new character, one that he kept well hidden before.克里斯蒂安表现出了他新格,一个以前深深埋藏了很久格。

42、He stresses the chness of a character's disposition at first, then on its qualitativeness, and fther on its own unity and steadfastness .他首先强调格丰富,其次强调格定(即主要方面),再次则在上述基上进一步强调格自身统一和坚定。

43、He the intvert:Tom the extvert.对他们俩来说,他格内向,汤姆格外向。

44、Eg:He has a double personality.他具有双重格。

45、Easily check for well-formedness and validity轻松地格式良好和有效

46、Is Socrates a feminist?苏格拉底是女主义吗?

47、Education resoces gd is one kind of data gd, has its charactesti such as distbuted, isome, tonomy, dynamic and hierarchical and so on.教育资源网格作为数据网格一种,具有分布、异构、自治、动态和层次等特点。

48、Dessert personality refers to the finding that people who like dessert are likely to be kind and warmhearted.“甜心格”指是喜欢吃甜食人格更和蔼更亲切。

49、An emotional man, actor, character, nate.他是个格演员。

50、And worse, I've shown a feebleness of character in doing so, which his own decided, confident temper could bot ende.更糟是,这么做还显示了我格中懦弱,这与他那果决自信情是格格不入。

经典英文句子51:格,51、Premorbid personality of this type often weak intverted pessimistic weak character flaw based.型病前格常以懦弱、内向、卑观、无力格缺陷为主。

52、Mepenem is a carbapenem antibacteal agent that has antimicbial activity against gram-negative, gram-positive and anaebic mic-oris.美罗培南是一种对格兰氏阴、格兰氏阳和厌氧细菌有抗菌活抗菌药。

53、His character is fendly, likes to students .希望对你有所帮助。

54、I’m an intvert.我就是一个格内向人。

55、Method of use: Collaborative style使用方法:协作风格

56、Personality: Outgoing, tom boy, ingenious.格:开朗, 男人婆,天才。

57、It is worth noting that working temperament is not synonymous with personality.值得注意是,工作禀不等于人格(格、个)。

58、He 's a character actor.他是个格演员。

59、These importers set logical pperties and CWF physical format pperties, but not TDS physical format pperties.这些导入程序设置逻辑属和 CWF 物理格式属,但是不设置 TDS 物理格式属。

60、He lost his character.他失去了他格。

61、I have dual personality.我拥有双重格。

62、A double personality?双重格?

63、Real estate is charactezed by and societal feates.房地产业具有市场和社会双重格。

、His character is set.他格已定型。

65、That man has a firm character now, but in his youth, his charater was weak.那个人现在格坚强,但是在少年时代,他格软弱。


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