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关于”季节5句“英子27个,句子主体:Five sentences of the season.。以下是关于季节5句托福英子。

英文句子模板1:Five sentences of the season.


1、Goldman set aside $5.23 billion for employee compensation in the quarter, a

5 percent decline fm a year earlier.


2、Wells Fargo made $101 billion of home loans in the quarter, ice as much as in the foth quarter and the most since 2003, as benchmark rates fell below

5 percent.



3、The cold season, I have to make themselves adapt to the change of season, kered down at home to enjoy the bety of life.


4、Won't the gorgeous flower for tomorw, but found it to put the will of the season.


5、Do Young, afraid that her parents would no longer love her any abandoned her

5 year old little sister, Ji Young, at a train station.

5 岁,季扬在火车站。

绝望主妇第5季第7集 我还需要更多吗?。

6、Desperate Housewives episode

5.07 "What More Do I Need?"


7、He came off the bench against Newcastle to complete a 5-1 mp over Kevin Kee's men with his fifth goal of the season.


8、They focus mainly on the off-peak peod bee of the negative impact of seasonality.


9、In the tpi, bats are active all year und, while in temperate areas many bats migrate or enter a peod of torpor ding winter, emerging again in September, and remaining active until Apl.


10、TM had

4 points in 15m,

1 of

5. Most superstars are like this in preseason.


11、The first female flowers borne the Lord cirsoid

8 ~

11 quarter nd

5 knots, female flowers spacing, easy, and a sequential results gained habit.

吼海雕繁殖季节是在 旱季,那时,所有地方水位都降到很低。

12、Breeding season for Afcan Fish Eagles is ding the dry season, when water lls are low.


13、Rosa multiflora Tb. var. cathayensis Rehd, Modern Rose "Bcade Cold 1"and their F1 hybds were studied based on morphological traits. Za5-3, za5-4, and za5-5 were washed out for their bad gwth.


14、According to

5:3, will the unbelir be able to escape God's judgement on the Last Day?


於这个可爱季节 我们将会分离

15、We'll be apart in such sweet season


16、And the feeding rate and plumpness index of Channa asiatica changed with the season, highest in the summer and lowest in the winter.


17、The harvest season for early ce is about to come.


18、Jones, 6-5 and 307 pounds, missed much of last season with a knee injy.


19、Wachovia slashed its quarterly dividend to

5 cents per share fm 37.5 cents, saving about $700 million of capital per quarter. It has lowered the dividend 92 percent this year.


5 shows the participating nodes and ptocols, as well as their essential interactions.

5 展示了一些参与节点和协议以及它们之间必要交互。

21、We'll be apart in such sweet season 於这个可爱季节 我们将会分离

22、Generally, early June to October is the rainy season and November to May is the dry season.通常说来,xx月初到xx月是雨季,xx月到第xx年xx月是季。

23、How many episodes can we expect to see you in for Season 5?你在第五季里有多少集戏份?

24、The midfielder enjoyed a fruitful 2010-11 campai, which included being named on the first-team bench for the 5-0 demolition of Birmingham City at Anfield.这位中场球员享受着一个硕果累累10-11赛季,在这个赛季中他在5-0狂胜伯明翰比赛中坐上了一线队替补席。

25、Per capita non-biodiesel domestic usage of all vegetable oils has declined for 各类植物油国内人均非生物柴油用量已连续5个季度下降。

5 consecutive quarters.

英文句子26:,26、Envinmental factors in winter were charactezed by low temperate and high dissolve oxygen concentration, while those in summer were opposite.在季节变化上,冬季环境以低水温、高溶解氧为突出特点,夏季则反之;

27、When Grey’s Anatomy opens its eighth season September 22, only five days will have passed since the Season 今年xx月22号,《实习医生格蕾》就要开始它第八季播出了,而第八季剧中时间仅仅是第七季大结局5天之后。

7 finale and MerDer’s emotional falling out.

28、Double-cp soybean harvest was underway in the main soybean region, with individual distcts reporting pgress beeen 主产区双季大豆收获已经开始,其中个别地区收获进度已达5-20%。

5 and

20 percent harvested.

29、The June is a rainy season of the year in Wuxi.xx月无锡,正是梅雨季节。

30、The season-ending nt will feate 120 to pfessionals competing for a $1.5 million pse fm Dec. 2-5.这项季末大赛事特点是:120个职业选手将于xx月2至5竞争


31、If all that's true, the iPhone 如果这一切是真话,那么iPhone 5将成为苹果首款不在夏季发布智能手机。

5 would be the Apple artphone not to lnch some time ding the summer. (Silicon Alley Insider)

32、The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate se to 5季节调整失业率升至

5.2 percent -- the highest since September 2003 and in line with the forecast -- fm

5.0 percent in Apl. [JPUNR=ECI]



33、Today the allowable eel take in Maine—the state with the most active fishery—is restcted to a few locations and a short season, fm March 22 to May 31.今天,渔业最兴旺缅因州只允许在几个地点和很短季节内(从xx月22至xx月31)捕捞鳗鱼。

34、Explores the meaning of IPLV and its relationship with SEER in ARI Standard 550/590-2003, and maintains that SEER can closely reflect season or annual mean ener efficiency of a single chiller.探讨了ARI标准550/590-2003中综合部分负荷能系数含义及其与季节能效比关系,认为季节能效比能更全面地反映冷水机组季节或全年平均能源利用效率。

35、The Villans went to Anfield hoping to avoid a repeat of the 5-0 hammeng they received on Merseyside last season.维拉做客安菲尔德希望避免重蹈上赛季0比5惨败覆辙。

36、Maybe they were still tired fm a grueling season that appeared to take its toll ding the just-completed tp in which they went 5-2.也许湖人还在疲于这累人赛季和他们刚刚5-2完成客场之旅。

37、"5 buys for the (ntual) recovery": It was widely expected, but it still ht. On March 将其每季度股息从每股42.5美分削减为5美分。

4, US Bancorp (U, news, msgs) cut its dividend to a quarterly

5 cents a share fm the por 42.5 cents.

38、There are seasons in yo spitual life, too.在你精神生活中也有不同季节。

39、Roughly 去年第四季度,苹果来自收益约占5%,大幅上涨83%至14亿美元。

5 percent of Apple's rnue came fm Japan in the December quarter. Rnue fm the country se 83 percent in the peod to $1.4 billion.

40、The Labor Department said on Thsday that initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell for the second straight week, dpping 劳工部周四表示,xx月5当周经季节调整初请失业金人数下降1万人至39万人,为连续第二周下降.

10,000 to a seasonally adjusted 390,000.

41、The temperate of the discharge water is higher in the summer than the local water temperate nd 10℃, and lower in winter about 3-5℃ than the receiving water body.排出海水夏季比当地海水水温高10℃左右,冬季比当地海水水温低3-5℃,这取决于当地水温条件和热泵参数。

42、Generally, early June to October is the rainy season and November to May next year is the dry season.通常说来,xx月初到xx月是雨季,xx月到第xx年xx月是季。

43、The results showed that the photosynthetic rates of virus free potato leaves were higher than that of check by 结果表明 ,脱毒马铃薯叶片光合速率在季节变化和变化中 ,分别比未脱毒处理高

10.05 % and

12.82 % in seasonal and dinal change, respectively.

10 .0

5 %和

12 .82 % ;

44、Lightning density shows obvious latitude character as the seasons change: fm spng to summer, it is forwards to the north; fm summer to tumn, it is backwards to the south.地闪密度随季节呈明显纬度变化,春季到夏季有明显北进过程,而夏季到秋季则呈明显南退过程;

45、The company also said it would cut its quarterly dividend to 这家公司表示它将削减其季度股息,从35美分削减至5美分。

5 cents fm 35 cents.

46、Now, we can add Hawaii Five-O to the list of shows that will conclude its season with a major death.《夏威夷5-0特勤组》近也传出某主要角将会在季季末亡。

47、Moinho's Real Madd showed that without that discipline you can get hammered, as they were 5-0 this season.穆里奥黄马证明了没有密集防守你将得很惨道理,就像是赛季那个5-0。

48、League-wide ticket sales this season are down 5% overall.联赛季票销量总体下跌了百分之


49、Seasonal changes in CO2 concentrations mainly result fm the seasonal vaations of the soces and sinks of the biosphere.南半球则是海洋影响最为重要。全球二氧化碳浓度季节变化主要来源于生物圈源汇季节变化。

50、So, ry season, only about 也就是说,每个播放季,全美所有公共电视网加在一起,能坚持到第五季电视剧,包括正剧和喜剧,大概也只有5部左右。

5 new fictional television sees, including both dramas and comedies, fm all the major neorks, may last into its 5th season.

标签: 宠物英文名 

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