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关于”描写怪物“英子20个,句子主体:Descbe a monster。以下是关于描写怪物高三英子。

英文句子模板1:Descbe a monster


1、I am always actting like the sky's falling


2、A mythical monster traditionally represented as a gitic reptile having a lion's claws, the tail of a serpent, wings, and a scaly skin.


3、This is a story about o sisters: Shizu is a high school student who is able to see s while her younger sister, Mizuki, is hnted by these appations.


4、I’m under the monster.


5、Kill Kuletski's photographs of these mines depict a cool undergund outpost whose inhabitants appear to lie in eee stasis.


6、One Mini-Monster in specially marked boxes of the Monster Cereals.


7、Freaky monster you whether to become the new king of monsters you?


8、Before Hawkes, all the Gothic novelists digged into the morbid psycholo and descbed the abnormal behavior.


9、Weirdest dream. Must get this down.


10、Nessie is usually categozed as a type of lake monster.


11、No wting whimsical stuff that's off-topic.


12、There are dozens of strange terms to descbe the "@" symbol.


13、The Ogre received Puss as civilly as an ogre could do and asked him to sit down.


14、One monster wants to rest.


15、Eight monsters play in mud. Two monsters play in sand.


16、I’m beside the monster.


17、To reclaim his inner ogre, Shrek sis a contract with Rumpelstiltskin that makes him an Ogre for a Day.


18、The Basilisk, the GLA Salvage General's Metal Monster.


19、There are dozens of strange terms to descbe the @ symbol.


20、When asked to descbe myself, I usually say that I am weird, Why?

21、I’m on the monster.我在怪物上面。

22、I’m in fnt of the monster.我在怪物前面。

23、I’m behind the monster.我在怪物后面。

24、Monsters Inc. is an animation film, set in a land where monsters exist and the quirky characters are se to bng a ile to the little ones in the family.《怪物公司》是一部卡通,在里怪物真实存在,这些奇怪个怪物给家里小娃娃们带来快乐。

25、XC:No real monsters .小:没有真怪物。

英文句子26:,26、You've previously descbed M'u as an add fight;你曾经把穆鲁描述成一场以小怪为主战斗;

27、Mother: My son is a moter!母: 我儿子是怪物!

28、She is a sombre, humoless monster although some of her henchman, especially one with o heads, give us a lgh.她是一个阴沉而木讷怪物,但她随从怪物却逗得我们捧腹大笑,特别是那只双头怪物。

29、Halloween imagery includes themes of death, evil, the occult, magic, or mythical monsters.万圣夜主题是鬼怪、吓人,以及与亡、魔法、怪物有关事物。

30、Other monsters include Gamera, a giant ttle, and the absd Varan the Unbelievable, a large reptile resembling a flying squirrel.其他怪物包括了加美拉(Gamera),一头巨龟,以及怪诞《大怪兽巴郎(Varan the Unbelievable)》,一只类似飞鼠巨型爬行动物。

31、Once a monster card is assied to a unit, you may pduce monsters for that card.一旦怪物卡被分配到一个单位,你可能会产生更多 怪物 该卡。

32、His letters were always strange.他信总是写得奇奇怪怪。

33、I’m above the monster.我在怪物上方。

34、Bulu Monster allows the user to become a monster trainer on Bulu Island.布鲁怪物允许用户成为布鲁岛怪物教练。

35、Hug the monster.拥抱怪物吧。

36、My favote monster is still the Sammael create fm the first Hellboy movie.我最钟爱怪物仍然是萨麦尔,它是最初来到地狱男爵中怪物。

37、One monster wants to rest. Nine monsters want to play.一个小怪物想休息。九个小怪物想玩。

38、Human figes are only exceptionally portrayed and then only incompletely or cacated deliberately as 'monsters' or masked persons.人类数字只有在特殊情况下不完全或描述,只讥讽蓄意为“怪物”或蒙面人。

39、Chimera:also Chimaera. a fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.客迈拉:一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇组合体吐火雌怪物。

40、Poor Little Ctter!可怜小怪物啊!

41、The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk.秘室里怪物是一条巴斯里斯克蛇怪。

42、I wondered why I’d wtten Good luck at Harvard!我怪自己嘛要写“在哈佛好运!”

43、It descbes the bizarre Fayed me.它描述了古怪法耶德家族。

44、The monster's mother made many morsels for the monster to munch. Most of the morsels the monster's mother made were moist. But the most moist were mainly the morsels that the monster munched.怪物为怪物做了很多美食佳肴,怪物制作佳肴绝大部分是湿漉漉,但是最潮湿却是那怪物大声沮嚼东西。

45、这两个字其实这就是 kind of 和 sort of 简写,(当然这非常不正式,不要用在正式英文书写上) 例如,"He is just kinda weird." 就是说他是有一点怪怪。

46、And I will be a monster becse only monsters have no home.而我将成为一只怪物,因为唯有怪物没有家。

47、Central Afcan tbes and ancient Eptians descbed and depicted a bizarre create for centues, colloquially dubbed the “Afcan unicorn” by Eopeans.几个世纪以来中非部落和古埃及描述一种古怪生物,被欧洲人通俗称为“独角兽”。

48、The monster's mother made many morsels for the monster to munch. Most of the morsels the monster's mother made were moist. But the most moist morsels were mainly the morsels that the monster munched.怪物为怪物做了很多美食佳肴,怪物制作佳肴绝大部分是湿漉漉,但是最潮湿却是那怪物大声咀嚼东西。

49、Scan Hunter - Sennen Kaio wo Oe!扫描猎人-追击怪鱼!

50、Once you name it, you start getting attached toit.一旦为它取了名字,你就会对它产生感情。

经典英文句子51:描写怪物,51、Merm, gffins and s are monsters.雌人鱼、鹰头狮身怪兽和龙都是怪物。

52、The x-ray and the tomography showed a weird object stuck beeen the supeor and infeor jawbones.X线断层扫描显示那是一个卡在上下颚之间奇怪物体。

53、It`s just like the descptions of Nessie.`这个东西与有关尼斯湖水怪描述一模一样。

54、What the imps and familiars lack in stren, they make up for in numbers.小怪物和怪物以数量来弥补其实力不足。


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