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关于”中秋古诗“英子40个,句子主体:Ancient Poetry of Mid-Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋古诗专业英子。

英文句子模板1:Ancient Poetry of Mid-Autumn Festival


1、Pre-sonata form is mainly the predecessor of classical sonata form in symphonies while baque sonata form that of solo sonatas.


2、The application of Chinese classical dancing body rhyme in basic skill teaching shows that the essential feate of Chinese classical dancing.


3、The team examined three neglected mummies in a previously sealed-off tomb in the Valley of the Kings.


4、Rick was an archaeologist who explored the deadly to of a Mayan Temple.


5、For some reason in Tong Li Town there is an "Ancient China Museum".


6、A hillside of trees pvides a bghtly-colored backdp for a Vermont barn. Amid ancient mountains gentled by time, farm families work the same tilted acres their ancestors did.


7、Zheng is an old instrument in o country which implys o national flavor and inhets archaic Chinese rhymes , and it is called"Eastern Piano".


8、When then Chinese now steal Mongol history to falsely claim the as the Mongolian Empire as the Chinese Yuan dynasty.


9、China borders on Mongolia to the north.

古代大家闺秀想必西方人一定毫无想象,更不必说古代“ 男尊女卑”及古时家法等一切束缚主义思想。

10、Ancient Chinese people Guixiu presumably Westerners must not imagine, not to mention ancient China's "patarchal" and the ancient and all the lessons of the ideological shackles.


11、There were water-ogin-type world creating myths in China and other ancient civilized countes, such as ancient Ept, Babylon, and India.


12、The unveiling of Ardipithecus ramidus ("Ardi") in the fall of 2009 flooded the paleoanthpological world with new data about this

4.4-million-year-old early ancestor.


13、A clear blue waves nd the pond, stands having an antique flavo of ancient architecte in the ancient architecte, by a castle, that is the Mount Li.


14、The forest area of classic garden and ancient tree population should focus on the rejuvenation and pest contl.


15、Tower of San Luzi chch above old Engadine houses in the old town's center.


16、Some important information of Chinese ancient traditional education can be seen fm the ancient tone and ancient font style of "Jiao".


17、The appellations of some characters' names in old poems and essays are rather special. It can be concluded into five types. And this essay gives explanations in details.


18、The five chief forms of punishment in ancient China were used by the rulers to contl the people.


19、With wtten records dating back over

4,000 years, China is recoized as one of the fo great ancient civilizations of the world, together with ancient Ept, ancient Babylon and ancient Indai.


20、Monumentality in early Chinese art and architecte.

21、The tomb, in Taiyuan in central China, marks the easternmost spot where the ancient Eupean lineage has been found.位于中部太原这个古墓中发现标志着古代欧州血统出现最东部地区。

22、Apart fm the flute, archeologists have also discovered graves at the site.除了古笛,考古人员还在遗址中发现了墓。

23、A Chinese archaeological achiments exhibition opened at Capital Museum in Beijing on July 29.“考古”考古成就展xx月29在北京首都博物馆开幕。

24、Fening sound, filled with the delicate fragrance of the ancient Simple and elet style.凤鸣 声中,弥漫着淡淡花香,是古朴幽雅远古之风。

25、Most of their study of the ancient capital, the limited research results in perspective is to start fm the literate and the power in the "Annotations" research itself is extremely rare.对于其古注研究,在有限研究成果中也是从文献学角度入手,专力于《温飞卿诗集笺注》身研究少之又少。

英文句子26:,26、Subsequent dlopments have sputed pgressively fther fm the ancient center, with ng ads concentcally arranged nd it.随后发展使城市从古代中心 向远处蔓延,环形公路围着古城中心建立。

27、On medieval western Eupean architectes there were many gargoyles, which came fm Ept, Greece and Rome.中世纪西欧建筑上大量出现怪兽饰,其实在古埃及和古希腊、古罗马就已有之。

28、Guzheng, also called Chinese zither, is one of the oldest Chinese musical plucking instruments.筝,又称为古筝,是最古老弹拨乐器之

29、The ancient China myth and the ancient Greek mytholo are the acles of the myad folk art garden.上古神话和古希腊神话是多姿多彩民间文学百花园中奇葩。

30、Separation of speaking and wting represents the tranitting form of ancient Chinese literate.“言文疏离”代表着古代文学传播形态或者说是古代文学形态样式;

31、While the research on ancient trees, peats and pollens ed by paleoflood is useful to paleoflood discmination.通过古洪水所产生埋藏古树、泥炭及沉积物中花粉研究也有助于对古洪水事件识别。

32、Genghis Khan was a Chinese. He was the forefather and the founder of the Mongols living home and abad. The Mongolian Han was in the history a regional government in the border area of China.成吉思汗是人,同时又是境内蒙古族和境外蒙古族共同祖先,是历史上蒙古缔造者。

33、The chief , a buxom lady of forty or so with a heavy Southern accent, bghtened when Pug mentioned Lacoute.总接线员是个xx岁左右,南方口音很重长得丰满。帕格提到拉古秋时,她神情就活泼起来了。

34、Autumn in Fntier Fortress exhibited in the Sixth National Paintins Exhibition, and won the first pze in Beijing, also collected by Beijing Art Association;作品《古塞秋意》参加全国第六届美术展览,获北京一等奖,并为北京美协收藏;

35、The study of trace elements in the ancient porcelain of HuTian kiln is not available in that of Chinese ancient porcelain.江西湖田窑古瓷中微量元素研究,一直是古陶瓷研究中空白。

36、With a long history of thousands years, the ancient Chinese dak and post and the ancient Chinese toi can trace back to the early ancient times.古代驿站和邮传与古代旅游可以追溯到远古时代,已有数漫长历史。

37、Fall bngs fewer toists and lower temperates (40s and 50s in October), ideal for walking the histoc Georgian streets and cruising the River Liffey.秋天游客更少,温度更低(xx月约10-50华氏度),适宜逛逛古老乔治亚街道及游览利菲河。

38、Qingzhou is an ancient trading and istrative center where acclaimed archeological discovees were made.青州是一个很古老贸易和中心,在一次著名考古探索中被发觉。

39、He and colleagues fm the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontolo and Paleoanthpolo in Beijing set out to look for them in fossils of ancient birds and dinosas, including Sinospteryx.他,和来自北京”脊椎古生物学及古人类学“科学院同事着手去在远古鸟类和恐龙,包括龙鸟中寻找这种结构。

40、Institute of Vertebrate Paleontolo and Paleoanthpolo, Chinese Academy of Sciences;科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所;

41、Visited and researched the cultal reli fm the ancient Ept, ancient Greece, ancient Rome in the Mediterranean seacoast with the whole families;携全家赴地中海沿岸考察古埃及、古希腊、古罗马文化遗址;

42、Tiaofang planning (block planning) of Japanese histocal capital cities imitated Lifang planning of Chinese histocal cities.古代都城条坊制效仿自古代里坊制。

43、The old town of Lijiang is a hot toist destination of old town toi in China.丽江古城是古城镇旅游热点。

44、The Roman Empire dloped vaous centralized methods of relaying messages. In the Middle Ages there were no centralized postal s.古罗马帝国也设置了多种集中传递信件。中古时代并无邮政。

45、The present article, therefore, tes to have a discussion about Xu's theory and practice of Chinese ancient poetry translation so to assert that Xu's translation pposes play an essential part …因此文试图从目论角度对许教授古诗翻译理论与实践作出分析,以说明翻译目在其翻译理论和实践中不容置否作用。

46、The Square Street at the Center of the Ancient Town is a typical example of ancient streets in Lijiang.位于古城中心四方街是丽江古街代表。

47、Ross has a chance to be on TV as part of a panel of Paleontologists , but gives it up to take Rachel to the hospital.罗斯作为古生物学者有机会上电视参加座谈,但为了带瑞秋去医院,他放弃了抛头露面机会。

48、"Ten Studies of Chinese Ancient Books" is a collection of his essays of different times about Chinese ancient philological pieces.《古代典籍十讲》是其不同时期研究古籍论文汇编。

49、Rancl classical Chinese fnite is antique fnite industry of pfessional firms.鼎泰艺苑古典家具是古典家具行业里专业厂商。

50、The raided msoleum lies in the ancient Chinese capital of Xian, where China's earliest leaders are bied.被盗陵墓位于古代首都西安,这里埋葬着古代最早一些者。

经典英文句子51:中秋古诗,51、Zhaji is famous for a lot of ancient bdges and lanes, it is said that the national longest flagstone ad of ancient villages is here.渣济多古桥、古巷,还有据说是全国古村落中最长石板路。

52、"enters" in China's ancient novel, it is "a story of story" in the forei classical novel.在古代小说中是“入话”,在外国古典小说中是“故事套故事”。

53、The model suggested in "Ancient Society" by Mor was very powerless in explaining new discovees of Chinese archaeolo.摩尔根在《古代社会》中提出模式在解释考古等新发现时颇为乏力。

54、Palaeogeography of China has o bght spots, namely as the academic conference of palaeogeography and the Jonal of Palaeogeography.古地理学有两个亮点,即古地理学学术会议和《古地理学报》。

55、He had many fends and vivid passions: for music, sailing and chess, for ancient Greek and Greece, for composing Latin verse and raising orchids.他憧憬着古希腊,热衷于它语言;



56、The practice of cupping has been mentioned in ancient Greek and Eptian texts.古希腊和古埃及文献中都提到过拔火罐。

57、The Gawler Craton is an Archaean to Mesoptezoic crystalline basement crustal block in central South Australia.哥勒克拉通是位于南澳州中部一个从太古代到中元古代结晶基底地壳块。

58、Howr, the le and status of the earth and its ramification such as pottery and colored graze has been somewhat iored in the researches on the ancient architecte and its building mateals.但是,在古代建筑材料及古代建筑史研究中,土及其衍生物如陶、琉璃等在古代建筑中作用和地位并没有得到应有重视。

59、In China's Spng and Autumn peod (8th - 5th centy E), naval warships would attach a pe to an enemy ship, pulling it close and holding it to prnt its escape.拔河历史可以追溯到几前文明古国时期。在春秋时期,海军战船就用长绳套住敌船,把敌船拉近,防止敌人逃跑。

60、"Han car ages Biography" Analysis of the Functions Note: The "Law Housing Hall of name, Queen of the home also, pepper and mash to the wall, whichr is too warm and amatic.《汉书·车千秋传》颜师古注:“椒房殿名,皇后所居也,以椒和泥涂壁,取其温而芳也。”

61、So, Chinese classical poetry Pays great attention to the relations beeen emotion and art, and fther , gives a full interpretation to the emergences and the types of art in its own view.古典诗学十分关注情感与艺术关系,并从这一角度对艺术发生以及艺术形态进行了充分地阐述。

62、He first came to Nikola-Lenivets fm Moscow in the fall of with his fend the architect Vasily Shchetinin.波利斯基先生第一次从莫斯科来到尼古拉-莱尼韦茨村,是在年秋天,同行还有他建筑师朋友Vasily Shchetinin。

63、The ogin and center of the ancient state of Shu can now be ascertained: Sanxingdui.古蜀史源头及古蜀国中心,亦因三星堆而得到确认。

、Chinese classical garden arts express the self transcendence spit of ancient Chinese people by showing the charactesti of Yin, You and Le of Chinese classical garden.古典园林艺术,就是古人实现内在超越场所,充分体现了古人以“隐”、“游”、“乐”为特征内在超越精神。

65、"Cticizing works" theory is the one of researching object of literate theory of middle ancient China or ancient China.“文品”理论是中古文论乃至古代文论研究对象之

66、The data also imply that there are Meso- to Neoarchaean continental crusts in the soce areas.北大河岩群蚀源区存在中-新太古代古老陆壳。

67、Institute of Vertebrate Paleontolo and Paleonthpolo, Chinese Academy of Sciences;科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所;

68、Traditional Chinese Paintings depicting the costume is betiful, so also called bety map.《古代仕女》仕女画,描绘多是古装美人,所以,也称美人图。

69、Acient structes are valuable wealth of China, and timber structes are representative structes of them.古建筑是古代文化宝贵遗产, , 长期以来形成以木结构为主传统形式。

70、The phoenix is a divine bird in Chinese ancient legend.凤是古代传说中神鸟。

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