
发布时间:2024-03-18 07:34:35 阅读:57 点赞:0

关于”假期优美“英子34个,句子主体:Betiful holiday。以下是关于假期优美初二英子。

英文句子模板1:Betiful holiday


1、Iam swapped with work after 10-day holiday.


2、Anna:Yes, I had a fabulous vacation in California. The waves at Huntington Beach are wonderful!


3、While I've been on leave, gold has sged fm aund $1, 500 an ounce to nearly $1, 900.




4、This week, with the spit of these wonderful holidays all aund you, find inspiration.


5、Internship Expired, we will enll the excellent intern and pvide you a competitive salaes, benefits, pfessional training, paid holiday, team activities and peodical physical check.


6、I expect to see some fine films ding the holidays.


7、My vacation overlaps with yos, so we won't see each other for a month or so。


8、The B-S model still assumes the option is Eopean Option while there are abundant Amecan Option and Asian Option.


9、On a typical recovery rate (aund 40 cents on the dollar), the s were pcing in a 69% deflt rate.


10、Most people may gag at a $35-million vacation, but it's not unprecedented.


11、They vacationed for o weeks.


12、Gina:It depends on the dates you stay at the hotel. Ding the summer season, it is $150 per night. That includes breakfast.


13、Rnue generated by package tos was $27.7 million compared to $12.4 million for the same peod in 2009, an increase of 123.6% fm the same peod last year.

她们有工作保障、工龄优待(有xx年工龄职工可以享受圣诞假期!) 和医疗保健。

14、There is job secity, shift senioty (Chstmas off after

10 years’ !) and health care.


15、1.What are you doing for vacation?


16、A multi-peod mixed integer pgramming model is pposed according to the assumptions, whose aim to synchnously optimize pduction and distbution.


17、Ding this week-long holiday, red)Chinese lanterns and the(betiful) Flower Beds are seen rywhere in China.


18、Elderly man:Yes, I had a fabulous vacation in Hainan. The waves at Yalongwan Beach are wonderful!


19、The yal couple then headed to Dalvay by-the-Sea, a scenic resort along the island's north shore.


20、It added: “The fute of high-quality ‘packaged’ holidays is assed, as evidenced by the buoyant deamnd for long-hl, all-inclusive resorts and cruise holidays.”

21、He's wangled an extra week's holiday for himself.他用计弄到了一星期额外假期。

22、ASOG is the beginning of the vacation.来美华,度假开始。

23、Ralph was luxiating in the first real holiday he'd had in years.拉尔夫正沉浸于假期之中,这是他这么多年来第一个真正假期。

24、How do I request time off for a o-week vacation?我想请两个星期假去度假,该怎麽做呢?

25、He's off for o weeks,他有两周假期,

英文句子26:,26、Over time and on-duty arrangement, meal demand should be submitted to HR in advance.各部门放假期间加班及值班安排、假期期间用餐需求需提前申报人力资源部;

27、Tiffany &Co. said better-than-expected holiday sales would push its full-year earnings up at least six cents per share to $2.83.蒂凡尼公司公布假零售额超过预期,推动全年收益上涨至少约合每股6美分,达到每股


28、This sum would be sufficient to fully cover three weeks of vacation for workers earning less than $40, 000 a year, which would be most workers in the economy.这个金额总数足以全数抵偿员工因为有薪假期而令公司每年少赚那40 000美元,在经济上来讲是绝大多数员工有薪假期成。

29、Today was the last day before Half-term holiday.今天是期中假期之前最后一天。

30、So, if I have a one percent chance of a $100 payoff, I've got an expected value of one dollar.所以,假设我有百分之一可能得到100美元收益,我期望值就是一美元。

31、) How is yo vacation/holiday(s)/Chstmas Day/weekend?(假期怎么样?

32、When o vacations coincided, we often holidayed together.当我们假期碰到一起时,我们经常一起去度假。

33、Holidays often unsettle her.假期常常使她浮躁不安。

34、The sandy beach encompasses many hotels perfect as a base for Albufeira ski holidays.沙滩上包括作为Albufeira滑雪假期中许多酒店完美。

35、Before the holidays, Fryer handed out $170,000 in cash (ry pupil who completes the gets $5).在假期之前,Fryer用发放了17万美元(每个完成测验小学生可以领到5美元)。

36、Where did you go on yo holiday? 你假期去了哪里?

37、The breathtaking bety of the mountains seem a world away fm the cwded toist resorts that are dotted aund the coast of Tenefe.与特内利费海岸、人山人海观光渡假村相比,这个优美山景,彷佛是另一个世界。

38、Pavilions, halls, ckees and ponds display the finest in landscaping fm the Southern style as seen in the Ming and Qing dynasties.展览馆,音乐厅,假山和池塘,展示最优秀,在美化环境,从南部作风,出现在明清时期。

39、Schedule an activity-based vacation.计划一个活力假期。

40、Wind Fans is inviting o members to enjoy an action holiday at Long Coast Seasports with attactive offers until end of May.风帆友可于xx月底前以特别折扣优惠于浪高长岸享受一个不一样假期。

41、My parents used to live in South Ameca and I used to fly there fm Eope in the holidays.我父母曾经住在南美洲,所以假期里我常从欧洲乘飞机到他们那里。

42、Weekends, school holidays and end-of-term tps are busiest.周末,学校假期和旅行末期都是高峰期。

43、Mining think:He will have a wonderful holiday!小明想:他将灰度过一个美好假期!

44、Q9: Can I use my treatment voucher ding weekend of public holiday?问: 我可以在周未或假期使用“预付护理优惠券”吗?

45、Congress is in recess for the holiday season.国会在假期期间正休会中。

46、Did you have anice holiday?你假期过患上兴奋吗?。

47、Handing in homework for the holiday.收交假期作业。

48、Leave of absence Unpaid time off, on a long-term basis, requested by an employee and休假 根据员工要求,公司批准长期无薪假期。

49、The study also found that students who imagined a recent international vacation forgot words than did students who imaged a recent domestic vacation.该研究同时发现,想象近期国外假期学生,比想象近期国内假期学生忘记更多单词。

50、I love the holidays.假期真过太了。

经典英文句子51:假期优美,51、You claps yo hands, the steward deliver the pink champion, to celebrate o fantastic beach holiday.你拍拍手,管家送来了酩悦粉红香槟,庆祝我们美妙海滨假期。

52、We are running a special offer on this holiday.我们在这个假期有个优惠活动。

53、What was oginally intended to be a year sabbatical has now tned into a vocation.原先打算为期xx年公休假现在俨然已经变成了假期。

54、If you just want a pretty trek in pretty mountains, on a limited budget, spend yo rupees elsewhere.假如你预算有限,而且只是想在景优美山区徒步,那你就把钱花在别地方吧。

55、Can I ask about the vocation and sick leave?我能问一下假期和病假情况吗?

56、O holiday was so disappointing.假期真让人败兴。

57、Philip was enjoying the second week of a o-week vacation the same way he had enjoyed the first week: by doing as little as possible.飞利浦正在享受两周假期中第二周假期,与他享受第一周假期一样,他是尽可能地不做事。

58、Js Fashion will off ry Satday, Sunday and any Public holiday, we will reply yo message here after we come back.每逢星期六和星期天或任何假, Js Fashion 都会休假, 所以在公假留言, 我们会在开工后一一回复大家。

59、This luxious hotspng resort offers you ry facility and comfort imaginable for a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.这豪华舒适温泉渡假村提供各类设施,予您一个轻松优悠假期。

60、This week with the spit of these wonderful holidays all aund you find inspiration.这周,有这些美妙假期在你周围,可以找到鼓舞。

61、Hairpieces need to be replaced peodically.假发需要定期更换。

62、Holidays will allow you to track vacation days accrued by each employee, allow s to appve leave requests and ma the planning of their teams;假期跟踪每位员工假期时间,经理批准假条并且团队计划;

63、China has canceled week-long May Day holidays.取消为期一周五一假期。

、The seashore hotel charged the travelers $20 for a om for the night ding the summer holiday.海滨旅馆在夏季假期间每间房一夜就要20美元。

65、) how is yo vacation/holiday(s)/chstmas day/weekend?(假期怎么样?

66、Singapore hotelier Alila is well-known for stunning resorts that blend lap-of-luxy amenities with landscape-minded architecte.新加坡阿利拉酒店集团因其迷人度假村而闻名,阿利拉度假村全部拥有奢华高档设施和优美自然景。

67、Orr lnched the 'no vacation' policy for all North Amecan employees o years ago.早在两年前,Orr就在北美身先士卒,实行了“无假期”制度。

68、Recently, my family and I went on a summer beach vacation with o other families at a wonderful resort where we had a terfic time.最近,我与家人,以及另外两个家庭一起到海边度假,那里度假酒店服务一流,让我们享受了一个美好假期。

69、New Zealanders get geneus leave benefits so they have plenty of time to enjoy the landscape and sports facilities.新西兰人拥有优厚假期福利,因此,他们有充足时间来享受美景和运动。

70、To avoid vacation depression you need to also consider: What's yo "vacation personality"?为了避免假期抑郁症,你还需要考虑: 你“假期个”是什么?

71、Maa_s_Gorlitz: Where did you have yo most betiful holidays?你在哪里度过了你最美妙假期?

72、As school recess and physical education classes are being cut back or eliminated, families need to make exercise an after-school poty.由于学校假期和体育课正被削减或取消,每个家庭需要优先考虑放学后运动。

73、How do I request time off for a one-week vacation?我该如何申请一个星期假去度假?。

74、That meal was simply divine!假期简直是一晃而过。

75、Eope offers a good life to many people, with geneus vacations, parental leaves and health benefits, but its economies have been gwing slowly, which is one reason its des are so oneus.欧洲为国民提供一个美好生活,附带完美假期、育儿假期和保健福利,但是经济却增长很慢,这也是他们债务如此沉重一个原因。

英文句子模板76:Betiful holiday,76、Spng break is a special time of year when all the students in North Ameca get at least a week off school to relax and recuperate.春假是xx年当中非常特殊假期,所有北美学生都有至少一个星期假期可以好好放松和恢复体力。

77、Article 第六条 全体公民放假假,如果适逢星期

6 Where the vacations having a holiday for all citizens happen to be on Satday or Sunday, they shall have additional holiday with working days ;


78、The sn-day holiday includes a maificent book giving the local history.七天假期计划包含一精美介绍当地历史书。

79、Expeence the thentic & creative delicacies with an incomparable dining expeence ding May Day holiday.“飞”常五一假期,体验非一般美食新感受。


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