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关于”表达重要句型“英子23个,句子主体:sentence patterns expressing importance。以下是关于表达重要句型小学英子。

英文句子模板1:sentence patterns expressing importance


1、The results showed the performances of catalyst B119 are reached the domestic quality requirements and can be replaced the catalyst G-3.


2、Above all, you will need to examine the limitations of science in addressing the issue.


3、Abnormal density and distbution of GABAergic interneons which express PV in the CD model rats may play a pivotal le in the pathophysiologic mechanis of intractable epilepsy .


4、Why is contl of gene expression important?


5、As the result shows, the ed mateal is a kind of temperate-sensitive parthenocarpy and express this characic under low temperate.


6、Multiple mechanis leading to partial enzyme expression in hetezygotes and a wide range of dominance varying fm almost complete recessive to a high degree of dominance were found.


7、There are double pincers rywhere on a stratum; rywhere and in all directions there are double binds and lobsters, a multiplicity of double articulations affecting both expression and content.


8、ng peace with the establishment is an important aspect of matuty.


9、The 9day is the key stage of the stelity gene expression in S in wheat.


10、Conclusion: DKK1 was over-expressed in HCC tissues and widely expressed in multiple human cancer cell lines. DKK1 might play an important le in tumor initiation and dlopment.

最重要一点是 XPath 表达式只能引用名称空间前缀限定元素和属名。

11、Foremost among them is that XPath expressions can only reference name-qualified element and attbute names by the use of name prefixes.


12、The membranous expression of pre-S2 was often associated with activity of liver diseases.


13、Expression of telomerase activity was related to occrence of bladder caner , and is a siificant tumor marker.


14、How important is Charles Darwin in the field of science?


15、The up-regulation of Hsps dung diapse is an important factor contbuting to overwinteng defense strate and svival.


16、Two kind of models: deterministic model and reliabilty model are discussed, and the related formula is dd.


17、Plant basic leucine zipper pteins play an important le in the expression and regulation of higher plant genes.


18、Conclusion The ll of PD-1 expression per cell rather than the presence or absence of PD-1 plays important le in regulating the immune-host interaction in CHB patients in immune clearance phase.


19、To aim directly at the impercipient situation of Facilitating the staant wood today, we restate the importance and necessity of the theoretical research of Facilitating the staant wood.


20、When doing idiom translation, we need realize the tranission of culte and meaning by sch.

21、HSP70 in blood plaa of a rat model of splenogastc hygpyrexia syndme with excessive moiste or heat.脾胃湿热证湿、热偏重型大鼠模型血浆淋巴细胞HSP70表达。

22、By combining the meta-model with domain-specific business models, DSRM for the corresponding domain could be easily oained and expressed by Reconfigation Relationship Graph (RRG).将重构元模型与特定领域业务模型结合起来,可得到特定领域重构模型,并以重构关系图形式表达。

23、The movie Tuya's Marage is the director's exploration fm the pe personal expression to movie narrative, therefore the director pays great attention to narrative and meaning image.影片《图雅婚事》是导演由纯个人化表达向故事转变探索,因此更注重叙事表达和影像表意。

24、Codon bias was one of the important parameter which influence hetegenous gene expression, optimizing codon sequence could impve expression ll of he tege nous gene.密码子偏嗜是影响基因异源表达重要参数之一,优化密码子序列能够提高外源基因表达水平。

25、L′Hospital law is an important tool of oaining undetermined type limit.洛比达法则是求待定型极限重要工具。

英文句子26:,26、Mutability of attbutes is an important pperty of usage contl model.属可变是使用控制模型一个重要特征。

27、When an ori is hetezygous for a trait, the resulting phenotype for that trait expresses only the dominant allele .当一个有机体一种特是杂合,这种特产生表现型就只表达显等位基因额特。

28、Remember how you say something is as important as what you say.要记住,表达与所言之事同样重要。

29、Objective To explore the potential le of monocyte chemotactic ptein-1(MCP-1)in early sre acute pancreatitis(SAP).目研究单核细胞趋化因子-1(MCP-1)在早期急重症胰腺炎(SAP)模型中表达。

30、Alternative splicing is an important RNA posttranscptional pcessing of the eukaryotes and also the main mechani expanding pteome diversity.选择剪接在高等真核生物中广泛存在,是调节基因表达和产生蛋白质组多样重要机制。

31、The expression of lympholeukocyte HSP70 in blood plaa of a rat model of splenogastc hygpyrexia syndme with excessive moiste or heat.脾胃湿热证湿、热偏重型大鼠模型血浆淋巴细胞HSP70表达。

32、In some circumstance, there are double-characters in the structe of social work, namely expressivity and actuality.在某些情形中,社会工作结构具有双重,即表达和现实。

33、There are ten telling points. the most telling witness.在拜访这家公司时,他表达了一个十分重要意见。

34、To study the relationship beeen the expression of NKG2D gene in immunocytes and the sty of patients with chnic hepatitis B.目分析乙型肝炎免疫细胞NKG2D 表达与肝病重型化关系。

35、Van Gogh's paintings emphasize self spitual expression and respect for the creative subject, thus forming his unique style.凡。高绘画注重自我精神表达和对创作主体个尊重,具有独特风格。

36、As soces of creativity and vehicles for cultal expression, they are also important for the health of societies.作为创造源泉和文化表达载体,它们对于社会健康也至关重要。

37、Thereby the siificance of these poems to her was made very clear, and readers may benefit fm her expeences.因而这些诗对她重要都表达得很清楚,而读者们可能由她经验而获益。

38、Expression of JAM-C in different tissues of mice with acute nectizing pancreatitis.在小鼠急坏胰腺炎模型不同组织中表达。

39、The gwing pminence of Weibo as a focal point for dissenting voices will inevitably attract the attention of the thoties.微博作为表达异见主要场所重要与俱增最终将不可避免地引起有关部门关注。

40、The interest expression is an important link of interest self-accomplishment.利益表达是利益自我实现一个重要环节。

41、Then some technical performances of gravity gradient satellite platform are presented.其次论述重力梯度小型卫星平台可能达到技术能指标;

42、I learned a lesson about the importance of expressing emotion. I don't know where or when I learned that lesson.比如我感悟到表达情绪重要,但我不知道我是从哪儿还有什么时候学到。

43、And we studied pharmacological pperties of different sub-types of A receptors.并对所表达A受体不同亚型药理学特进行了研究。

44、It has been reported that MUC2 is a major secretory mucin in normal ininal mucosa .MUC2是正常肠粘膜主要分泌粘蛋白,肠型化生以杯状细胞MUC2高强度表达为特征。

45、Without the OCL expressions, the model would be srely underspecified.没有 OCL 表达式,那么模型就是严重未指定。

46、The main factors which make pupils identify themselves with his idolatus siificant others are the values which represent the typical trends of a certain era.影响小学生认同偶像重要他人主要因素是社会中具某种代表或一定典型意义价值取向。

47、Pmoter is an important cis-regulatory element for gene expression and plays an important le in the pcess of plant gene expression and regulation.启动子是调控基因表达重要顺式元件, 在植物基因表达调控过程中起着重要作用。

48、Compatibility and usability are of much greater importance, and OpenOffice achis both perfectly.兼容和适用两个最重要因素,而 OpenOffice 完美达到这两个要求。

49、Many people use their hairstyles to express their personality or beliefs.许多人以他们独特发型和来表达自己个和。

50、Therefore the positive expression of viruses antigen and gene in PBMC is important molecule si about SSNS relapse.PBMC内病毒抗原或基因表达阳可做为SSNS有反复倾向重要分子标志之

经典英文句子51:表达重要句型,51、The reason I implemented the wrapInTransaction() code using an anonymous inner class highlights an important point about expressiveness of language syntax.我使用匿名内部类实现 wrapInTransaction() 方法是为了说明语言语法表达能力重要。

52、Objective CDX2 was expressed specifically in the epithelium of inine, recent studies have demonstrated that CDX2 play an important le in tumor genesis.目CDX2特异表达在肠道,并在肠道肿瘤发生中起着重要作用。

53、Conclusion Expression of HSP70 in hepatocytes may play an important le in liver immunological ptection, and may be a marker of liver tissue injy in chnic hepatitis B.结论肝细胞HSP70异常表达在慢乙型肝炎免疫保护中起重要作用,可作为肝组织损伤一种标志。

54、Results Before trmatic shock, P-selectin was scarcely detected in the vital ors except the lungs, and the serum was positive for P-selectin expression.结果对照组大鼠重要脏器中P-选择素除了在肺中有少量表达外,其他脏器未见阳表达,血清中P-选择素有表达。

55、We find that reduction in RFL expression cses a dramatic delay in transition to floweng, with the extreme phenotype being no floweng.我们发现降低RFL表达导致花期严重延迟,表型严重甚至不穗。

56、Repgramming of tic cells into induced plupotent stem cells (iPS) by overexpression of a defined set of transcption factors requires epigenetic changes in plupotency genes.过表达一组特定转录因子从而将体细胞重新编程为诱导多能细胞过程需要多能基因表观修饰改变。

57、Special forcefulness of expression that gives importance to something singled out;表达上特殊加强,以突出某一单独事物重要;

58、Also notice that Root is genecally typed. (Actually, ry expression is.)另外还需要注意,Root是泛型(实际上每个表达式都是泛型)。

59、Architectal siificance can also be phrased as economical siificance, since the pmary dver for consideng certain elements over others is the cost of creation and cost of change.架构重要还可以以经济重要来表达,因为某些元素主要驱动者是创建成和变更成。

60、The essentiality of selecting instrument accately is clafied.阐明了正确选择仪表重要。

61、MMP-7 increment and E-CAD abatement are the important pmoting factors in the infiltration and transition of carcinoma of endometum.结论MMP 7在内膜癌发生过程中起了重要作用,MMP 7表达增强和E CAD表达减少,是内膜癌浸润和转移重要促进因素。

62、The expressions of these coefficients for Tsinghua elastoplastic model, modified Lade's model and modified Cambdge model were dd.导出清华弹塑模型、修正拉德模型和修正剑桥模型孔压系数表达式;


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