
发布时间:2023-03-30 07:53:10 阅读:503 点赞:0




1、Should I, after tea and cakes and ices.


2、Worknds shouldn't be hard to find, though.


3、Suddenly feel heart good sad!


4、He must be very sad to hear it.


5、The wind blowing thugh the ad you are my most memorable dream.

6、beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看)


7、Not too many tears should be shed for the pair, who last year earned than eu100m beeen them.


8、What I saw made me very sad.


9、This bored day really good sad.

10、You nr know what you can do till you try. 事非经过不知难。

11、离开了你 子真难过 A day is a year without you.


12、Now, what are the challenges there?

13、You nr know till you have ted. 事非经过不知难。


14、Not much to say, o people blink n moves, played inextcably involved.


15、Now you look like an abandoned woman.


16、Come on. Cheer up! Me too.


17、This news cut him up badly.

在过去6个月中是否有过 突然行走困难,头昏眼花,失去平横,讲话都有因难?

18、Have you expeenced sudden tuble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, confusion or tuble speaking in the past

6 months?


19、Once drawdowns exceed this amount it becomes increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to completely recover.


20、I get so upset when he talks like that.

21、If you wanna impress me.如果你想要我过目难忘。

22、And then I feel very sorry.听到这个我很难过。

23、Did The Buddha r sulk Daddy?难道佛陀过闷气?

24、May: I am so sorry, Gucci.阿美: 我真为你感到难过,古奇。

25、We wormed o way thugh the cwd .我们困难地挤过人群。

英文句子26:,26、The sage monk has suffered eighty ordeals, one tal short of this number.圣僧受过八十难,还少一难,不得完成此数。

27、I felt very fluky that I graduate one year earlier advanced for some reason than my clasates.但是对于他们现在艰难我仍然觉得很难过。

28、 I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘时光。

29、It could pceed the filter of some slry which is difficult to be dehydrated.可进行难处理过滤原液过滤。

30、don't carry yo gef to excess. 听到这事我很难过。

31、I0. Validate her feelings when she is upset.她难过时, 认同她感觉。

32、I had a wonderful time here . (我在这里度过了难忘时光。

33、Oh, I owe so much to you.你爱带我渡过难关。

34、57Look back, and ile on pels past.回首往事,向过去苦难微笑

35、I'm sorry to hear about yo accident.听说你出了事故我很难过。

36、I hate to see you sad.我实在很不愿意看你难过。

37、离开了你 子真难过 Days without you are really hard.

38、) I had a wonderful time here。(我在这里度过了难忘时光。

39、I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry.听到这个我很难过。

40、Don't tell me how sorry you are for me.别说你有多为我难过。

41、Do you have any difficulties in teaching students?在教学过程中,你遇到过什么困难吗?

42、Many other factoes, howr, say they are weatheng the storm.不过,还有许多玩具厂表示他们能挺过难关。

43、You can't count on Liz to you when you're in tuble. She's just a fair-weather fend.别指望莉斯会帮你度过难关,她只会同你共安乐却难同你共患难。

44、I am so sorry, my love. Jon Arryn is dead.亲爱,我很难过,琼恩•艾林过世了。

45、Forget about the past, but it is a little difficult.忘记过去,但却有点难。

46、Don't realize too much which will let you down.不要知道得太多,会难过。

47、And I think they will.“而且我认为,他们定将度过难关”。

48、'I'm frustrated and sad, ' said Mr.多曼说,我感到沮丧、难过。

49、If over-wtten, they can become too sule or cute.如果书写过度,他们会变得过于难以捉摸。

50、I don't know yo sad song.我不知道你难过时歌。

经典英文句子51:难过,51、And they said, "We are going to be devastated.他们说“我们会很难过。

52、) i had a wonderful time here。(我在这里度过了难忘时光。

53、Don't feel bad. You will win next time.别难过,你下次会赢。

54、Was there r a genuine dilemma?真曾有过两难之境吗?

55、Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?我们该为他感到难过吗

56、That fellow bobs up like a cork.那个人经过患难,东山再起。

57、Passing thugh barren, passing Good-bye, passing those difficult to pull the red line in the.路过荒芜,路过再见,路过那些难在牵红线。

58、After xiao bao Lin know, very sad;林小宝知道后,非常难过;

59、Music wakes sad memoes.音乐引起了难过回忆。

60、The bad news saddened me.我得知这个后很难过。

61、It was hard for me to ask for a change, so I just went ahead.再改过去很难,我只好将补过。

62、Polly is not only angry but also sad.宝莉不仅生气而且难过。

63、Look back, and ile on pels past.回首往事,向过去苦难微笑

、) I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘时光。

65、The pcess-specific time represents the difficulty of the occrence of the pcess.过程时间表征过程发生难易。

66、Don't realize too much which will let you down. 不要知道得太多,会难过。

67、They passed eighty-one nine nine difficult.他们经过了九九八十一难。

68、Seldom do we witness such catastphes.我们很少目击过这样难。

69、Don, t be sorry I understand.别难过,我可以理解。

70、Over 200 people were slghtered that day.那天有超过200人。

71、20. I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘时光。

72、Janet Evanovich: For me it's definitely 珍妮特·伊万诺维奇∶对我来说,最难肯定是过渡,我觉得过渡真很难。

5)transition, I find the transition to be very difficult.

73、) 20. I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘时光。

74、Have you nr heard about it ?难道你从没听说过和田玉?

75、This news is really upsetting.这个真令人难过。

英文句子模板76:Sad,76、I was very sad to see that.我很难过地看到。

77、Manual static documents can make it hard to conceptualize the pcess, and hard to see what the pcess is and all its related elements.手写静态文档很难概念化过程,很难定义过程和它所相关联内容。

78、Thee wind blowing thugh the ad you are my most memorable dream.走过路吹过风你是我最难忘梦。 。

79、Nikky: J, nr get tuble?你从来没有遇到过困难么?

80、He bods over past gevances.他在沉思过去苦难。


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