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关于”写顺序“英子58个,句子主体:Order of wting。以下是关于写顺序初一英子。

英文句子模板1:Order of wting


1、When a pgram that depends on a given sequence is reordered, mistakes happen.


2、You should not assume any correlation beeen the order of volumes retned with these functions and the order of volumes on the comr.


3、A great chnological over-view!


4、It's a sequence of specific instructions that I do in order.



6: Customer's Order Number, Letter of Credit Number, and etc. may be included if required.


6、The z-order of graphi methods can be contlled only by changing their order of execution at run time.


7、They'd be different in each of us and that leads to the difference in the diversity beeen people.


8、Yo resumé can be orized in one of o ways: in rrse chnological order or in functional order.


9、By looking at the read and wte sequence counts in detail, you can fther determine if the access is sequential or random.


10、By optimizing the sequence of panel mining stope of ore block, the mining sequence of the "o stope panels" is applied for the mine.


11、I can wte my numbers in order fm 1-10.


12、The order of those parameters is arbitrary.


13、Howr, their ordeng is non-deterministic.


14、Alphabetical blocks of seats, secret ballots, random-selection machines.


15、The ordinal memory structe of ⑵ array.


16、My new pen wtes oothly.


17、The method and order of micmetastasis.


18、The order pperty and gd placement do not affect ordeng in non-visual media (such as speech).

单向阀还常与节流阀、顺序阀等组合成单向节流阀、单向顺序阀使 用。

19、Check with thttle valve, order were often combined into one-way thttle valve, etc, unidirectional order valve use.

JCE 提供程序选择是基于优先顺序。

20、Selection of the JCE pvider is made based on preference order.

21、A higher sequentiality tells you that the files are contiguously allocated, which will also be better for sequential file access.较高顺序意味着文件分配更连续,这也对顺序文件访问有利。

22、Well, I just put them down in the order that came out of my head.好,我把它们,按照从我脑袋出来顺序写下来。

23、I think it is just whatr.我认为什么顺序都行。

24、You start by wting down yo life story and ry milestone, in chnological order.按时间发生顺序,写下你生活经历和每一个转折点;

25、All of yo fends' activities will be listed in chnological order.您所有朋友活动都会按照倒序顺序排列。

英文句子26:,26、The wting order is multinational enterpses merging state-owned listed companies and pvate enterpses merging state-owned listed companies.在写作顺序上依次为外资并购和民营企业并购我国上市公司。

27、In chapter

6, the thor studies the pcede of establishing, emending and carrying out logisti examination standard, and gives the common content and sequence of technique standard.


28、The order of the columns does not matter.列顺序可任意。

29、Yo pen wtes quite oothly.你笔写起来很顺溜。

30、Wte down what you want to get done - in order of importance - and put it on a daily schedule.按主要顺序写下你要完成工作,并把它作为你每打算。

31、This behavior avoids hot spots in the storage and exploits the performance of sequential wtes (faster than random wtes).此行为避免存储中热点并利用顺序写入能(比随机写入更快)。

32、The pen wtes oothly.这支笔写起来很顺利。

33、One caveat I didn't mention -- the order in which you custom folders is the order in which they appear in the Contl Center.注意事项:创建自定义文件夹顺序是它们在控制中心中出现顺序。

34、He's claiming to wte an orderly account, but if he is claiming that he's giving us a chnologically accate account then he's wng, as we'll see.他号称要按着次序写,但如果他以为这样年代顺序,更准确,那就大错特错了,我们等会儿会讲。

35、Where do I learn the order to wte the characters in?我从哪儿学写进字顺序?。

36、She's in her study pulling books off the shelf of her library, and this is or less chnological.她把书房里架子上书一下来,这一段差不多是按编年顺序写。

37、The examination about the forming sequence of fingerpnt and wting handwting is quite hot in cminal science and technolo at present.对手印和书写字迹形成顺序检验,是当前刑事科学技术中研究热点。

38、A Dryad pgrammer wtes sral sequential pgrams and connects them using one-way channels.Dryad程序员会编写几个顺序程序,使用单向通道将其连接起来。

39、Over time, they become unable to recall the stke order to wte some characters.在不久将来,他们就变得记不起来书写有些汉字笔划顺序。

40、What do you put next to what?先后顺序怎样安排?

41、And since they are wtten in physical clusteng sequence, there should be no need to REORG.由于这些行是按照物理群集顺序来写,因此不需要运行 REORG。

42、So if we were to wte this in terms of ener, 因此,如果我们按照能量顺序来写话,我们应该先写,3,d,3,才是。

4 s

2 we would actually have to rewte it has

3 d

3, and then

4 s


43、I call this aspect of ordeng schema order, which can either be ordered or unordered.我将其称之为模式顺序,可以是有序,也可以是无序。

44、For random accesses, the performance penalty can be iored, and for sequential disk accesses, there are about 7-28% performance degradation.对于随机读写安全所造成能损失几乎可以忽略不计; 对于顺序读写,能下降了7%-28%。

45、Dictionary order, case-sensitive, for use with the 936 (Simplified Chinese) Character Set.字典顺序,区分大小写,用于936(简体中文)字符集。

46、A blog is a time-based, sequential publication usually thored by one person, whereas information on a wiki is assembled and structed by a gup of people.博客是由一个人书写,以时间顺序发布东西。 而wiki则是由某一群体共同书写。

47、When wting structal markup, think in terms of top to bottom and left to ght becse that’s the accepted convention.当编写结构型标记时,按从上到下从左到右顺序,这是不成文规范。

48、As the essays move chnologically--they were wtten over a peod of time--as the essays that were wtten near Lolita come into the book, that word appears, also, descbing vaous things.正如随笔是按时间顺序走向,它们也是,有时间顺序,随笔写时候Lolita刚刚发表,那个字出现了,描绘了很多事情。

49、Its coding forms have 59 coding elements. It takes the first three stkes and the last one as the code of a character.它形码为59个码元,按一个字书写顺序取前三末一4位,重码字不超过1%。

50、The ordinal memory structe that ⑵ linear expresses.⑵线表顺序存储结构。

经典英文句子51:写顺序,51、The order here is very different.其修习顺序极为不同。

52、Emphasis is on the box wte letters in sequence, each frame to wte a.重点在于在方格内按顺序写上英文字母,每格写一个。

53、Number the pictes in order.按对话顺序在图上标出来。

54、Depending on the sort order that you need, the code that you wte for this bean specifies whether that column should be sorted in ascending or descending order or not sorted.对于您所需要排序顺序,您为这个 bean 所编写代码要么可以以升序或降序方式排序,要么不能排序。

55、What's the order of stokes in medley nts?混合泳顺序是怎样?

56、Nabokov utinely composed on such cards, shuffling and reshuffling the deck as he wte. It was like constructing a puzzle.纳博科夫时常在这样卡片上创作,一边写一边打乱卡片顺序,就像在构建一个谜。

57、Pviding a logical keyboard tabbing order提供逻辑键盘跳格顺序

58、Wte down questions to ask yo doctor. List yo questions fm most important to least important in case time runs out.把要问医生问题写下来。为防时间不够,问题要按重要到次要顺序列出。

59、Sequence table and calculation block are pgrammed.编写了顺控表和运算块程序。

60、Wte a story about a shark fm the shark's point of view. Tell how it feels to be a shark. Be se to give details about the expeence in time order.写一篇自叙短文,以鲨鱼视角写一个故事,说说当鲨鱼感觉,一定要按时间顺序写出细节。

61、Enabling atic will cse yo particles to be spawned in yo mesh's vertex order. The vertex order is set by yo 3D modeling application.启用该项将导致你粒子会按你网格顶点顺序产生,顶点顺序是由你三维建模程序设置。

62、They are numbered fm left to ght and fm top to bottom like English text.这些点从左至右,从上至下进行编号,类似于文章书写顺序。

63、How do they ma potization?他们如何优先顺序?

、If you keep the assiments in the order you want them to appear, this won't be a pblem.所以,保持标定义顺序和它理想顺序一致,结果应该没什么大问题。

65、Cool down by rrsing the warm-up.冷身---热身逆顺序。

66、Each character in a stng is given sral categoes of sort weights, including scpt, alphabetic, case, and diactic weights.字串中各个字元都被赋予数个分类排序权重,包括指令码、字母顺序、大小写和变音符号权重。

67、Plenty of good wters don't use outlines at all but discover ordeng pnciples as they wte.很多优秀作者根不使用提纲,但写作中发现了顺序原则。

68、No, please file them according to dates.不,请依期顺序归档。

69、Wte down the numbers on the tiles in both the starting and goal states (0 for the missing tile) in w-major order to form o sequences of integers.将初始状态和目标状态木块上数字按行优先顺序写下来变成两个整数序列。

70、The sort is case-insensitive and in alphabetically ascending order.排序不会区分大小写,并且依照字母递增顺序。

71、grep can find fixed sequences of characters and can n iore case with the -i option.grep 可以查找具有固定顺序字符组合,甚至可以通过使用 -i 选项来忽略大小写。

72、But first, we must sort the list by ascending counts.不过,我们先得按照由小到大顺序排序。

73、Ranked companies are shown under the headings with their rank listed to the left of their names.上面写上行业,下面列出上榜公司,公司名称左侧是排名顺序。

74、So far, I've considered o appaches to spell checking: phonetic matching and sequence compason.迄今为止,我已经介绍了两种拼写方法:语音匹配和顺序比较。

75、“All wtes to an entity gup are sequential”, hence is it preferable to ”use all, localized gups”.“对实体组写入是顺序执行”,因此最好“使用小、局部组”。

英文句子模板76:Order of wting,76、Listening, speaking, reading, then wting constitute the fundamental order in language learning.听、说、读、写是学习语言根顺序。

77、Consistency of the run data only exists when the snapshot of the data is wte order consistent.只有数据快照实现了写入顺序一致,才能保证运行数据一致。

78、Borders, margins, and padding shorthand assumes a specific order: clockwise fm the top, or Top, Right, Bottom, Left.边框(border)、边距(margin)和补白(padding)简写次序为:顺时针方向从上开始,即 Top, Right, Bottom, Left。


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