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关于”爱情名句“英子56个,句子主体:The famous sentence of love。以下是关于爱情名句高中英子。

英文句子模板1:The famous sentence of love


1、Some cities renowned for their singles bars and hook-up scenes were also low in the ranking.


2、Nr will I seek delivery of gold, love, good health, petty victoes, fame, success, or happiness.


3、Love is hte byname of understanding and care.


4、6No matter what is side or done, O love will always continue on.


5、She pities him, and prefers him to credit, decency, and ry social duty.


6、This music and the musician called her, and at her side honor and the old love held her back.


7、Dramatic love stoes among celebties like dating, o-timing, breakup, makeup, and so on, set the worst negative examples to adolescents.


8、The study, whose subjects were all celebties fm Pinsky's 'Loveline' radio show, found that reality TV stars were the most narcissistic of all celebties.

结果他不爱又不尊重刚果或刚果人, 只想被爱,被崇拜和成名这些空虚事情。

9、By the end he has no affection or respect for the people who worship him, and cares little about anything other than his own barren, pointless fame.


10、As a famous love-story novelist, Junnichi Wantanabe has d a vaety of female images.


11、"dung these years, many of 20years girls fm all over china have come to shanghai in search of o "l"s, labels and love"

影片《九》紧随其后,获五项提名,其中包括最佳音乐/喜剧片提名。 该片讲述了一位意大利 导演生活与爱情故事。

12、Close behind was "Nine," about the life and loves of an Italian film director, with five nominations, including best musical or comedy.


13、I thirst for love but I do not understand her deep mystery. I stve for transcendence but I would rather be silent and nameless.


14、Season only leaves us with an inexplicable shock expression, trying very hard to find, and finally tranigration of the gap or in the season, found the first acle of love!

营销人员把这称为“病毒式 传播”,然而我们知道另外一个更抒情一些名字“友爱”。

15、The ers call this “viral distbution, ” but we know it by another and rather psaic name – fendship.

但是,就是这一点“有” ,也充满着无限艰难,如求生存、求爱情、求名位艰难。

16、Yet this "certainty" is full of hardships in the psuit of svival, love, fame and position, etc.


17、To study undergraduates psycholo of marage and love, 538 students are sveyed and the results show that: (

1) students have valued love rationally;

5 38名学生进行问卷调查、个案访问,得出:①大学生更加重视爱情在生活中价值,重视爱情在人生中地位;

每年,平均有217000名观众会聚爱丁堡城堡(Edinbgh Castle),观看闻名遐迩爱丁堡军乐表演。

18、Every year, an average of 217, 000 people gather at Edinbgh Castle in order to watch the famous Military Tattoo.


19、I thirst for love but I do not understand his deep mystery. I stve for transcendence but I would rather be silent and nameless.


20、The reporter notices that sral insance companies have been pmoting jointly-sied insance pducts for mared couples under the name 'love'.

21、"I'm-I'm-my name's Edmund, " said Edmund rather awkwardly. He did not like the way she looked at him.“我,我,我名字叫爱德蒙。”爱德蒙局促不安地说。他很不满意她打量他时那种神情。

22、Twelve years ago, a Chinese TV drama named "Chesh O Love Forr" ("Jiang Aiqing Jinxing Daodi") won instant fame among young people and was viewed by many as a bible of love.xx年前一部名为《将爱情进行到底》电视连续剧迅速在年轻人中走红了,后来甚至还被视为“爱情圣经”。

23、I thirst for love but I do not understand him deep mystery. I stve for transcendence but I would rather be silent and nameless.我渴望爱情但是却不懂他深奥,我向往不平凡但是却甘愿默默无名。

24、I stve for transcendence but I would rather be silent and nameless.我渴望爱情但是却不懂她深奥,我向往不平凡但是却甘愿默默无名。

25、Regular women can't look at female mantic-lead movie stars, or supermodels, and say this.一般是不能指望那些爱情女明星或者超级名模。

英文句子26:,26、Love the name of the Deli Gcery…爱熟食品食品杂货名字。…

27、"Nrtheless," continued the President, "n in the man whom the law has degraded, there may remain, when the divine mercy permits it, a sentiment of honor and of equity.“可是,”庭长接着说,“神恩允许时候,即使是一个受过法律贬黜人,他心里也还可以留下一点爱名誉、爱平等情感。

28、Love, it tns out, is not innocent hanky-panky, but something noxious, corsive—n deadly.在书中,爱情不再是纯洁鱼水之欢,而成为了堕落,腐朽—甚至致命代名词。

29、Then I got a publishing deal that tned into my book, Can’t Think Straight: A Memoir of Mixed-Up Love.后来又签了一项出书合同,书名是《想不通:迷茫爱情回忆录》。

30、Exedore, Breetai, and many of the star players of the REF were in the Tactical Information Center .爱克西多,布里泰以及远征军中诸多著名人物此时都在战术中心。

31、The study, whose subjects were all celebties fm Pinsky's 'Loveline' radio show, found that reality TV stars were the most narcissistic 这项研究对象都是参加过品斯基“爱情专线”广播节目名人,研究发现电视真人秀中明星们是名人中最为自恋一群人。

3 of all celebties.

32、The dience was also very enthusiastic, boosting the morale of the participants. Finally the race came to an end in the cheers for success.场下观众用热情为每位选手呐喊助威,随着最后一名选手冲向终点,比赛在大家欢呼声中画上了句号。

33、According to the annual Office Romance Svey, 48 per cent of 945 employees sveyed say they’ve known of a mared colleague who cheated on his or her spouse with someone at work.xx年一度爱情调查中, 945名受访者中48%表示,他们已婚同事中有人对配偶不忠,与同事发生婚外情.

34、Love is the byname of understanding and care.爱是理解和体贴别名。

35、Yet this "certainty" is full of hardships in the psuit of svival, love, fame and position, etc… Hence sadness and happiness always coexist in real life.但是,就是这一点“有” ,也充满着无限艰难,如求生存、求爱情、求名位艰难。

36、In The Fute of Love, noted therapist and bestselling thor explains where we have gone wng and shows how we all expeence deeper, loving relationship.《未来爱情》一书里,著名心理治疗家、畅销书作家金玛向我们解释:人们什么地方走错了,如果创造更深更爱关系。

37、Despite having published Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villette pseudonymously, Charlotte had, by that time, become a - somewhat reluctant - literary celebty.尽管夏洛特那时匿名发表了《简爱》《《雪莉》《维莱特》等作品,但她却极不情愿成为i一位文学巨匠。

38、I love Jul, Jul impostor like leadership, listen to the angly unwilling to report the "scapegoat" in manners, and scared people to see thugh the fear and feeling uninhibited.我喜爱xx月,喜爱xx月冒名顶替,去听报告会愤而不甘做“替罪羊”举止,和怯怕被人识破而又不羁心情。

39、This article intduces the famous Hong Band technician in Kobe, Wang Hesheng's undertaking founding expeence and his patotic enthusia.介绍了神户著名红帮技师汪和生创业经历以及爱国热情。

40、I love you,not becse of who you are,but becse of who am I when I stay with you.我爱你,不是因为你是谁,而是和你在一起时我是谁。

41、Alleged is a mantic drama based on nts occng behind the scenes and outside the cotom of the famous Scopes "Monkey Tal" of 1925.《宣告》是一部改编自xx年著名历史事件——斯科普斯“猴子审判案”爱情。

42、Best for looking for love: This day is ideal for a first date, say than 40 per cent of 最适合寻找爱情:经调查8000名单身者中40%表示,这天是第一次约会最理想子。

8,000 singletons polled.

43、PLATONIC, adj. Pertaining to the philosophy of Socrates . Platonic Love is a fool's name for the affection beeen a disability and a fst.柏拉图式:与苏格拉底哲学有关。所谓“柏拉图式爱情”,是一个为一种介于无能与冷淡之间感情取名字。

44、Aane has a habit of transposing the complicated love lives of those nd her into the trashy love stoes that she wtes for a women's magazine called "Toi et Moi "(You and Me).雅里安娜最喜欢将发生在身边人之复杂爱情生活转变成一些拙劣爱情故事并刊登在一名叫《你与我》妇女杂志中。

45、Though I know little about Teng and Wei, I consider that Love shouldn't be valued by time.尽管对腾丽名和魏骏杰不太了解,但我认为爱情是不可以用时间去衡量。

46、The study, whose subjects were all celebties fm Pinskys Loveline radio show, found that reality TV stars were the most narcissistic of all celebties.这项研究对象都是参加过品斯基“爱情专线”广播节目名人,研究发现电视真人秀中明星们是名人中最为自恋一群人。

47、Hello dear, My name is Miss Tina .你好,亲爱, 我名字是吴蒂娜。

48、The reporter learned that at present many companies, on the subject of love, lnched the spouse-jointly sied insance pduct.记者了解到,目前已有多家公司以“爱情”为主题,推出了夫妻联名共保保险产品。

49、Yo job's a joke, you're bke, yo love life's D. O. A. (D. O. A. stands for "dead on arval. ")你工作是个玩笑,你一文不名,你爱情如昙花一现。

50、In the days following the Iowa and New Hampshire pmaes, voter enthusia has bloomed online.爱荷华提名和新汉普郡初选之后,用户在线选举热情被激发起来。

经典英文句子51:爱情名句,51、"When I tied this bbon, I made a wish that o love would last forr, " said Masahi Yamamoto, 23, as he and his girlfend enjoyed the view ahead of the holiday rush.一个xx岁名叫山正博年轻人和他女朋友为了避开圣诞高峰期,提前来到这里观赏灯景,他说,“当我把带子系在‘爱情树’上时,我许下一个愿望:愿我们爱情天长地久。”

52、Most of the dience thinks only of "love stoes" when they hear the name Lin Huiyin.在相当一部分公众心目中,和林徽因名字密切联系只有“爱情故事”传说。

53、The line "the ell of death sunds you" took on a whole new ugly meaning after Rossington svived but three bandmates, including Van Zant, peshed.在Rossington生还而三名乐队成员包括Van Zant在内都去世情况下,那句“亡气息围绕着你”有了一种全新险恶解释。

54、Eden Ahbez sums it nicely in the words to his famous song feated in the film Moulin Rouge - “The grea thing you’ll r learn is just to love, and be loved in retn.”Eden Ahbez在他名曲即《红磨坊》主题曲中唱得好:“你学到最棒事情莫过于懂得了如何去爱,并且得到了爱回报。”

55、In the midst of the fairy-tale loves perpetrated by most movies, it comes as a bracing dose of messy reality.这部著名中所呈现童话般爱情故事,就像是面对肮脏现实一点点支柱。

56、With the exciting Swiss conductor Philippe Jordan enlivening the music, Andrei Serban's stage direction rals new layers in the well-known love story.活跃音乐,安德烈塞尔邦阶段方向揭示了新层著名爱情故事。

57、The line love trease dian book sees, each title is unrealistic, as per the cover ChengHao, the cream lover of excessive packaging and gooey.那一字排开「爱情宝典」书系列,每个书名都不切实际,正如每封面上成皓,那奶油情圣般过度包装与黏腻。

58、In the Spit of Jeet Keun Do he plays a high school student who wants to be like Bruce Lee, discovers love and fendship.在《马粥街残酷史》中他扮演一名想成为李小龙高中生,寻到了爱情与友情。

59、Love, it tns out, is not innocent hanky-panky, but something noxious, corsive-n deadly.在书中,爱情不再是纯洁鱼水之欢,而成为了堕落,腐朽—甚至致命代名词。

60、On this, Financial experts suggest that the "love insance", as a new type of insance beneficial to the entire family, is a good choice for investment though it cannot sece love for real ppose.理财专家表示,虽然爱情保险并不保障“爱情”,但作为家庭和夫妻共同分享理财品种,这种���名保单也是一种不错投资选择。

61、The aim of Love Plus is to cot and build a relationship with one of three cartoon-style women, but virtual mance was not enough for this particular player, identified only by his username Sal9000.在《爱相随》游戏中,玩家目是与三名卡通少女之一建立起关系,但虚拟爱情对这位用户名为Sal9000玩家来说还显得不够。

62、“I give you chocolate heart”, “Love bite” or “Warmth of love” could be the names of these photos.这些照片可命名为“献给你巧克力爱心”、“爱之咬”或“爱温暖”。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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