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关于”激励学生“英子52个,句子主体:Motivate students。以下是关于激励学生小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Motivate students


1、Its spell would remain on him for the rest of his life, insping o sees of paintings and dozens of canvases.


2、If I see an overwhelming response encoaging me to tell, then I will admit for you guys "sking my own life"…


3、At P. S. 21, the pncipal announced that to reward students, there would be no homework for the weekend.


4、With the advent of lasers, some expements ted to use its high intensity, high monochmaticity, short pulse dation to perform the theory and expements of the laser selective chemistry.


5、In the college volleyball tonament, the most exciting match was the English Department vs. the Biolo Department; the competition was quite high.


6、Money paid by the company for vaous reasons, such as meeting objectives, pductivity incentives, special nts (e.g. Xmas), etc.


7、Falla says he belis that will change soon, and as Sampras and Bos Becker inspired him, so will crent ps spark another generation of Colombians.


8、If we want to realize the flyback of contemporary classom teaching culte, we should play a le in guiding career planning, foundation affecting of one's job, and insping of live enthusia.


9、There have sprung up a dozen of new textbooks which are based onthe student-centered teaching appach.


10、The realization that foundry pcesses based on Lean pduction can increase competitiveness as well as impve pfitability is encoaging foundes to intduce this pduction practice.


11、Those garnet crystals pduce one laserwavelen; the chemicals, another.


12、In addition, I ed the relation beeen s'share-holding rate and using stock-based incentives as many scholars abad did.


13、Classom humo s to activate students' thinking, active the classom atmosphere, harmonize the relationship beeen teachers and students, edify students' temperament.


14、Much of the ability to teach is innate— an ability to inspire young minds as well as contl unruly classoms that some people instinctively possess and some people definitely do not.


15、Ask the students to look at the pictes in Pre-reading and tell a story according to these pictes.


16、But the conclusion is that avoid negativity nd you and focus on things that inspires and motivates you.


17、If one is really, for instance, captivated by the biochemistry of ptein kinases, you don't necessaly have to work on kinases in oncogenesis.

加强科学 ,正确运用激励手段 ,对于搞好图书馆岗位培训工作具有重要作用。

18、This article is a preliminary discussion about how to make a correct use of the mechani of incentive, and better the training of libraans at post.


19、An award of HK$50 per ho will be made to student ers.


20、For that reason, Michael Jordan and Isiah Thomas struck up a fierce perennial competition and learned to hate each other.

21、Finally, the longing for city life and change the status inspired farmers to go to cities, looking for opportunities to increase rnue.最后,对城市生活向往和改变生存现状迫切愿望激励着农民从农村走向城市,寻找增加收入机会。

22、Combining the practice of class mament, the thor puts forward sral effective ways of encoaging students which would have an active influence on pmoting class - mament ll.文结合班级工作实践,提出了几种行之有效激励学生方法手段,这对提高班级水平具有积极现实作用和意义。

23、Step2. 激发学生讨论并参与课堂活动。让学生联系实际回答问题。

1 . Ask students to read the passage carefully and answer some questions about the details of text.

24、Life with Nikon intduces the optical technologies of Laser Rangefinders.与尼命介绍了激光测距仪光学技术。

25、The mode of practice should be combined with students characi, se their interest in participating in the activities.活动方式应与学生特点相结合, 激发学生参与活动兴趣;

英文句子26:,26、Situations like these not only upset me extermely but me focus on finding the ght solution to implement in o playschool so this incident will nr occ.印度目前这种情况真是让我感到担忧,但是这同时又激励找去找到更好解决方法来避免我们游戏学校也发生这种事情。

27、No, it was a rat race . The students there were too competitive .不喜欢, 那里学生竞争太激烈了。

28、This discovery won the 'Medicine Research Award of the Year' award for BioMed Central's Research Awards in 2007.该发现获得了xx年由生物医学中心研究奖励颁发“年度医学奖”。

29、A student said excitedly when the homeom teacher intduced the themes.当班主任在介绍主题时候,学生激动地说道。

30、Tenacious quality in will can stimulate the students' voluntaness.顽强意志品质会激发学生自觉;

31、In contrast, others hold that discussions can stimulate students to learn by themselves.与此相反,其他人则认为讨论式教学可以激发学生自学能力。

32、Sergio Fernandes fm Brazil says paying students is not realistic.巴西赛基·费南德斯说奖励学生金钱是不现实。

33、To inactivate hormone , to make it lose its bioactivity.使某些激素灭活,使其失去生物学活。

34、Thirdly , it makes an initial exploration of how to motivate the moral need .文认为,学生道德需要是要激发。

35、A Prescption for Change, " in which he laments the dearth of health-care data, weak incentives for quality care and the slow pace of comzation of medical records."对于目前变化应对”在书中,他对缺少卫生保健数据,对于有质量保健缺乏激励,医学档案电子话节奏缓慢感到惋惜。

36、Students, whose entrance examination scores rank fm 奖励各省市文理科高考成绩2~10名学生以及全国学科奥赛一等奖学生。

2 to

10 in each pvince, and those first-pze winners of the National Olympic Cons, will be eligible for the scholarship.

37、To this end we had lnched the INSPIRE or Innovation in Science Psuit for Inspired Research pgramme and I am very happy that this pgramme is doing very well.为了实现这个目标,我们实施了“为激发研究而进行科学工作激励或创新计划”。我非常高兴地看到,这个计划目前运行良好。

38、My mother and father were physicians, my grandmother was a novelist, and at an early age I’d been inspired to do both.我父是医生,我祖母是小说家。 这使我从小时起就受到激励,决心既当医生,又当小说家。

39、It also includes Li Jingbiao, 24, of China Forei Affairs University in Beijing.同样激烈市场竞争还有xx岁李静标,外交学院学生。

40、An award of HK$50 per ho will be arranged to student ers.学生助手服务每小时可获五十元作奖励。

41、Bee of this relative lack of punishment for misconduct, fther incentive, beyond financial ones, is pvided to induce mis-behavior.由于对学术不端行为缺乏处罚,进一步激励,不只是金钱方面,就会导致更严重不端行为。

42、Summing up and studying MA Ke-chang's concept of cminal law, is of great importance to enlarge Chinese good tradition of cminal law, and also to impel the latter learners.总结和研究马克昌刑法学思想,对于弘扬我国优秀刑法传统,激励后学,具有重要现实意义。

43、The Chinese pverb "a book holds a house of gold" has been used by teachers for centues to motivate students and instill in them the idea that academic performance is a ticket to success.数百年来,老师一直用古训“书中自有黄金屋”来激励学生,让他们知道好成绩就是成敲门砖。

44、The vehicle model pvides possibility for accate com and it can simulate the dynamic vehicle loads of real vehicles on wave ad.整车动力学模型建立为更加精确进行车路耦合作用计算提供可能,可以模拟出实际车辆在波形路面激励下产生动荷载作用值。

45、She would comfort us, with her native feelings of life invigorating us to know toleration and content, not to fight with others.她会安我们,以她朴素生活感受激励我们懂得忍受或满足,不要与人争斗。

46、Scientific incentive adapted to the employees is a key link for the scientific research institutes become competitive after the conversion and enterpse operation.转制后和被企业化科研院所是否具有市场竞争力,对员工科学激励是一个重要环节。

47、The teacher will show some pictes or videos about English culte. The students will watch them and learn about English cultes about language, food, weather.学生观看图片或浏览英国,学生感知英国文化习俗,并激发学生阅读兴趣。

48、The fact that menstruation oc remorselessly each month gives a good incentive to find a solution to any related pblem.事实上,每月发生无情地给出了一个好激励找到一个解决任何相关问题。

49、Money paid by the company for vaous reasons, such as meeting objectives, pductivity incentives, special nts, annual bonus, etc.公司根据不同原因支付钱,如完成任务,激励员工提高生产力,特殊节,年终奖等等。

50、We solved that by focusing a great deal on motivating the students. Why?我们通过激发学生,解决该问题,为什么呢?

经典英文句子51:激励学生,51、The hardware facilities, such as buildings, equipments, greening and betifying which pvides good external conditions can pmote and edify the teachers' pfessional dlopments.学校建筑、装备举措措施、绿化美化等学校硬件举措措施为教师专业发铺提供良好外部环境,具有激励和熏陶作用;

52、Since educators' expectation and appreciation would be an endless ener soce that could wake up students' potentials and encoage them to display their self-confidence.赏识所有学生,因为老师赏识和期待,将成为激发学生潜能、唤起学生自信力量之源。

53、Question-answer teaching can not only raise the students' attention and se their interest, but also be ful to digesting and absorbing knowledge .提问式教学法,不仅可以提高学生注意力,激发学生兴趣,而且有助于学生更好地消化、吸收知识。

54、The female hormone of soybean isoflavones is affecting on hormone secretion, metabolic biolo activity, ptein synthesis, gwth factors activity, is the natal cancer chemoprntion agent.大豆异黄酮雌激素作用影响到激素分泌、代谢生物学活、蛋白质合成、生长因子活、是天然癌症化学预防剂。

55、Photothermal effect is one of the most important nts in the medical application of lasers.激光与生物组织光热效应是激光在医学上应用重要方面之

56、The following information is pvided by UM AYP Club and posted by the Student Affairs Section.下列资料由澳门大学国际青年奖励计划同学会提供、学生事务处代传。

57、Therefore, it is a very meaningful task that to research the correlativity beeen the motivated behavior of pncipals and teachers' self-identity to school orization in high school.因此,对中学校长激励行为与教师对学校组织认同这二者之间相关关系进行研究,是一件非常有意义工作。

58、In modern enterpses, the public -oented business activities and stimulate-oented incentive activities have become a momentum for fther dlopment and restoration of repduction.在现代企事业中,以差旅公务为主商务活动和以激励投入为主奖励活动已经成为现代企业深入发展、恢复再生产动力。

59、The dictation, adjustment and infection of teaching language play the le of attracting students' attention and sing their emotion.教学语言指令、调节和感染能很好起到集中学生注意力,激发学生情感作用。

60、In response to the applied stimuli, domain can switch and domain switching coverts one vaant into another.在激励作用下,电畴可以发生畴变,铁电体物质点从一种变体转变成为另一种变体。

61、The effect of optical penetration on laser thermoelastically- generated ultrasound in nonmetallic solids is studied theoretically on the basis of thermoelastic equations.文从热弹基方程出发,理论上研究了非金属固体材料受激光热弹激励超声时,光穿透效应对所产生声波影响。

62、It is the necessity to establish a scientific and efficient mechani to encoage and constrain the s to meet the requirement of reform within state-owned enterpses.建立科学有效国有企业经营者激励与约束机制是国企改革客观要求。

63、This kept the students highly motivated, as you can imagine.这强烈激发了学生,你们可以想象得到。

、ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned with the dlopment of new type of Single-side Exciting Doubly Salient machine .学位论文在深入总结国内外有关文献基上,对单边激励双凸极电机进行了深入理论研究。

65、Unlike Jack, howr, who saw the importance of encoaging and ptecting underlings, Nina mad staff by being blunt.两人不同之处在于,杰克认为激励和保护下属至关重要,尼娜风格相对生硬直率。

66、Student: what wattage of laser would actually damage a camera?学生:,多大瓦特激光实际上才能损坏一部相机?

67、We should award those students who have combined dlopment in moral, intellectual and physical education.我们要奖励德智体全面发展学生。

68、She is the most geneus among the three good students.她是三好学生中最激昂大方。

69、The fierce competition of enteng a higher school students led to the great psychological presse and e the student to go to extremes;激烈升学竞争导致学生极大心理压力并使学生走上极端;

70、The teacher's story titillated the fancy of the pupils.老师故事激发了学生们想像力。

71、So Inspired Participation is about plugging into rything in yo life, finding value in it all and letting yoself do what comes natally.所以激励参与就是要关注生活中一切事物,发现它们价值,并把它们当作理应发生事情来处理。

72、Money paid by the company for vaous reasons, such as meeting objectives, pductivity incentives, special.公司根据不同原因支付钱,如完成任务,激励员工提高生产力,特殊节(如圣诞节),等等。

73、By 1800 the combination of science and the Atlantic economy d incentives and opportunities for entreprenes to mechanise pduction and tap into the power of fossil fuels.到xx年,科学和大西洋经济结合给企业家形成激励和新机会,推动了机械化生产和化石能源利用。 这一进程是在英国开始。

74、Ultra Soce of Life Liquid feates a succulent, invigorating mango pineapple flavor that excites the senses as it energizes the body.奇普仕生命液特点是肉质,搞活芒果菠萝味感官兴奋,因为它激励身体。

75、So, the emphases to research is clear, that is using the different pattern of power collocate to encoage the governor of university.这样一来,需要研究重点就很明确了,即研究通过不同权力配置方式来激励大学者问题。

英文句子模板76:Motivate students,76、The competition was extremely fierce and only the students with exceptional academic performance and personal qualities could be selected.名额竞争激烈,学校选送都是品学兼优学生。


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