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关于”如何区分中成分“英子23个,句子主体:How to distinguish the ingredients in。以下是关于如何区分中成分高中英子。

英文句子模板1:How to distinguish the ingredients in


1、There are lots of difference beeen new blocks and constructed blcoks. How to dif-femtiate the difference is a pblem in traffic forecasting.

RUP 包括如何建立、选择和分组使用用例以及如何把它们分配到迭代中指导。

2、RUP contains guidance for how to elicit, select, and gup use cases, and how to allocate them among iterations.


3、Nobody has shown them how much excess or mkiness has crept into their style and how it obstructs what they are trying to say.


4、In part o, I show you how to set up yo scene to render for compositing.


5、If yo three darts land in regions


4 and

11 you score

17 points.


6、The pblem is measing it: How do you calculate the cost of climate change and then apportion it fairly among the world's businesses?


2 focuses on using the tooling available for dloping ch-client applications and finishing the rest of the plug-in dlopment workflow presented in Fige


2 部分将主要介绍如何使用富客户机应用程序工具以及如何完成图

1 中所示件工作流程剩余部分。


8、When reading, I'm always confused with idioms, slang and colloquial words. Please tell me how to distinguish them.


9、How to finish the berth fixed position of fiducial section?


10、How do you know whether to seent visitors?


11、How are pjects assied at yo orization?


12、But what if you just want the first part of a file, or the last part?


13、Note: In a multi-partition envinment, the following fige applies to each partition in the multi-partitioned instance.


2 goes fther into how Documents ma nts, how partitioning takes place, and how this partitioning pvides for syntax colong.

2 部分会对 Document 如何事件、分块如何发生及这些分块如何提供语法着进行深入介绍。


15、For multiple-partition database partition gups, the partition numbers of the database partition gup are specified in a und-bin fashion.


16、It's very necessary to open education for prntion of maim in middle school.


17、How to optimize assiment and complete logistic supply mission duly is an important pblem of war-zone mateal transportation in modern war.


18、The pze will be split with LaserMotive if either of them succeed


19、In a multi-partition envinment, you can have single-partition tables or multi-partitioned tables.


20、How Are Stkes Classified?

21、Q: How do I calculate the table and index size for a partitioned table (or any table for that matter)?Q:如何计算已分区表(或者任何相关表)表大小和索引大小?

22、Notice how the pcessors have been divided up beeen the fo partitions based on workload.注意,处理器是如何基于工作负载在四个分区之间 进行分配。

23、Data is divided acss all the partitions in a database partition gup and you can add or dp one or database partitions fm a database partition gup.数据被划分到一个数据库分区组中所有分区上,可以为数据库分区组添加一个或多个数据库分区,或者从中去掉数据库分区。

24、Subarea ptection puts overall subarea and thin melt subarea into practice mainly in ancient city area , the subarea having a pertinency contls formation.分区保护主要在古城区实施整体分区与细化分区,形成具有针对分区控制。

25、Yet, with so much information available thugh so many different media, how are we to separate the wheat fm the chaff?但是,在这么多来自不同媒介当中,我们该如何区分良莠呢?

英文句子26:,26、By shang each gup's pcess for how specifications are wtten, how plans are dloped, and how llouts are orized, you can lrage efforts and optimize resoces.通过让各个小组分享他们过程(包括如何编写规格说明、如何计划以及如何组织交付),可以分享工作成果并节约资源。

27、To a new partition gup consisting of all partitions in db2nodes.cfg, issue the following command为了创建一个新由 db2nodes.cfg 中所有分区组成分区组,可以发出以下命令

28、I’m concerned about how the manufacte and disposal of mateal goods affect the envinment, and how the chemicals contained in them affect o health.我担心原材料产品加工和处理将如何影响环境,其中化学成分将如何影响到我们健康。

29、The difference beeen these o methods has to do with how we set the field separator.两种方法区别在于如何设置字段分隔符。

30、For example, you might use LILO in one partition to chain load GRUB in another partition in order to access the GRUB menu for that partition.例如,您可能需要使用一个分区中 LILO 链式加载另一个分区中 GRUB,以便访问该分区中 GRUB 菜单。

31、Floodwaters now cover much of the center Oklahoma.洪水已淹没俄克拉何马中心大部分地区。

32、Then, the geometc relation beeen the mapped area and the flight path of the antenna is determined.分析了成像区位置与载机航迹几何关系。

33、If you have three partitions, hda3, hdb3, and hdc3, and each is about 2Gb, they will a resultant linear volume of 6Gb.如果您有三个分区,hda3、hdb3 和 hdc3,每个分区容量大约 2G,它们将构成一个 6G 合成线卷。

34、Owing to the elements in the flora are mainly of Sino-Himalayan ones, so the flora is obviously with plate and alpine flostic feates.在区系成分中存在较多-喜马拉雅成分,表明了该区系具有明显高原及高山植物区系特。

35、The last option is for disk partitioning: how the installer is going to partition the machine's disk. You have o options, but before you select one, read the Note below最后一个选项针对磁盘分区:安装程序将如何为机器磁盘分区。

36、And if you extend the demilitazed zone dividing the o Koreas into the sea, Yeonpyeong is only 如果将非军事区分成两部分,延坪岛距离中心线只有2英里以南。

2 miles south of that border line.

37、If a partitioned database on AIX has fo database partitions (0,如果在 AIX 上一个分区数据库有


3), where the catalog partition is 0, then you can suspend and resume I/O as follows

4 个数据库分区(0、1、2、3),其中编目分区是分区 0,那么像下面这样起和恢复 I/O

38、Collocation can also occ when a table is located within a single partition database partition gup defined on the same partition as another table.如果一个表在一个单分区数据库分区组中,且该分区组是在另一个表所在同一个分区上定义,那么也可以发生并置。

39、If collocation is not a major consideration, a good partitioning key for a table is one that spreads the data nly acss all database partitions in the database partition gup.如果不需要特别考虑并置,那么能使数据均匀地散布在数据库分区组中所有数据库分区上分区键就是好分区键。

40、Generation and distbution of shared keys for virtual CAis challenging in secity solution based on distbuted PKI/CA.在基于分布式PKI/CA体系安全解决方案中如何生成和分发虚拟CA密钥将是一个突出问题。

41、Discuss how to simulate vaable subarea memory mament by using C language.论述了如何用C语言模拟可变分区存储方式过程。

42、Can you tell Yollo the difference beeen a tiger and an elephant?你能告诉尤罗如何区分老虎和大象么?

43、If ry object is a GameObject, how do we differentiate an interactive power-up object fm a static om?如果每个对象是一个游戏对象,那么我们如何在静态空间中区分一个交互式启动(?)对象?

44、The ver's flora can be divided into 该区种子植物区系包含有15种分布区类型及其14个变型,其中泛热带分布、北温带分布、旧世界温带分布、分布等成分占有重要地位。

15 distbution types and

14 suypes. Among them, Pantpic, North temperate, Old world temperate and E. asia are important types.

45、Dlopers are art people. They know how to do their jobs.人员都是十分聪明人,他们知道如何完成他们工作,也知道如何组织他们工作。

46、If the device is allocated to another partition when this partition is activated, the partition will not start.如果在激活此分区时已将该设备分配给其他分区,则此分区将不会启动。

47、The ppose of this study is identify the pblems of the sequential zone Picking, and emphasize the importance of pickers collaboration.研究提出在顺序式分区拣货环境中,如何使拣货员之间相互合作。

48、But what about the non-traditional tasks such as partitioning and virtualization?但是对于诸如分区和虚拟化之类非传统任务,情况又如何呢?

49、The neighboing downtown and some blocks in the inner subbs , and government resident blocks in the outer subbs are spatial hetegeneity distct.与空间集聚区紧密相邻中心区、近郊区部分街区,以及部分远郊区县行政驻地街区构成了空间异质区;

50、All sorts of education contain both science and humanity, the difference only lies in the amount of the o aspects.任何一种教育都既含有科学成分,又含有人文成分,区别只在含量多寡不

经典英文句子51:如何区分中成分,51、Regardless of yo partitioning decision, make se you follow the "Creating a disklabel" section step by step, with the only deviation being to larger /usr and /home partitions, if you desire.无论您分区决策如何,确保遵循 “创建磁盘标签(Creating a disklabel)” 部分中步骤,惟一例外是:您希望话,可以创建较大 /usr 和 /home 分区。

52、In Part 在这由两部分组成迷你系列 第

1 of this o-part minisees, you saw how dynamic languages facilitate unit ing.

1 部分 中,了解了如何用动态语言促进单元。

53、If the SQL table was a partitioned table, each partition (member) could have a separate media preference.如果 SQL 表是一个分区表,每个分区(成员)都可以有一个单独媒介首选项。

54、This gives us a hint as to how we can break this document down into contllable pieces.这提示我们如何将该文档分成几个可控制部分。

55、First, here's how to them the command-line way, with fdisk.首先,我们来看如何通过命令行用 fdisk 来创建分区。

56、In Part 在第

5, I discuss code completion and content assist, including how they work and how they access the PDOM index.

5 部分中,我将探讨代码完成及内容协助,包括二者如何工作以及如何访问 PDOM 索引。

57、The Business Analyst focuses on mapping E infrastructe boundaes to business divisions or geography and on the mament of business pcesses spanning boundaes that are executed in parts.业务分析人员重点关注如何将 E 基设施边界映到业务划分块或区域,以及如何分块执行跨界业务流程。

58、How do you divide the line into 你如何把这段线分成二十段?

20 pieces?

59、If database partitioning and range partitioning are used together, the ws in a table are first hashed acss the database partitions and then range-partitioned within each database partition.如果数据库分区和范围分区一同使用,那么表内行首先会跨数据库分区做散列处理,再在每个数据库分区中执行范围分区。

60、This article discusses what DB2 partitioning is, outlines the benefits and costs of using it, and s you decide whether or not to use a partitioned database, as well as how to migrate to one.这篇文章讨论 DB2 分区是什么,概述了使用 DB2 分区好处和成,并帮助您决定是否要使用分区数据以及如何迁移至一个分区数据库。

61、As indicated in section on logical partitioning, physical pcessors are logically divided in para-virtualization.正如在 逻辑分区部分中指出一样,在准虚拟化中,将对物理处理器进行逻辑上划分。

62、In this o-part article, I intduced you to task-focused pgramming with Mylyn.在这个由两部分组成文章中,我介绍了如何用 Mylar 进行以任务为中心编程。

63、The defraenter merges multiple aller extents to get longer contiguous extents for a partition, thereby reducing the total number of extents in a partition.碎片整理程序将分区中多个小区段合并成较长连续区段,从而减少分区中总区段数量。

、Langlois: Take me back to the '88 conference finals. What was it like to finally break thugh there?我们回到xx年分区决赛吧,突破分局决赛滋味如何?

65、Unlike other sharding solutions, Slice does not require adding any extra column to the existing schema to enable partitioning.与其他分区解决方案不同,Slice 并不需要向现有模式中添加任何额外列以支持分区。

66、The distbution and hetegeneity of data in this context requires a stng emphasis on how to best translate access to the integrated view and how to decompose and distbute the workload.此上下文中数据分发和异类特征决定了必须重点强调如何最好地转换对集成视图访问,以及如何分解和分布工作负载。

67、If the device is allocated to another partition when this partition is activated, the partition will start.如果在激活此分区时已将该设备分配给其他分区,则此分区仍然会启动。

68、For applicants, the question becomes how to distinguish beeen legitimate consultants and those who too much.对于申请人来说,问题变成了如何区分合理顾问和那些帮助过多服务。

69、How does a Taoist monastery orize itself internally?十方丛林中常住道士如何分工?

70、Part 第

2 demonstrated how to enhance WSA stub classes and integrate other technolo components such as cryptography and XML siates into WSA stub classes.

2 部分说明了如何增强 WSA 存根类以及如何将其他技术组件(如加密和 XML 签名)集成到 WSA 存根类中。

71、I have a few comments about transaction logging in R5, partitioning, and clusteng, and how they affect performance.我要对 R5 中事务志、分区、集群以及它们如何影响能进行评论。

72、How has wine become a part of o culte?葡萄酒如何成为我们文化一部分?

73、You have also discovered the detailed pcedes on how to suspend/resume I/O, split a r, and initialize it to make it usable on both partitioned and non-partitioned envinment.此外,您还发现了在分区环境和非分区环境中关于如何起/恢复 I/O、分割镜像以及初始化分割镜像从而使之有用详细过程。

74、In a multi-partition database partition gup, you can only a unique index if it is a superset of the partitioning key.在多分区数据库分区组中,如果索引是分区键超集,那么只能创建一个惟一索引。

75、This field defines the percent complete based on the state of the record at any given moment in time in ClearQuest.这个区域中您将根据 ClearQuest 中任何特定时间这个记录状态来定义完成百分率。

英文句子模板76:How to distinguish the ingredients in,76、If you have a partition available, then you should prepare it as outlined above in the Configing swap section.如果有某个分区可用,您可以按照上面在 配置交换分区部分中介绍来准备它。


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