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关于”激励孩子“英子42个,句子主体:Motivate children。以下是关于激励孩子中考英子。

英文句子模板1:Motivate children


1、Boys will be boys.


2、The mother was not keen for any investigations, and she was concerned with the usage of inhaled topical corticosteids for rhinitis and hyperactive airway disease.


3、When I came home fm work, I saw o children agitato told me that they had cght a caterpillar.


4、My wife — Her ll of coage and genuineness inspires me daily. She pushes me as a wter and an artist.

小男孩和冰激凌 在冰激凌圣代还不贵时候,有一个xx岁小男孩走进一家酒店咖啡馆,坐在桌子旁。

5、Little Boy and Ice Cream In the days when an ice cream sundae1 cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table.


6、Another way to pique yo child's interest is to give him a book that inspired a movie.


7、Consider, in advance of interviewing, what actually does motivate you and come up with some specific examples to share ding the interview.


8、If you are intended to boost art staff’s morale by awarding him with positions with supeor titles or pmotion, you will pbably be foiled.


9、Imagining oneself as a builder of skyscrs or a superhe defending the planet is empoweng to a child. It s them dlop confidence in their abilities and their potential.

回护孩子等于纵容孩子, 这样做不利于孩子成长。

10、Predilection towards children is conniving them, which is adverse for their gwth.


11、The effects of stochastic excitation on the peod-doubling bifcation and chaotic motions of the softening Duffing oscillator, are discussed in detail.


12、Videos, podcasts, and expert interviews to motivate you and you stay on track with wting and completing yo eBook.

毕竟,如每个人都一样处理,那还须使用让人变好激励吗? 如果好孩子犯错,受处罚要比犯同样错误问题儿童轻些。

13、After all, if ryone is treated the same, what is the incentive to be good?If a good kid makes a mistake, the penalty should be much less sre than if a pblem child commits the same act.


14、In the 1st centy B. C. , Roman playwght Terence said the le of a father is "to teach and inspire his children to do good of their own free will rather than fear of somebody else."


15、In Michelle Bachelet, the former President of Chile, we found a global leader who can inspire millions of women and girls nd the world.


16、The typical example of dilution is:the board of directors has hired a CEO for the company and they want to motivate the CEO.


17、I am looking forward to getting to know yo children and working directly with them in the classom to facilitate their exploration, discovery and learning of English.


18、I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.

研究人员科林•佩恩说:“我就对我孩子采取这种方法。 能激发他们想象力东西似乎也能激发他们胃口。”

19、"I've been using this with my kids," said researcher Collin Payne, "Whatr sparks their imagination seems to spark their appetite."


20、After the fierce fighting, the boy was saved safely.

21、Since you became the team leader of sofare department, pductivity has gone up. but can you motivate you team in the fute.自从你成为软件部组长,生产力上升了。 但是你能在未来子里继续激励你团队吗?

22、It's exciting than yo kids.肯德基比你小孩更令人激动

23、Children have always a sympathy in the agitations of those connected with them;孩子们与同他们相关人们激动总是息息相通;

24、The reaction was electc, and within moments a pulsing sea of children gathered nd the new President.孩子们反映很令人激动,他们跳跃着在瞬间将这位新行长团团围住。

25、"I've been using this with my kids, " said researcher Collin Payne, "Whatr sparks their imagination seems to spark their appetite."“我一直对自己孩子用这种方法,”研究员 Collin Payne 说,“任何激发他们想像事物似乎也激发他们食欲。”

英文句子26:,26、How to stimulate the child's artistic potential - Xuedao Ming - Speaker Neork Speaker - share the joy of shopping! …如何激发孩子艺术潜质-薛道铭- 喇叭网喇叭-分享购物快乐!…

27、Together we pduced and raised o great kids, Me and Seth, who continue to blow my mind.我们有了两个孩子:梅甘和赛斯,两个让人激动小家伙。

28、Instituting incentives for impved behaviors can certainly be ful, but in the case of obesity the es and ces are too diffuse.施行激励改善行为当然会有帮助,但具体到肥胖例子中原因与治疗关系太模糊。

29、It will be convenient for the kids to own their change money when they are outdoors in bus or have a desire for tasty ice-creams.小孩应该有自己零花钱,因为这样话,小孩子在出门坐车或者想吃冰激凌时就很方便。

30、National Fishing Week is really all about the kids, so let's make it enticing and give them a reason to go.全国钓鱼周实际上是为孩子而设,让我们一起把它变得更加令人激动,并给孩子一个理由来参加。

31、About 60 to 200 miles overhead, the particles bump into the Earth's atmosphere and become electcally 'excited' - thwing off light of vaous colos.在约60至200英里上空,粒子与地球大气层发生碰撞,受到电气激励——发出各种颜。

32、It is pvocation, trying to people off, badmanners, pointless stupidity and very very childish.这是挑衅,试图激怒人们,没有礼貌,无意义愚蠢和非常非常孩子气。

33、All girls go thugh hormonal changes ding puberty. Ding this peod, the body expeences a change in the pduction of estgen.所有女孩子们都要经历青春期荷尔蒙激素变化,在这一时期,身体要经历雌激素分泌量变化。

34、Some children bng all the tools they are on and one of the boys share he wants to bng a ice cream machine.一些孩子画上了他们喜欢所有工具,其中一个男孩,告诉大家他想带一台冰激凌机。

35、The kids were wet and very excited and Roger was very shaken .孩子们浑身水淋淋,都激动得很。罗杰却是颤抖个不停。

36、The effects of stochastic excitation on the peod-doubling bifcation and chaotic motions of the softening Duffing oscillator, are discussed in detail.讨论了有 界噪声激励对软弹簧杜芬振子倍周期 分岔至运动影响。

37、This does not encoage positive behavior and overreactions can result in bad behavior.这会导致消极行为,而且过激反应会引发孩子更坏表现。

38、我妻子---她勇气和真诚每天都激励着我,是她使我成为一个作家和艺术家。My wife — Her ll of coage and genuineness inspires me daily. She pushes me as a wter and an artist.

39、At present, iontophoresis apparatus is a method that direct crent power supply, or pulse electc crent power supply.目前,电离子导入仪主要采用是直流电激励导入,或是脉冲电导入方法。

40、A steady state plaa is maintained by electmaetic field and ambipolar diffusion of charged particles is ed by electstatic field of charge.放电为磁场激励型,稳定等离子体由电磁场所维持,空间电荷产生静电场引起荷电粒子双极扩散。

41、A blue laser pbes the cloud; emitted light rals how many atoms became excited.一束蓝激光探测电子云,受激光显示有多少原子受激发。

42、By measing both oginal unbalance response and excitation response, dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of fluid beangs and tor unbalances can be calculated.通过测量转子原始不平衡量响应和激励响应,计算出滑动轴承和阻尼系数及转子不平衡量。

43、The foundation is not stng enough for the pper interplay of soul beeen teacher and child. The child is insufficiently sed to inner activity.这样基有些弱,不足以在孩子与老师之间发展恰当灵魂之间相互影响,孩子内部活动就得不到充分激活。

44、Well, tell you the truth, that email really inspired me to make a post about that video music (thanks Ivana).嗯,说实话,该电子邮件真正激励我作出有关该音乐(感谢伊万娜格)一职。

45、I could go into many examples of how I used these o forms of motivation, but you get the idea.我能够举出许多关于我使用这两个激励形式例子,但是我想你已经明白了这个观点。

46、Another: "I think he was definitely energized, and he realized there was added responsibility now of that fork in the ad."另一位报料人说:“我认为他很受激励,他意识到在这个分岔路口,他肩上担子更重了。”

47、The results show that the annular array in different combination and excitation condition has radiation charactesti of monopole, dipole and quadrupole of acoustic logging.实验结果表明,在不同组合和激励条件下,圆弧阵具有声波测井单极子、偶极子和四极子声源辐特征。

48、Girl: Angry Angler Hellstew, eh?女孩:“地狱激怒琵琶鱼炖汤”吧?

49、Could you offer rewards: have one child only and you may fly to Floda once a year?能否为此提供奖励:只有一个孩子,所以可能奖赏您每年一次飞往佛罗里达州度假?

50、My dear child, you're being childish.我乖孩子,你这是孩子气。

经典英文句子51:激励孩子,51、His wife Nancy had to breastfeed their children as Beatie was unable bee male hormones prnted him fm pducing milk.由于比提体内男激素使得他无法哺,他妻子南希不能不替他们孩子喂奶。

52、For example, a new father has elevated lls of the hormone plactin — usually associated with lactation in women — that tgger his nting instinct.例如,新催激素量(这一般是与哺期妇女有联系)增加,从而激发其教养孩子能。

53、She got out and the thankful mother joined her children in the boat.她从船里出来,那位感激不已上救生船与孩子们会合了。

54、Her ll of coage and genuineness inspires me daily. She pushes me as a wter and an artist.我妻子---她勇气和真诚每天都激励着我,是她使我成为一个作家和艺术家。

55、Parents who find older children bullying younger bthers and sisters might do well to replace shouting and punishment by rewarding and giving attention to the injed ones.发现年长孩子欺负弟弟或家长,可能通过奖励和更加关心害孩子代替斥责和惩罚伤害者方法,效果会更好。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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