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关于”最高级“英子31个,句子主体:The highest ll。以下是关于最高级高一英子。

英文句子模板1:The highest ll


1、Contbutors represent the most senior and well-established names in the field.


2、For 2010,

5 of the

10 most efficient vehicles were midsize.


3、Zhou said DaCare places about 300 forei executives a year in China at lls up to vice president.


4、A nobleman with the highest hereditary rank, especially a man of the highest grade of the peerage in Great Btain.


5、The basic farm ll is how good at farming this pvince is. The higher the basic farm ll, the money you will get fm building farming buildings.


6、In addition, if you're upgrading a ctical app, it's always best to do so dung off-peak hos.


7、Seraph is of the highest rank of angels in the Bible.

“猎鹰”II RF-7800H是目前最先进高级频无线电。

8、The Falcon II RF-5800H is the most advanced HF radio in the world.


9、For the Virtual Memory setting in Windows (ght-click on My Comr, Pperties, Advanced, Performance Settings, Advanced, Virtual Memory), make se the MIN and MAX are both the same number.


10、Dual spec is max-ll only. They may expand it to lower ll characters if it pves popular.

在“讨鬼传 极”里将一件防具锻炼到最高等级。

11、Fortify a piece of armor to its maximum ll in "Toukiden: Kiwami. ""


12、Sum up the usage of the superlatives including the special usage.


13、The top of this fo-step "staircase" is the Qinghai-Tibet Plate.


14、He received the highest possible score on the college-ll Advanced Placement in French.


15、Carp, grass carp, crucian carp which is that the "most advanced" of eating fish?


16、This illustrates the highest ll of factong components into their most atomic stage.


17、Only top-ranking generals—fo stars—were allowed inside, and they were not permitted to take the befings out.


18、He does not give you second-rated food, he serves you top class - he is a three-star Michelin!

这个新特只能在最高级 IBM 595p 上使用。

19、This new feate/functionality is limited to top-of-the-line IBM 595p.

20、Racing is the most interesting sport I've r known. 赛跑是我知道最有趣运动。

21、Senior 3-ll English and Mathemati with a minimum final grade of 80% in each. Final overall average of 85% in Senior 3-ll.完成高xx年级英语和数学,最低分达到80%以上,高三最终平均分达到85%。

22、Maximum Power Ll Known: A psychic gue begins play with the ability to learn 1st-ll powers.最高可知能级:游戏开始时灵能游荡者具有学习1级异能能力。

23、Howr, the firms also stamped their top ratings on mortgage secuties, ing to lead to the bubble that bst in 2008.不过,评级机构也给了抵押贷款证券最高评级,帮助引发了泡沫,泡沫最终在xx年破裂。

24、Each CPU is assied a different arbitration poty ranging fm 0 (lowest) to 每个CPU分配了一个不同仲裁优先级,从最低0到最高15,存放在局部APIC仲裁优先级寄存器中。

15 (highest) in the arbitration poty register of the local APIC.

25、He's not very skilled against the highest ll welterweights and junior middleweights but he is tough and nr quits.马加里托与最高级别次中量级拳手和轻中量级拳手对抗时没有技术优势,但他很顽强,没退缩。

英文句子26:,26、Such an addition would certainly be of the highest poty.这样添加当然可以拥有最高优先级。

27、A largest, tallest, and most functional highest-grade comprehensive modern building compsing high-grade offices, apartments, commercial stores and an entertainment centre.一座规模最大、楼层最高、能最全、档次最优、融高级写字楼和高档公寓、商场、娱乐中心为一体现代化综合大厦。

28、The Chinese police are divided into five ranks. The top one is commissioner-general, and the bottom one is constable.警衔分为五级,最高是总警监,最低是警员。

29、Those letters refer to the class (First, Business, Coach, etc.) fm highest to lowest and the numbers refer to the number of remaining seats in the corresponding class.那些字符串代表座位等次, 从最高级别到最低级别排序(首级,商务级,巴士旅行等等) 而数字串代表所保留座位按照相应等级排列号码。

30、Thee higher people's cot in the region diissed her appeal in January 2015 and upheld the ruling made by the lower cot before submitting Huang's death sentence to the Supreme Cot for appval.更高一级高级于xx年xx月驳回抗诉,维持原判,并将刑裁决上报至最高核准。 。

31、The utilization frequency of residential area park is the highest (38.57%).游人对居住区级公园利用率最高(38.57%)。

32、Thus, the top poty effort revolved nd addressing the data issue.也就是说,优先级最高工作是解决数据问题。

33、Their crent top-of-the-range running shoe is being discontinued.他们目前最高级跑鞋即将停产了。

34、It is also why so many multi-international companies are paying higher and higher pays to recruit the top mament talents nd the world.目前最缺乏应该是具备国际竞争力高级经理人才和高级专业人才。

35、This bit corresponds to the highest poty task that is runnable .该位对应着优先级最高可执行进程。

36、Fo restaants have been awarded the highest accolade of a three-star rating.四家餐馆获授予三星级餐馆最高荣誉称号。

37、Nike Golf Announces its Most Premium To-Ll Ins to Date;耐克高尔夫公布了获得最有价值巡回赛级别铁杆;

38、There's the really low human beings like undergraduates, then there are beings who are a little bit higher like graduate students, and then you have the supreme beings,Gnosti,like pfessors.有一些很低级人类,比如科生,还有一些稍微高级点人,比如研究生,还有最高等级,诺斯替,比如教授。

39、IBM pduces the most powerful and ener efficient comrs on the planet, according to the la supercomputing Green500 list.按照Green500最新超级计算机排行榜,IBM生产计算机能最强、能效最高。

40、Those are the highest on the Saffir-Simpson scale. They can e complete of faile on most homes and buildings.这是萨佛-辛普森等级最高级别,会造成大部分房屋和建筑毁坏。

41、After the squad came succeeding layers, the platoon, company, on up to division, all covered by the loose outermost layers of corps and army.葱头核心之班级单位之外,为排、连单位,最高则到师级,最外层松散包裹葱头之单位为军、集团军。

42、Amazingly, bond-rating agencies slapped their highest ratings on the "best" of this de.令人惊讶是,债券评级机构居然把他们最高评级送给了这类债务中“佼佼者”。

43、The movie ended up scong a 93% in the top o boxes, which are marked "excellent" and "very good.经过统计,93%观影人最终给出了“最好”和“非常好”最高两级评价。

44、You are always my fondest star. 你永远是我最喜欢明星。

45、Threads fm the highest poty nonempty pool are given CPU time.非空最高优先级池中线程将获得cpu时间。

46、"Rolls Royce" of the founder of Rls (ROLLS) and Royce (ROYCE) is called "the most advanced mateals pvider" and "the most advanced technolo are" the perfect combination.“劳斯莱斯”创始人劳尔斯(ROLLS)和罗伊斯(ROYCE)被称之为“最高级材料提供者”和“最高级技术应用者”完美结合。

47、I am the tallest in o class. 我是咱们班里个子最高。

48、The expeenced senior sys works on the initial class desi.有经验高级员可以实现最初类设计。

49、We realize that yo mateals are of the very highest quality and that you pay the highest wages in the field.所采用技术资料是最高级,同时在地区中你们所付出工资也是最高。

50、The racer or der who demands the highest ll of cycling performance.竞技运动员,追求最高级别,最佳表现力公路车自行车爱好者。

经典英文句子51:最高级,51、On the other hand, compang only the lowest-scong people with the highest-scong, the least-iling were three times likely than the biggest ilers to divorce.另外,只比较笑容等级最低和最高人时,笑容最少人离婚可能要比笑容最多人高三倍。

52、It is an academic text of the highest ll being thotative and comprehensive.它是目前最高级别学术权威和全面文。

53、Moody's, Standard &Poors and Fitch stood by their AAA top ratings for Collateralized De Obligations (CDOs), which are based in part on pools of subpme mortgages.权威评级机构穆迪、标准普尔、惠誉都曾给债务抵押债券(CDO)最高评级AAA,认为其是最好债券之

54、Rend - Base damaged increased fm 300 to 450 for max rank.撕裂-最高级技能基伤害从300增加到450。

55、Royal board om at the highest-ranking Chinese is big dining om.御膳房堪称当时最高级大食堂了。

56、Howr, the last digit desiates the ll of cold working in the alloy, with 然而,末位数字指出合金冷加工等级,其中9为最高等级。

9 denoting the highest.

57、Despite all this, GE failed to save its top-notch credit rating.除此之外,GE还丢掉了长久以来了最高信用等级。

58、One of the world's most exclusive clubs has seen its membership drastically shnk.世界上最高级俱乐部成员数急剧下降。

59、My movements are the most graceful of us three. 三个人中我动作是最优雅。

60、Pmary considerations were airtightness, thermal mass and high lls of insulation.最初考虑是气密、热容量和高级隔热材料。

61、Senior 3-ll Chemistry and Biolo, each with a minimum final grade of 85%.化学和生物达到高三水平,最高年级平均分在85分以上。

62、Photographing at a maximum-secuty facility was an interesting exercise.拍摄最高级别安全设施是一项很有趣实践。

63、Moreover, forest harvesting could increase the fire sk class, which was the lowest under selective cutting scenao.采伐提高了森林火险等级,择伐方式下森林火险等级最低。

、Good is the Insance Institute for Highway Safety's highest rating.优秀是公路安全保险机构最高等级。

65、The Supreme People's Cot is the highest judicial or of the PRC. It supervises the adjudicative work of the people's cots at all lls and other special people's cots.最高是国最高级别司法机构,它对所有各级以及其他专门判决实施职权。

66、A guard shows a display cell in the maximum-secuty section.警卫展示一间位于最高警戒等级区域样板囚室。

67、Yet the study found that the highest gup was than ice as likely as the lowest gup to have heart disease or diabetes, or both.但是研究发现级别最高小组患心脏或者糖病,或者同时患两种病可能比最低级别小组高两倍多。

68、In 2004 he started wting and his wting was at highest ll given to middle students' work nationally - ll xx年开始文学创作,文学创作为全国中学生作文水平最高等级——12级。


69、THE numbers keep sing, the superlatives keep glowing.这些数字不断上升,最高级保持容光焕发。

70、Can you tell me the comparative form and the superlative form of this word?你能给出这个词比力级和最高档吗?

71、Consider the tacti of advanced placement, the ungraded high school as newly pposed, and the lenening school year.看看关于跳级政策,不分级高中最新提议,以及延长学习年限做法。

72、Loaded with performance and premium feates, the 2008 Can-Am Outlander MAX 800 Ltd. ATV comes with rything you'll r need.装有能和高级能,可以在xx年-上午欧蓝德最高800有限公司,亚视来一切,您最需要。

73、Door locks on tomobiles and most high-secuty locks have pin tumblers.门锁和汽车最高级安全锁有脚酒杯。

74、Ballou's low point came in 2006, when less than 60 percent of the senior class graduated.巴罗最低点来到xx年,当时不到60级高级百分之毕业。

75、I have oained Grade E or above in HKALE or GCEAL in at least 人持有高级程度会考或普通教育文凭试(高级程度)(GCEAL)最少二科合格,及具有最少一年全职工作经验。

2 subjects and have at least

1 year of full-time work expeence.

英文句子模板76:The highest ll,76、What is the grea difference beeen associate degree and high diploma?你认为副学士与高级文凭有什麽最大分别?。

77、The decision made by the Higher People's Cot is subject to review by the Supreme People's Cot.最高对高级作出裁定进行复核。

78、Histocal earthquake records show that most histocal earthquakes in Anhui area are medium-stng earthquakes, the largest maitude of them is M614.史料记载表明安徽地区历史以中强震为主,最高为M614级。

79、That is why he is the most supeor. - He seeks to save the world and gains the end.这就是为什么他是最高级-他寻求拯救世界并且赢得最终。


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