
发布时间:2023-04-12 03:06:05 阅读:63 点赞:0

关于”上册“英子56个,句子主体:First volume。以下是关于上册初中英子。

英文句子模板1:First volume


1、Youku.com in Chinese characters was previously registered, but not by us, unfortunately.


2、Once the registration is complete, the Agency shall assi a registration number to the substance concerned and a registration date, which shall be the same as the submission date.


3、We have some bches with us.


4、"Detox and cleanse away yo body fat" was the headline of one pamphlet I picked up recently.

5、She treases her photo album. 她珍爱她相册。


6、Shown ght is an account book of ninety-one debit and credit businesses ding the Guangxu peod, recording money borwed and lent, interest and siates of both parties.


7、In accordance with the Section 16(

3) of the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, all registered social workers should within

3 months notify the Registrar of any change in personal particulars.



8、Its registered brand is "Qian Wang".


9、The King couldn't refuse his only dghter. He se fm his thne and knighted the blackith.


10、She treases her photo album.


11、Not ry photo needs to be preserved for a dred years in an archival-quality album.

例如“德新海”号就没有在“之角”海上安全中心注册登记。 后者通过跟踪船只位置,为注册船只寻找该海域护航船舰。

12、The De Xin Hai, for example, was not registered with the Matime Secity Centre (Horn of Afca), which seeks to safeguard ships travelling in the region by tracking their positions.


13、Details of each subscption registration and de-registration is stored in the bker database table.


14、If you saw a dull bche sitting on a desk, would you bother to pick it up?


15、This function must be registered.


16、Here she got o pamphlets.


17、The WHO Registry Neork pvides pspective tal registes with a forum to exchange information and work together to establish best practice for clinical tal registration.


18、Refers to the institutions licensed under the Hospitals, Nsing Homes and Maternity Homes Registration Ordinance (Cap. 165).


19、"The album, " said Edward sulkily.


20、This unit gup includes registered nses, nse practitioners, registered psychiatc nses and graduates of a nsing pgram who are awaiting registration (graduate nses).

21、Determines whether the specified counter is registered to the specified category on the local comr.确定是否向远程计算机上指定类别注册了指定计数器。

22、Otherwise, we would wait for it to be available to register this domain.否则话我们会等到这个名字可以注册时候再去注册这个域名。

23、Register and unregister XML schemas注册和注销 XML 模式。

24、Basically, the pfile is stored in a plug-in and registered thugh its plugin.xml file.基上,概要文件存储在件中,并且通过它 plugin.xml 文件来注册。

25、This flyer answers exactly that.手册会告诉你

英文句子26:,26、For instance, Meebo combines a si-up form with a complete registration and offers users a si-up wizard in a pop-up window.比如,Meebo把一个完整注册过程整合在一张注册表单中,并且通过一个弹出框形式为用户提供注册向导。

27、Classs 38 Telecommunications.商标注册类别38 㥞电讯。

28、These books are without question heavily allusive any other books in the epic.这几册诗毫无疑问比其他几册,具有更加浓厚暗示意味。

29、G2 picks the first image that was added to an album as the album highlight.G2选取一个相册中第一个被添加图片作为相册封面。

30、Going thugh the pcedes of online registration and pme entry of import mechanical & electcal pducts.企业申请各类机电产品自动进口许可网上注册、预录手续。

31、Van Gundy slams his phonebook on the table, sighs and waits a minute before he responds.范把他记录册狠狠地放在桌子上,叹息着,等了几分钟说。

32、Do the workbook Lesson 完成练习册第


17 课。

33、I’ll send you a bche.我给你一份小册子。

34、Having a registered safety director;有注册安全主任;

35、ZUL , an XML-formatted and easy-to read language, is used to descbe the above registration form.一种基于xml且易读语言,被用来描述上面注册界面。

36、Pray for Shaanxi peasants Yang Xinman, Yang Peiman and Yang Peiyan to be named in the Book of Life.愿陕西农民杨新满、杨培满、杨培彦被记在生命册上。

37、This is the first album of Xinjiang Xinmin intends to pduce. I look forward to seeing fm him. These albums should ntually offer new aspects to this land of infinite vaeties.这是张新民第一介绍新疆画册,我希望今后能看到他更多画册,也通过它们表露出新疆大地上另一个侧面。

38、她昨天注册入大学。She enlled in college yesterday.

39、First refer to this handbook.首先看看学生手册。

40、The slaves were pperty theywere on the tax books along with horses and cats, the valuationof each slave wtten next to his name in the tax assessors books.当时,奴隶只是一件财产,他们和马儿、猫儿一起列在税册上,在收税人册子里,每个奴隶名字旁边写着他们价值。

41、There are volumes of data about rare trees and leaves and plants and all their medicinal pperties.一册册资料记载了罕见树木、叶子、植物及其医疗特。

42、She treases her photo album.她珍爱她像册。

43、If yo application has been submitted and ntually be rejected by Companies Registry, the lodent fee of HK$295 paid to Companies Registry is non-refundable.如果你申请已呈交公司注册署但最终未获批准注册,包含在注册费中存放费用港币295元则不可退回。

44、31 men of half the tbe of Manasseh, desiated by name to come and make David king-18, 000;玛拿西半支派,册上有名共一万八千人,都来立大卫作王。

45、The losers may challenge the outcome. The electoral ll was conceded to be flawed, with some of the country’s 176m voters missing fm the list, and some duplicate names.失败者可能会对选举结果有所质疑,认为选举名册存在漏洞,因为1,7600万选民名字在选名册上失踪,而且还有重名现象。

46、Commercial banks must not set up other accounting books other than that set up according to law.商业银行不得在法定会计帐册外另立会计帐册。

47、Put on the table in fnt of the comr to open, expand the album, with guests about the business.打开小桌板摆上电脑、展开画册,与嘉宾们谈起了业务。

48、Millions have also sied up to Twitter, the 'mic-blogging' that lets members circulate short text and picte messages about themselves.还有上百万人注册了微博Twitter,可以在上面发布与自己有关短和照片。

49、All the registered clinical tals will be granted a unique registration number by WHO ICTRP.凡已注册临床试验都会被授予 WHO ICTRP 全球统一唯一注册号。

50、The pnted sample trademark pattern shall be same as the one on the Trademark Registration Certificate;所印制商标样稿应当与《商标注册证》上商标图样相同;

经典英文句子51:上册,51、At December, 297 coses were registered and 261 coses exempted fm registration.截至xx年xx月,共有297项课程注册,261项课程获豁免注册。

52、Album - Eternal Endless Infinity.相册 - 永恒无尽无限。

53、Register for online banking today and you can check exactly how much money you have, whenr you want.现在就注册网上银行,无论何时你都可以查询你余额。

54、Register RJCBRT.DLL with the regsvr32 command.用 regsvr32命令注册 RJCBRT.DLL。

55、Then, say a Filter 另外假设 Filter

1 is registered on Display for that same nt type t1.

1 是在 Display 上为相同 t1 类型事件注册过滤器。

56、Please identify the registered trademark.请认明注册商标。

57、You have to be prepared to honor the coupons at anytime otherwise it won’t work.如果你在赠券有效期内做了册子上事情你将会得到荣誉。

58、对,第一册有 Good morning to you ,good morning to you…

59、Thou tellest my wandengs: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?求你把我眼泪装在你皮袋里。 这不都记在你册子上吗。

60、Kubota guide f2450cb parts.久保田f2450cb零件手册。

61、Trademarks are ptected thugh registration.商标通过注册保护。

62、She enlled in college yesterday.她昨天注册入大学。

63、There is an instructional manual !有一使用手册!

、Research the ONU dynamic adjustment method of the window, and based on the crent EPON deployment scenaos in China, a adaptive algothm of the ONU registration cycle is pposed.研究并分析了原有EPON协议中ONU注册算法,根据EPON建设场景中ONU注册特点,提出一种具有最小注册时延和最大带宽利用率自适应ONU注册周期调整算法。

65、No registration fee is required.不需要交纳注册费。

66、Bachelor Degree or higher, and major in accounting and finance. CPA is preferable.会计、财务或相关专业科以上学历;具备注册会计师职称者优先;

67、As a result of the online registration vefication mechani Requests in the first operation of the neork firewall sofare to prnt the use of neork sofare. Then KEYGEN registration.由于采用了上网验证注册机制,请在第一次运行软件时候用网络防火墙阻止软件访问网络,再用KEYGEN注册。

68、Any pvider can register itself into a registry and the ptocol pvider will be registered along with the pvider classes that pvide the .任何服务提供者都可以把自己注册到一个服务注册表,而协议提供者会与提供服务提供者类一起注册。

69、Certified Public Valuer(CPV)Cpv are those people who oain cpv's certificate and accept request so that to do evaluate and estimate the assets.注册资产评估师是依法取得注册资产评估师证书且经过注册并接受委托从事评定估算业务执业人员。

标签: 女士英文名  D开头英文名 

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