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关于”适合写“英子25个,句子主体:suitable for wting。以下是关于适合写高中英子。

英文句子模板1:suitable for wting


1、Mrs. Abrams had fused my love of descption and articulation with a martinet like orization to impve my wting by leaps and bounds. This allowed me to find my own style of wting.

2、In version

1.2 the recruitment scpts are entirely rewtten , they are now much flexible, potential and easier to adapt to other mods.



3、What time would be good for you?


4、You don't belong in the beginners' class.

Schematn 则非常适合于局部结构和 HL7 CDA 内容约束,而这又非常适合于 HL7 模板。

5、Schematn is suitable for partial structe and HL7 CDA content constraints, which is highly apppate for HL7 Templates.


6、On a genetic ll, the finding that members of a band are not highly interrelated means that “inclusive fitness cannot explain extensive cooperation in ter-gatherer bands, ” the researchers wte.


7、The "glue code" we need to wte for Form1 is just a line in the message handler to request the business layer execute the apppate logic.


8、Chapter Two, Wting Qut Teaching Plans Suitable for High School Students in the Way of Lectung Based on the Teaching Practices on Vocational Guidance.


9、To dlop a singing legato , Chopin made use of new rhythms which required a flexible and freer use of the fingers.


10、His technique is good for short stoes, for people who meet once in a bar very late at night, but do not enter into relations.


11、Availability: This sees is applicable for dull and sallow skin.


12、Shake well. Apply and blend with fingertips before sun expose.


13、You dont belong in the beginners class.


14、Be able to weld mild steel. alloy steel etc.


15、Howr, if you take it one step at a time, you'll soon be an expert at wting letters to send with yo resume.


16、The cement agglomerated stone tiles and thin terrazzo tiles can be widely used in all kinds of places as civil buildings, offices, manufactoes, electc powers, workshops and so on.


17、This pduct isn t suitable for you.


18、So, which gd is best?


19、The goal of the study in this thesis is to find feasible ways to solve fo major grammatical pblems among non-English major college students.


20、Quick dry, took for high-speed pnting.

21、Used for sliding parts and seals but not load-carrying beangs.适用于滑动部件和密封件,但不适合负荷轴承。

22、The invention has the charactesti of wider working bandwidth and the high gain, which is suitable for the antenna application of the three frequency band RFID reader-wter.发明具有较宽工作带宽和高增益特 ,适合三频段RFID读写器天线应用。

23、Is this a good amount of work?但这个工作量合适吗

24、Lace-up close for an adjustable fit.花边封闭可调适合。

25、I shall wte to Mrs. Partdge in a day or o, and shall give her a stct charge to be on the look-out for any thing eligible.过一两天我给帕特里奇太太写封信,叫她仔细留心给找个合适人家。

英文句子26:,26、No suitable buoy is available today.今天并无合适系泊浮泡。

27、Wte code for the ClaimContentAdapter file as previously descbed in Steps 1-7 of Wte the content adapter code.按照编写内容适配器代码步骤 1-7 编写用于 ClaimContentAdapter 文件代码。

28、Only in the D-League.只适合在发展联盟打球。

29、适合于长途海洋运输 Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation

30、This application form is applicable to Single Authoty's customers only.此服务表格只适用于单式权限之客户填写。

31、For lil's ones learning to self-feed.适合宝宝自己食用。

32、The middle of the text: the ght degree.中间文字:合适度。

33、Wenquan would suit you better.温泉对你会更合适一些。

34、Please complete in English (BLOCK LETTERS) and tick where apppate.请用英文大楷填写,并在适当方格加上剔号。

35、Tple stitched toe cap keeps an extremely dable fit.三重缝合鞋头保持一个非常耐用适合。

36、The puzzle distance defined above is unsuitable for at least one good reason: A misspelled word is not always one letter away fm a correctly spelled one.前面定义字谜距离至少有一个理由不适合做这项工作:拼写错误单词比起正确拼写单词来说,通常不止错了一个字母。

37、We note with please that … 这个期贵方觉得合适吗?

38、That dress suits you.那套衣服你穿起来挺合适。

39、What do you fige that's going to do? Look legal?看起来合适额?

40、This pair of shoes fits me well.这双鞋对我很合适。

41、Can batch convert Numbers to Chinese capital amount, one can convert multiple lines, especially for accounting, financial personnel application.可以批量将数字转换为中文大写金额数字,一次可以转换多行,尤其适合会计,财务人员应用。

42、Make se yo cover letters address the position you are applying for and why, and how, you are qualified for it. That's all you need to do.要确保你信里写了要申请职位以及为什么你能胜任,这个职位你有多适合来做。

43、After just one look at the advertisement I knew that this job was tailor-made for me and hed to my typewter to begin this letter to you.看了你们招聘广告,我感到这项工作正适合我,于是我立该给您写信。

44、Multi-colo, fresh moulding, suitable for multi-spot using.彩多样,造型新颖,适合多种场合使用;

45、Wte a query letter that succinctly explains what yo scpt is about and why you think it would be a good fit with that particular company.写一封自荐信,在信里简要地介绍你剧,并说明你为什么认为这部剧适合这个公司。

46、Which rate fits me the best?哪个价钱对我最合适?

47、The players have a certain amount of time to think of what the acnym should stand for, then the people in the channel vote for the one they like most.在游戏中,参与者被分给一个缩写单词,大家有一定时间去考虑这些缩写词代表着什么,在线玩者选出一个他们认为是最合适。

48、Dark, cold cathode lights and LED lights with a slot for star hotels, clubs, high-grade office buildings and other indoor back to the light tank all occasions.冷阴极暗槽灯和LED灯带适用于星级酒店、会所、高档写字楼等所有室内回光槽场合。

49、When the time is ght, ryone will know–n Cindi Berger [her publicist].到了合适时机,大家都会知道,甚至是辛迪-伯杰(玛利亚-凯莉公关)。” xx岁玛利亚-凯莉这样写道。

50、The alliance has suited both sides.这个联盟适合他们双方。

经典英文句子51:适合写,51、More people are the ght sort of person to start a startup than realize it. That's the main reason I wte this.绝大部分人比他们自己所一直以为更适合创业这件事,这是我写这篇文章主要原因。

52、In many cases, pcess descptions had little or no relevance to the sofare dlopment practitioner.在许多情况下,过程描述对软件从业者来说并不太适合或者完全不适合。

53、This coat does not fit me.这上衣并不适合我穿。

54、So now is it applicable to the 6- to 10-year-olds, and is it applicable to the 2- to 6-year-old?所以现在是否对6-xx岁合适以及对2-xx岁是否合适呢?

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