
发布时间:2023-01-20 05:11:39 阅读:76 点赞:0



病人神情沮丧。“ 椰子,”他说道。

1、The patient looked gloomy. "Coconuts, " he said.


2、De Koff also became despondent .


3、He was chagned at his faile.


4、In fact, the most geneus gup in the study was male widowers, 71% of whom gave to chaties. Widowed females (67%) and divorced or separated females (56%) were the next o most geneus gups.


5、I've always been a disappointment .


6、Credit lost is like a Venice-glass bke.


7、I was crestfallen to go home.


8、The refugees were dying off fm disease.

现在我还劝你们放心。 你们命,一个也不失丧,惟独失丧这船。

9、And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.


10、The flood claimed nearly 100 lives.


11、It bs us of immortality.


12、'I'm frustrated and sad, ' said Mr.


13、She was disheartened at the result.


14、I despair of r finding him again.


15、Who'll toll the bell? "I, " said the bull.


16、The youth looked exceedingly crestfallen.


17、He who has no conscience have nothing.


18、At that timeI almost losed my confidence.


19、When he was eln, his father died.


20、I were left crestfallen to the playing.

21、The spse attack diayed the enemy tops.突然袭击使敌军丧胆。

22、Check out this lappet-faced vulte.看看这只垂头丧气秃鹰。

23、Adieu to disappointment and spleen.我再也不沮丧和忧郁了。

24、She be to lose faith in herself.她开始对自己丧失信心。

25、She slumped dejectedly over the wheel.她沮丧地趴在方向盘上。

英文句子26:,26、It's a discoagingly familiar strate.这是一种令人沮丧熟悉伎俩。

27、Zombies are officially the new vampires.丧尸正式成为新版吸血鬼。

28、And there was 37 people died in there.7个人在火中丧生。

29、The peasants were dially disheartened by the long dught.久旱使农民忧郁沮丧。

30、But let's not be disheartened and discoaged.可是,让我们不要灰心丧志。

31、Loss of heang. As dogs age, the nerve cells and heang apparatus degenerates, resulting in a slow loss of heang.听力丧失。当狗狗们老化时,听神经细胞与听觉器官退化而导致听力逐渐丧失。

32、That ng the dead seaman’s knell.像为去水手敲响丧钟

33、Is nts like weddings or public place.是婚丧喜庆公用场所。

34、It was a demoralising blow for Owen.这一举动另欧文非常沮丧。

35、You looked downhearted. What happened?你垂头丧气。发生什么事了?

36、Tarkin was killed in the resulting explosion.塔金在随后中丧生。

37、I started feeling oppressed and gloomy.我开始觉得压抑和沮丧。

38、Generally speaking, with the exception of funeral of emper and queen, the time of pilgmage discontinuing vaed fm one day to sn days.一般来说,除大行丧礼和皇后丧礼外,辍朝天数从七到一不等。

39、Right now, she's moning for you.现在,她正在为你守丧。

40、It was tolling for the funeral .这是宣布葬礼开始丧钟。

41、They start to feel really crappy.他们开始觉得非常沮丧。

42、The accident bereaved Jack of his wife.那起事故使杰克丧妻。

43、But it couldn't be real depression.但是,那还不算是真正沮丧。

44、Lower someone's spits; make downhearted .降低某人热情;使垂头丧气。

45、Who'll toll the bell? I, said the Bull.谁来敲响丧钟? 我,公牛说。

46、"Isn't that the case?" Dr. Zhou said dejectedly .周博士丧魂落魄地说。

47、Now I hear them --- Ding-dong, bell.我现在听到了叮咚丧钟。

48、I also knocked the door of neighbors,nobody answered either,disappointed:沮丧,失望

49、And blights with plagues the marage-hearse.又用瘟疫摧残了婚礼丧车。

50、The bad news dampened o spits.这恶耗使得我们精神沮丧。

经典英文句子51:丧,51、To attend her father's funeral.她获准丧假为送葬。

52、It is a dispiting pcess.这是个令人沮丧过程。

53、I'm bored and depressed at work.我在工作中感到厌烦和沮丧。

54、In ancient times, wailing was very important at a funeral. Only gef and wailing showed yearning and respect for the dead.旧时办丧事是讲究哭丧,只有哭得伤心,才能显示出对去世者怀念和尊敬!

55、The fire on Jiaozhou Road, Shanghai killed 58 people.火共造成58人丧生。

56、On the death of bther or sister, grand-parent of spouse, a worker shall be entitled to three days of funeral leave with pay.三兄弟姊妹、配偶之祖父母丧亡者,给予丧假三,工资照给。

57、He was then depressed and in despair.他那时沮丧郁闷, 情绪低落。

58、She looked tired and dispited.她显得疲倦而且神情沮丧。

59、The mice withdrew in great diay.老鼠们大为沮丧地告退了。

60、Thou shalt nr feel deject in spits.汝永远也不要精神沮丧。

61、I was nearly killed in the accident.我在这场事故中险些丧命。

62、Don't let defeat fill you with gloom.别让失败使你灰心丧气。

63、Washington has lost its sense of shame.华府已经丧失了羞耻感。

、His handsome countenance was overcast.他那英俊面容阴沈沮丧。

65、Why is she looking so dejected?她为什么神情如此沮丧?

66、Still, than 尽管如此,仍有2000余人丧命。

2, 000 people died.

67、Don’t look so blue and cheer up.(别那么垂头丧气,振作起来.)

标签: 女孩英文名 

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