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关于”梦想美句“英子36个,句子主体:The betiful sentence of dream。以下是关于梦想美句xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:The betiful sentence of dream


1、I have been dreaming to be on top of Ayers Rock for years and the dream is coming true soon.


2、Dreams, can come true , but n if they can't , life will be betiful for the person who dreams, But don't be a day-dreamer.


3、They were inspirational figes, dreamers of betiful dreams.


4、Forgiveness sweetens the dream for all.

“The fute belongs to those who beli in the bety of their dreams.”未来属于那些相信自己美丽梦想人。



6、The koseki is a genealogist's dream.


7、Dreams can come true, but n if they can't, life will be betiful for the person who dreams. But don't be a day-dreamer.


8、Cinderella: Oh, it's betiful! It's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.


9、Howr, when I recalls it today, that dream is like the cloud in the sky, which is betiful but illusive.


10、Dream is a betiful word. I like it very much. I think ryone has a eternal dream.


11、Their goal is to educate the world about the importance of health and fitness.

仔细回想, xx年, 一段美丽梦。

12、Think about it, one year, one long maificent dream.

13、The fute belongs to those who beli in the bety of theirdreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好人

14、the fute belongs to those who beli in the bety of their dreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好人。


15、You shouldn't be doing this to youself. This is just ty pipe dreams.


16、Dreams can come true, if they can't, life will be betiful for the person who dreams. But don't be a day-dreamer.


17、WHO dreamed that bety passes like a dream?


18、It was one of those dreams and I'm thankful it came true.


19、You see, it’s all about believing in the bety of yo dreams.


20、The drea is as wonderful as terble. I reach out in desperate to touch, only find it's a dream

21、B: I don't think so. I'm afraid he's still living in a fool's paradise.我想他不知道。他恐怕还在做他黄粱美梦呢。

22、But again, if you think of the possibility of doing that for all eternity and nr getting away fm it, nr being free fm it, the positive dream of immortality, I think, becomes a nightmare.但是想想如果永远,那样下去,永远不法逃离,永远无法解脱,永生美妙梦想,就会变成恶梦。

23、So all o dreams of being millies went up in oke.所以,我们想成为百万富翁美梦全部成了泡影。

24、Dreams can come true , but n if they can't, life will be betiful for the person who dreams. But don't be a day-dreams.梦想能够实现,即使不能实现,生活对于有梦想人来说也会变得更加美好,但不要成为一个做白梦人。

25、I think having a joney in Yunnan will be so interesting, but it's just a betiful dream now and I must study hard for the dream.我想在云南旅游将非常有趣,但是现在它只是一个美丽梦想而已,我必须为了这个梦想而努力学习。

英文句子26:,26、May : Good, you can make yo dream come true here.阿美 :好啊,你在这里可以梦想成真了。

27、If you want to follow yo dreams as well as pvide for a certain fute take heart.假如你既想追随梦想,又想有一个美好未来,那么鼓起勇气去努力吧。

28、If you want to follow yo dreams as well as pvide for a certain fute, take heart.如果你既想追随梦想,又想有一个美好未来,那么鼓起勇气去努力吧。

29、We do not really feel grateful toward those who make o dreams come true; the ruin o dreams.我们并不会真正感激哪些使我们梦想成真人,因为是他们打碎了我们美梦。

30、Liu Ren, a young woman who made a perfect world comes to reality with a dream and vision.爱做梦女孩刘韧用自己梦境虚构了一个理想与现实融合;

31、The fute belongs to those who beli in the bety of their dreams.未来属于那些相信梦想之美人。

32、The wealthy hoard the sweeter dreams.富有者囤积了更甜美梦想。

33、He navigates himself decisively 'in a dream like certitude of aesthetic logic'.他果断地让自己畅游在确信美学逻辑梦想之中。

34、But for you, ry day Iwill dream the most betiful apart.但是因为有了你,我,每天都可以梦想最美丽离别。

35、This is essential if you want to live a good life that’s yo own.如果你想要过自己梦想美好生活,这是十分必要。

36、In the most betiful time, want to do dream, go where want to go to, to become the person I want to be.在最美时光,最想做梦,去想去地方,成为我想成为人。

37、Vision without action is merely a dream !没有行动理想只是黄粱美梦!

38、Vision with action can change yo life!没有行动理想只是黄粱美梦!

39、"We dream about being the Walmart of China, " says Fu Yu, a Wumart spokean.“我们梦想(把物美)造就成沃尔玛”,一位物美发言人符玉说道。

40、He wants to marry Jane, but we think it a fond dream.他想娶珍妮,可是我们认为这是黄粱美梦。

41、Have yo dreams of a better society become an obsession?美好社会梦想,能否已化为执迷?

42、Native Amecan Iquois Indians dloped similar ideas about dreams.美洲土著易洛魁印第安人就发展了有关释梦类似思想。

43、I don't think so. I'm afraid he is still living in a fool's paradise.我想他不知道。他恐怕还在做他黄粱美梦呢。

44、Dreams can xoxoe true , but n if they can't , life will be betiful for the person who dreams . But don't be a day-dreamer .梦想能够实现,即使不能实现,生活对于有梦想人来说也会变得更加美好,但不要成为一个做白梦人。

45、Meybe many years later, I'll remember what I have aspired and my noce betiful dream.也许多少年后,回想起那曾经美丽梦想和曾经追求过。

46、The fate is happy dream that can meet one another when we are born again.缘份是再做人时还能相遇美好梦想。

47、Here was intellectual life, he thought, and here was bety, warm and wonderful as he had nr dreamed it could be.这就叫智力生活,他想,其中有美,他连做梦也不曾想到过、温暖人心、了不起美。

48、The fute belongs to those who beli in the bety of theirdreams.未来属于那些相信梦想之美好人

49、Radio/ TV host Sammy Leung knows the plight of poor people and what their dreams are.对于贫穷人生活和梦想,森美深有体会。

50、For some it would be like a dream come true.对某些人来说,这就犹如梦想成真般美妙。

经典英文句子51:梦想美句,51、Gadhafi gave her a good life, one she dreams about having again卡扎菲给了她梦想美满生活。

52、He often dreamed of a nr-nr land where ryone is ch.他经常梦想一个人人都富有美丽仙境。

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