
发布时间:2023-04-07 17:05:20 阅读:160 点赞:0




1、Cut up ugh namely the madness of a short moment, so you should contl affection, otherwise the affection contls you then.


2、The methods of vefication are channeling emotions expeence. Emotion is the pncipal part in Bing Xin's literate thoughts.


3、You could overreact to emotional situations regarding yo relationship.


4、Please contain yo enthusia for a moment.


5、According to Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis, anxiety contbutes to an affective filter, which prnts students fm receiving inpu.


6、The end of the war was a wonderful expeence, and that photo represents all those feelings.


7、I think you're kind of sentimental.


8、In the past it has been associated with feelings and perceptions of fear and the ability to empathise.


9、James bke down and wept.


10、Therefore it's quite natal to feel spitual emotion in the dhama.

虽然感情很重要,但Fincham 和 Beach报告指出对情感研究结果有时是互相矛盾。

11、While emotion is clearly important, Fincham & Beach report the research on emotion has been contradictory.


12、She felt as if ry dp of emotion had been squeezed out of her.


13、When you the feeling of pgress to a stage later, when he and of yo deep feelings when Hou, he would feel uneasy.


14、Yo tender feelings could get trampled by the insensitive words of unhappy fends and angry associates this weekend.


15、UX takes other aspects into consideration as well, such as emotional, hedonic, aesthetic, affective and expeential vaables.


16、Love will blossom on a healthy note beeen an Aqus woman and a Pisces man pbably dung the first stage.


17、Active psychologies and the passive ones lead to completely different teaching effects, especially in the Chinese teaching classes.


18、The conventional wisdom that emotions can make you irrational has less to do with how intense yo feelings are than with how much you understand them, the study showed.


19、The reader gets the impression that Mr McLaren may be embarrassed by such soppiness .


20、He was very emotional, yet his feeling, so easily sed, had in it something absd, so that you accepted his kindness, but felt no gratitude.

21、Emotion is the innate weakness of human. 情感是人类质弱点。

22、You just stay as the perceiver of rything ?the thoughts, emotions and the activities.你会感知所有东西——思想,感情和活动。

23、All situations have their instincts.人在任何情况下都有预感。

24、Love life, for the unattached would be average.感情生活,未婚者一般。

25、Spock is descbed as not having emotions becse he's half Vulcan, fm a planet where they lack emotions.斯帕克没有情感,因为他有半个火神血统,他来自缺少情感星球。

英文句子26:,26、The person is to meet emotive , yes?人都是会动感情,是吧?

27、Life would be impossible without those emotions.没有情感就没有生活。

28、The study, "When Emotionality Trumps Reason," examines how js make decisions rationally and emotionally.这项名为《当情感超越理》研究调查了陪审员做决断时所面临理智与情感羁绊。

29、These feelings need to be acknowledged and only then can we put them behind us.需要承认这种感情存在,仅仅这样就能使我们把这些感情置之脑后了吗。

30、And why would such a difference in the emotional conflicts, contradictions and differences in these emotional content behind the existence of what is, emotionali and not as seously.而为什么会产生这种情感矛盾差异,在这些情感差异矛盾背后所存在内容又是什么,情感主义并没有作认真对待。

31、Emotion mament is an effective mament thugh the emotion communion beeen the mar and the person being mad.情感是者通过与被者情感交流而实现有效。

32、The o lovers exchange solemn vows and pledges without any imputy.两情相悦海誓山盟没有任何杂质感情。

33、Emotion is the innate weakness of human. 情感是人类质弱点。

34、O feelings are so-called death-upon-light.我们感情是见光。

35、Chen and hin son feelings encounter cold.陈超与欣儿感情遇冷。

36、They are o peas in a pod. 他们感情好得行影不离.

37、I felt as if ry dp of emotion had been squeezed out of me.我感觉我感情被榨得一滴不剩了。

38、Participants viewed emotion-laden words, videos, facial expressions and stoes.参与者观看感情激昂文字、、表情和故事。

39、The cerebral cortex deals with sensory information, thinking, emotion and consciousness.大脑皮质是感官,思想,情感,意识中枢。

40、Both postemotion and postemotionali have been first suggested by Pfessor Wang Yichuan, which means a new emotion-tide has been gwing in the sphere of the literate and art nd the country.关于“后情感”和“后情感主义”这两个概念是王一川先生在国内首次提出,以表明一种新情感浪潮正在国内文艺界悄然兴起。

41、Comte settled the contradiction beeen individual emotion and social emotion following holistic and social pncipia, so that he showed emotional positivi path to construct harmonious social order.孔德遵循整体和社会基原则来解决个人情感与社会情感矛盾,从而找到了构建和谐社会秩序情感实证主义路径。

42、Silence is a form of emotional banishment.沉默是一种情感放逐。

43、Yi sentiment, Richard does not forgive people.易感情用事得理不饶人。

44、This emotional expression is a ctical element in Lycal dance.这个感情抒发是抒情舞一个重要元素。

45、"Affection type" and "mutual type" compmises are the solving types that aim at the o different obstructions respectively mentioned above.“情感型”和解与“互动型”和解就是针对两种不同情感障碍解决模式。

46、It's the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.它是自发感情流露。

47、Strain in a relationship could also be linked to poor emotional well-being becse it threatens young men's sense of identity and feelings of self-worth.感情上压力还会导致萎靡情感状态,因为这威胁了年轻男自我认同感,伤害了他们自尊。

48、Have you invested enough in emotional capital?你有足够感情投资吗?

49、The Psalms does not say deny or vent, but pray yo feelings.它既不主张否定感受,也不主张宣泄感情,而是:为我们感受祷告。

50、Whatr the nate of the relationship, the fundamental aspect is you have a need to be fulfilled.不论感情质是什么,一段感情最基部分是你要有想要满足需求。

经典英文句子51:感情,51、The story about you and yo pets.你与宠物情感故事。

52、“Bikes have sentimental value,” he observed.他说:"自行车具有感情价值。

53、He alone is happy who commands his passion.控制感情者是幸福。

54、Nagato Yuki may appear emotionless, but n she can expeence certain feelings nd the correct people.长门有希可能会出现感情,但她甚至可以体验到一定感情,围绕正确人 。

55、Swinging fm concept to concept and stirng up drama and emotion simply to entertain itself.在观念和观念之间摇摆,忽然激发情景和情感,只是为了让自己感到快乐。

56、The New Ctici isn't interested in spontaneous overflows of powerful feelings.新批评派对这种,自发感情流露不感兴趣。

57、It's an equal-opportunity emotion.这是一种机会平等情感。

58、As an intercultal affective communication, cultal empathy in cultranslation bdges cultes and emotions beeen soce language and target language.文化移情是连接原语和译语文化、情感桥梁和纽带,是立足且超越于土文化跨文化情感对话。

59、The passion films don't speak to me.我对言情片不感兴趣。

60、Second, the emotional imagery implication of cuckoo.杜鹃鸟意象情感意蕴。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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