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xx年级高级词汇表,常用作男孩名,这里搜集了878个关于“英语xx年级上册所有单词”基词汇,包括xx年级要求 Nate abhors a vacuum 、absdity、 widely acclaimed 等词汇,供大家参考借鉴。

xx年级高级词汇表,常用作男孩名,这里搜集了878个关于“英语xx年级上册所有单词”基词汇,包括xx年级要求 Nate abhors a vacuum 、absdity、 widely acclaimed 等词汇,供大家参考借鉴。

1、 Nate abhors a vacuum

中文翻译: 自然界里是没有真空 自然憎恶真空

例句:Enough! Nate abhors a vacuum, Sonya. 翻译:自然厌恶真空 Sonya。

Huikang shall bear the cost and fees for all these pfessionals they hired. 慧康公司将承担所聘用所有专业人员和事务所费用。



例句:and unlimited absdity... 翻译:和无限荒谬.。

He that would have eggs must ende the cackling of hens. 有所得就要有所忍。


3、 widely acclaimed

中文翻译: 广泛好评

例句:The arrest of General Mladic has been widely acclaimed overseas. 翻译:姆拉迪奇被逮捕在海外广受好评。 。

So all the energies are the same. 所以所有能量都是相同。

4、 Assistant Accountant

中文翻译: 会计 会计师 会计 会计 财务

例句:"an accountant," "o accountant," "the accountant." 翻译:会计 我们会计 会计师 "an accountant," "o accountant," "the accountant."。

In 1983, 265 of o high schools offered no advanced biolo, 217 no physi, 177 no forei language, 1 no advanced math, 126 no chemistry. xx年,阿肯州有265所高中没有高等生物课,217所没有物理课,177所没有外语课,1所没有高等算术课,126所没有化学课。



例句:Acknowledge, Big Bopper, acknowledge. 翻译:收到请回答 Big Bopper.。

King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for; he gave her than she had bught to him. 所罗门王按示巴女王所带来,还她礼物,另外照她一切所要所求,都送给她。

6、 advancing to the se

中文翻译: 仰斜掘进

例句:This longing i had put to sleep, Once again, is aching to se 翻译:is aching to se。

Preor of the underworld feel nothing of light! 前兆感觉冥界所无所光!



例句:Be nice, affable, pleasant. 翻译:说些美好,和蔼可亲,令人高兴话。

The lower wall and the intermediate wall form a communication opening beeen the module-receiving ports in each said column. 所述下壁和所述中间壁在各 个所述列各所述模块接收端口之间形成连通开口。

8、 affiliate oneself with

中文翻译: 使隶属于

例句:To kill oneself, To behead oneself 翻译:开枪自杀 割掉脑袋 Se trucider, se décapiter。

So congratulations rybody on assembly complete. 所以祝贺完成组装所有人。

9、 Aft s member

中文翻译: 车架后横梁 底盘

例句:She had the word "AFT" bruised into her back. 翻译:她背上有AFT刻痕 She had the word "AFT" bruised into her back.。

The shell is arranged on the duplexer; 所述壳体组设于所述双工器上;

10、 Non-aggression pnciple

中文翻译: 互不侵犯原则 非攻击原则

例句:Hitler has sied a non-aggression pact with Stalin. 翻译:与签署了互不侵犯条约。

All this makes business people extremely nervous. 所有这些让商人们无所适从。

11、 haze aloft

中文翻译: 高空霾

例句:- Hands aloft to sece! - Come on, get aloft there! 翻译:水手們到高處去保護 快點到那邊上面去。



例句:♪ be alone, i don't want to be alone ♪ 翻译:* be alone, I don't want to be alone *。




例句:O ruler of my country, Oedipus, you see o company nd the altar, and i, the pest of Zeus. 翻译:you see o company nd the altar the pest of Zeus.。

14、 alumnus s

中文翻译: 男毕业生 校友 男校友

例句:That alumnus is as stupid as they are! 翻译:又多了一个笨学长。

15、 image ambassador

中文翻译: 形象大使 商品代言人

例句:- The ambassador and i were at the LSE. 翻译:The ambassador and I were at the LSE.。

16、 Human platelet antigen

中文翻译: 人类血小板抗原 小板抗原 人血小板抗原 和人类血小板抗原

例句:it's not a vampiral antigen, but a human antigen. 翻译:那不是一种吸血鬼抗原 而是一种人类抗原。

17、 measing apparatus

中文翻译: 测 测量仪器 计量仪器 测定器

例句:Research of the Model CYZ Soil Moiste Measing Apparatus with the Wheatstone Bdge 翻译:CYZ型惠斯登电桥墒情测量仪研制。

18、 argue with

中文翻译: 与争吵 争吵 与某人议论 争辩

例句:No good trying to argue... 翻译:No good trying to argue...。



例句:- We will ascertain that for oselves. 翻译:-我们自己会弄个明白。



例句:i ordered chicken and asparagus. 翻译:I ordered chicken and asparagus.。

21、 Astnomical Clock

中文翻译: 天文时钟 恒星钟 天文学钟

例句:The square with the astnomical clock, i must have walked as it a dred times. 翻译:广场上有一个带卡通时钟,我在那里走过很多次。

22、 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin


例句:- My name... is Benjamin Miles Franklin. 翻译:叫做Benjamin Miles Franklin。




例句:- So did i. - it said, "i'm available. 翻译:I'm available.。



例句:Well, things went a little awry today. 翻译:有点乱 Well, things went a little awry today.。

25、 to the bad ◎

中文翻译:亏损 负债 欠账 吃亏

例句:i'm afraid i can't take much credit 翻译:Every bad day, ry bad episode.。

26、 Ban Chiang

中文翻译: 班清 万昌酒店

例句:Chairman Chiang Hello, Chairman Chiang 翻译:蒋。

27、 Bety and the Beast

中文翻译: 与野兽 侠胆雄狮 新侠胆雄狮 美男与野兽

例句:When a bety's with a beast it makes me awfully mad. 翻译:When a bety's with a beast it makes me awfully mad。

28、 My Phone Beeped

中文翻译: 我电话进

例句:My cell phone beeped. 翻译:我手机嘟嘟响了。 。



例句:The great devil is called Behemoth 翻译:因为如果存在魔鬼 它可以是大和小。



例句:Chao Gongwu's Achiment in Bibliography 翻译:晁公武目录学成就。



例句:"Birthplace of the Virgin Mary"? 翻译:"诞生地"?。

32、 bomber aircraft

中文翻译: 航 军 轰炸机

例句:The Tupolev TB-1 is a Soviet bomber aircraft. 翻译:图波列夫tb - 1是苏维埃轰炸机。 。


33、 fresh breeze

中文翻译: 清风 五级风 轻劲风

例句:But you got ... like a fresh breeze ... 翻译:你像一缕清风 吹进了我紧闭心扉。

34、 Brute Force

中文翻译: 血溅虎头门 暴力破解 准蒙特卡罗

例句:With brute force or with magic? 翻译:用强力还是用魔术?。

35、 bunk bed

中文翻译: 双层床

例句:You going for the bunk bed tonight? 翻译:今晚想睡床铺上吗?。

36、 You see ad carefully

中文翻译: 你小心睇路 你警惕睇路 你当心睇路 你小心睇路啊

例句:Fork in the ad, you see a si, 翻译:Fork in the ad, you see a si,。

37、 main-tranormed cavern

中文翻译: 主变洞 大型地下洞室

例句:You se this leads to the main cavern? 翻译:这通往主坑?。



例句:The colonel was gorgeous, he had a cavernous mouth, cavernous cheeks, cavernous, sad, mildewed eyes. 翻译:这位上校样子挺神气,他嘴巴、双颊和两眼都深深地凹进去,目光黯淡,象发了霉似。。

39、 glass ceiling

中文翻译: 玻璃天花板 玻璃顶棚

例句:And this, a view thugh the glass ceiling. 翻译:这里也是, 可以透过玻璃天花板看上去.。

40、 Cellang Recommendations

中文翻译: 储存建议

例句:Recommendations, imony. 翻译:提出建议 证词 Recommendations, imony.。



例句:But there's no certainty of that. 翻译:但这并不能确定 But there's no certainty of that.。

42、 china compulsory certification

中文翻译: 强制认证

例句:Notazing this certification at the China Embassy /Consulate in local; 翻译:将此证书在当地/领事馆公证。 。


43、 chapter one

中文翻译: 第一章

例句:The Mysteous island, chapter one! 翻译:《神秘岛》 第一章。



例句:Put out a pduct. Support me a while. 翻译:chef?。

45、 classify to ma

中文翻译: 分类

例句:- Yeah, i thought you'd still be here eh? - Oh, i ma it now. 翻译:I ma it now.。



例句:Be that true, young clec? 翻译:是真吗,年轻人?。

47、 Disgrace and comeback

中文翻译: 受辱辞职与东山再起

例句:These leaks are a disgrace! 翻译:These leaks are a disgrace!。

48、 Captain Commando

中文翻译: 突击队长 上尉密令

例句:These don't have any mesh, so you're going commando. 翻译:so you're going commando.。

49、 Oedipus complex

中文翻译: 恋母情结 俄狄浦斯情结 俄底浦斯情结

例句:Or they say, "Hamlet has an Oedipus complex." 翻译:(笑声) 或者,“哈姆雷特有恋母情结。”。

50、 Standards-compliant

中文翻译: 规格 符合标准 标准 标准相容

例句:it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking fast must mean sloppy, and that clean, standards-compliant markup takes time. 翻译:人很容易陷入一种陷阱——快速就意味着率,书写整洁、符合标准代码会浪费时间。。

51、 conscientious attention

中文翻译: 认真注意 认真关注

例句:Remember to watch Gve High School's TV cable show... 翻译:Attention.。

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