
发布时间:2023-02-12 14:47:27 阅读:96 点赞:0

xx年级高级词汇表,在考试中经常考到,这里搜集了366个关于“xx年级上册英语单词在线听”必背词汇,涵盖 acic fiber n. 、 i nearly died in adoration 、 aesthetic education 等词汇,帮助打好英语基。

xx年级高级词汇表,在考试中经常考到,这里搜集了366个关于“xx年级上册英语单词在线听”必背词汇,涵盖 acic fiber n. 、 i nearly died in adoration 、 aesthetic education 等词汇,帮助打好英语基。

1、 acic fiber n.

中文翻译: 丙烯酸纤维

例句:C.N.N. is going live at 8:00 p.m. with the number 17 翻译:C. N. N.。

She ted to pick out the tune of a song she had heard on the radio. 她试图凭借听觉记忆把从无线电台广播中听到一首歌曲弹奏出来。

2、 i nearly died in adoration

中文翻译: 我差点在狂爱中去 我差点在狂爱中逝世去 尔差点在狂憎西去世往

例句:And i'm feeling good ♪ f1 ♪stars in the sky 翻译:I nearly bke down♪。

You will be spsed by the diversity of sials each brage antenna can hear on a frequency (due to their directional abilities). 您将由各贝威尔基天线能听见在频率信号变化惊奇。


3、 aesthetic education

中文翻译: 审美教育 美学教育

例句:Fm Misreading "Repletion is Bety" to the Theoretical Bottleneck of Aesthetic Education 翻译:从误读“充实之谓美”到美育理论瓶颈。

Find a new ute, try speed running or long distance running, do intervals, run with or without music. 找一条新路线,试试快速跑或者长距离跑,间歇跑,听音乐跑或者不听音乐跑。


中文翻译: 艉吃水 空运运单 预付运费 或提前

例句:She had the word "AFT" bruised into her back. 翻译:她背上有AFT刻痕 She had the word "AFT" bruised into her back.。

The cables also behave well concerning noise tranission, they aren't very micphonic. 线材也不会传导噪音,听诊器效应不明显。

5、 age gup

中文翻译: 同年龄范围内人

例句:The next bety is no. 3, Dumpling Kawashima, age unknown 翻译:age unknown。

If the message is a bus disconnect sial, the nt loop is terminated, as there is no point in listening to a non-existent bus. 如果是 总线断开信号,则事件循环终止,因为侦听一个不存在总线是没有意义。



例句:Dare i say, very agreeable. 翻译:very agreeable.。

Dung one call, Ggong teased the listener pretending to be KFN's scenast. 其中一通连线中,孔侑假扮KFN编剧捉弄听众。

7、 Food and Agculte Orization

中文翻译: 粮食及农业组织 粮农组织 农业组织

例句:agculte,business,creativity,culte,food 翻译:agculte,business,creativity,culte,food。

We hear dial tone, dial digits, and hear nging over the same channel on the same pair of wires. 我们在同一个对听见音调调节器,番号盘数位,并且听见敲响同一种渠道导线。



例句:i mean,natalie said owen was sick,ght? 翻译:疾病 Ailment?。

Well, you're now up-to-date. For on these stoes and other news of the day, N is yo soce online, or on TV or on yo wireless gadget. 以上是最新。您可以通过N在线,电视台或无线设备收听最新新闻,查找更多新闻故事。



例句:Actually, there is e for alarm. 翻译:there is e for alarm.。

Objective To study the line fm infraorbital edge to external acoustic meatus as a scanning baseline in the location of AC-PC plane. 目研究外耳门中点与眶下缘最低点连线(简称眶听线)作为扫描基线对获得AC -PC平面临床价值。

10、 anaebic bactea

中文翻译: 微 厌氧菌 微 厌氧细菌 厌氧细菌 嫌气细菌

例句:This method is effective to the facultative anaebic bactea or aebic bactea with hydgenase . 翻译:这种方法对于用氢化酶兼厌氧细菌或需氧细菌是有效。 。

These voltage changes on the trunk circuit would e pops or clicks that were dible to the subscber as the electcal handshaking stepped thugh its ptocol. 在线电路上这些电压变化会导致用户线上听到啵、嘎这样电流声,表示握手协议一步一步进行中。

11、 local anesthesia

中文翻译: 局部麻醉

例句:just the once,after anesthesia. 翻译:after anesthesia.。

12、 annihilation radiation

中文翻译: 湮灭辐 物 湮没辐 消灭放线 互毁辐

例句:ACAR = angular correlation of annihilation radiation 翻译:消除辐角相关。




例句:- Come on. Please please, i have an important announcement. 翻译:I have an important announcement.。

14、 Insight Eye Antioxidant

中文翻译: 研制而成益视宝

例句:if you want to break the ice, do it with insight. 翻译:do it with insight.。

15、 Yo Ranking Arguably Plummet

中文翻译: 你排名可以说一落千丈

例句:The value of yo home could plummet. 翻译:房屋价格将直线下滑。

16、 The arce of the pack

中文翻译: 睥睨群雄

例句:Westerners. i swear, the sheer arce. 翻译:the sheer arce.。

17、 hanyang arsenal

中文翻译: 汉阳兵工厂

例句:Where are Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang? 翻译:汉口、汉阳和武昌在哪儿? 。

18、 Time assuages

中文翻译: 红豆咚咚酱

例句:A closer examination of the finances of the Beijing Olympi assuages many of these concerns. 翻译:对北京会财政情况进一步考查缓解了许多此类担忧。。

19、 Athletic field

中文翻译: 田径场 运动场 体育场 运动场馆

例句:Just the size of an athletic field. 翻译:像田径运动场那样大小就行.。

20、 lift attendant

中文翻译: 电梯服务员 电梯纵员

例句:it's OK, Dad's not on for another ho. 翻译:Want a lift?。

21、 atting om

中文翻译: 化妆室

例句:There's no om for the weak No om for the weak 翻译:There's no om for the weak No om for the weak。

22、 Unholy Aa

中文翻译: 邪黑气 邪恶光环 秽邪光环 邪恶灵光

例句:There is an unholy aa in this place. 翻译:这地方气氛很邪恶。




例句:Anyway, i'll send Wendy as with that thozation. 翻译:I'll send Wendy as with that thozation.。

24、 baby food

中文翻译: 婴儿食品 儿童食品

例句:- bee she eats baby food. 翻译:- bee she eats baby food.。

25、 sulfate reducing bactea

中文翻译: 硫酸盐还原菌

例句:Anaebic degradation of butachlor by sulfate-reducing bactea enchment culte 翻译:一个硫酸盐还原细菌富集物对丁胺厌氧降解。

26、 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

中文翻译: 飞天万能车 李孝利 万能飞天车 金衣版

例句:- What film? - "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". 翻译:- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang。

27、 bankrupt of

中文翻译: 完全缺乏

例句:You wanna give yo old man a break? 翻译:but I don't wanna go bankrupt.。

28、 banquet hall

中文翻译: 宴会厅 大餐厅

例句:The waitress at the banquet hall? 翻译:宴会厅女招待?。

29、 barley malt

中文翻译: 大麦芽

例句:This pcess involves germination of the barley grains and activation of their enzymes to pduce a malt. 翻译:这个过程涉及到大麦谷物发芽和酶活化以制得麦芽。。



例句:- This is completely inapppate behavio! 翻译:- This is completely inapppate behavio!。

31、 green belt n.

中文翻译: 城市绿化带

例句:C.N.N. is going live at 8:00 p.m. with the number 17 翻译:C. N. N.。



例句:What's yo name? Yeah, what is yo name? My name's savannah berry. 翻译:我叫Savannah Berry。


33、 alcoholic brage

中文翻译: 酒精饮料

例句:-Alcoholic Brage Commission? 翻译:30要在你家见崔西 -酒牌?。

34、 Bipolar Loudspeaker

中文翻译: 双极式音箱 双极 双极扬声器

例句:Who's that on the loudspeaker? 翻译:-谁用扩音器说话?。

35、 son of

中文翻译: 子养 狗崽子

例句:Okay, well, good, great. you have had yo jollies. 翻译:you son of a .。

36、 Body Horr

中文翻译: 身体恐怖

例句:'But you don't understand the pain of it, the horr. ' 翻译:the horr.。

37、 Bobons fm Unknown distillees

中文翻译: 不知名蒸馏场波威士忌

例句:The next bety is no. 3, Dumpling Kawashima, age unknown 翻译:age unknown。

38、 Be In Drunken Brawls

中文翻译: 发酒疯

例句:Domestic violence, drunken brawls. 翻译:家庭暴力 酒后滋事。

39、 blliant blue

中文翻译: 鲜蓝 酞青 孔雀兰

例句:The sky was a blliant blue. 翻译:天空一片蔚蓝。 。

40、 Gordon Bwn

中文翻译: 英国首相 白高敦

例句:http://www.ted.com/talks/gordon_bwn.html 翻译:http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/gordon_bwn.html。

41、 ish bull n.

中文翻译: 自相矛盾说法

例句:C.N.N. is going live at 8:00 p.m. with the number 17 翻译:C. N. N.。

42、 rubber bumper

中文翻译: 橡皮缓冲器 机 橡胶缓冲器 橡胶保险杠 橡胶缓冲块

例句:- it's not hair? - No, it's rubber. 翻译:it's rubber.。




例句:♪ They're coaches, businesen, and cops ♪ 翻译:教練 商人 警察 全都成了 * * They're coaches, businesen, and cops。

44、 Caramel custard

中文翻译: 焦糖炖蛋 焦糖布丁 焦糖奶蛋糊 焦糖吉士炖蛋

例句:* Or like custard and desire * 翻译:* Or like custard and desire *。

45、 cargo aircraft

中文翻译: 货机 全货机 货运机 运输机

例句:This is a Ukrainian company that manufactes cargo and firefighting aircraft. 翻译:这是一家生产货物和消防飞机乌克兰公司。 。

46、 carnival parade

中文翻译: 狂欢节队伍

例句:The carnival parade was a maificent spectacle. 翻译:狂欢节场面热烈,蔚为大观。 。



例句:♪ in the diamond s ♪ ♪ The Scarlet welcome carpet ♪ 翻译:The Scarlet welcome carpet。



例句:'The 5 Decays of Celestial Beings'? The 5 Decays of Celestial Beings 翻译:叫「天人五衰」,(語)。



例句:"The war has come to a point of cessation. 翻译:现在已近停战 The war has come to a point of cessation.。

50、 Contl chart

中文翻译: 管制图 控制图 图 控制图表

例句:P Contl Chart, P contl chart, P Chart, P chart, Percent defectives contl chart, Percent Defectives Contl Chart, P-chart 翻译:不良率控制图,P管制图,P控制图,。



例句:O team , brave Gentleman Cheek 翻译:车队经理Cheek先生。

标签: 宝贝英文名  D开头英文名  我的世界英文名 

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