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关于”含状语“英子50个,句子主体:containing adverbial。以下是关于含状语高一英子。

英文句子模板1:containing adverbial


1、All ght. What about the in-filled spheres?


2、He does not paraphrase these descptions themselves, but the statements as wholes which contain them;


3、The fundamental value of pesticide residue and heavy metal content of the fo kinds of southern herbs is determined in the end.

4、后面the way that they are是 方式状语 修饰are


5、The second use of the term means to enter into a high vibrational state of mind thugh which you make contact with yo own Higher Mind.


6、When the wind draws ice-crystal clouds into long, fine filaments, they are called fibratus.


7、This is my email address, here you go!


8、The indictment is vague, woolly and incoherent.


9、DON'T: Don't use vague Chchy words.


10、The complement of descptive words is very ch and nuance.

EGL 是第一个包含“服务”,并作为高等语言要素语言。

11、EGL is the first language to include a "" as a first-class language element.


12、Assuming the water was oily, indicating that collagen containing fat;


13、Si language is the mother tongue of deaf people, and the "first language" they acquire natally.

对话状态需要包含到 GUI 中吗?

14、Does the conversational state need to be incorporated into a GUI?


15、Their structal state and contents can indicate the condition ofthe formation of quartz and ore-beang pperties.


16、The contents of dopamine and homovanillic acid in statum were determined.


17、The fluctuations of thyid follicles and secretion of thyxine are in keeping with that of T4.


18、Conclusions: There is adequate blood supply on the lip region. The mucosal arteal flap and cutaneous arteal flap of the upper lip and vertical labiomental arteal flap can be desied.


19、The statum composed of putamen and cdate nucleus is the subcortical area that contains ch dopamine pjections.


20、In this chapter the thor explores the textual and praatic functions of disjuncts.

21、I remind myself to look for glazed expressions, noncommittal grunts, or darting eyes.我会提醒自己察看对方是否表情木然、语言含含糊糊或目光不定。

22、In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 粉状、粒状或其他固体形状,按重量计脂肪含量不超过



23、The dver dves neither slowly nor quickly.那司机开车既不慢,也不快。(连接状语)

24、NET includes DLR with support for languagesNET包含DLR,可支持更多语言

25、Fige 图

8 shows a window with a status line.

8 显示一个包含状态栏窗口。

英文句子26:,26、The hairy ots content of gentiopiide (毛状根龙胆苦甙含量( 2.25%)接近母野生龙胆根含量(3. 43%)。

2. 25 % )was close to the ots of wild maternal plant (

3. 43 % ).

27、Its language is fresh and implied.其语言艺术新鲜形象,含蓄凝炼。

28、Paste flux for braze welding with Brazing Alloy 用于所有低含银量钎焊合金膏状助溶剂。


29、Satated bcks shall not be used in rainy day.雨天作业不得使用含水率饱和状态砖。

30、Paints and varnishes. determination of " soluble " metal content. determination of hexavalent chme content in powder paint substances.涂料和清漆。可溶金属含量测定。 粉末状涂料中六价铬含量测定。

31、Each object also contains an err status and err message.各个对象还包含一个错误状态和错误。

32、The phagosome, degenerated orelles and big vacuoles-shape with flocculent mateal were also observed in the cytopla of bone marw cells.偶见吞噬体,胞浆内细胞器变及大泡状结构,内含絮状物。

33、Back before they became English words they held their own and svived in the ancestor language bee they had different meanings.回溯到成为英语单词之前,它们都保留着自己含义,并在祖先语言中下来,因为它们具有不同含义。

34、Chinese culte tends to be implicit than English culte, so the Chinese language is fuzzier than English.汉文化较英语文化含蓄,因而汉语言也较英语模糊。

35、The potential function of deictic terms changes with their different references. The meaning of deixis depends, to a large degree, on the thor's innermost status.指示含义在很大程度上取决于作者内心状态,取决于指示所存在“主观”语境。

36、In final slag, the content of tcalcium silicate increase 60%, the content of calcium ferte decrease 25%, the mitructe tn fm granular into interweave structe.终渣中硅酸三钙含量升高了60%,铁酸钙含量降低了25%,显微结构由粒状结构转为网络状结构。

37、Parent category -- The category that contains the term.Parent category(父类别)—— 包含这个术语类别。

38、Fruit that contains vitamin C can reli a cold.含维生素C水果店 可以减轻感冒症状。

39、Words which have a clear and cultally acceptable meaning in English or Amecan (United States) may be unclear or cultally offensive in another tongue: the converse may be true as well.在英语(或美语)中,含义清楚且在文化习惯上也能为人们所接受词语,在另一种语言中,也许是含义不清且在文化上令人反感,反之亦然。

40、The symptoms include heart palpitations, dizziness, and stomach pains.这种综合症(症状)包含心悸、头昏和胃疼。

41、The studies show that the maximum dry density of remolded red clay is generally greater than that of undistbed red clay;研究表明:重塑土最大密度比原状土最大密度大,而重塑土最优含水率则比原状土最优含水率小;

42、Starvation decreased muscle and liver lipid contents but increased their water content.饥饿状态下,肝脏和肌肉脂类含量降低,水含量升高;

43、The Identi.ca API includes methods to post new status messages or remove existing ones.ca API 包含了可发布新状态或删除现有状态方法。

44、For example, to use the Govy language runtime , the following request pvides the resoce ffcpl:/mypgram. containing the pgram as the state for the request.例如,下面请求提供了资源ffcpl:/mypgram.来使用Govy语言运行服务,同时该资源还包含了保持请求状态程序。

45、Sometimes the term is used(imprecisely)to include settlement.有时该术语包含结算(不严密地)。

46、The complaint contains a copy of the ‘449 Patent.该诉状包含了一份“449专利”副。

47、Increasing the cooling rate can increase the content of sorbite and decrease the content of neork cementite;提高冷却速度可以增加索氏体含量、降低网状渗碳体含量;

48、Women pay much attention to the accacy of their speech. And their speech is graceful, implicative and euphemistic.女无论从语音、词汇还是语法方面都更注重语言准确,更注意语言文雅、含蓄和委婉。

49、Starting fm 屈光人工晶状体手术含义是,采用人工晶状体植入方法,矫正眼异常屈光状态。

20 centues medium term, refractive intraocular lens sgery method impves unceasingly, and step by step apply to clinical.

50、In some orchids the velamen includes spon and fibus bodies near the passage cells.在一些兰科植物里面,根被在通道细胞附近包含有海绵状和纤维状物体。

经典英文句子51:含状语,51、Also, feed no or high vegetation flak food.还有,喂海苔或高蔬果含量之片状饵料。

52、The mitructe of deposit is mainly acicular ferte when Si content is low, and block ferte when Si content is high.低硅含量时,熔敷金属显微组织以针状铁素体为主,高硅含量时,则以块状铁素体为主;

53、Including the deities in the sunding cemetery gunds (depicted as wheels), it contains 536 deities.内含墓地内佛(描绘为状),包含536尊佛。

54、Non-alloy pig in, in pigs, blocks or other pmary forms, containing by weight than 0.5% of phosphorus.非合金生铁,块状或其它初级形状,以重量计含磷量超过0.5%者。

55、The coelomic fluid is a milky white liquid.包含液体或被液体(特别是水)状态。

56、Words cannot descbe the darkness of that moment.当时惨状是难以用语言形容。

57、Speech-Act Theory; Cooperative Pnciple; Conversational Implicate; Direct Speech; Free Indirect Speech; Inic Art. ;言语行为; 合作原则; 会话含意; 直接引语; 自由间接引语; 反讽艺术;

58、The crent state of HTML5 isn’t as confusing as it once was, but it still isn’t straightforward.HTML5目前状态已经不似先前那么含含糊糊了,但仍然还是不甚明了。

59、English adopted the “food” meaning but English was the only language to mutate the meaning again into o crent meaning of “disorderly,” “untidy,” “cluttered” or “dirty.”英语吸收了food含义,不过,也是唯一再次改变这一含义,并发展成目前具“混乱”、“不整齐”、“肮脏”等含义语言。

60、The hairy ots grew well on MS hormone free agar medium.毛状根能在不含激素MS培养基上生长。

61、Conversational implicate, simply called implicate, is an important concept of praati.会话含意(简称为含意)是语用学中一个重要概念。

62、Many other languages include the concept of VMs.很多其他语言包含 VMs 概念。

63、We think that each of adverbials inside multi-adverbial is following a relatively fixed word order bee of a few pnciples'influence such as Iconicity.我们认为:多项状语内部各个状语项受到临摹等规则制约,遵循着比较固定语序。

、Inexplicitness is closely related with context, in which a speaker can pduce apppate inexplicitness and a hearer can understand it correctly in English conversations.隐含表达与语境关系密切,对语境理解有助于讲话者和听话者运用和理解隐含表达。

65、English adopted the “food” meaning but English was the only language to mutate the meaning again into o crent meaning of “disorderly, ” “untidy, ” “cluttered” or “dirty.”英语吸收了food含义,不过,也是唯一再次改变这一含义,并发展成目前具“混乱”、“不整齐”、“肮脏”等含义语言。

66、You may infer fm his remarks the implications.你可以从他话语中猜测其含义。

67、Some macopic and micopic factors such as strain ratio, the content of VA and crystallinity, which influence the shape-memory pperties, were studied.通过对形状记忆能和凝胶含量测定等重点探讨了拉伸比和乙酸乙烯(VA)含量对其形状记忆能影响。

68、CWBBS now has international versions, including Simplified Chinese language and traditional Chinese language side.CWBBS现拥有国际化版,含中文简体语言和中文繁体语方。

69、The anium particles with less 235U may correspond to the star shape tracks and those with 235U correspond to the crater shape tracks.其中235U含量高微粒对应于坑状径迹,含量低微粒对应于星状径迹;

70、There were 25 cases of parathyid adenoma (86.2%), 其中甲状旁腺腺瘤25例(86.2%),含两例多发,甲状旁腺癌4例(

4 cases of parathyid carcinoma (

13.8%) in this study.


71、Pasty, doughy. Term applied to some very heavily coloed wines ch in dry extract.浆状、糊状:用于描述某些颜非常浓郁,富含提取物葡萄酒。

72、This can include reviewers, artifact states, sioffs, and so on.它可以包含器,产品状态,信号以及等等。

73、In a vague way I could guess what would happen.在一个含糊状态下,我猜得出会发生什么。


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