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关于”描写神态“英子52个,句子主体:Descptive manner。以下是关于描写神态高考英子。

英文句子模板1:Descptive manner


1、The detailed descption of Changsha, Yueyang dialect, not only enched the affix state beeen dialect research, also full of research of Xiang dialect.


2、Inheting the past and opening a way for fute, Hubei is wting a new chapter of history in high spits.


3、David captes all that by pictung the hand of God resting on him.


4、The thors present a descption, illustration, photographs and notes about this new addition to the Taiwanese fern flora and its distinction fm other species.


5、The static structe and the dynamic behavior meta-meta-model are desied to descbe the S.


6、AIM:To quantitatively assess the normal reference values for optic disc, cup and per-papillary retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL)thickness with optical coherence tomography(OCT)on normal eyes.


7、Caption :West Park Mental Hospital, Epsom, England;


8、Ray mother is gentle manner.


9、The sailed into the om.


10、How does Hobbes characteze the "NATALL CONDITION of Mankind"?


11、He was a great wter, literary wter of the search for the good could bng back what he called the divine madness, in which you lose yo reason, becse you are transported into a different realm.


12、Diagonal recrent neal neork(DRNN) is a non-unity feedback neork.


13、With the aid of DSCand SEM, the morpholo of PP blend was also investigated.


14、Treated by descbing the death of his he's attitude fm fear to embrace that, then detached and the fascinating pcess, and mold a lot of heic image in the descption.


15、The famous Tjan War in Homer's descption of the history of God and God is God and the people fighting beeen.


16、The UML state-machine notation s us depict and investigate the vaous states.


17、His face took on a set expression.


18、The micphotography of the film was studied by scanning electn micscopy.


19、This relationship is employed for steady-state diffusion situations.


20、Firstly, we present an overview on the chemical coding of the morphological neon types descbed by Stach in the pig inine.

21、God doesn’t want you to become a god; he wants you to become godly, taking on his values, attitudes, and character.神没想让你成为一个神;他是想让你像神一样活着,表现出神价值观,神心态,神情。

22、Descptive ecolo is a dry subject .描述生态学是燥无味课题。

23、His stare is one of regal aloofness.他看人眼神还是那种高高在上神态。

24、Balzac's is a dense and actual world; Cooper's, by contrast, is a mythological place, where in earlier times the knight-errant might have performed.巴尔扎克描写是实实在在世界,而库珀只是神话中世界,从前倒可以在那里一显身手。

25、Quaternion is used to descbe the oentation of a gid body, and attitude motion is modelled.采用四元数描述刚体姿态, 建立了刚体姿态运动数学模型。

英文句子26:,26、They recorded the neal activity of volunteers wrestling with word puzzles and scanned their brains as they sought solutions.他们记录下志愿者在绞尽脑汁解决字谜时神经活动,并扫描他们解出字谜时脑部状态。

27、He waxes lycal about the “magical elements” of working there—so much so that he has decided to wte an annual letter to tell the world what he is up to.还带有抒情意味描述这份工作神奇之处,以至于他决定写年笺信告诉世界他所做一切。

28、Scholars made some achiment on compang Lingbao dialect with Pu Tong Hua and Mid-ancient sound, finding out the sound change patterns.已有研究多为表面静态描写,将灵宝话与普通话和汉语中古音进行比较,得出其对应规律,略有成果。

29、Yo demeanor is as star moon; yo spit is as vast universal shining.你神态象星空明月,你精神如浩瀚宇光。

30、Joseph Campbell descbes the mythic he as that individual who is able to retn fm his advente with "the power to bestow boons on his fellow man".约瑟夫·坎贝尔把神话中英雄描写成一个能探险归来并“能施恩惠于其伙伴”人。

31、The book had its beginnings in what seemed to be a psychotic breakdown for Jung, starting in 1913. Jung himself referred to the peod as a confntation with his own unconscious.这书xx年开始创作,那时荣格精神处于低迷病态,他自己把那个时期描述为在和自己精神交锋。

32、Vice- little dghter Tai makes people dejected.副小女儿态,让人失神。

33、The fnt is drawn with red paint nameless gods and celestial beasts in bizarre shapes.正面用红漆描绘了不知名神人和神兽, 形象有些诡异。

34、She had herself depicted in portraits and statues as the universal mother divinity.她把自己肖像和雕塑描画成如宇宙母女神(伊西斯神)般样子。

35、Spits worship in ancient China has a long dlopment pcess. The Qing Dynasty for the large number of novels about Detective chivalus spits worship pvided mateal and cultal support.鬼神崇拜在古代有漫长发展过程,为《三侠五义》大量描写鬼神崇拜提供了素材和文化支持。

36、Using MATLAB6.5 BP neal neork toolbox, compiles the structal damage detection pcess with the input parameters based on the modal parameters of frequency and mode shape.以MATLAB6.5 BP神经网络工具箱为基,编写了基于频率平方变化和振型模态分量为输入参数BP神经网络结构损伤识别程序。

37、This will make the states descptive.这将使状态变得更加有描述。

38、OV-6b: Operation state transition descptionOV-6b: 运作状态转换描述

39、And it loses its holy status tomatically.之后自动失去神圣状态。

40、Becsee it pves to be the mysteous land descbed by James Hilton in his book Lost Hozon published in 1933.因为它被证明是詹姆斯一希尔顿在他xx年出版书(失落地平线)中描写神秘地方。

41、Also, hesitation s an added sense of nervousness to yo mental state - a personality trait you do not want to portray when appaching women.还犹豫造成一种补充感紧张你精神状态-人格特质你不想描绘走近妇女。

42、The aliment of photofraent is descbed by molecular state multipoles.光碎片取向由分子态多极矩描述。

43、Untitled was d under such psychological condition; it depicts the imagery of the lost, loneliness and sacfice.《无题》作品便是这种精神状态下创作,描绘出失落、孤单与牺牲意象。

44、The book had its beginnings in what seemed to be a psychotic breakdown for Jung, starting in 1913.这书xx年开始创作,那时荣格精神处于低迷病态,他自己把那个时期描述为在和自己精神交锋。

45、First mental states and pcesses are states and pcesses of matter.第一个是精神状态和过程是,物质状态过程。

46、As the "new realist novels" on behalf of wters, Fangfang's works literate to follow the spit of reali, with the oginal flavor of life ecolo.作为“新写实小说”代表作家,方方作品遵循现实主义文学精神,有着原生态生活气息。

47、For his depiction of western chches, he takes on a different perspective going fm the bottom towards the top.次展出作品便是对于西方教堂建筑部分描绘,他回到西方社会主体中对“神”敬仰态度,由下至上取角。

48、But it is possible or impossible for the "coos" descbed by the big bang theory to tend to the state of heat death.大理论所描写我们“宇宙”,有可能趋向“热寂状态”,也有可能不会趋向“热寂状态”。

49、The sketch was rather amazing.那素描真是太神奇了。

50、This television play looks at life thugh se-coloed spectacles.这部电视剧以乐观态度描述人生。

经典英文句子51:描写神态,51、The divine ogin of the wtten law is emphasized by a bas-relief in which the king is depicted receiving the code fm the sun god, Shamash .书写律法神圣来源被一块浅浮雕所强调,里面刻着国王被描述为从太阳神沙玛什那里获取律法。

52、So the structe can be used in stable scanning, and the kinetic model can be used in the study of TSP total desi and its scanning equipment desi.程序算例表明这种结构可以实现稳态扫描并用作稳态扫描装置,该动力学模型可以用于末敏弹总体及其稳态扫描装置设计研究中。

53、The theological ctique is that Homer simply depicts the gods as false, as fickle, and inconstant.神学批评是,荷马将众神描绘成,是虚假、易变且无常。

54、SEM observation on superficial micstructe of bamboo.竹秆表面微形态扫描电镜观察。

55、It points out that modern wters with new cultal spit of enlightening and humanising, as their stand point, reflect and meditate the tragic nate of Chinese mode.现代文学作家以“五四”新文化启蒙主义、人道主义精神为出发点和立足点,通过描写病态社会和人生,反映、反思现代社会历史悲剧质。

56、It was not in the section descbing temple practices and other minor tuals, either, nor was it in the section dealing with the hierarchy of the Dragon Mage Order itself.它不在描写神庙和其他一些不重要祭文里面,也不在涉及龙神法师咒文等级记述里面。

57、Others belithat a shock state like the one I descbed may still "habituate"given the ght social and emotional supports.其他学者认为,这是一种类似于我前面描述过精神休克状态,这种状态可能仍然“习惯于”假定存在正确社会与情感支持。

58、She has charming manner.她有着媚人神态。

59、In his wting , John Cwe Ransom descbes what he considers the spitual barrenness of society bught about by science and technolo.约翰克落兰塞姆在它文章中描写到,他认为科学技术带来了社会在精神上匮乏。

60、This relationship is employed in non steady-state diffusion situations.这种关系被用于描述非稳定态扩散。

61、And the trance state had a lot of similaties with the descption of The Pythia, there, at the temple of Delphi.这种恍惚状态和所描述皮提亚在特尔斐神庙状态有很多相似之处。

62、The doctnes on which o discipleship rests are clearest in the epistles, but the nate of discipleship itself is most vividly portrayed in the gospels .其实,有关门徒实践教义,在书信里写得最清楚;但门徒实践质,却在福音书里有最传神描绘…

63、I realized that death was implicit in descptions of the studies, but nr actually descbed in detail — so I posed the question to sral longevity scientists.我意识到,神就藏在我对研究描写里面,但却一直没有具体提及——于是我就这个问题请教了几位长寿专家。

、Dynamic collimation includes three parts: position identification, dynamic scanning and tomatic collimation.动态瞄准包括位置识别、动态扫描和自动瞄准三方面内容。

65、The SSOC indicates the static capacity message of the battees;静态荷电状态SSOC描述电池内部稳态荷电量;

66、Results To descbe the shape of hippocampal formation fm sections.结果从切片上描述海马结构形态。

67、Abnormal jealousy is often descbed by any one of a number of adjectives, including morbid, psychotic, pathological, delusional or anxious jealousy.异常嫉妒往往可以用几个形容词中一个来描述,包括病态,精神,病理,妄想或焦虑型嫉妒。

68、The sensory and motor areas activated by those movements in walness also lit up the brain scans dung the movements in lucid dreams.在清醒状态下,这些动作会激发大脑中传感区域及运动神经区域,同时在神志清醒做梦状态下,也能够在运动过程中启动对大脑扫描。

69、Han Shaogong is among the wters who apply mystici to novel aesthetic forms.韩少便是运用神秘主义写法创造出新颖审美形态作家之

70、Only by dancing attentively, raling the dynamic bety, understanding its ch connotation and creating mantic charm with all one's heart can he truly and ral the dancing bety.只有用心去舞蹈,用心描绘动态美,用心体验意蕴美,用心塑造神韵美,才能真正创造和展现舞蹈之美。

71、Application and modeling of land use degree evaluation-models on county regional scale;土地利用动态度是描述单一地类动态变化时采用模型。

72、You have a great statu of mind.你精神状态很好哦!

73、God doesn't want you to become a god; he wants you to become godly—taking on his values, attitudes, and character.神也无意让我们变为神;他是想要我们活出神样子来——具有神尊贵,神心态,神情。

74、In depictions of God Rama…在对罗摩神描述中…

75、It depicts the meeting of Cao Zhi and Goddess Luoshen at the Luoshui River.《洛神赋》 描述了作者途经洛水同神话传说中洛水女神相会情景。

英文句子模板76:Descptive manner,76、Obviously, although "the accountability storm" a word is the reforger, but cannot not say descbed China expressively immediately "the blowing up for rain" the political ecolo.不言自明,“问责风暴”一词虽系新造,但不可不谓传神地描绘了当下“山雨欲来风满楼”政坛生态。


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