
发布时间:2023-10-14 05:41:05 阅读:144 点赞:0




1、I wanted to take the classes.


2、Learn about how to make all combinations in Merengue dancing in this free dance lesson video.


3、Learn how to Moonwalk with free dance tips in this free dance lesson video.


4、Bali's elet classical dance scene in the world the art of dance in a unique position, is also the Indonesian folk dance in a bght wonderful work.


5、"The sle"the dance is a big creation which the East dances.


6、Hope alll STudiodance breaking class dancemate add oil in the showcase and we all gonna ! ! !


7、Julia and Anne have both taken dance lessons. They want to be famous dancers, I think.


8、Learn how to do the head circle belly dancing move with tips fm a dance expert in this free dance lesson video.


9、Mary often dances with the famous dancer.


10、ZUMBA and Other Dance Workouts.


11、Learn the basic forward ck steps with a partner dancing the foxtt in this free video dance lesson.


12、The reviewers lded the ballet tupe for its terpsichorean artistry.


13、In her le as artistic director of the Northern California company, she shares and pmotes Cambodian dance by teaching and holding public performances and dance workshops.


14、On some nights there are dance lessons. People can learn the o-step, a kind of Western dance.


15、Light up the dance floor with some fantastic dancing moves.


16、Learn how to do the o step reggae dance move with expert reggae dancing advice in this free online dance lesson and choreography video clip.


17、Learn how to add the Cabbage Patch move to the Pm reggae dance move with expert reggae dancing advice in this free online dance lesson and choreography video clip.


18、Belly dancing is a very expressive form of dance.


19、Get yo hip-hop dancing on!


20、How can we tell the dancer fm the dance?

21、Learn the fige eight dance step in the Argentine tango with this free dance lesson fm an award-winning tango dancer.学习八字在阿根廷探戈舞蹈,这个自由舞蹈课一步从获奖探戈舞者。

22、Dance the left foot travel cking undulation belly dancing move with sloping arms using tips fm a dance instructor in this free dance lesson video.左脚舞旅游摇摆起伏斜腹在这个自由舞蹈课武器使用技巧舞蹈老师跳舞移动。

23、In the silence that followed this story, which he told in the most straightforward manner, the dancer iled.舞蹈家平铺直叙地讲完了故事,其后是沉默,接着舞蹈家笑了。

24、He n d a special dance of sle shaking.他还发明了一种舞水袖特殊舞蹈。

25、Balis elet classical dance scene in the world the art of dance in a unique position, is also the Indonesian folk dance in a bght wonderful work.巴厘人古典舞蹈典雅多姿,在世界舞蹈艺术中具有独特地位,亦是印尼舞蹈中一枝鲜艳奇葩。

英文句子26:,26、The dancer was lghed off the stage.舞蹈演员被一片哄笑声赶下了舞台。

27、Traditional dances include the waltz, quickstep, tango, foxtt, and so on.传统舞蹈包括华尔兹、快步舞、探戈、 狐步舞等等。

28、S. S. Rfamous ballet directs and dances the theoretician to gp Kazak Knoffalso to say: "Music - this is the dance soul."原苏联著名舞剧编导和舞蹈理论家扎哈诺夫也说过:“音乐——这是舞蹈灵魂。

29、It felt like a dance.这感觉就像一场舞蹈。

30、What am I saying... dance?我说是什么呢……舞蹈?

31、The dance emote was fluid and it was the same dance I think for both Dwarves and Or.舞蹈动作很流畅,而且我认为矮人和兽人舞蹈是一样。

32、Iksan City Dance Company was founded in 19 with a standing dance composer Pf.韩国益山市舞蹈团成立于xx年,团长是著名舞蹈家李吉珠教授。

33、She went to Castle's dancing class ry Fday.她每个星期五去城堡舞蹈课学跳舞。

34、Chinese ballenas dance to the scores of Diaghilev.芭蕾舞舞蹈表演是戴亚基列夫。

35、You should take some dance lessons.你该去上上舞蹈课。

36、XXX喜欢跳舞,他想当一名舞蹈家 XXX likes dancing,he want to be a dancer.

37、Learn about fo count step claps in flamenco dancing with tips fm a dance instructor and choreographer in this free dance lesson video.了解更多关于四罪与来自弗拉门戈舞蹈教练和编舞技巧在这个自由舞蹈课跳舞步鼓掌。

38、Campus waltz is a campus collective dance compiled of the dancing elements of waltz, which is unaffectedly elet and allowing natal communication among dancers.校园华尔兹是采用华尔兹舞蹈元素创编而成校园集体舞蹈,动作优雅大方,让学生在舞蹈中自然地进行交流。

39、Learn disco dancing fooork with ful tips fm an expeenced dance instructor in this free video on ballom dancing.学习迪斯科舞蹈步法与有用提示,从经验丰富舞蹈教师在此免费交际舞。

40、Classes are composed of basic ballet training, stretching exercises and age apppate dance utines.舞蹈课程内容包括基芭蕾训练,软度训练,以及根据学员年龄编排舞蹈。

41、There'll be dancin', they're dancin' in the street.将会有舞蹈,他们将在街上跳舞。

42、Pasha Umer, a famous ethnic dancer in China, will dress in traditional costume and perform Xinjiang Dance to all of you.帕霞.吾曼尔是著名舞蹈家,她将穿上舞衣,表演传统新疆舞蹈。

43、Advanced moves in cumbia dancing incorporate tns and pivots to add interest and vaety to the dance.在Cumbia舞蹈动作纳入转身高级支点增加各种兴趣和舞蹈。

44、It is a Jino dance.这是基诺族舞蹈。

45、In the ethnic music and dance Baxi Pa tacho has a very different aspects of folk dance performance.在音乐舞蹈巴西帕塔肖族舞蹈方面都有十分不同表现。

46、The members of this dance tupe are all pfessionals.这个舞蹈团成员都是专业舞者。

47、Prepare yoself for an exhilarating dance with fm a pfessional dancer and choreographer in this free video.准备为自己帮助下从一名专业舞蹈演员和编舞家在这令人振奋舞蹈免费。

48、Get an intduction to domino polka kneeling dance steps with expert polka dancing tips in this free dance lesson video.在这个自由获取上舞蹈课引入到Domino跪波尔卡舞蹈技巧与专家波尔卡舞步。

49、The new bwhichleet tooks dancing to new hnines.新芭蕾舞把舞蹈推到新高度。

50、The Indian dance Bharatanatyam is a difficult dance to learn but each step builds on the next.印度舞蹈Bharatanatyam是一个困难舞蹈学习,但每一步下一个版。

经典英文句子51:舞蹈,51、Learn to do this little dance utine fm a pfessional dance instructor in this free video.学做一个专业舞蹈老师,从这个小舞蹈动作在此免费。

52、In 1988 and , Hwa Yi Dance Center participated the first and the second Philippine Folk Art Festival.年,艺术舞蹈研究所参加了菲律宾第


53、Qing Qing is a dance ctic and an nts coordinator, as well as an associate research fellow at the Dance Research Institute of the National Arts Academy of China.卿青是艺术研究院舞蹈研究所副研究员,从事现当代舞蹈研究并积极参与当代舞蹈活动。

54、The song animated the dance.歌曲使舞蹈生。

55、The dancer extended her leg.那舞蹈者伸了伸腿。

56、Learn about the history of Kathak dance with expert tips in this free dance lesson video.了解与专家提示卡萨克舞蹈史上更在这个自由舞蹈课。

57、Learn the basic back lock steps for ladies dancing the foxtt in this free video dance lesson.学习基舞蹈在此免费舞蹈课狐步女士回锁步骤。

58、He graduated fm the College of Theatre in Amsterdam in dance education.艾迪现任教荷兰方提斯艺术学院舞蹈系以及比利时舞蹈学院。

59、In 2007, "Red Ribbons" won first pze in Guangdong University Students' Dance Competition.xx年我团舞蹈《红丝带》获广东省首届大学生舞蹈大赛一等奖。

60、It was performed in fashionable Casino balloms.人们在时髦娱乐舞厅里跳这种舞蹈。

61、That dance that dazzles to explode.那炫到爆舞蹈。

62、Dance classes, Mildred 's Academy of Dance, guaranteed to get you off my toes, in a week.舞蹈课程,缪德莉舞蹈学院,让你不再踩到我脚,一星期保证班。


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