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xx年级要求词汇表,终贯穿于xx年级学习生活,这里搜集了881个关于“xx年级英语单词第七单元朗读”常考词汇,其中囊括了 abrupt hetejunction 、 in absence 、accidentally等词汇,帮助打好英语基。

xx年级要求词汇表,终贯穿于xx年级学习生活,这里搜集了881个关于“xx年级英语单词第七单元朗读”常考词汇,其中囊括了 abrupt hetejunction 、 in absence 、accidentally等词汇,帮助打好英语基。

1、 abrupt hetejunction

中文翻译: 突变异质结

例句:- An abrupt cutout, ght? 翻译:- 一个突然间断, 对吗?。

The scale of display was saved into EEPROM(X25043)by typing keyboard. Displaying unit tomated reading data and enteng work state. 显示范围由键盘键入并存如EEPROM(X25043)中,显示单元在掉电后自动读入数据并进入工作状态。

2、 in absence

中文翻译:不在时候 缺席

例句:What are you gonna do? You gonna take a leave of absence? 翻译:take a leave of absence?。

He ted to blind unsophisticated young girls with his handsome appearance. 他试图通过自己俊朗外型来蒙骗单纯少女。




例句:Bump table Cape, that is to accidentally ht 翻译:that is to accidentally ht。

Here are yo medium well sirloin steak and well done asted lamb chop with red wine sce. 这是二位七分熟沙朗「牛排」和全熟「烤羊小排佐红酒酱汁」。



例句:Well, that's an accolade then. 翻译:好吧,掌声鼓励下 Well, that's an accolade then.。

Some sections, especially chapter 7, involve rather convoluted philosophical arguments, but the reader can pass quickly over these sections without seous pblem. 有些片段,特别是第七章,涉及盘旋曲折哲学论证,但读者能够迅速走过这些片段,而不会有严重问题。



例句:Lil'Bow Wow: ## To acss the seas ## 翻译:[To acss the seas]。

Fm the 7th volume, itbeen published in the first quarter of n year biennially. 从第七卷开始,每两年一卷逢双年第一季度发行。

6、 Affectionate Earth

中文翻译: 深情大地

例句:affectionate humor, Kushal. 翻译:affectionate humor, Kushal.。

Altogether the word "heart" occs sn times in the prayers and readings of the Sunday. 这个字在该主读经和祷文,一共出现了七次。

7、 Afcan Buffalo

中文翻译: 水牛 水牛属

例句:The increasingly ad landscape poses a pblem for these Afcan buffalo. 翻译:原益旱,严重威胁到这些水牛生存。

Although she had read the book about a thousand and snty five times, she nr got sick of it. 尽管茱莉亚已经把那书读了一千零七十五遍了,可它就是让茱莉亚百读不厌。

8、 Slippers of Agility

中文翻译: 敏捷便鞋 袜子 火速便鞋

例句:- Help you with yo slippers. 翻译:- Help you with yo slippers.。

RMST is consideng a snth dive next year. RMST正在考虑明年第七次潜水打捞行动。



例句:Algean countryside 1939... 翻译:Algean countryside 1939... xx年阿尔及利亚乡下。 。。

QC Gup of Technolo, the Snth Oil Pduction Plant, Daqing Oilfields. 大庆油田第七采油厂工艺QC小组。



例句:♪ be alone, i don't want to be alone ♪ 翻译:* be alone, I don't want to be alone *。

On the snth day, they got up at daybreak and marched nd the city sn times in the same manner, except that on that day they circled the city sn times. 第七清早,黎明时候,他们起来,照样绕城七次; 惟独这把城绕了七次。

11、 Disruptor Ammo

中文翻译: 扰弹 扰子弹 击穿护盾

例句:Ammo Training: incendiary, Cryo, Disruptor. 翻译:弹药训练:燃烧,冻结,瓦解。。



例句:(Anchor) . Let's get out of here, Foxy. 翻译:(Anchor)见鬼 我们走 Foxy。


13、 annual tnover

中文翻译: 年营业额 年成交量 年总生物量

例句:Welcome, citizens, to the annual ceremony of advancement. 翻译:to the annual ceremony of advancement.。

14、 Anyplace Kiosk

中文翻译: 多媒体自助服务终端

例句:- One at the kiosk. - One at the kiosk there! 翻译:一个在亭子 一个在亭子那边!。

15、 apprentice editor

中文翻译: 见习编辑 编辑 见习编纂

例句:To reli you of this young fellow, yo apprentice. 翻译:yo apprentice.。

16、 Crazy Arcade

中文翻译: 弹水阿给

例句:Everybody tned down Arcade Fire. it's crazy. 翻译:谁都会拒绝拱廊之火。

17、 argue over

中文翻译: 争论 不是固定词组搭配 重要

例句:Ash would argue over that. 翻译:That's... 艾什会跟我争 {\3cH202020}Ash would argue over that.。



例句:The man with the artichoke 翻译:拿着洋蓟男人。

19、 astonish h

中文翻译: 使惊讶 震惊 惊讶 吃惊

例句:To bewilder or astonish. 翻译:使迷惑或使吃惊。 。



例句:# Avenue, avenue, avenue # 翻译:大街 大街 大街。



例句:it's not an aller, actually. 翻译:It's a bacteal infection.。

22、 Shadow Banking

中文翻译: 影子银行 影子银行 影子银行体系

例句:Realization of the Huzhou Telecom Virtual Banking . 翻译:湖州市电信虚拟银行实现。 。


23、 star-spangled banner

中文翻译: 国歌 国旗 等于

例句:"or The Star-Spangled Banner. 翻译:"'星条旗永不落'。

24、 Bare Chip

中文翻译: 芯片 片 晶片 晶型

例句:i don't mean that kind of chip. 翻译:是芯片(CHIP)! 那当然是(CHIP)了。



例句:Then the old man says, "No, really, i am asking: who am i"? 翻译:I am asking: who am I"?。

26、 queen bee

中文翻译: 蜂后 蜂后行动 母蜂

例句:You can see the queen bee, the large bee in the middle. 翻译:在中间那只大蜜蜂。这些是她女儿们, 。

27、 Big Sister belatedly

中文翻译: 姗姗姐

例句:When you're a big sister, it's yo job to teach yo little sister rything. 翻译:When you're a big sister, it's yo job to teach yo little sister rything.。

28、 bingo card

中文翻译: 宾戈卡 宾果卡 一种游戏卡片

例句:Bingo! Bingo! That's ght. 翻译:NGO!。

29、 blockage contact

中文翻译: 堵煤触头

例句:A piece of information, a contact? 翻译:a contact?。

30、 se bloom

中文翻译: 粉红 粉红 洋红 洋红

例句:A se in bloom, a shnking violet? 翻译:含苞待放玫瑰,一个害羞娇美少女?。

31、 Boardwalk pire

中文翻译: 海滨帝国 大西洋帝国

例句:Pire nr admits defeat. Pire is stubborn. 翻译:包打听从不放弃 包打听固执得很。



例句:- Ah, hello. - Oh, my... WiZARD: 翻译:-bottom pces.。


33、 Bounce Out Blitz

中文翻译: 波波球

例句:♪ Make her booty bounce, bounce, b-bounce, bounce ♪ 翻译:Make her booty bounce, bounce, b -bounce, bounce ?。



例句:The bracelet is the key? ! 翻译:钥匙就是手镯?。

35、 Louis Braille

中文翻译:布莱叶 布莱叶

例句:it's braille. it's braille. 翻译:琌ゅ 琌ゅ。

36、 Prnts new breakouts fm occng

中文翻译: 防止发生新突破

例句:i'd suggest you find a new place to eat. 翻译:我建议你重新找个地方吃饭 fm occng, I'd suggest you find a new place to eat.。

37、 commercial bbees

中文翻译: 商业贿赂

例句:The song fm the gum commercial? 翻译:The song fm the gum commercial?。



例句:- She's on the bnk of... 翻译:- 她正在... - 难。 - She's on the bnk of...。



例句:This ends the KBAL badcast day. 翻译:This ends the KBAL badcast day.。



例句:i know i acted like a complete d-bag, but this is brutal. 翻译:but this is brutal.。



例句:- The old becratic machine. 翻译:The old becratic machine.。

42、 all business

中文翻译: 小型企业 小生意

例句:The bank isn't actually a all business. 翻译:银行并不是小企业 The bank isn't actually a all business.。


43、 cannot but

中文翻译: 不得不 禁不住

例句:Nothing is important to me 翻译:- - I cannot -。

44、 Calms Irtation

中文翻译: 缓解疼痛

例句:- Then sing it in yo head. 翻译:- It calms me. - Then sing it in yo head.。

45、 candidly admit defeat

中文翻译: 甘拜下风

例句:- it's difficult to admit defeat. 翻译:- Still on the first. -It's difficult to admit defeat.。

46、 loaning capitalist

中文翻译: 借贷资家

例句:A toast to you fm the Kuomintang (Capitalist party). 翻译:A toast to you fm the Kuomintang (Capitalist party).。

47、 caravan park

中文翻译: 宿营地

例句:in a mobile home at the Lavalette caravan park. 翻译:在近莱夫李特公园移动车上 In a mobile home at the Lavalette caravan park.。



例句:Chst, be careful with it! 翻译:be careful with it!。

49、 elastic cartilage

中文翻译: 解剖 弹软骨 黄软骨

例句:it appears to be a contract for the sale of Bubble Elastic. 翻译:显示是Bubble Elastic收购合同。

50、 gearbox casing

中文翻译: 变速箱体 齿箱体

例句:- Yeah. We got a gearbox faile. 翻译:对 变速箱出故障了 Yeah, we got a gearbox faile.。

51、 flow catting technolo

中文翻译: 流动切割技

例句:-Am i feeling a racial flow? 翻译:-flow. -Am I feeling a racial flow?。

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