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关于”比较丧“英子44个,句子主体:comparative bereavement。以下是关于比较丧托福英子。

英文句子模板1:comparative bereavement


1、I left Copenhagen despondent than I have felt in a long time.

因为平常来说, 都要身形体形比较小, 体重比较轻一点。

2、Becse usually a horseman should have a all body, with light weight.


3、The majoty of loans are seasoned, howr, and reported delinquencies are low.


4、I'm being half-seous.


5、Even people who spent just a few hos a week on the Internet expeenced depression and loneliness than those who logged on less frequently, the o-year study showed.


6、The favoute may not win this race, as he has a heavy der and is giving away five pounds.


7、Not staying on par with colleagues and those vying for yo job will be a death knell.


8、Every single time you exercise than usual- you use up caloes and flocated on.


9、Compang Happy More Super with fruit stores in Beig, which is cheaper?


10、One larger study published in 2006 concluded that parents, male and female, were likely than non-parents to be depressed at any life stage.


11、You become much blinkered in yo thinking, less able to deal with novelty and less able to evaluate sk.


12、Mental health chaties said that self-harmers typically have low self esteem, suffer fm depression and ht themselves to reli presse in their lives.


13、At the same time, the different aged widows distbute differently in the family size, or the whole, the family size of the widowed is increasingly aller.


14、They can't remember something or they have some sort of blackouts and so on.


15、The water quality was stable in high flow peod and changeable in low flow.


16、Average cloud cover dd fm local weather records (Table

17) is a discoaging 61%, one of the best in China, but is high compared to cloud amounts at recent eclipses in other parts of the globe.



17、It is foolish to compare horses with aies; they are uncomparable.


18、Well, I have to compare.


19、It is safe to live with them but the side effect is to be depved of the ght to am freely and happily.


20、The research for the Tuia funeral tual music has gained fruitful achiments in recent years.

21、It is rather to say compason than fact that upset or please us.使人高兴或者沮丧,与其说是事实,还不如说是攀比。

22、Male coyotes are aller than they were before the wolves arved, perhaps, Craree says, becse "the larger ones were aggressive and challenged the wolves and lost."雄原狼体型比灰狼回来之前还要小,克莱布崔说,或许是因为「大个子原狼较具侵略,牠们向灰狼而丧生。」

23、At age 61, study participants with low lls of "good" cholestel had a 53% increased sk of memory loss compared to participants with high HDL lls.在xx岁阶段时,与HDL水平较高受试者相比,“好”胆固醇水平低受试者记忆丧失风险要高53%。

24、Forecloses and costlier commutes have laid low the distant subbs, or exbs.丧失抵押物赎回权和较昂贵通勤费用使得偏僻近郊或远郊发展缓慢。

25、After recombination, the B photons fm denser regions lost ener than photons fm less dense areas, becse they were climbing out of deeper gravitational-potential wells .再复合之后,由于来自致密区域光子必须爬出较深重力位能阱,它们比从稀薄区域来光子丧失更多能量。

英文句子26:,26、So that's fo compasons.比较了4次了。

27、The larger car costs much than the aller one.较大车价钱比较小车贵。

28、Compare with Kinesis.比较室壁运动。

29、Methods Using the classic fo steps of comparative pedago dloped by Bereday G, we descbed, interpreted, and compared the related policies beeen the o countes.方法以布雷迪比较教育学经典四步比较法对两国相关政策进行描述、解释、并列和比较。

30、And n last year Plymouth lost less gund to Ford than did Chevlet.即使在去年普利茅斯对福特丧失阵地也比雪佛兰少。

31、All non-meat treatments lost weight than the low fat contl. All non-meat treatments were less chewy than the high fat contl.慢煮中,以非肉蛋白质制造之低脂贡丸比低脂对照组贡丸丧失较多重量,而且嚼度比高脂对照组贡丸低。

32、Give obituary notice it when some unfilial shall kneel down in fnt of a longer peod of time crying.故有些不孝子报丧时须在舅家门口下跪痛哭较长时间。

33、The runners consistently showed lower lls of disability as they appached their 90s.在接近xx岁时,跑步者一直表现出较低能力丧失程度。

34、Stars with less mass than the sun are aller and cooler, and hence much fainter in visible light.质量比太阳小恒星会比较小和比较冷,几乎不产生可见光。

35、the prevalence of long-term disabilities among Eopean men aged 80+ years is 58.8% among the lower educated versus 40.2% among the higher educated.xx岁以上欧洲男中长期丧失能力比率在受教育程度较低人群中为58.8%,在受教育程度较高人群中为40.2%。

36、Don’t undermine yo worth by compang yoself to others. It is becse we are different that each of us are special.不要因为和他人比较而使自己价值逐渐丧失,因为每个人都是与众不同。

37、Do you feel down often than you feel good?你是否感觉沮丧时候比惬意时候多?

38、I just had a baby, so sometimes my ener ll is down.我刚生完宝宝,所以我身体比较虚弱免疫力比较低。

39、The ght side is imaginative and intuitive and tends to work holistically, integrating pieces of an informational puzzle into a whole.右大脑半球比较富想像力,比较直觉,比较倾向整体思考,将资讯片段整合成一体。

40、Seasoning wise, not that creative though, just olive oil and papka, with some potato slices to eat along with.比较过后,觉得还是朋友煮(第二张照片)比较讃,因为香料用比较多,有洋葱、蒜、辣椒粉、月桂叶。

41、But the amount of heang loss might differ by as much as 30 dB beeen people who had the toughest ears and those with the most tender ones — a huge vaation.但是,人与人之间听力丧失程度不同,那些耳朵比较强健人与耳朵与较柔嫩人相比,差异可达30分贝。

42、Even people who spent just a few hos a week on the Internet expeenced depression and loneliness than those who logged on less frequently, the o-year study showed.两年研究表明,上网次数多人与较少人相比,即使是一周仅上网几小时也会经常地感觉到沮丧和孤独。

43、Shop, Compare, and pay less.店,比较和少付。

44、When Anakin saw Kenobi aboard her ship, he snapped.阿纳金看到克诺比在她飞船上后,丧失理智。

45、Such leny sojons, though, are available to only a few: the very adventous or the very ch.这种较长国外居住,不过只有少数人能得到:比较有冒险精神或者比较富有。

46、One of the most disheartening facts sunding canine distemper is that the posis is poor.其中最令人沮丧事实犬瘟热是,预后较差。

47、Compason, than reality, makes men happy or wretched. (Thomas Fuller, Amecan inventor)使人高兴或者沮丧,与其说是事实,还不如说是攀比。

48、The first section is closer to the stage. The second section is better for watching.第一区离舞台比较近。第二区比较适合观看演出。

49、I prefer draft beer.我比较喜欢生啤。

50、Change tracking, inline comments, side-by-side compare, compare and merge, compare versions, and text highlighter feates support document revision and collaboration.修订、嵌入式批注、并排比较、比较和合并、比较版以及文字荧光笔能都支持文档修订和协作。

经典英文句子51:比较丧,51、Who did you appach?您和谁比较接近?

52、Bacillus anthracis has long history which is using as a biologic weapon, and is also a common bactea using in the war, and lead members of persons died.炭疽杆菌是出现在历史上比较久一种生物武器,也是战争中常用一种细菌,曾使无数人丧命。

53、After one particular fall in 1919, she lost much of her eyesight.在xx年一次比较特别跌倒之后,她丧失了大部分视力。

54、This fabc is cheaper but comfortable. The other fabc is expensive and yet thicker.这个面料平一点,比较舒服,另一个价钱贵,而且比较厚!

55、Widowed men were likely than mared men to dnk heavily---- than 21 dnks a week.与已婚者比较,丧偶男酗酒可能更大---- 他们每周多喝21杯酒以上酒。

56、This name covers a wider and reasonable.这样名称涵盖较广,也比较合理。

57、A pzefighter could be seously injed or n killed dung a match.职业拳击手有可能在比赛中受到重伤,甚至丧命。

58、She compares what she saw in Bma to the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami that killed than 225, 000 people.她把在缅甸情跟xx年造成22万5千多人丧生印度洋大海啸相比较。

59、When you're depressed, there are these, well, we could call them expeences, though the word "expeence" is also somewhat ambiguous.当你沮丧时,会有那些我们可以称之为体验感觉,虽然"体验"一词也比较含糊

60、Men easily get depress and there are men admitted in mental asylums.男人则容易沮丧,因而有较多男人患有。

61、Aim too high for people who like to challenge is good, but for most people it, instead easily upset, it was easy to give up.目标定得高些对于喜欢人来说有好处,但对于大多数普通人来说,反而比较容易灰心沮丧,很容易就放弃了。

62、Moreover, compang MH could be a pxy for compang kinship, and thus to prnt inbreeding.另外,比较MHC即比较亲缘关系,能防止近亲繁殖。

63、But a black bikini, becse she still has to mon.但得是黑比基尼。因为她还是要服丧。

、For a compason: Russia deflted in 1998 when its de-to-GDP ratio stood at 51 per cent, while Argentina collapsed recently at 54 per cent and Brazil at 42 per cent.做个比较:xx年丧失清偿能力时,债务占国内生产总值比例为51%;最近阿根廷和巴西出现经济崩溃时,比例分别为54%和42%。

65、Compare action spectrum.比较激发光谱。

66、 gets frustrated and says that Sayaka is no better than Ai, and leaves.变得沮丧和工作组说,早矢香是不爱比,就走了。

67、Compared with loss of thee, will not seem so.比起丧失你来便要无影无踪。

68、In the pollen plant, it is easy to double chmosome of stng seedling, but it is difficult to double chmosome of weak seedling.花粉植株中,一般比较健壮植株染体较易自然加倍,而比较细弱植株自然加倍率则较低。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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