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关于”能读软件“英子37个,句子主体:Readable sofare。以下是关于能读软件xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Readable sofare


1、As an example, a soft-ware for continuous resistance fnace desiing is worked out, its functions and method of application are intduced in detail.


2、Unable to folder. The folder or parent folder may be marked as read-only.

有一些用户可能要求应用程序平台是基于 IBM 软件构建,如 WebSphere,而其他用户应用程序可能要求使用非 IBM 软件。

3、Some users may require application platforms built on IBM sofare such as WebSphere while others may require non-IBM sofare for their applications.

gz 可能还包括另外两个文件:一个文件名为 conffiles,包含有关软件包配置文件,另一个名为 md5sums,包含软件包 MD5 校验和。

4、contl.tar.gz may also contain a file with information about configation files for the package called conffiles and a file with the MD5 checksums for the package called md5sums.


5、Renegade: So, is a license for the ability to yo sofare or to say that yo sofare has been ed?


6、These hospitals are required to install the hardware and sofare to pcess art-card transactions.


7、Were only at the beginning of what sofare can do, and Im excited about the impact that Mioft can have.


8、Within the existing sofare, the code ANSYS is a special FEM pgram with a special acoustic function, but its postpcessor function is poor and results in a very huge workload.


9、Technically, C-D does not detect cheats.


10、Moreover, translation sofares can't anywhere and anytime.


11、The Kindle has some nice sofare feates. It includes a all keyboard that lets you make notes in the margins of books and perform searches.


12、Now, we are sofare manufacters and we build different kinds of sofare pgrams with different components or functionality based upon the requirements.


13、The desiing idea is put forward according to the direction of the desiing idea of the collectivity functions, and the way by which solves the pblems met with in the cose of achiment…


14、The aim of it is impving the ability of fitting accacy for sofare reliability models and predicting the sofare's flt behavior in the fute better.


15、The function of SoftMan is presented at the end.

软件元素能够使用 UML 和用例实现(一种同 MDSD 非常类似方法,但是被应用于软件设计层级上),创建软件技术设计。

16、Sofare elements can use UML and use case realization, an appach very similar to MDSD, but applied at the sofare desi ll, to the technical desi of the sofare.


17、Using these tools centralizes package mament while simplifying it and giving the distbutors (those who set up the repositoes) a centralized way to send you updates(

1) to yo sofare.


18、Be able to use relevant sofares to make mechanical drawing.

阅读信件,找出问题。 培养学生阅读能力,以及发现问题能力。

19、Read the letter on P7 that Miss Wang received fm Xiaodong, and find out what pblem he has.


20、Samsung this month pvided samples of a Windows-based tablet for pgrammers who participated in a Mioft dlopers conference.

21、Sofare delivery pcess tomation and optimization is quite possibly the "final fntier" left for modernization in the sofare dlopment lifecycle (SDLC).软件交付过程自动化很可能就是软件生命周期(SDLC)中现代化“最终边境”。

22、Sofare shall thenticate these credentials and upon thentication shall permit the users to access sections of the sofare that they have access pvileges for.软件鉴别这些证书,在鉴定通过基上允许用户访问那些他们有权限访问软件能部件。

23、The application of MVC mode in sofare desi can impve the extendibility, maintaility and reusability of the code.采用M VC软件设计模式能够有效提高软件可扩展、可和代码复用率。

24、Many sofare pducts come with the pick-o caveat, meaning that you must choose only o: speed, flexibility, or readability.很多软件产品都附带了 pick-o 警告,表示在速度、灵活或可读之间只能选择其中两种。

25、It intduced the special feate of CH375, and gave the desi circuit of hardware and the desi of sofare. The data exchange beeen the instrument and the U Flash Dve has realized.介绍了CH375特点,给出了CH375与单片机硬件接口电路和软件设计思路,最终实现了氡析出率仪从U盘读写数据能。

英文句子26:,26、Let me make it clear: sofare dlopers wonâ ™t cut it for this, and neither will sofare dlopment mars.我在这里明确一下:软件人员和软件人员不能取消项目办公室。

27、Maability: WebSphere CloudBst pvides simplified mament capabilities for both hardware and sofare resoces.可:WebSphere CloudBst 对硬件和软件资源提供简化能。

28、Standard kits are available now for many Fadal machining centers, with kits for other machines to become available in the fute.目前标准软件包已经能够用于Fadal加工中心。 对于其他机床软件包会在将来出来。

29、Due to the overdue of the sofare, it cannot funcion pperly.由于软件过期,不能正常使用。

30、And malicious sofare could corrupt or erase files on the external dve.一些恶意软件可能会毁坏或删除外置硬盘上文件。

31、This sees of apps offers some advanced feates beyond just tn-by-tn navigation, but that's the main selling point, so we dou they'll see many sales.这一系列软件提供一些高级,不基于街角到街角导航能,但导航能依然是主要卖点,所以我们怀疑这些软件能不能有很好销量。

32、This powerful, award-winning free defraenter is 100% safe and clean with no adware, spyware, or viruses.这种能强大,屡获殊荣无碎片整理程序是100%安全,无广告软件,间谍软件或病毒净。

33、We can only pray that Mioft and all the other sofare vendors will agree.我们只能祈盼微软和别软件卖家会同意喽。

34、Application of Doosan Babcock 'in-house' desi pgrams.能够运用斗山巴布科克内部设计软件;

35、Today's cher capabilities enable s and functions to be implemented in hardware, firmware, sofare, or some combination of the three.今天更丰富能使服务和能能够在硬件、固件、软件或者这三者一些组合中被实现。

36、And it can be saved as files, Realize the general basic training ability playing register for easy reference sofare.它还能对乐谱文档以文件形式保存,并能将原保存文件打开,实现一般打谱软件基能。

37、It will support a solid foundation for the dlopment of sofare pject when we can select the high applicable sofare engineeng knowledge.选用高适用度软件工程知识,能够为软件项目构造坚实实施基。

38、This sofare can also be neorked beeen domes.这个软件也能在天穹里互相连接。

39、The ultimate e is frequently sofare, but can also be hardware related.这种问题通常和软件有关,但也可能和硬件也有关。

40、The platform can implement complete function and safety for the railway sialling miccomr interlocking sofare, so it can impve the safety and reliability of ed sofare.运用平台能实现对微机联锁软件能和安全,提高联锁软件可和安全。

41、Give dlopers an easy way to socially enable their applications without having to wte a whole supporting back-end第三方软件者省去了后台支持过程,软件更容易实现社交能。

42、Drawing sofare can not draw oblique axonometc drawing at the present.目前绘图软件不能绘制斜轴测图。

43、A component is a replaceable piece of sofare that fulfills a clear function.组件是一个具有清晰能可替换软件模块。

44、Charactesti and Functions of ETAP sofare and its application on assessing harmonic influences of customers are intduced.文章介绍了E TAP软件特点和能以及如何应用该软件对用户谐波影响进行评估。

45、Ensing sofare quality involves ing functionality, reliability, and performance.确保软件质量包括能、可和能。

46、The bad news is that the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) that you clicked--and pbably nr read--when installing a pgram may prnt you fm doing so.坏是点击终止授权使用协议,你可能从未阅读过,可能你在安装软件时候就不允许你这么做了。

47、Howr, the main intent is to expose a pblem that may be affecting many crent sofare pjects and encoage readers to work on it.然而,主要意图是揭示可能正在影响许多当前软件项目问题,并鼓励读者在这个问题上做些工作。

48、After debugging, the sofare can basically achi the function of breakpoint tranition.经过调试,软件能够实现断点续传下载能。

49、"This is sofare that can touch you, " Calo says.“这是一种能够伤害人类软件”,卡洛说。

50、Unregistered sofare can only be used for 未注册软件只能使用10天。

10 days.

经典英文句子51:能读软件,51、Function and Innovative Application of Chemsketch Drawing Sofare;设计了具有对话能决策软件包。

52、Power consumption is contlled by mament sofare.能源消耗由软件控制。

53、New to the 5版增加了向TGA版式导出几何物体新能,而林登实验室虚拟世界软件SL正可以读TGA版式。

2.5 release is the ability to export pmitive objects to TGA format, which can be read by Linden Labs' virtual world sofare Second Life.

54、The basic concept of Sofare Defined Radio (SDR) is to realize as many as wireless and personal communication functions with sofare based on a common hardware platform.软件无线电,其基概念是以硬件作为无线通信基平台,把尽可能多无线及个人通信能用软件来实现。

55、the iPhone apps must remove access to the DCIM directory (Apple claims this is in violation of the iPhone App Dloper Agreement)Stanza软件必须将软件中存取DCIM目录能移除 (苹果称此举违反了iPhone应用程序者协议);

56、The term "basic functions of accounting sofare" as mentioned in these Rules refers to the essential functions of accounting sofare and the basic steps to perform such functions.规范所称会计核算软件基能是指会计核算软件必须具备能和完成这些能基步骤。

57、The plugins let you keep track of alerts, tickets, new sofare, and new hardware, as well as a inventory summaes.你不但可以利用这个软件件工具来记录一些警报、票务、软件和硬件最新,还能把它当做一个库存摘要来使用。

58、VTK is one of the most important sofare packages in visualization sofare, while ITK shows pminent performance in image pgressing.VTK是当前可视化软件最重要软件包之一,而ITK具有强大图像处理能。

59、They complained about sub-standard hardware feates and glitchy sofare.他们抱怨说硬件能不合标准、软件也有漏洞。

60、All of the sofare would be napoohed by such a virus.这种病毒能毁坏整个软件。

61、The functional distinction of IC's allows hardware to be dloped in much the same manner as soft- ware.集成电路之间能区别使得硬件能与软件一样发展。

62、The duties, skills, and knowledge (DSK) required of a sofare architect软件架构师必备职责、技能和知识(DSK)

63、It is included that the tomatic data exchange beeen M-based building desi sofare and building ener simulation sofare is feasible.结果表明,上游建筑设计软件与建筑能耗模拟软件间自动数据交换是可行。

、New siificant functionality lraged in an existing hardware or sofare pduct.现有硬件或软件产品中利用重要新能。

65、The readme, often seen as an intduction to comr sofare, may as well lead to one’s suspicion that if the title should really be “learn it before you do it”.自述文件,就像是电脑软件一个使用手册,完全有可能会引起读者对题目猜疑,是否应该改成“做之前要先学会如何做”。

66、Its name may contain unreadable characters, its name plus path may be too long, or the folder may be read-only, d, or otherwise unavailable.文件名可能包含不可读字符、文件名和路径太长,或者文件夹可能只读、被删除或因其它原因不可用。


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