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关于”常见句型“英子35个,句子主体:common sentence patterns。以下是关于常见句型xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:common sentence patterns


1、They all have similar genre elements, narrative methods, such as:spy or espio are words that people are most familiar with;


2、Among the amputation gup, a complication was noted most frequently at

3 months (24.8%), and the most commonly seen complication was wound infection (34.2%).


3、Conclusions: The main etiological e of atelectasis is lung cancer, with squamous cell carcinoma as the main type.


4、Common tubles of type D300-42 gas blower are discussed. Analysis method of typical tuble reason is put forward. Good effect is oained after impvement.


5、Rainbow tile:bght color, ch and colorful, betiful fashion, many colors for choice, is a common type of tiled of.


6、Intduced molding pcess and charactesti of ceramic die-casting technolo, and pointed out prntion for the ceramic die-casting common defects.


7、Neufibmatosis type

1 is a common tol dominant disorder with a high rate of penetrance. It is ed by the mutation of the tumor suppressor gene NF1, which encodes neufibmin.


8、It contains all of the most common electni components as well as a ptotyping breadboard for you to get started ght away.


9、Viral hepatitis (B or C) is the most common e for macnodular cirrhosis. Wilson's disease and alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency also can pduce a macnodular cirrhosis.


10、The n cloud blanket is pale blue and pink, the warmer tones of water clouds.


11、Objective To investigate the relation beeen ischemic heart faile(IHF) in T syndmes and heart function.


12、HBV infection is a known e of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common form of liver cancer.


13、The type of milling machine most commonly found in student shops is a vertical spindle machine with a swiveling head.

下面是比较常见一些 SPU intnsic(类型没有给出,这是因为它们大多为多态)

14、Here are some of the common SPU intnsi (types are not given as most of them are polymorphic)


15、There are sn common kinds , most of which are all ones, living in clear waters with sand and stone at the bottom.


16、Neudegenerative diseases are common too, with nd 70 to 85 per cent of centenaans suffeng fm some form of dementia.


17、Conclusion Cough vaant asthma and postnasal dp syndme are among the most important es of chnic cough.


18、It is one of the most common types of cancer for infants and children, behind leukemia and brain cancer.


19、A foth type of direct ing, badcast faxing, is now less common than the other forms.


20、The most common type of MS is called relapsing-remitting MS where patients get muscle weakness and spas after peods with no symptoms.

21、The skin infection is the most common type and can be treated with antibioti if diaosed rapidly.皮肤感染是最常见类型,如果诊断及时,还能以抗生素救治。

22、Cerebral abscess is a seous condition and in children the commonest e is cyanotic congenital heart disease.大脑脓肿是一种严重疾病,在儿童中最常见病因是青紫型先天心脏病。

23、The most common type of stke is an ischemic stke which is ed by a blockage in an artery supplying blood to the brain.常见中风类型是由脑血管内血栓引起缺血脑中风。

24、Hornbills, starlings, vultes, llers, bee-eaters and shkes typify the ubiquitous avifna of the Kruger.犀鸟、椋鸟、秃鹫、金丝雀、蜂虎和伯劳是克鲁格常见鸟类中典型品种。

25、The patholo types were mainly moderately and well differentiated adenocarcinoma in elder gup, and there were not siificant differences in young gup.病理类型提示以高龄组患者中以中、高分化腺癌常见,而青年组其病理类型不具有明显特殊。

英文句子26:,26、In many common business scenaos, it is not necessary to validate XML documents for conformation to a metadata model.在许多常见业务场景中,没有必要验证 XML 文档是否符合元数据模型。

27、Conclusions Injy is the most common disease in 'good-luck Beijing' sport nts, calente and diarrhea is in the second and third place, respectively.结论“好运北京”赛就诊患者疾病类型以外伤最为多见,其次是夏季常见疾病中暑和腹泻。

28、I want to emphasize that the most common types of cancer than have spread to liver - such as colon cancer - are not usually treated by transplantation.我想强调是:已经转移到肝脏那些最常见类型癌症-例如结肠癌-通常不认为是转移。

29、Non-all-cell lung cancer gws slowly and is common, accounting for almost 90% of all lung cancers另外一种非小细胞癌,生长更慢些,也更为常见,90%肺癌都是这种类型。

30、Let's establish some general workflow terminolo at this point (see Table 现在,让我们来了解一些常见工作流术语(请参见 表

1), taken for the most part fm the WfMC's Workflow Reference Model (see Resoces for information).

1),大部分取自 WfMC 工作流参考模型(Workflow Reference Model)(请参见 参考资料来获取更多)。

31、Objective To pbe the diaosis value of ST-T changes for narw QRS complex paxyal supraventcular tachycardia(PSVT).目探讨心电图ST -T改变对常见窄QRS型阵发室上心动过速(PSVT)诊断价值。

32、Xiaoke is a commonly seen disease in clinic with the typical syndme of polyphagia, polydispia, polyua, weaness and emaciation.消渴是临床常见一种疾病,典型症状为多饮、多食、多、乏力、消瘦。

33、Objective To study the relationship beeen some T syndmes and some blood serum adhesion molecule expressions, especially for sputum stasis syndme.目探讨老年人常见中医证候分型中黏附分子表达,比较痰浊阻遏证与正常对照组之间差异。

34、Two of the most common types of infectious diarrhoea are Campylobacter jejuni and Clostdium difficile (C.两种最常见感染腹泻类型为空肠弯曲杆菌感染和艰难梭状芽胞肝菌(C。

35、Hepatic tuberculosis is an uncommon form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, particularly when it presents in the form of liver abscess.结核菌造成肝脏感染病例不常见,尤其是以肝脓疡型态表现者。

36、PERTH researchers are talling a new vaccine that could shield children fm the most common form of meningococcal disease in Western Australia.PERTH研究人员正在一种新型疫苗能保护儿童免遭在澳大利亚西部最常见脑膜炎双球菌类型倾袭。

37、Canine ulithiasis was a kind of unary tract disease, which was most common in older and toy-breed dogs.石症是犬一种常见泌道疾病,多发生于中、老年犬和小型犬。

38、The fo basic cylinder arrangements of a diesel or gas-bning engine are: cylinder-in-line; V-arrangement; Flat, and radial.柴油机和汽油机常见气缸布置形式是:直列式、V型、水平式、径向式。

39、These cataracts are common than the kind that begin to dlop in the outer part of the lens.这些白内障要比那些从晶状体外周带开始发生类型更为常见。

40、Scientists have dloped the common marmoset monkey as a new animal model for Lassa fr research.科学家最近已成把常见绒猴作为新供拉沙热研究动物模型。

41、Most people appear blood poisoning and meningitis and often associated with TSS after infecting type 人感染2型猪链球菌后以败血症型和脑膜炎型多见,常伴有中毒休克综合征( TSS ),预后差、病率高。

2 pig streptococcus. So the posis is poor and the mortality is high.

42、LCD: An acnym for Liquid Crystal Display, an extremely common model of display, found in laptops and TVs, as well as displays on alarm clocks and micwaves.液晶显示器缩写, 最常见商业显示器类型, 多见于笔记和电视,以及闹钟和微波炉上显示屏。

43、We think this advantage is often oversold, as type miatch errs are a all fraction of the runtime errs you typically see.我们通常认为这个优势被夸大了,因为类型不匹配错误只是常见到运行时错误中一小部分。

44、By the way, my nt is coming to visit next week. Why don't you come see her?顺便说一句,我深深下周要来。你为什么不过来见见他呢?

45、Two kinds of common operation on the set of nodes in a plane are calculating its convex hull and tangulation, and usually the algothms are studied independently.平面点集作为一种常见数学模型,其上常做运算是求其凸包和三角网格。

46、In order to demonstrate method's practicality, some SDG models of common petl-chemical equipments were given as examples.为了验证建模方法可行,以常见石化装置为例进行了SDG模型构建。

47、Conclusion Syntpy hemiopia is the most common type of change of field of vision affecting lesions in posteor visual pathways;结论同向偏盲是后视路疾病最常见视野改变类型。

48、The expandability of high school schoolyard is a familiar fact along with the rapid gwth of secondary education.随着中等教育迅速发展,中学校园扩建规划成为较为常见规划项目类型。

49、topas is a nice little performance monitong tool which can be used for a number of pposes (see Fige topas 是一种非常优秀小型能监视工具,它可以用于许多目(见 图

1 below).


50、The cyber loves can be dloped in o types: meet-to-confirm-relationship type and meet-to-dlop-relationship type.在网恋类型方面,可分成见面确认关系型及见面发展关系型两种。

经典英文句子51:常见句型,51、Clot-based stkes are the most common type while hemorrhagic stkes tend to be most lethal.血块凝聚中风是最常见中风类型,同时出血中风会导致亡。

52、Nonesive reflux disease (NERD) is the most common phenotype of gastesophageal reflux, but its pathogenesis remains unclear.非糜反流病(NERD)是最常见胃食管反流表型,但其发病机制尚未完全明了。

53、BACKGROUND:Osteopotic vertebral fracte is major fracte in post menopse women and aged women.背景骨质疏松脊椎骨折是绝经后妇女和老年女最常见骨折类型。

54、In young people, fingernail discoloration o most common clinical types are remotelateral subungual onychomycosis and white superficial onychomycosistype type onychomycosis onychomycosis.在中青年人中,灰指甲最常见两种临床类型是远端侧位甲下型灰指甲灰指甲和白浅表型灰指甲灰指甲。临床。

55、CEA was not demonstrated in normal squamous epithelium, squamous metaplasia nor in mild dysplasia.在正常鳞状上皮、鳞状化生上皮及轻度型增生未见到CEA。

56、The common reason is the skull flesh wound, the spheidal ash fm the nate inflammation, the encephalitis, the brain tumor and so on.常见原因为颅脑外伤、球型灰自质炎、脑炎、脑肿瘤等。

57、Charactesti of water flow and sediment motion in braided ver and their effects on fluvial evolution;分汊河道是一种常见河型,其特研究在河道整治工程中有着重要现实意义。

58、A lenticular oil-in-water reservoir is a type of reservoir that occs commonly in a stng hetegeneous area.透镜状“水包油”油藏是在储集层非均质严重地区常见一种油藏类型。

59、Left ventcular hypertphy is a frequent type of end-or damage in hypertensive children after transplantation (50-80%).左室肥厚是儿童移植后后高血压常见终末器官损害类型( 50-80%)。

60、Chapter 错误分离最小化是机器学习中很常见问题之一,文给出了分离错误最小化数学模型一个近似模型。

3 is about an appximal algothm for misclassification minimization , which is one of the common pblems in machine learning.

61、Most of their alternative refgerants are finalized pducts of forei corporations, which still have high GWP .其常见替代制冷剂多为国外公司定型产品,并且仍具有较高GWP 值。

62、Craters and cratered terrains are rare in this view of the southern region of the moon's Satn-facing hemisphere.从土卫二号北半球这个角度来看,大型坑洞以及坑洞地带是非常罕见。

63、Result:Centpetal pattern postugraphy was the most pminent fige pattern in normal subjects, diffuse pattern was the pminent fige pattern in patients suffeng fm SCD.结果:正常人重心摆动轨迹中心型多见,SCD患者重心摆动轨迹呈弥散型;

、Correlation Analysis of Serum Bilirubin Concentration and Cardiac Functional Parameters in Patients with Chnic Congestive Heart Faile;目观察缺血心力衰竭常见中医证候要素、证候分型与心能相关。

65、He was one of those fellows with a settled, mate body and a young face, such as you often see among workinen.你经常可以在工人中见到这样一种类型人: 身子长得成熟定型了, 而面孔却是一副嫩相。他就是这样人。

66、Hornbills, starlings, vultes, llers, beeeaters and shkes typify the ubiquitous1 avifna2 of the Kruger.犀鸟、椋鸟、秃鹫、金丝雀、蜂虎和伯劳是克鲁格常见鸟类中典型品种。


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